The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 04, 1963, Image 7

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    Atkinson News
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hlckok and
hoys were Sunday evening callers
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Siebert and family.
Mrs. Qalre Durr called on Mrs.
William Wefso Monday afternoon.
Mrs Josephine Kramer, Mrs
Ed Bouska and Mrs. I>ouis Sie
bert returned home Saturday
after spending last week at the
Nysted Recreation Center at Ny
8ted, Nebr.
Mrs E V. Hlckok returned last
Tuesday from Lincoln where she
visited her aunt, Mrs. LeNora
MoMurray and other relatives
and friends for a few days.
Mrs J. W. Carlson, Scott and
Sheryl spent last Thursday with
her mother, Mrs. William Wefso.
They returned to Crofton Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Irvin Parsons was hostess
to eleven members of the Catho
lic Ladies Guild last Thursday
afternoon. The ladies spent the
afternoon playing cards with high
score to Mrs William Morgan sr.
and low, Kathryn McShane. Mrs.
Josephine Judge won the door
prize. The next meeting will be
with Mrs. Tony Tasler.
Mrs Frank Skrdla, Mrs. Mabel
Robertson and Mrs. Ella Mack
went to Norfolk last Thursday
morning where they attended a
two day refresher course at the
Federated Garden Club Judging
School held there. These three
ladies received their life certi
ficate for Flower Show judging
nfter completing this course Sat
Ivtst Tuesday afternoon visitors
in the home of Mrs. Frank En
body were Mrs. Rolland Kersch
and Rolinda, Mrs. Joe Loock and
Lisa of S[>encer and Mr. and Mrs
Pat Cassidy of Lynch.
Mrs. George Wedige went to
Omaha last Thursday where she
visited in the homes of her two
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Kersten and family and Mr. and
Mrs Robert Vlack and family.
Mrs. Wedige accompanied her
a^m. Donald, hack to Atkinson on
Saturday night.
Mr and Mrs. Frank Enbody
and family visited their daughter,
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Holland
Kersch in Spencer on .Sunday. In
the afternoon the group did a bit
of sight seeing and drove over to
the Ft. Randall Dam and Marty
Mission. The Enbodys returned
home Sunday night.
Eugene Clark of Inman was
pleasantly surprised Sunday when
the Rural mail carriers from
Boyd and Holt Counties gathered
at the Methodist church in In
man to honor him with a retire
ment party. The group met at
the church and drove to the Clark
home where they greeted him
and invited them to come to the
church to enjoy a covered dish
luncheon and spend the afternoon
visiting and reminiscing. Those
from Atkinson who attended the
gathering were Mr. and Mrs. E.
V. Hickok and Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd McDowell.
Mr. and Mrs. LJoyd McDowell
went to Lincoln last Saturday
where they visited in the Jarvis
McDowell home and also visited
with Mrs. McDowell's brother,
Merina Jarvis, who was visiting
in Lincoln. Enroute home on Sun
day the McDowells attended the
surprise party in Inman which
was held for Eugene Clark who
is retiring.
Alfred Kazda drove to Grand
Island Monday night. He was ac
companied by Mrs. Pearl Smith
and Mrs. Leota Rickard of On
tario, Calif, who have been here
the past three weeks visiting in
the Kazda home. Mrs. Smith will
be visiting her daughter and son
in-law in Iowa, and Mrs. Rickard
will return to her home in Calif
ornia. The ladies are sisters of
Mrs. Alfred Kazda.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClurg
were Sunday evening dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Mrs. Walter Kaup and family
were Sunday afternoon callers in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken
.. . " .. i
,, got
complete line of 0ur DX Boron Motor oils —
, , the world’s first! — and famous DX
UX Tarm products... farm greases and lubricants are
the finest products of modern
DX Boron Lubricating petroleum science. I
Gasoline They give you top protection '
DX Lubricating Gasoline against wear —best in their fields!
They re sold on DX Sunray s
DX Boron Motor Oils written money-back guarantee. And
Specialized DX you’ll find our prices are really
E . i i right. Call for fast, friendly service.
farm Lubricants_
Grunke D-X Service
602 E. Douglas O'Neill Phone 396
Johnson Drug Store
Phone 118 O'Neill, Nebraska
Pharmacist, Wm. Petsche
Don't forget it is only a few days until Easter Sunday. Be sure to
send a Hallmark Easter Card to your loved ones, Wives, Husbands, sweet
hearts, relatives, friends, etc. See the outstanding line of Hallmark Easter
cards, party goods, ribbon & wrap at Johnson Drug store in O'Neill.
When you buy that certain someone an Easter gift be sure and en
close a better than ever Hallmark Easter card & naturally you would want
it wrapped in Hallmark Easter paper & ribbon.
Come see the outstanding selection of Easter Toys, Bunnies, Ducks,
Chickens & other stuffed animals. All toys are cuddly, soft toys that are
completely washable. They are foam rubber filled so they won't lose their
shape. — — Priced from 1.69 to 4.98
Easter Basket mix . 29c
Easter Eggs . 39c
Chocolate cream eggs. 69C
Easter Nest. 1.00
Deluxe Easter eggs. 1.29
Kings Chocolate Pecan
Divinity egg . 59c
Easter Treasures . 59c
Pecan Honey Bees — 7 oz. 1.00
Kings Chocolate covered
fruit & nut Egg. 1.00
Kings Assorted chocolates
1 lb. 1.50
Kings Assorted chocolates
2 lb. 2.95
Texanas (chocolate & pecans)
8 oz. 1.00
Texanas — 30 oz. 3.50
neth Ziska and family.
Mr and Mrs. A. J. Runnels of
Stuart were last Friday evening
callers in the Wrfso home.
Mrs J. W. Carlson came from
Crofton Tuesday of this week to
bring the Carlson children, Scott
and Sheryl, who will stay with
their grandparents, Mr and Mrs.
William Wefso for a few weeks
Mrs Carlson flew to Rochester
on Wednesday where she expects
to enter the Mayo Clinic Thurs
day and will undergo surgery
next Monday unless there is some
change of plans.
Mrs Leo Monohan and family
were Sunday afternoon callers of
Mrs. Kenneth Ziska and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kazda.
Kathy and Dickie of Winner. S. D.
and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cady
of Ainsworth were Sunday visi
tors in the Alfred Kazda home
and they also visited with Mrs.
Kazda who is hospitalized in the
Atkinson hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kirkland,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vinzenz and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkland
drove to Ponca. Sunday and were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brill
and Cindy.
Dr. and Mrs. James Ramsay | -
and family spent the weekend in |
Hastings visiting her parents,
Judge and Mrs. Ray.
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Bogue
and family spent last weekend in
Atkinson visiting relatives and
friends. When they returned to
Chamberlain they were accom
panied by Mrs. Gertrude West
who will visit in the Bogue home
for a few days.
Y~V«vr'..:.. _ • s r». j
a • iov.ii uitnvu uu>>uajr c»c*
ning from Boise, Idaho, to spend
a few days visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frisch and
other relatives and friends.
Albert Lemmer suffered a
slight heart attack Sunday at his
home. He was admitted to the
Atkinson hospital but released
on Monday.
The Golden Rod Garden club of
Atkinson met at the home of
Mrs. Orville Hitchcock March 26.
Thirteen members and one guest,
Mrs. Opal Keating, our district
director answered roll call with
‘‘New shrubs you are planting”.
Reports on visits to shut-ins
were given. The comprehensive {
study ‘‘March, time for planning
your summer garden” was given I
by Mrs. Earl Houts and the topic J
‘‘Woodland Treasures” by Mrs. f
Ray Elder. "
A conservation meeting and a I
Chinese auction are planned for J
next month. I
The hostess had a St. Patrick’s 1
Day arrangement. |
The next meeting will be April g
25 at the home of Mrs. Jesse ]
Dobrovolny. j
Mr. and Mrs. John Meurrens ]
went to Omaha last Friday on i
business. They also visited their 1
daughter, Miss Mary Jane Meur- A
rens. V
Mr. and Mrs. John Meurrens
drove to Grand Island Wednes
day for an area meeting for
managers of the Northwestern
Bell Telephone company. They
plan to return home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Fairchild
will come Saturday morning from
Omaha to visit their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
John Meurrens.
Deloit News
By Mrs. H. Betnwr
Mrs. Henry Reimer spent Tues
day night at the Charles Scran
ton home in Plainview. J
Mrs. Sisson was ill the first of 1
the week. Mrs. Rexin was out j
to sec her on Monday. Mrs. Otto I
Reimer caJled at the Sisson home ,
on Tuesday. Mrs. L. L. Bartak I
also called at the Sisson home
on Monday. j
The Bill Gibbs family have |
been ill. Cathy was unable to ]
attend school for four days last j
Ralph Tomjack made a trip to
Hastings on Wednesday. Mrs.
Tomjack who had been visiting
the Jewell Tomjack home since
Sunday returned home with him
on Thursday.
Glenn Harpster took his mother
Mrs Fred Harpster to Til den to
the doctor for a check up Thurs
Mr. and Mrs Willis Moon and
Mr and Mrs Gary Moon of Ne
ligh spent Sunday afternoon and
evening in the Watson McDon
ald home.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jeffries
and Mr. and Mrs Henry Reimer
called Sunday afternoon at the
Fred Harpster home.
Mrs. Fred Harpster plaas to
go to Omaha Friday for medical
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDon
ald were Norfolk visitors on Fri
day. Elvon Zeims shelled corn
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spahn at
tended the birthday party on Sun
day for Grandma Weibel at the
St. Johns hall.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak vis
ited Mrs. Vonnie Paul and Larry
In Elgin on Tuesday evening.
Mrs Sidney Anderson was tak
en to the O'Neill hospital with
pneumoua on Sunday
Mrs Vonnie Paul and Larry
spent Saturday at the L. L. Bar
tak home.
Greg, son of Mr and Mrs Bob
Bartak. celebrated his sixth birth
day with a party at school on
Itimcm News
By Mrs- Jaroea McMahaa
Mr and Mrs Ira Watson have
received word from Earl Watson
that Mrs. Earl Watson underwent
surgery on Friday at the Metho
dist hospital in Omaha. She is
getting along real good at this
Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson and
Jackie and Nancy Watson were
Inman callers Saturday afternoon.
Joe Peters, who is employed
at Norfolk spent Wednesday and
Thursday visiting his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley and
family. Norfolk, spent the week
end visiting Don's parents. Mr
anti Mm W E. Kelley and fam
Kieth Klvett and a hoy friend,
from Wayne State Teachers col
lege, spent the weekend visiting
Kieth's paprents, Mr and Mrs
Vaden Klvett.
Member* of the RIDS church
enjoj-ed a party on Friday nr
ning at the home of Mr and Mrs
Harry McGraw. There were 23
present. The evening was spent in
singing, playing games and other
entertainment. A lunch of cake,
ice cream and coffee was serv
ed at the cloae of the evening
Margaret Prusa, Clearwater,
spent the weekend visiting her
parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry
Pruss and family.
Mr. and Mrs Ivan Cbuch spent
the weekend at their home here
They are employed at Amherst
at this time.
Mr ami Mrs Dean Hanks and
family, Lincoln, spent the week
end visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs James Hanks and family
and with relatives at Chambers.
Arbutus Rebekah Lodge met
Wednesday evening at the IOOF
Hall for their regular meeting
N. G. Karl Keyes was In charge
of the meeting At the ckiar at
the meeting the group went to
the home of Mrs Albert Reynold*
for lunch Mrs. John Mattson was
Mrs James McMahan returned
Sunday from Sioux City, la.,
where the had spent a week.
Mr and Mrs Altwrt Reynolds
visited Sunday afternoon In the
home of Mr and Mrs Elmer Hull
at Lynch.
Mrs Howard Jackson and Mrs
Bob fturtval spent Saturday in
Mr and Mrs. John Mattson
were hosts when the Boyd and
Holt Cbunty Rural carriers met
Sunday at the Methodist church
annex for a reUremcnt surprise
party for Mr. and Mrs. E. E. ;
Clark A covered diah dinner was
served, followed by two musical
numliers by John and Bob Mar
shal. Verdigre. talks were given
by Alfred Marshal, Verdigre, and
Bill Loukota, Bristow. Gift* were
presented to Mr and Mrs Clark
by the group Plan* were made
tor a re-organl/atlon meeting to
be held a* Bristow later (kteets
for the afternoon were Mr* Ho
ward (lark and Mr and Mm
Tom Hutton. Inman, other car
riera ami families bean lea the
(larks, Marshals. I/atkotas and
Mattsons were Mr and Mrs
Gene Hirkok ami Mr and Mrs
McDowell. Atkinson, Mr and
Mm (liarlea Rotherham. Kwtng.
ami Mr ami Mm C K Walker.
Tom Eagelhaupt waa a surgery
patient at St Anlhmy s tioepttal
In O'Neill Friday ami Saturday.
Eyaa Examined -Utsam Pitied
Oantart I euneo
Pttoae IP! - O'Neill. Nefcr.
Hour* »8 M«n thru HnCnrdny
Closed Wedoeaday
************ ■■ ■
6 ibs. $1
SOUP .. Pk. 10c
Swans Down
Pk9- 39c
Serve with Pineapple
I ■ ■ I
Pmt lb.
U.8.D.A. Choice Hound
STEAK.Lb. 79c
I '.8.D.A. Choice Rump and Heel
ROAST.Lb. 69c
Armour Campfire
Wilson’n Spiced
Vita in Wine Sauce 2'/a lb. jar
_five rad* Dried
PUPPCr FRUIT FRUIT Cn»h Tidbit—sliced
“ * X _ B^.° No. 2'/j cans No. 2 cans
7Qc 4 tor *1 3 for $1 3 for $1
m Slightly Damaged A M
Stokely’s Tomato 46-oz. cans I Penick WAFFLE
JUICE.3 for $1 I SYRUP.
g Fresh Crisp Per lb.
j CARROTS . 10c
A North Dakota 100-Ib. sack
< SPUDS . . $1.98
5-lb. can I Zestee SALAD Quart Jar
... 65c I DRESSING.29c
fc M 1
| Premium Brand No. 303 can*
I PEACHES.5 for $1
f Bordens Instant Dutch 1-lb. box
» CHOC. MIX.39c
^ Hunts No. 2 Vi can
I Hunts Club 25-Ib. sack
w DOG FOOD.$1.98
BEEF.3 Pks. $1 ff
Lean Meaty A
SPARE RIBS . Lb. 39c |
Center Cut B
PORK CHOPS Lb. 59c |
Cudahy’s V
First Cut M
Home Made B
Cudahy's B