The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 02, 1963, Section Two, Image 12

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    Meek News
By Mr*. Fred lindhrrf
The Mnws. Nell Harding, Har
riot McKamy, Marie Bright,
Joan Weclter, were coffee guests
at the Gerald Harding home
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Lela Risor, teacher at
Dist. 17, took her pupils to O’
Neill Wednesday where they tour
ed places of interest.
Mr. Ron Brown, Pontiac, Mich.,
and Richard Bergstrom jr., Hy
annis Port, Mass., and Miss Car
lent* and Joyce Hallgrimson, all
students of Evangel College,
Springfield, Mo., were house
guests over tin- weekend at the
home of the girls parents, Mr.
anti Mrs. Carl Hallgrimson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty
were visitors at the home of their
daughter and son-in-law, the
Walter Grosses, Friday evening.
The recent little showers over
the weekend have been most
welcome. Even the grass, trees
and flowers appear to have taken
on a new look.
Diane Devall was an overnight
guest at the Bennett Devall home
Saturday and the Bennett Devall
family wore Sunday dinner
guests at the Elmer luevall home
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall and
Kathryn were afternoon callers
Sunday. The occasion marked
Elmers and Dorothy's wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jensen
were Tuesday evening guests at
the Virgil Hubby home.
Mrs. Howard Rouse called at
the home of her mother, Mrs.
Carrie Borg and also the Will
iam Hubby home Friday after
Mr. and Mrs Sam R<foertson
received word from their son,
Raymond, Albuquerque, N. M
that he was planning on being
in Denver Monday where he is
to undergo two weeks of obser
vation by a heart specialist. Sam
and Louise left Sunday to be with
Mrs. Della Harding received
word last week from her son,
Floyd, Fullerton, Calif., that his
wife was to go to surgery Mon
day, having a thyroid condition
Della left April 19 for California
Relatives here received a phone
call on Tuesday saying the oper
ation was over, as far as they
could determine all was coming
along nicely.
Mr and Mrs. Stanley Watson
and family were dinner guests
at the home of his parents, the
Go-don Watson family, O'Neill.
Stanley’s father accompanied
him to Grand Island last Monday
for a check up.
Mrs. Dons Hynes and her
daughter and granddaughter,
Mrs. Oswald Drueke and Carrol
Ann made a business trip to
Grand Island Thursday and spent
the evening in Ravena at the
home of Madeline’s sister and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Young. They also attended the
confirmation class of Karen
Young, returning h>»me the same
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson
and girls were Tuesday evening
visitors at the Dwayne Anson
The Green Thumb Flower
club met Wednesday afternoon
April 24 at the home of Louise
Robertson. Fourteen members
and 3 visitors were present. Roll
call was answered with an ex
change of plant flower, or bulb
The lesaon on garden was a
round table discussion with ques
turns about gardening Barbara
Sanders had charge of the enter
tainment. The next meeting is
planned for May 29 with Dorothy
Mr. and Mrs Merlin Anderson
and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Walters and Norma and Mrs
Christine Johnson attended the
recital at Emmet school house
Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs Bennie Johring
and family visited Satarday night
at the Henry Walters home.
Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Austin
Searies and Darla, Mr. Neal Hip
ke and Mr. Martin Langan all
gathered at the Alvin Blair home.
The men helped work cattle.
Thursday night Mr. and Mrs.
Austin Searies attended the class
gathering at the Roy Devall
home, Spencer. Others attending
were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Rouse, Mr and Mrs. Alvin Blair,
Mr. and Mrs. John Green, Butte.
The Rev. and Mrs Olmsted,
Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Holland
Hornback and Mrs Ralph Wuru
The Austin Searles family at
tended a basket dinner Sunday
at the Clarence Ernst home. The
Center Union church group was
honoring the Alton Perron fam
ily, Long Pine. Tlie American
S. S. missionaries will soon be
leaving the area.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer
jr and family were supper guests
Friday night at the Allen Walters
Mr. and Mrs Maurice Graham
were Sunday afternoon callers at
the Howard Rouse home.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert R<use
and family were Friday evening
visitors at the Bennie Johring
Mrs. Carrie Hood and Mrs
Harold Fox and Marlene were
Friday dinner guests at the Mar
tha Johring home and Mr. and
Mrs. Bennie Johring anil Kent
Johring were dinner guests Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Miller
and family were Sunday after,
noon visitors at the Ted Craw
ford home.
Mr. and Mrs William Langan
attended the funeral of Dr, Pu
celick, Spencer, Saturday pin
Venus News
By Mr*. KaJpfc Brookbowcr
Mrs Ora Caskey was hostess to
tile Itelj»-U-club at her home, Ap
ril 17 Mrs. Caskey served a noon
day dinner to 12 members and
one visitor, Mrs. Edwin Porter,
Orchard. The ladies did their
own work and also picked out nut !
meats for the hostess. Mrs. Ralph
Brookhouser received the spec
iai prize. Mrs. William Buxton
will have the next meeting.
A cattle shed roof was blown
off the Dale Matachullat farm
near Page during a wind storm, ;
Monday, killing a large butcher
ing beef.
Mrs. Dale Dorr, Kathy and
Joan visited at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser, Rat
unlay afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter
and Loren were Sunday evening
visitors at the home of his sis
ter. Mr and Mr* Elmer Korina
and Marlin near Wmnetoon
Hadley Gentler ami Fred Spar
calkd at the home of Mr* Le<>na
Finch. Tuesday
Mr. and Mr*. lairry Bronkhou
*er. O'Neill, were Sunday over
night and Monday vtaitor* at
the home of Mr and Mr* Raljdi
Brook kaiser
Mr and Mr* Roy Hansrn ami
family. Omaha, called at the
home of Mr* Lr-una Fim-h. Satjr
day Mr*. Hansen and Mrs
Finch called at the Mabte Butter
. - ..
field home. O'Neill In the after
noon. ,
Mr and Mm Elmer EdmUteie
relumed to thetr home In Nortt»
Platte Wedneeday alter apend
mg a few daya with Mr. and
Mr* George Jeffrey and alao et»*
ite»l hr* mother. Mm He*ter E*l
rrualrn, Page.
Phone Yoor New* To
The Frontier
Phone 788
■■ —
I have on hand the numbers best adapted to
your farm.
Call 905J2 for delivery
I Here it is! The Hoover event of the year—with prices so low we won't even adver
I tise 'em—and on the complete Hoover line. All at your authorized Hoover Dealer
I in O'Neill, and just in time for you to buy for Mother's Day, too. This big event
B starts May 2 . . . that's today! So . . . come in now and see the quality and sav
B ings available to you. A Hoover factory man will be here May 3-4 to give your
B Hoover FREE INSPECTION and answer your questions on your Hoover's operation.
II ^ ^ u
Steam and Dry Iron [I
A Has Hoover’s famous V
[1 stainless steel soleplate A
U for the fastest, smooth- l|
A est ironing you’ve ever l
{■I tried. Scratch, stain and A
y snag resist- U
I ant too! j
the cleaner that
has everything
Including the hose, al
ready connected and
ready to go. Every
thing right where you
need it. New, im
proved motor — most
powerful Hoover ever.
Cleans as only a
Hoover can clean.
* _p _ _
Hoover . . . gets all the dirt
and with far less effort.
Adjusts automatically to
carpet thicknesses.
Kingsize throw-away bag.
A cleaning tool for all
your needs.
Applies deterger*
PLUS 13 PIECE for scrubbing
B ^ W 1 floors. Liquid
ACCESSORY SET Even dispenses I I
shampoo for rugs.
°nlv $2 ^5
Now scrub, wax and polish
floors. Even shampoo rugs
with this one appliance!
• I
ING BRUSHES —Scrubs floors like
they've never been scrubbed before.
Versatile brushes also apply wax and
polish floors to a high luster.
carpet to its original beauty. Dis
penses only suds. Perfectly safe to
use. Pays for itself first time used.
STEEL WOOL PADS—Nothing loosens
the dirt faster and cleans better —
safe too.
CLEANING PADS—Nylon mesh pads
for scrubbing and dry cleaning floors.
FELT PADS —Give your floors that
mirror-like finish. Also used between
waxings to keep floors bright.
LAMB’S WOOL PADS — For use on
table tops and automobiles.
I Pixie Cleoner [
M The lowest priced Hoo- !
1*1 ver Cleaner made and
1/ what a joy to use. Wear
| it over your shoulder,
A leaves hands free. Hun
[! dreds of uses around the A
tf house, car or II
J workshop. \
If you want the finest
canister cleaner you can
own...we've got a real
has cut the price
on this new
Here's your chance
to savel Come
in, see all the work
saving features
/^throw-away bag —
\ holds more dirt — )
X^hange^lessoftenj^\rjJ I
wo speed motor—'V /1jj ^ ’ \ n
( 50% more suction j I'lm ^ * ^JL — —
^—— _/v/w * \ "”never a dusty odor. J
\ * _ \ Wip« clean with^a^/
y^TleadlighT-^X [Jr
f see where you're ) \ (U((ffflh- It
Xcleaning^x f A Hoover
^ (the world's finest^