FOR SALE landrace roars for sale - Ready for service, Veterinary Vaccinated for Erysipelas, Hog Cholera and Lepto; guaranteed breeder*. Spencer Feed Service Spencer, Nehr. 26tfc FfiR SALE — Pure bred Angus bulls, ready for service, $250.00 ^nnd up. Jim Corkle. 2-3pd BEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25Y down. 5% Int.; up to M months . to pay. Write or phone Ctntoia Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE — Grimm Alfalfa seed, Otto Lorenz, O’Neill. 2tfc FOR SALE — Registered Hamp shire Male Hogs. Good meat type, vaccined for cholera, Ery sipelas and Leptospirosis. Guar anteed. John Wenner Jr., Phone 2379 Six miles south of Atkin son, one east and V« north. 52-2c r. Ramsay will take care of you in my absence. R. A. Serbousek, M. D. 2-5c |-Legal Notices— | (First pub. April 25, 1963) NOTICE OF SUIT TO: The heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives and all other persons interested in the Estate of J. Clement Ryan, also known as Rev. J. Clement Ryan, S. J., deceased, real names un known; and all persons having or claiming any interest in the South west Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, the West Half and Southeast Quarter of Section 13, the Southeast Quarter of Sec. 24, All of Section 26, the East Half and the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, in Town ship 29, Range 11, the Northeast Quarter and the South Half of Section 18, All of Section 19, All oi section JU, tne iNonnwest Quar ter of Section 31, the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, the North west Quarter and the South Half of Section 17, in Township 29, Range 10; the East Half of Sec tion 23, the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, the Northwest Quar ter of Section 36, in Township 28, Range 12; the Northeast Quarter of Section 32, the Southwest Quar ter and North Half of Section 29, All of Section 20, the South Half of the Northeast Quarter, the South east Quarter and the West Half of Section 19, West Half of Section 27, the North Half of Section 30, in Township 29, Range 12; the East Half of Section 24, the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Sec tion 25, in Township 29, Range 13, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska, and Lots 10 and 11 in Block 13, Lots 13 and 14 in B. 14; Lot 24, in Block 22, and the South 102 feet of the North 130 feet of Lots 14, 15, and 16 in Block 28, Lots 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 in Block 33, All in the Original Town of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, real names un known, Defendants. You and each of you are here by notified that on the 23rd day of April, 1963, Loretta Doyle, Neil B. Ryan, Joseph F. Ryan and Ro bert B. Ryan as plaintiffs filed their petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you as defendants the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title in them, the said Loretta Doyle, Neil B. Ryan, Joseph F. Ryan and Robert B. Ry an to the real estate hereinabove specifically described as against you and each of you, and to secure a Decree of Court that you have no interest in, right or title to, or lien upon said real estate or any part thereof; and for general equi table relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3rd day of June, 1963. Dated this 23rd day of April, 1963. Loretta Doyle; Neil B. Ryan, Joseph F. Ryan; and Robert B. Ryan, Plaintiffs, By Julius D. Cronin Their Attorney l-4c (First pub. April 23, 1963) Elmer C. Rakow, Attorney Estate No. 4620 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AP RIL 18, 1963, IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF JOSEPH PAUL 3HAN NER, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is August 16, 1963, and for the payment of debts is April 18, 1964 and that on May 16, 1963, and on August 19, 1963, at lo o’ clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (COUNTY Frank Cronk COURT County Judge SEAL) 1.3c (First pub. April 18, 1963) Cronin & Hannon, Attorneys No. 4333 NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF AGNES JOHNSON DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on May 8, 1963, at 2 o’clock p.m. (COUNTY Frank Cronk COURT County Judge SEAL) 52-2c, Inman News By Mr*- Jmmrw McM*hu Mrs Ray Siders, Chairman for the Cancer Fund in Inman, was canvassing the town and sur rounding community on Wednes day and Thursday. She reports that $70.80 was collected. Mr and Mrs. Albert Reynolds attended the open house for the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs. Ray Wilson, Lynch, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ray Siders attended the funeral of Mrs. Schacht at Page on Tuesday. Mrs. Tom Cunningham and son visited her grandmother, Mrs Ray Siders Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaeffer, Creighton, were Inman visitors Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller, Ne ligh, visited in Inman on Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. John Winters vis ited Mr, and Mrs. Albert Rey nolds Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes re turned Saturday from Napoloan, Ohio, where they visited Mr. Keyes son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgstrum and family. Kay Kelley spent the weekend in Norfolk visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley and family. James Kelley spent Saturday in Grand Island on business. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sholes and sons, North Platte, spent the weekend visiting in the home of Mrs. Sholes mother, Mrs. Amelia Moore. Mr. Sholes attended fun eral services for his uncle, Per cy cnnsuansen which was held Saturday afternoon at Wayne. Burial was at Ewing. Margaret Pruss, Clearwater, spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss and family. James Sholes entered St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill, Thurs day afternoon and had xrays on Friday. He was dismissed on Friday afternoon. Mrs. E. E. Clark, Mrs. George Herold and Mrs. Frank Sands are patients at St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill. Mrefpatk Mrs. Lulu Quig and Mrs. Norb Uhl, O’Neill, visited Saturday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Langley and daughters, Lincoln, came Fri day evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Watson. Mr. Langley re turned to Lincoln Sunday and Mrs. Langley a~d daughters re mained for a longer visit. Mrs. John Conard visited Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South Monday af ternoon. Mrs. Clarence Juracek and son, Norfolk, visited Tuesday with Mrs. Juracekjs mother, Mrs. Ray Siders. Joe Peters who is employed at Norfolk, spent Thursday and Fri day with his family. Mrs. E. E. Clark was dismiss ed from St. Anthony’s hospital on Monday afternoon. Several members of the Inman RLDS church attended Confer ence on Sunday at Norfolk. Mrs. James McMahan left Sun day for Sioux City, la., where she will spend a week. TIRE VULCANIZING and repair ALL SIZE TIRES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 716 Ocelli, Nebr. Mow your lawn with NO CLUMPS NO CLOGS See the WHIRLWIND 2 r POW-R-DRIVE by TORO ■ Spiral, “Wind-Tunnel”f housing means smoother discharge of dippings. ■ Won’t dump or do£—no corners to catch or build up grass. ■ Quiet. New exhaust muf fling subdues noise. ■ New S-Blade gives better, Whirlwind 21 Pow-R-Drive. $149.95. Other Toro rotaries from $89.95. Toro ... costs a little more today, worth a lot more tomorrow. rExduiiv* mark of Toro Uxnufactunag Carp. Scovie's WESTERN AUTO A. P. Jawkwiak — O'Neill Venus News By Mr*. Balpk Bianllw—i Mr and Mrs. Bryon Finch were la*t Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Claus Vogt, Na per, Mrs. Vogt and Mrs. Finch are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey were Sunday dinner guests at the liome of Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey and family, Norfolk. Mrs. Fern Morsett spent Mon day with her daughter and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Kennison were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brookhou ser and Jeffrey were Saturday overnight and Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brookhouser and son, Brunswick and Mrs Leta Brookhouser, Neligh. Cecil Moser was the highest bidder for District 54 schoolhouse which was sold at auction Satur day afternoon. A large group of friends, rela tives and neighbors gathered at the St. Paul Lutheran church for funeral services of Grandma Mil ler, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Gibbs and sons were hosts to a wedding an niversary dinner at their home, Friday evening for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Porter, Or chard. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey, Larry and Gary were also guests. Wednesday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey were Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey and twins. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pierce and the Crosse Bros, were hosts to the PTA meeting held at the schoolhouse, Friday evening. Last Sunday dinner guests at the Walter McElhon home were William, Otto and Frank Gros se. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter were Sunday visitors at the home of her mother, Mrs. Emma Wirth, Verdigre to help her celebrate her birthday annivesary. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Kinnison had as their guests, their sons, Floyd and Donald Kirmison and their families, Wednesday evening, in honor of Mrs Donald Kmnison % birthday anniversary Friday evening supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ralph Brookhouser were Arthur Snyder, Mrs. Dons Tomlinson, Cedar Ha pids and Mr ant! Mrs Larry Brookhouser, O'Neill Mr ami Mrs Donald Kmmson and family were Wednesday eve ning visitors at the home of Mi ami Mrs. Harold Ahlar and daughters. Mrs Thomas Sladek la under the doctors care with an infect ed finger caused by a particle uf steel Joan and Douglas Caskey, Nor folk, are spending a few days with their grandparent*. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey. Last Sunday supper gueata at the home of Mr and Mrs Larry Brook liouser, O'Neill were Mr and Mrs. Donald Buriral and Marti*, Mr ami Mr*. Ray Brook houser and Jeffrey, Norfolk and Mr and Mrs Ralph Brookhouacr . ■ —n » • « *. v~* AND GOLD-N-PURE ALFALFA EDGAR STAUFFER, Page CLARENCE HANSEN, Inman IVO SHALD, Stuart BONENBERGER FEED, Atkinson LORIE MICANEK, Lynch HARRY R. SMITH IMPLEMENTS, O'Neill We also carry the following Chemicals ATRAZINE - ALDRIN - THIMET - DIAZON Harry R. Smith lm$. O'Neill Nebraska ITS* DONALD'S I L \^^g8§8^r McDQNALp CO. LADIES BLOUSES Cotton broad-cloth and woven fab rics. Roll-up sleeves with convert ible collar. 32-38. Each QQc UPHOLSTERY SQUARES Approximately 27" x 27" square. Assorted decorator fabrics and col ors. Hurry for best selection. Eaeh 50e SHEET BLANKETS No cotton in these. All synthetic fiber. Slight irregulars. Choice of two sizes. 80" x 90" and 72" x 90". Pink or Blue. Each $£99 FABRICS One group of assorted cottons, all rayons, etc. Assorted colors and patterns. Values to 69c yard. Special 3 yards $£ COSTUME JEWELRY Special group for Krazy Day. As sorted necklaces, earrings, pins, etc. Look these over. Each 00c MENS' CREW SOCKS White cotton. Ribbed top and cush ion sole. Sizes lOVi to 12. J pairs $£ BOYS' KNIT SHIRTS Short sleeve. Under arm action knit. Assorted colors. Sizes 6 to 16. Each QQc BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Regular long sleeve. Assorted fab rics and styles. Save plenty on these. Sizes 8 to 12. Each $1 BATH TOWELS 22" x 44". Soft absorbent cotton. Medium weight. Assorted colors. Each 44* Many more items reduced for Krazy Day! Regular stock, odds and ends. Discontinued styles. You will save plenty!