The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 28, 1963, Image 9

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    Clearwater News
Mr*. UutIm (Jartalfht
HUnier MM
Funeral services for John John
son, AUuon, were held at 2:00
pin. Fimay at the Church of
Clod, Albion. Johnson, a former
Clearwater depot agent, died in
the Albion hospital follow,ng a
stroke at his home. He was 70
years old. Several from here at
tended the services.
Jess Yates jr. returned home
Wednesday night from the veter
ans hospital in Grand Island
where tie had been a patient.
The junior class has selected
the class play "Aunt Cathie’s
Cat . The cast will be selected
this week and the date of the
play will be announced later. Le
Hoy Ernst is the director.
Mrs. Earl Flowers spent the
past week in Lincoln visiting her
daughter and family, the Phillip
Mrs. Howard Luben, William
and Lela, and Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Curtright were guests at a
dinner Friday night in the Dew
ey Hritell home near Chambers
when a birthday dinner was held
honoring Larry Grittell and Le
la Luben on their birthday anni
versaries that were that day. Ot
her guests all from O’Neill were,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorenz and
Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Mace and
Melvin Jacobsen spent from
Tuesday to Friday in the veter
an's hospital in Grand Island, he
returned on Monday and will un
de* go surgery in the near future.
Harry Marwood is a patient in
Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in
Norfolk, he entered Thursday.
Roy Stevens went to the vet
erans hospital in Grand Island
Wednesday for a checkup and re
turned the same day.
William Luben has received
word from his daughter, Mrs.
Ray Sanks at North Platte that
she has recovered from a recent
siege of the mumps.
Frank McGee is a patient in
the Neligh hospital entering Tues
day of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Middleton
returned Wednesday night from a
trip to California where they vis
ited a son and daughter, and ot
her relatives and friends.
Mrs. Wayne Switzer attended
the annual meeting of the W9CS
of the Methodist church at St.
Paul's Methodist church in Lin
coln Thursday. Mrs. Switzer at
tended as a delegate of the Clear
water church. Highlight of the
meeting was the main address
by Bishop Copeland. Mrs. Swit
zer left from Plainview with a
group by chartered bus.
Ewing News
By Mm. Harold Harrt*
Last Week News
The Science Fair of the Ewing
public school was held Saturday
evening at the school auditorium
with a good crowd in attendance.
Eighty students participated in
this event sponsored by Ewing
high school Science Club.
George Keller, science instruc
tor of the Ewing public school
gave the introduction. Victor
rnoendel was master of cere
monies. The opening number was
"The Star Spangled Banner’’
sung as a solo by Kay Bergstrom
as Myra Rotherham colored an
American flag. Demonstrations
followed on the stage by several
students. On conclusion of these,
the persons in attendance viewed
the displays and watched dem
onstrations given by the students
on the main floor.
Winners in the junior division,
seventh, eighth and ninth grade
were Kathi Lofquesf and Jeanie
Hobbs first on "The Life Cycle
of the Black Widow”; Francis
Bergstrom and Mike Dougherty,
second on "Infrared Light” and
third went to David Woeppel and
David Rotherham on their “In
sects and their Classification”.
In the senior division, Julian
Sojka and Mike Beelaert receiv
ed first on “Display of Chicken
Embryo’s”; Clayton Hoke, sec
ond, on the “Induction Coil”;
Candace Kirschmer and Joan
Miller on "Paramecium Charac
A pin was awarded to the first
and second class winners and the
third received a citation. A film
on science was also shown.
Mr. Keller plans to take forty
of his students to a science dem
onstration in Wayne Friday, Mar.
29 and two of his students to Ver
million, S. D. Saturday, Mar. 30.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies
had as their guests Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Applegate from
Recent guests at the George
Jefferies home were Mr. and
Mrs. Grover Shaw sr., O’Neill,
and Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Cratty,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban ac
companied by Mrs. Robert Pru
den and Mrs. Josephine Elston
went to O'Neill Monday. The Ur
bans had chest ex-rays. Several
people in Ewing have taken ad
vantage of the Chest Ex-ray now
being taken in O'Neill.
Max Angus, U. S. Air Force,
Lincoln was an overnight guest
Wednesday at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd An
gus. His mother accompanied
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him home Thursday to be a
guest at hi* home and of Mr. ami
Mrs. Merle Angus and family
until Sunday when she left for
Ewing by bus. Mr. Angus met
her in Norfolk.
Mrs. Mick Hobba and daughter
visited her mother, Mrs. John
Vandersnick at Stuart Thursday.
Guest* Friday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs Andrew Olson were
Mrs. Oscar Wilson, Elgin, Mrs
Greer Clark and Mrs. Thomas
Clark of Stanton
Mrs. L. A. Hobbs was called
to O'Neill Monday for jury ser
Mrs. Anna Savidge accompa
nied Mr and Mrs Charles Bar
tak and family to Norfolk Satur
day where they were dinner and
evening guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eggerling who
made the occasion a housewarm
ing party. They recently moved
into their new home
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Thramer
entertained at a family dinner
Sunday in honor of the third birth
day of their daughter, Connie Jo.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Thramer and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Mlnarik and family, Joe
Thramer of Ew'ing and Mr and
Mrs. Sam Steams and family of
Miss Jean Tagel was an over
night guest Saturday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Thramer.
Mrs. Jessie Wunner of Omaha
spent Saturday and Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. Hallie Maben,
and her mother, Mrs. John Knie
Mrs. Terry Wanser went to
Omaha Tuesday where she will
remain for a few days for a
physical check-up. The children
are staying at the home of their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Max
Wanaer during her ahaence.
A weekend guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs Max Wanser was
Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka of O'Neill.
Miss Kittle Wanser who at
tends Assumption Academy at
Norfolk spent Thursday at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs Max Wanser
Mr and Mrs Charles Pexton
and Mr and Mrs Lawrence
Brown of Neligh spent Sunday
at the home of Mr anti Mrs. Al
fred Doud.
Mrs. Edna Lofquest and Mrs.
Alfred Doud attended a mission
ary meeting Friday at the home
of Mrs. Al Anson.
Callers at the Melvin Napier
home Thursday were Mrs. Edna
Lofquest and Mrs. Alfred Doud.
Mrs. Dewayne Hobbs and Mrs.
Ed Yelli were O’Neill visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler spent
one evening last week visiting at
the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Leo
nard Hall who recently returned
to their home near Royal after
spending over two months in the
southern states and California.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke en
tertained the following guests at
dinner Sunday at their home
Mr. and Mrs Jerpme Bahm and
family, Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs
Sylvester Bahm, Mr. anti Mrs.
Milan Welke and daughters and
Miss Kay Hahlbeck of Ewing
Mr anil Mrs. Humid Rodgers,
O Neill, were Saturday evening
guests at the home of tier par
ents, Mr and Mrs. Iceland Welke.
Mr and Mrs Irvin Cloyd vis
ited Sunday. Mar 10 at the home
of their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. George Garhart
and family at York and also
made the acquaintance of their
new granddaughter.
Considerable moisture fell in
the Ewing community on Mon
day in the form of a wet snow
and light rainfall. Temperatures
remained in the low thirties
Tuesday brought flearing ikies
and warmer temperatures
X.-lc End Mrs. Gene Ac
companied by Miss Judy Tn s.ey
all Irorn faneo/n came to Ewing
Friday to spend the weekend with
relatives. They returned to Lin
coln Sunday.
A family gathering was held
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jamd Mlnarik. A one o’
clock dinner «u served and the
afternoon hours were spent visit
ing. Guests were Mr and Mr*
Fred Serr, Clearwater. Mr and
Mr*. Dun Mackel ami family.
Flgtn. Mr and Mrs Dwight
Schroeder aiul family, Ewing.
A-lc and Mrs Gene Stems of
Miss Mane Davis who Is em
ployed in O'Neill came home
Thursday to spend the weekend
witli her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Waldo Davis.
Mr and Mm John Miller who
recently purchased an acreage
in north Ewing from Lyle Dierks
moved in during the weekend
with their fumily. Mr Miller t*
a driver on a transjiort f«»r Jerry
Tom jack.
Mrs. Keith Riddlecome was a
Monday evening visitor at the
home of Mrs Mildred Wright.
The Young Matrons Pinochle
SEE Bankerslifeman —
Ernie Brinkman
About a
Hired Man
Club nu t Tuesday evening at the
home at Mm. Arclue Tuttle. Mr*
Vance An«on was a guc»t High
score wa* won by Mrs Thomas
Hacker, second high went to
Mm Charles Rotherham and low
to Mm Hermit Jefferies Mm
Anson received ttie door prise
Mm. Arthur Krot>p. cohostess
assisted the liostess with re
Art Kruftp is a patient at St
Anthony's hospital, O'Neill lie
entered Saturday for care and
treatment for pneumonia
Mr and Mm. Vance Anson anil j
suns have sold their trader to
an Albion dealer and will give
(mism-muoh Thursday The Anson
family will make their home willi
his mother. Mr*. Vera Anson for
the time being Ttir Anson fam
ily have lived In their trailer
home fur tame time in north
Kwtng mi tl»r projx-rty of her
parents. Mi- anil Mr* ("harles
Mr and Mr* diaries Krunto
rad ami Mr ami Mrs Vance
Arison and family were Sunday
guests at tlx- home of Mr and
Mrs Frank Kruntorad
KMir MllNiK NO. >1
meet* every Wednesday at II
p m All member* are urged to
tx> present Visiting Odd Fellow*
welcome. tf
James Davidson & Sons
Service Since 1901
■ MM K | k Winter & Summer
American Standard Plumbing Fixtures
Youngstown Kitchens
Sheet Metal Work
313 E. Dougin* Phone 284 O’NelU, Nebr.
For assistance in making out yout 1962
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Golden Hotel Corner
Phone 106 - O'Neill
—— . ... .. ——
You'll enjoy Safeway's first quality, USD A Qrade-A, plump, meaty
Mrs. Clara Kallhoff Mrs. Alfred Heying
O’Neill Atkinson
Plus many other $1 Winners!
Leg o' Lamb
USDA Choice, properly
a$pd for tenderness . ..
Lamb Shoulder Choice . .Lb. 39c
I • 17 • I I USDA Choice 7 ft
Loin, Rib ChopsLamb.Lb /Vc
Shoulder ChopsaK&YfJijA. 59c
(and Arm Cuts) .
Cornish HeiisSEf&Kfi**:!*. 49c
Cut-up Fryers,”r„r;S«“rAfl"h;.,,) 35c
Frozen Whiting sm#.a 79c
to limit
Safeway’s (the) place to Luy
1-lb. C
Cello Pkg. I
CUCUMBERS top with vinegar .., .2 29c I
YELLOW ONIONS flavorful .........Bag 25c I
. * —t— ■■■hi iihiiiiiiimi
5 Vi« $fOO
Single Cruet — TUNA, BEEF, CHICKEN,
TURKEY ,•„ , frozen, mix or match 'cml
J-Atak. JamIl...
Slender-Way Bread I9e
Orange Rolls StSffiS 34c
Sugared Donuts m™. w*u 29o
Apricots, Peaches I
or Pears
4 "con* $f00 I
GOLD BOND stamps %
— with purchase of §1
1- lb. Package 3*
Safeway Brand
Offer good thru March 30 S
— With purchase of E
2- lb, Package §*
Busy Baker e?
Offer good thru March 30 E
— With purchase of &
20-os. Loaf Skylark gt
Western Farms g
Offer good thru March 30 E
GOLD BOND stamps I*
with puruuuc ot u
15-count Package £
Gillette Super g
Offer good thru March 30 g
GOLD BOND stamps
— with purchase of
13-oz. Can
Waldorf Brand
Offer good thru March 30 _
10-lb. Bag 99C
Frozen Fruit Pies
Bama Brand; Apple, Cherry, Pineapple, Peach
Frosting or Cake Mix
Jiffy Brand...
White or Fudge Frosting Mix... White, Chocolate or
Yellow Cake Mix... loaf size, ideal for two people.
Ai frica effective, Thar. Fri. Stf. March 29,29, 30, is O’Neill, Nebr.
GmK -v - £ "'k.if .-f icsv-sr'*;. "8* . ' ;-jggr
Dried Prone* .$£ 69c
Miehigaa Peat *•» IIM