The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 11, 1963, Image 3

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    Dorsey News
liy Mr*. Harold Onttorn
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kuzicka
were visitors Wednesday evening
at the Fred Marshall home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wells and
family visited at the Robert
Wells home March 31. Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Slack visited there
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall were
-Sunday dinner guests at the Al
bert Carson home Sunday.
Mrs. Clay Mash:no is still in
the Lynch hospital. She is slow
ly recovering from her recent
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ruzicka
and family visited at the Otto
Kuzicka home Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Kubic and daughters
were also visitors at the Ruzicka
home Sunday.
Mrs. Dean Van Avery and
children are spending their Eas
ter vacation at the Lloyd Brady
Mrs. Carrie Hunter passed away
Friday evening at Sacred Heart
h<*pital Friends extend the re
latives sympathy.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn
were Thursday evening visitors
at the Ray Counts home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mitchell vis
ited at the Gordon Barta home
Thursday evening.
Mrs R. L. Hughes attended
the Phil Allendorfer funeral Sat
urday in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wells and
family had the flu bug visit them
the past week. But all seem to
be getting back to normal again.
Mr. arid Mrs. Leman Huber
were Friday evening supper
guests at the Osborn home. Mr.
Huber plans on leaving Sunday
for Sioux Falls where he plans
on working with a construction
company during the summer.
Mrs. Guy Hull was taken sud
denly ill Sunday p ro. and was
n't able to have school on Moiv
day. Friends hope she will soon
be up and about again.
Billy and Duame Ruzicka spent
the weekend with their grand
parents, the Otto Ruzicka's.
-- 11
Page News
By Mrs. Bea Aster
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Stewart,
Grand Island, here for the week
end to visit their respective par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown,
Inman, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen
jr. and family and Terry Ickes
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs N. D. Ickes.
A belated birthday party was
held Saturday afternoon in honor
of Miss Grace Zellers. The self
invited guests were Mmes Em
ma Kemper, P. E. Nissen, Hes
ter Edmisten, Calvin Harvey,
Mae Copes, Ralph Stevens, H. G.
Kennedy and Frieda Asher.
Ail American Legion Auxiliary
members are to have their color
ed eggs in town, Saturday by
The senior class of the Page
high school will sponsor a bake
sale Friday at Bill’s Cafe.
Twenty members answered roll
call when the American Legion
Auxiliary met at the Legion Hall.
It was voted to send $25 to the
Norfolk Opportunity Center. A
case of eggs will be sent to the
Nebraska Children home, Omaha.
The group voted to buy some
new folding chairs. A cash gift
will be given to Caroline Max and
Bruce Bowen for appearing on
the radio on behalf of the unit.
An Easter Egg hunt will be held
Saturday. Page will he hosts to
the county meeting in May. Hos
tesses were Mmes. Frieda Asher,
Harry Thomsen and William Sim
mons. Mrs. Lloyd Cork won the
special prize.
Supt. Allen Gross of the Page
public school announced that all
teachers with the exception of
one returned their contracts
signed. Miss Delores Mellor has
resigned and Bonnie Crumly has
been hired to teach the third and
fourth grades in her place.
Bonnie is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lyndley Crumly. Page.
A large crowd attended a car
nival held at the Page school
auditorium Saturday night. About
$350 was taken in. Bruce Bowen
and Diane Kemper crowned Dick
Linder and Rita Larson, King
and Queen of the carnival.
Mr and Mrs. Marcus Dwindell,
Verdigre, were Wednesday call
ers at the home of their daugh
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Finch.
Mr and Mrs. Robert Prill and
family moved to their farm they
purchased near Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holliday
plan to observe their 50th wed
ding anniversary quietly, Easter
Sunday. I am sure all their
friends want to remember them
with cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ickes re
ceived word of the death of Mr.
and Mrs. Delbert Pooley and
daughter, Sharon, Nampa, Idaho.
Another daughter, Sandra, has
been hospitalized. A car carrying
seven teenagers ran into the
Pooley car hitting it broadside.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer
returned home Friday after
spending the winter in Phoenix,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max and
Mr. ana ivirs. iv. v. c,ruimy were
among those who attended the
500 band smorgasbord Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ickes, Bob
and Bruce were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Van Horn.
Everett Copes, Ainsworth, vis
ited his mother, Mrs. Mae Copes,
Mr .and Mrs. Jessie Kelly and
Mrs. Anna Thompson were Sun
day dinner guests of the Adrian
Mitchells, Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach and
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski
were Friday guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Pon
gratz, O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper,
Mrs. Frank Beelaert and Mrs.
Robert Beelaert and Kathy were
in Sioux City, Tuesday where
Harry had a medical check-up.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker en
tertained at Couple’s club, Thurs
day night. Bridge was played
with winners being C. E. Walker
and Mrs. Frank Cronk.
Eastside addition ladies had a
7 a.m. breakfast, Saturday morn
ing in honor of Mrs. George Clas
ey’s birthday. Those attending
were Mmes. Otto Matschullat,
John Steinberg, Alton Braddock,
Lyman Parks, Mabel Smith, An
na Thompson and Jessie Cronk.
Mrs. William Neubauer enter
tained the members of the HO A
club at her home, Tuesday after
noon. The ladies did work for the
Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French
sr. spent the weekend in Hershey
helping Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Frels move.
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin William
and Karen, Clarks, were Satur
day breakfast guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Beelaert. They all
attended the Angus sale at At
Mr. and Mrs. William Baum
and Debbie, Lincoln, here for the
weekend to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs George Oasey.
The following surprised Mrs
Art Miller. Chambers. on her
birthday Sunday evening They
were Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Brown,
Inman, Mr ami Mrs l-oren Ste
wart. Grand Island. Mr and Mrs
Glen Miller. Oiambers, Mr ami
Mrs. Arnold Stewart and Mr ami
Mrs. Bob Grey.
Mrs. Lorenz Itiege. Mrs Dale
Matschullat, Mrs Harold Free
meyer. Mrs, R V. Crumly and
Mrs Leila Snell called on Mrs.
George Oasey Friday morning to
help her celebrate her birthday
Mr, and Mrs Melvin Roach
were Sunday dinner guests of
their daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs Warren CTonk.
GGG and G met Friday with
Miss Grace Zellers, Cards were
played with winners being Mmes
Otto Matschullat. Frieda Asher
and Ethel Waring.
Mrs. N. D. Ickes visited Mrs.
Lee Miner. Ravenna, at the home
of her son, E. L. Miner, Thurs
Mr. and Mrs, Edd Stewart and
Mickle anti Mr. and Mrs Herbert
Kemper were Thursday guests of
Mr. and Mrs Ben Asher.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Troshynski
and Teddy. Orchard, were Satur
day supper guests of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski.
Frank Beelaert accompanied
the assistant county agent to Lin
coln. Monday ami Tuesday to at
tend the livestock judging school
Mrs. Itoan returned to tier
home in Long Pine after spending
the winter here with tier son.
Harold Banta.
Mrs Kenneth Asher and Dar
lene, Atkinson, and Mrs Frieda
Asher were Saturday evening
visitors with Mrs Hester Edmis
Around 123 persons attended the
Congregational dinner at the
Methodist church, Friday eve
ning. After dinner which was
served by the ladies of the Inman
Methodist church, they divided
into groups. The youngsters were
entertained by a Laurel and
Hardy cartoon The oldsters alao
saw a film which was on the
church and this was followed by
the telling of the church program
by Dick Trowbridge and the Rev.
Robert Linder.
Mrs Marcus Dwlndell was a
guest of Mrs Clarence Finch
when she entertained 12 members
of the Help-U-club at her home.
Wednesday. The hostess served
a noon day dinner.
The ladies did hand work for
the hostess and also picked out
walnut meats. A donation was
given to the Cancer fund Tlie
special prize was won by Mrs
Francis Hoelter. They will meet
next with Mrs Ora Caskey
Mr and Mr*. Jerry Asher and
family were dinner guests of his
mother, Mrs. Frieda Asher Af
on callers were Mr and
Mrs. Ben Asher and girls.
WSCS met Thursday afternoon
at the Methodist church. Mrs
John Steinberg gave an account
of the World Federation of Meth
odist Women, featuring Esther
Meeker a tourist with the mis
sion, telling of her trip to New
Zealand anil Australia anil of the
warm reception the received on
her t<air
Mr* Raymond Hetaa had the
le**«n and devotion on Syml*»l»
such a* saluting the (lag. shaking
hands, etc, Mrs Ulmer Trow
bridge was the pianist. The les
son closed wiUi the reciting of
poems entitled 'GeStsemona* anil
'God's Sign Post* The group sang
'Jteneath the Cross of Jr*u§
The group voted to pay all
their asking and mission pledges
at this time
Mrs Trowbridge told stout the
Conference goal
New officer* will be installed
at the May breakfast.
The spring meeting will be
April 29 at Randolph
An executive meeting will be
held Tuesday at the home of Mr*
Harold Hetss.
Oieer and get well card* went
to Mrs Jennie Finley. Mrs Sofia
Dobbins, Roy Wilson and Allan
Host row* were Mm 1 xmsld
Snyder ami Mm (wurgr flawy.
MYF met Sunday night with
John frumly and Ihck Under
having the le»«<>i» and devotion
It waa announced all who want
to attend Sunrnw servioss Faster
morning to l»e at the church at
5 a m Alter services breakfast
wtll be served at the church
Klee lion of officer* wa* held
Tim Fink, president. Virginia
Sojka. Vice president, (lary Slauf
fer. secretary and Seal l-uebcke
aiul Jerry An»on. news reporters.
Hairy division of the Kagle
Hustlers 4 11 dub met last Wed
nesday night at the Tommy K*Uy
home Leaders were picked as
follow*: Mm Tom Kelly, dairy
leader, Mm hale Stauffer, gar
ilen lender, Mm lee Fink, yard
tienutificallon lender and P*Se
Sojka. bird study leader.
Th© Frontier
Music by The
Formerly the Aces of Rhythm
American Legion Auditorium
O'Neill, Nebraska
It’s the unity ' {
in a community \
i that gets the job done i
in Nefigh....
\nother home grown industry that is helping Nebraska com
munities gain a sound industrial reputation is the Blackburn
Manufacturing Company in Neligh. Founded in the late 1940’s
by E. A. Blackburn, this firm manufactures lightweight, dur
able and colorfast plastic flags on steel stakes for use by soil
conservationists, contractors, oil companies, public utilities
and others. More than 130 tons of steel wire and 21 thous
and pounds of plastic are used yearly in the manufacture of
the flags which are sold in aW 50 states.
ttf'rtm local industry wttfc aMtiant low-cost electric power li mdtm
CHARGE IT At Gambles
I- - O'Neill, Nebraska -1
Fine Cottons & Blends
HS 8
Dozens of new styles for tote and
grad esters! Flower-fresh dresses to
wear now through summer. Pert,
pretty trims! Easy-care fabrics.
Miniature Random Cord I
Petites! Misses! Vi Sizes!
Fashion Fabrics Include
Wools and Laminates!
Terrific Buys at
You’ll have to see them to believe the
price! We have the most exciting collec
tion of new spring coate In town! Sizes
for everyone. Iteautlful new fabrics and
color*—checks, plaids, solids, cashmere
blends. All the latest styles all at
one price!
Printed Cotton Sateen
s? 398 I
BOYS7 SIZES . 2.98 I
Ivy Lea*ue styles. Wash 'n wear I
mlnl-cord In blue, black or loden |
Cotton sateen In muted plaids of I
loden green or charcoal. §
^boXfoTi :
Heaip, Combed Poplin
««. u, fa
prnlrr or taT'b *ljl'
““ 10 siree S-M-L.
Cotton mesh and cotton
In variety of col- ^
0rs: Contrasting collar ■
W»s, embroidered em- I
bk*ms Short sleeves. f
ioo% cotton Rails 6
Meal for cas- ^ ^ *
ual spring nnd aum - QO
mer wear. Varied m
ot short-sleeve #_ Size*
style* and colors. S-M l
Petite and BLOUSES
Misses Sizes
Best Buys!
598 198
„ . ■$2.98
Values! ■
Cottons, dacrons, blends! 811m straight | cottons and miracle fabric bloods. I
styles, pleats, bouffants! Smart colors. | Colf,rs galore in dressy and sport styles! I