Direct Distance Dialing Coming This Summer O’Neill telephone customers will have Direct Distance Ihaling when dial service becomes avail able here late this summer, ac cording to C. R. Alexander, Northwestern Bell manager. “This will mark the comple tion of a service improvement program which will enable cus tomers to dial their own long distance station to-station calls throughout the United States, Canada, Alaska and Hawaii, in addition to dialing their local calls. The new telephone numbers which will be used are the type that work best for local dialing of calls and will also fit in with the nationwide system of long distance dialing by customers. The numbers will consist of sev en numerals, for example 336 1690 The first three numerals for all phones will be 336. To dial a local call, a eushe mer will merely dial the seven numeral number which will be listed '* new directory to Is delivered prior to the changeover. By diaung the numeral ‘1,’ a three digit area code where aj> prupriate and the telephone num ber of someone y<»j want to reach in Omaha, New York, San Fran cisco or any of thousands of ci ties, you can complete your call yourself and be talking to the party you called in just a few seconds more than it takes to dial a local call. There are two basic ways that direct distance dialed calls may be placed, depending on where you are calling. The United States and Canada and divided into over 100 dialing ‘areas,’ each of which has been assigned an ’Area Code.’ Approximately the eastern half of Nebraska includ ing O’Neill comprises one of these areas and it has the area code number 402. If customers in O’Neill are calling someone in their own ’Area,’ it is not necessary for them to dial the ‘Area Code.’ This is not the case, however, if they are calling someone in another area. Then, the ‘Area Code’ for that area is dialed be fore dialing the distant seven di git number. In both instances, it will be necessary to dial the num eral (1) to connect the telephone to the DDD network before dial ing the rest of the number." I>I>I> equipment will prepare a perforated tape to record the calling number, the called Jiiim ber and the time talked. This tape will be processed to trans fer the Information to the cm*- , tomer's long distance state ment. "Although a large number of the call* handled are the station- ( U>-station type that can be dial ed direct, operates will still be available to assist you in placing person-to-person, credit card, col lect and pay station calls,” ac cording to Alexander. “A ‘How to Dial’ booklet and other information on the use of the new dial system will be mail ed to customers prior to the changeover. A list of some of the major long distance points that can be dialed will be included in a Personal DDD Directory that will also be included in the mail ing.” Deloit News By Mm. H. Heimer Louis Pofahl of Ewing and Mrs Blanche Louis of Sioux City were married on March 23 at Sioux City. The Pofahl home is in the Deloit community. Mr. and Mrs. J. Squire called at the Martin VanConet home in Ewing one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughters of O’Neill spent Sunday at the L. Larson home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Iteimer were Sunday evening visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer and Mrs. Echo Fisher of Neligh vis ited Stunday at the home of Mrs. E. L. Sisson. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster and boys were Sunday dinner gjests at the Alfred Napier home. Mrs. Leonard Larson had den tal surgery in Neligh last week. Mrs. Fred Harpster, Glenn Harpster and Anita Lee went to Omaha on* Friday. Mrs. Harps ter entered the Clarkson hospital where she exriects to have skin grafting on her ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Saltonstall of Norfolk spent Sunday evening at the Bill Gibbs home. Henry Reimer made a business trip to Bartlett and Burwell on Tuesday. Mrs. Glenn Harpster and Mrs. Roger Pofahl and Mrs. Dana Sisson attended a party in the Echo Fisher home in Neligh Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer attended the Junior-Senior ban quet in Royal on Friday night. The 3 children of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tomjack spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack while their par ents were away from home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmi ser and family were here from Arkansas to attend the funeral for Mrs. Schmiser’s mother, Mrs. Harriet Welke, 74, who died Tuesday. Funeral services were held in Ewing at the Methodist church on Saturday. Gloria Schindler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schindler was a patient in the Antelope Memor ial hospital in Neligh last week. A group of friends surprised Ralph Tomjack with a party on his birthday Tuesday, April 2. Guests for the were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schindler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spahn, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tom jack and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bartak and Mrs. Alice Lodge of West Point were Sunday guests in the Lam bert Bartak home. Mrs. Lodge will visit the L. L. Bartak home until after Easter. Mrs. Maynard Steams return ed home from the Tilden hospital on Saturday. She had been hos pitalized since Monday. Try The Frontier Want Ads — it Pays ! -- Ewing News Bj Mr*. Harold Harrl* A special program was present ed Wednesday afternoon in the