The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 02, 1963, Section Two, Image 11
Claorwtwe News Pastor and Mrs. O. t Bfaunrr euther are the parents of a 9 lb. mm born Fridsy April 2tth in An telope Memorial hospital in Ne ligh Mrs. Grace Luben, Inman, was a Tuesday evening guest at the William and Lela Lubon home. Mrs. John VanVleck and Boyd were last Sunday dinner guests •of Mrs. Howard Luben Amo* Switzer was a patient in the Neligh hospital a few day* last week. He was suffering from an infection of the inner ear. Raymond Johnson underwent surgery in an Omaha hospital Saturday. He had. spent several days in the Tdden hospital be fore being transferred to Omaha. He is a farmer south of Clear water, Mr. ^tpd Mrs. Kermif Johnson were in Omaha with him. Relatives here received word of the death of Robert Raeside, 42, Norfolk. His wife is the for mer Cecelia Goacha, daughter of —- ' — r . Hick Goacha Services Md buna! were at Sioux City Saturday Sur vivors include his wife end 4 children from age 6 to 15. Mrs. Melvin Jacobsen went to Grand Island Wednesday to geg her husband, who had been a patient m the Veteran's hospital for nearly three weeks. underwent surgery April Uth Ha is getting along fine and is up and about Mrs. Maiaie Phillips accompanied Mrs. Jacobsen to the hospital where she visited her nephew, Don Miller, whose condition is described as fair. Mrs. Gail MsckaeLson, Neligh, was a Sunday dinner guest at Ilevn and Sally Schmitz. About Vi inch of very welcome moisture has (alien here and skies at this writing remain clou dy, with a heavy fog and occa sional oust. The outlook is for more rain, which here and tha surrounding community can well use. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss, Verna and Margaret, Inman, were Friday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Howard Luben. . The local Boy Scout troop with parents as guests held a p*k luck supper and court of honor Mon day night in the Methodist church parlors. Forty-one were in at tendance. Don Russell is the acout leader. Those who took part in the ceremony were, Ken neth and Kieth Peters, Gary Wolfe, Tom Rutledge, Joel Wil cox, Richard Sterling, Leon Burns, Richard and Jim Rice, Billy Michael, Steve Snider, and Jim Wrenholt. Earl Snider, boy scout committee chairman, hand ed out the awards. Jim Wren holt received six merit badges, Kenneth and Kieth Peters, 2 merit badges, Gary Wolfe, 2nd class badge, Richard Rice "Go Round Up". Exposition segments and winter camp segments were also earned. Riverside News By Mrs. Lionel Onlar Hyla Hobbs was released from the Antelope Memorial hospital Sunday afternoon and is staying at the Dewitt Hoke home, this week while her parents are mov ing into another house in Om aha. Mrs. Alfred Napier visited Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter in Nor folk Tuesday afternoon. Bruce and Jacky Morrow are spending the weekend at the Wil bur Bennett home. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and girls and the Wayne Fry family were dinner guests Sunday at the Mil lie Mahood home in Orchard. Other guests were the Duane Jensen family of Newman Grove. Mrs. Alfred Napier called on Mrs. George Keller Friday morn ing. Mrs. James Conway and girls Newton. Kan., called an Mrs. Ho ward Miller Wednesday while bet husband. Rev James Conway at tended a meeting in Co)utobus Mr. and MH Or* SwiUer were •upper fleets Wednesday at the Leo Miller home in honor at Mrs HWiSpsT'a- birthday. CUyton Hoke met Jimmy Nel aon in Neligh early Saturday morning and went with him to the Auto show in Omaha and both of them were overnight guests at the Robert Hobbs home. Sunday they returned to the Al vin Nelson home near Plainview whore Clayton’s parents met .him and were guests at the Nel son home. ... Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Pierson, Tumngton, Wyo., were supper and overnight guests last Mon day at the Earl Pierson home. Both couples also visited at the Marcus Pierson home Monday evening. Mrs. Alfred Napier helped Mrs Rol Hord do some papering last Monday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Napier and family were dinner guests Sun day at the Ed Walters home in hcoor of Mr*. William Pinch and ' Tummy Napier birthdays. ReF. and Mr*. Paul Andre nod family were dinner guests Sun day at the Dave Polluek borne. Mrs Keith Btddlecome took David Joe Hegr to his home near Lc-igb Friday evening. Mr and Mrs Wayne Fry at tended a black and white dairy show at Arlington Thursday, the northeastern district. Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson vis ited at the Dave Pollock home Friday afternoon. The John Napier family visited at the Kol Herd home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Harry VanHorn, Mrs. Earl Pierson, Mrs. Chester Taylor and Mrs. Frank Schmidt visited Mrs Rudy Ahlers list Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry ate lunch with Otto Retke Friday, and in the afternoon Mr. Retke and the Frys visited in O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Art Busshardt1 and family and the Kenneth Pol lock family were guests last Sun day at the Dave Pollock home. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Gunter and _____.. 1 s I family and tddy nod Alac* Shear der wtrt djgngr ilmtl ui Sun day at the Lewis Shrader home Mr*. Leo i Miller visited Mrs Z. H- Fry Friday momug. Mr. and Mrs Chafiee Mother ham and family were goesta Sun day at the William Lafquist home. Eddy and Alice Shrader sta ked last Friday evening at the Emily Johnston home. Mrs. Alfred Napier and Mrs Keith Biddlecome attended a TOPS party at the Samuel Burt watle home near Chambers Wed nesday evening. The Happy HoUaw 4 H club met Friday e varnng at the Chea ter Taylor home. Mrs Dewitt H6ke. Mrs. Wilbur Bennett and Jacky Morrow and Mrs Keith Biddlecome and Dav id Joe Hegr attended the Eastern SUr Kensmgton at the Anton Nis sen home at Page Friday after noon. Mrs. Leo Miller, Mrs. Wendell “7,1 SvitM- apd Mrs. Alfred Napier ••ch took! a carload of the E». mg Band "to the ornate contest in O'Neill TWaday Mr and Mrs Dewitt Hoke. Mr and Mrs fcari Pierson and Mr* Alfred Napier ana children at tended the Jody Tinsley and Le roy Pofahi wedding in the La theran church in Clearwater Sat. urday afternoon The Wayne Try family attend . ed the black and white dairy. show at Central City Wednesday Mr and Mrs Rodney Pollock and Phil, Omaha, were weekend guests at the Dave Pollock home Mr and Mrs. Dave Pollock at tended a birthday party for Roi lie Snell on his 91st birthday at the William Neubauer home with sixteen guests present Tuesday, ' Mrs. John Napier and children visited Mrs. Wilt am Finch in O’ Neil] Wednesday. Mrs Howard Miller called on Mrs. Ora Switzer last Sunday af •rtnocfc and Mr* &a»c Pollock eiaiMji Ter Tiursdky afternoon Mr aftd Mrs Z H Yty were •upper guests last Sunday at the Jim Ruthrr home, Mrs Manuel Frederick, Nor (oik. Mrs. Dale Napier, Linda Anson, Linda ami Donna Striker, Mrs. Walter Miller and Danny. Cathy MoUamei. and ant Nap»« ami guk at the Melvin Napier day after acbaoi lo Napier celebrate her Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kindi and Bondi PLOUENUE PONTON. Prop. Phone 106 Oo Irian “SJ IGAS—TOONS | —BY— Fritz Bazelman “Mother . . . Daddy’s looking at that sparkplug calendar again.” If you're interested in fig ures . . . you'll appreciate our LOW PRICES! Bazelman Mobil Service SINCE 1929 Phone 355 lllway 20 East h _lrllBI1™'"!Lni,( i- S- BRITE SET HAIR SPRAY •r\i SUPPORT NYLONS _ „ „„9i„iri • I *'g1 A OA *»9 si so 2 for 1.51 - j| J4.95 2 pr. *r. rO 11-07. Aerosol. No dulling - iS Seams or seamless. ,l,m‘ Rexall r„ Rubbing ALCOHOL A3c A0HESIVE TAPE. 2 for .44 79c 2 for 80c Auerfos“' Merthiolate .2 for .99 pint in plastic botti*. ^.SS Hot Water Bottle....2 for 3.60 - ; 98c BUFFERED ASPIRIN...2 for .99 R,x0" AS.PIRlfl 53c SUPPOSITORIES.2 for .54 i*<2 for65c i.6g Fever Thermometer 2 for 1 70 None finer made. 100 s. 93C HAND LOTION 2 for 99 I Am tXS 77C VITAM,N C ^HAVE CREAMS 50mg., 100'S 2for .78 I R,» 9Uftor™ 3 89 P0LYMULSI0N. 2 for 3 901 vsuave. ii oz. 2.98 PAN0VITE.2 for 2 99 I invert I 69c DEODORANT Ro-Ball 7 fnr 7n 11 '\STATIONERYW£5JMIST COLOGNE.2for2.5?J *nr. JI.OO 2forL0lT*—■ -I \:^A Many styles H.xol.Mi-31 *•*■ ot 2 for 90c fSHI«LOPtS...^pKS.*» 1 1 87c INSECT KILLER..2 for .8 I S u-.r.', ~ IS 1 I 55c REX FILM.-2r°! %o\ AlkMiUt of MAGNESIA l25c SIFT WNAP^^fcyJ HS ^*2 for 64C I MM laxatiw, 12 u. / 1.M IWNWFAKMilHj'iin^jIUJj^ I 4ft KIENZO non MUSHES_Jfc, m 1 I W< FAST DANMUff SHAMNO_3 he.99 I ft ! 14» LIPSTICKS_3 tor US 5 2.00 MTU FOWDH, S k" aerosol-.98 J 2J0 MIST C0L08RE—.1.11 ■ REXALL TOOTH PA8IE, ; - * Reg. or Fluoride. i 1.59 vai-3 tubes .89 a BUBBLE BATH ^3 boxes J8 * 138 FOLDINS SYRK8L-M9 > 85c 8URC-BANDS, starUau.44 ; BATH SCALE, stmdHip_4J9 STAiWHWT, Apple-,98 3 AAABEN HOSE, 75-ft-2.99 3 LAWNSMUAOER_3.99 mmm&in_299 wamv-rm DMNERWJUtE SET_9.49 MaiMe4mE . PEACE SETTMQ-1.88 • ABTB COSAOII SEAT—1.69 « B-TRARStSTOI AADKL-1Q.99 • REX CALM FUi--129 j i ’ ' ? 2 s- if\"**i »•,«! DEVOY REXALL Drug Bob Devoy# Pfttfrhodit Open Evenings end Sunday Mornings James Davidson & Sons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Since 1901 ■ ■■ m ■ ■ mme Winter A Summer LENNOX American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Youngstown Kitchens Sheet Metal Work 5U E. DoucIm Phone 264 O’Neill, Nebr. Alice's Beauty Shop m e. dmiu* mu riM« mi Complete Beauty Service —jhmbner Reducing Machine I; TT7j~7 PaolSiucrk . O’NEILL DRIVE-IN THEATRE Thursday, May 2 "WICHITA" Joel McCYm Every hour was high noon for Wyatt Carpi Friday-Saturday May 3 and 4 "GIDGET" Sandra Dee—Cuff Rnliertaon James Darren Arthur O('aaMl) Sunday-Monday-Tuesday May 5-6-7 "ALL FALL DOWN" Eva Marie Saint — Warren lieatty Kari Malden Wednesday-Thursday May 8 and 9 "COURT MARTIAL" Karlheinz Boehm Christian Wolff Klaus Kammer MMMM VMtX****' Til™ B*&dtakallover the W#*#* ■ M Lunch Meat | 12-oz. Can Snow Star... "Vanilla and Neapolitan EAM M"Q8c Carton #0 m * I Pure Shortening SWIFT'NING c MARGARINE | Pound 1 CC I Carton mi | MEAT PIES 5sr~*100 9 Manor House; single crust, froseaBeef, Turkey, ■ Tuna and Chicken,.. mix or match ’em. I CANNEDPOP I 10 89c 9 Cragmont — available in 12 delicious 9 varieties, no deposit! Winesop Apples UJ3. Extra Fancy GJrade, Waahtngton atate-grown Cucumbers .2 **■ 29c Fresh RhubarbaSSS"!?:.. .1* 19c Pineapple H?«ffi‘f!??!\.ihch29c Pfitzer Shrubs....>***3.98 SpretAnf type, 18 to 24-in. 1 CHARCOAL KOe Satellite Brand—20-!b. Ba* Me. .10*. Bar THE WORLD WE UVE IN I hy tha Edhon et j ~[ rl*t #T«r It 111: _ 9 *|39 .. E«lu*Wy ot „ SAFEWAY_I Cheer ios ^ 29* Real Gold = 2 & 39* Napkins BMlfHhnvalWitiiM.ilM 10* Toilet Soapr^,j^49« Pard DOG FOOD, wWi gravy, .6 2 89* 6 to 8'lb. average size♦. ♦ SMOKED ( PICNICS lb. Fmkfarters Ink SausageSSiia«rr«...pS'49c Braoisdiweigercanmk^ie ...Lb.39e Clt-up Fryers Mtaor Hook.Lh.39c USDA &ad*A, fluh-fraea i'..* GOLD BOND STAMPS . 3£27d — are free with your Shumm j5 2Si purchases at SAFEWAXl BV -mA. . . _ ppp AM t*km Ufrctm Ttimlm tititt, tmmty, Hi 2,9, 4,* ||^, WIN *100.00... SPELL C-A-S-H Be ture to fct more spell cash cards this week at Safeway... NOTHING TO BUY I <—y^l •tw MN> M apyaar. L C.airt Ha tarda w« Ifw taa pal HI H 1. Tia iaaa fa yaar liiwf Baaapar aad aailaat yaar $100 001 YOU MAY M A WIHNIA THIS WISH. (Mom ba la yaan of nan oliar to play . .. Safaaray aaaployaaa aad tbair laiatadtala faaaUlaa art aat aUglMa.) GOLD BOND stomps Ip — with purchase of S' J* V ^ ftw ij ,3, V*'- /, ; . . # -49- * V ' ■ -* I» _ „, _ ^ •; ~A -Ar A ~ *T'~$fc$9r4¥c3¥r$c'!i. .ft. (ft <ft jtjf A + GOLD BOND =™; | — with porchue oC ^ ^ 5-m.fcc D__j ■■ INI II r. „ "-'v •-i » fi' >*' ,» i »i' <• - -i* f 4s j , «'/ -h -£>