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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1963)
Mr. and Mm. Maurltz A. Swan son announce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn, to Den nis W. Scheer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin F. Scheer, Kwing. Miss Swanson is a IfMSl gradu ate of the Osceola High School and attended Midhind College in Fremont last year where she was affiliated with the 1*1 Epsilon Sorority. She Is now attending Immanuel Hospital School of Nursing in Omaha. Mr. Scheer graduated from Nebraska Slate Teacher’s Col lege in Kearney last year. He is now coaching and teaching In dustrial Arts in Osceola. No wedding dale has been set. '.'fe m Mr. and Mrs. James Tinsley of Ewing announce the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Judy Tinsley to PPC Leroy (Butch) Pofuiil, son of Mr. Louis Pofahi of Ewing and the late Mrs. Editli Pofahi. Miss Tinsley is a 1961 gradu ate of the Ewing High School and is presently employed as cleri cal typist at the Woodmen's Acci dent Insurance Company, Lin coln, Nebraska. PEC Pofahi is a 1958 graduate of the Wheeler County High School at Bartlett and is present ly serving as MP in the United Hiatt's Army at Indianapolis, lod. An April 27 wedding is being planned. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: March 14 — Mrs. Kenneth Bridge, Royal, Boyd O’ Bryan, Colome, S. D., Frank Jauernig, Stuart, Mrs. Leo Mul hair. Lynch, Mrs. Elizabeth Rayn, Atkinson, Kevin Shelham er, Henry Schacht, Vernon 9trong and Mrs. Howard Peters, ail of O’Neill. 15 — George E. Alexan der, Naper. Mrs. Melvin Hood and Mrs. Mary Kelley, O’Neill. 16 — Elbert Pepper, Bonesteel, S. D., Arthur Kropp, Ewing, Mrs. Duane Allen, Page, Mrs. Leo O’ Malley, Chambers, Mrs. George Garhart, Mrs. Harold A. Parks, O’Neill. 17 — Mike London, O’ Neill. 18 — Mrs. Ed Dewey, Chambers, Mrs. Lettie Calkins and Dave L. Moler, O'Neill. 19 — George Geary, Inman, Mike Smith, Spencer, Mrs. Paul Shel hamer, John Hickey, Mrs. Leo Babutzke, Mrs. Anna Brown and Mrs. Floyd Clark, O’Neill. DISMISSED: March 14 — Mrs. f onrl KqKt’ crirl Mrs Gailen Weller, O’Neill and Mrs. Evelyn Gray, Page. 15 — Baby George Thomas Miles, Mrs. Don ald McLain and Baby boy, Ver non Strong, O’Neill, Mrs. Ken neth Bridge, Royal and H. R. Farrier, Chambers. 16 — Henry Schacht, Dean Richard Krugman and Mrs. Howard Peters, O’Neill, Mrs. Bill Eby and Baby girl, Ne ligh and Elbert Pepper, Bone steel, S. D. 17 — Kathleen C. Lieb, Mrs. Harry Spall and Mrs. Harmon Grunke and Baby girl, all of O’Neill, Kenneth Riha, Butte. 18 — Mrs. Melvin Hood, Mrs. Lena Tomjack and George VanEvery, O'Neill and Allen Hargens, Spencer. 19 — Mrs. Mary Kelley, O’Neill, Mrs. Leo Mulhair, Lynch and Mrs. Bruce Grimes, Chambers. EXPIRED: Mrs. Floyd Clark, O’Neill, March 20. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Mar. 11 — Bon nie Lynn Dobrovolny and Mrs. Frank Svoboda, both of Atkinson. 12—Mrs. Minnie Eckhoff and Wal — Mrs. Minnie Eckhoff and Wal ter Reis, both of Atkinson; Er nest Greenfield. Mrs. Thomas Kaup and Mrs. Dewain Ullrich, all of Stuart. 13 — Mrs. Ralph Kaup, Atkinson; Leo Slachetka, Stuart; Mrs. Adrian Titler. New port. 14 — Mrs. Leonard Laible, SRuart; Mrs. LeRoy Richards, At kinson. 15 - Mrs. Daryl Beck with and Frank Foreman, both of Emrheit; Andrew Gilbert, Cham bera; Mrs Donald Euberry, 0' Neill. 16 — Mrs Paul Lamp man, Butte; Mrs. Francis Weller, Atkinson. 17 — Mrs. Waiter JutU, Chambers; Mias Harlene Berk heimer, Ainsworth. DibMiaaED Mar. 11 — Mrs. Aloeri an<1 Calvin Aliyn, noth df Stuart, Mrs. Raymond illy,. Ameka 12 — Mrs. Martin Miksch and son, Stuart; Colleen Sue Sterns) Atkinson. 13 — Bon nie Lynn Dobrovolny and Mrs. Frank Svuboda, both of Atkin son. 14 — Ernest Greenfield, Stu art. 15 — Walter Pratt, Bassett. 16 — Fred Goebel, Stuart; Mrs. Ralph Kaup and daughter, Atkin son; Mrs. Adrian Titler, Newport. 17 — Mrs. Leonard Laible and daughter, Stuart; Mrs. Donald El»berry( O'Neill. EXPIRED; Mar. 15 — Mrs. Jerome Bejot, Long Pme. 17 — Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Weller, Atkinson. SACRED HEART PRESENT; Mrs. Phoebe Bar to, Herman Mohr, Mrs. Walter Sire, Mrs. Helen Grainger, Mrs. Don Walker, Jolin Tiefenthaler, Mrs. Mabel Fitchhorn, Charles Kinzic, Mrs. Mary Weber and Mrs. Clara Hahn, ail of Butte; Baby Evelyn Friedrich, William Lampman, John Schornmer, Ba by Marlys Elsasser, Mrs. Jerry Loukota, John Hagberg and John Miller, all of Spencer; Mrs. Car rie Hunter, Mrs. Mary Fusch, Mrs. Albin Kalkowski, Mrs. Josie Peshek and Mrs. Joe Micanek, sr., all of Lynch; Swan Pearson, Bristow; Mrs. Mamie O’Neill, O’ Neill. DISMISSED; Mar. 12 — Scott Lewis, Butte; Mrs. Frank Loock, Spencer; Mrs. Hannah Sinclair, Bristow. 13 — Mrs. Bernice RLff, Bristow; Robert Bridge and Mrs. Una Allen, both of Spencer. 14 — Micky Ray Stewart, Lynch. 16 — Mrs. Arthur Kemp, Niobrara; Mrs. Paul Nuemiller, Naper. 17 — Mrs. Reuben Avoy and Mrs. Richard Friedrich, both of Spen cer. 18 — Mrs. Lloyd Claasen and Mrs. Elmer Kaczor, both of Silencer; Floyd Kelly, Bristow. ST. ANTHONY’S HOOD — Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hood, O’Neill, son, Allen LeRoy, 7 pounds Vi ounce, March 15. O’MALLEY — Mr. and Mrs. Leo O’Malley, Chambers, son, Patrick Michael, 8 pounds 13Vi ounces, March 17. SHELHAMER — Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shelhamer, girl, 5 pounds 15 ounces, March 19. BABUTZKE — Mr. and Mrs. Leo Babutzke, daughter, 7 pounds 7 ounces, March 19. ATKINSON MEMORIAL KAUP — Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kaup, Atkinson, daughter, Brid get Lee, 7 pounds, 13% ounces, Mar. 13. LAIBLE — Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Laible, Stuart, daughter, Barbara Jane, 7 pounds, 11 oun ces, Mar. 14. BECKWITH — Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Beckwith, Emmet, son, 6 pounds, 8% ounces, Mar. 16. WELLER — Mr. and Mrs. Francis Weller, Atkinson, son, 4 pounds, 6 ounces, Mar. 16. LAMPMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lampman, Butte, daughter, 7 pounds, 8 ounces, Mar. 16. ELSEWHERE HANKS — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanks, Wolf Point., son, Mar. 8. The couple now has three sons and one daughter. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haake, Chambers. BORG — Mr. and Mrs. Duane Borg, Edina, Minn, son, 9 pounds, Mar. 10. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer, Ewing and paternal grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg. HUPP — Mr. and Mrs. Ferd nand Hupp. Norfolk, son. The Hupps were former Deloit resi dents. . STESKAL — Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Steskal, daughter, Amy Ma rie, 6 pounds 10 ounces, at the Antelope Memorial hospital, Mar. 16. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs, Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal, Inman, are the pater nal grandparents. SCHOMMER — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schommer, Chadron, son. Mar. 16. The couple also has an other son. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Birmeier, Lynch, are the mater nal grandparents. BRADY — Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brady, Grand Island, daughter, Teresa Ann, 6 pounds 9V4 ounces, March 16. This is the couple's first child. Mrs. Brady is the for mer Konme Kurtz, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kurtz are the maternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Harris, Grand Island, formerly of Ainsworth, paternal grandparents. Rites Held for John Senteney At Stuart Funeral services were held for John Senteney, 74. at the Stuart Community church, Monday, Mar. 11 with the Rev. Herbert C. Young officiating. Burial was in the Stuart cemetery. John Harrison Senteney was bom on a farm near Dustin, Nebr. March 4. 1889, the son of Julius E. and Emilie Senteney. He died March 7 in a hospital in Brigham City, Utah. He married Clara Wahl. Atkin son, November 10, 1916 at Butte. To this union three children were bom. , , . Survivors include his wire. Clara, daughter, Mrs. Phyllis Johnson. Utah, son, Robert. Oma ha brothers. Elmer, Portland, Ore., Earl. Oshkosh, sister, Mrs. Bessie Gaston. Belvidere, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. O'Neill Locals The Christ Lutheran Ladies Aid met March 7 at the Church parlors The meeting was called call was "Ojr Favorite Hymn", call was "Our Favorite Hym". The business meeting was held with several committees giving reports. It was voted to purchase new white altar clothes and two new stoves. It was also decided to begin a library program. All members present volunteered to donate pies lor the farm sale which we will serve. A discussion was held about the serving of the Junior-Senior banquet. The meet ing closed with The Lord’s Prayer. Hostesses were Velma Sivesind and Etyle NeLsen. Mr. and Mrs. Hug# Carr en tertained Mrs. Bessie Burge, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Burge and family, O’Neill, Larry Roach, Page, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Carr and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carr and family, Amelia and Mrs. Paul Neilsen, Omaha at a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of Darrel. Afternoon cal lers were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burge. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Appleby re turned home Saturday night from a two week trip in which they went to Miami before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Early accompanied them as far as Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Appleby stayed with the children. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baker re cently returned from a two week trip to Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heese were among the guests at the Nor folk Legion birthday supper Thursday night. Others attending •were Mr. and Mrs. George Wett laufer, Page, Don Kramer and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Coday, At kinson. tl.. _1 If_ T _ 1 „ — J rl. » U _ , uiiu uiua, AA;ia*iu uavnv and son, Creighton, and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck and girls were Saturday dinner guests of Mrs. Rosa Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer, were among those who attended the 47th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dahl, Mea dow Grove. Lynn McCarthy and her room mate Patty Loeffler, students at the College of Saint Mary, spent the weekend visiting Lynn’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. McCarthy. Mrs. Keith Abart and Mrs. Ed Hancock, Susan, Ellen, Christy and Robert Abart were Friday callers in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen, Page, were Monday dinner guests of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby. Sunday evening callers at the Hugh Carr home were Mrs. Paul ine Benze and Cookie and Fran ces Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Switzer were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher, Page. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eby and Mrs. Ray Eby visited Mrs. Alma Eby and Mrs. Bud Alberts in Ainsworth, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Abart and Dercy, Emmet, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Eilers and Cindy, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Abart and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Erwin, O’Neill were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hancock. The occasion being Bob Erwin’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frank of Verdigre, were in O’Neill Mon day to visit C. E. Melena, who is a patient in St. Anthony’s hospital. R. H. Peterson, of Grand Is land was a guest Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Melena. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weier took their daughter, Kathy Weier, to Kansas City Sunday, Kathy having spent two weeks’ vacation here. She is taking X-Ray Tech nology training in providence hospital in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berg strom, Ewing, were in O'Neill on Monday. Mrs. G. Owen Cole was hostess to the members of the Chez-a Mari club Tuesday evening. Din ner was served at the Town House. The playing of bridge was at her home in Emmet. Mrs. George Carstens and Mrs. Lar ry Schaffer were guests. Winners were Mrs. Schaffer, Mrs. Cars tens and Mrs. John McCarville. The MM club was entertain ed by Mrs. Esther Harris at her home. Dessert course was at 7:30 followed by bridge. Winners were Mrs. L. A. Burgess and Mrs. C. W. Porter. There will be a District 1 meet ing of the World War I Veterans and Auxiliary in Ainsworth, Sun day, March 24 at 2:30. Those in terested in going meet at the Golden Hotel comer at 11:30 a.m. Members of the Jeudi club were entertained by Mrs. Max Wanser Thursday evening with dinner at the Town House, followed by the playing of bridge in her home in Ewing. The Catholic Daughters held a social meeting TXiesday evening at the K of C Hall Mrs. John Harrington was chairman. St. Patrick’s Altar 9ociety will hold a meeting Thursday, March 21 at 8 p.m. at the Parish Hall. St. Helen’s Guild, Mrs. Sam Der ickson, chairman, is in charge of the arrangements for the even ing. All ladies of the parish are invited. Mrs. Ira Moss was hostess to the Martez Tuesday evening. Dinner was served at the Town House followed by playing bridge. Winners were Mrs. W. J. Biglin and Mrs. Homer Mullen. The Goldenrod Extension club met at the home of Mrs. Mary Tomlinson last Wednesday eve ning. Mrs. Gladys Cunningham and Mrs. Esty Nelson served the lunch. The members were given knitting instructions. Mrs. Lee Brady and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sholes were in Creigh ton Monday. Mrs. Brady’s bro ther, Hurley Binkerd is in the Lutheran hospital having an op eration. Mrs. P. B. Harty returned this week from Los Angeles wfifte she visited her sister, Geraldine Cronin for about a month. Father Robert Dulfy attended tl|i- Basketball Tournament in Lincoln, Friday and Saturday. Some of St Mary's basketball “team accompanied him. Mr. and Sira Dm Templrmey er spent the weekend in North Platte, looking for housing ac commodations. They arc to teach next year in 8t Patrick’s School in North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reed and daughter, Paula, -Omaha, went to Chicago Friday. Mrs. A. D. JUg returned Satur day evening from Seneca, Nebr , where she was visiting her daughters, Mrs. Calvin Coolidge and Mrs. David Becker and fam ilies. Calvin Coolidge brought her to O’Neill Three of his children were with him. Mrs. H. J. Birmingham left Monday for Chicago to be gone for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lampert and children went to Minot, ND. Friday, returning Monday. They visited his sister, Mrs Warren Phipps and family. Lee Brady spent Wednesday night in O’Neill with his mother, Mrs. Lee Brady, sr M. J. Golden and Marvin Miller went to Lincoln Friday to attend the State Basketball Tournament. Bob J. O’Reilly, St. Louis, Mo., was a St. Patrick’s day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cal Stewart. William Bowker, Omaha, was in O’Neill Thursday and Friday Mrs. Harry Larsen and son spent Saturday in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Hieter re turned Monday evening from Ainsworth. Mrs. Frank Froelich was hos tess to the members of the Delta Deka last Thursday. Dinner was served at the Town House pre ceding the playing of bridge. Mrs. Doris Dobrovolny, Atkin son, was a 9unday guest of Mrs. Delores Shaw and her son, Bob Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson and Mrs. O’Hare, all of Johns town, and Billy Ermer, O’Neill, visited Mrs. Stanley Chmiel, Wednesday. Eileen Janet Blitzkie, daughter of Mrs. Homer Blitzkie, Spencer, was chosen to represent Spencer at Girls State in June. Eileen has been active in li brary, music and girl’s athletics. She is an honor roll student and treasurer of the pep club. Mildred Jean Ficenec was cho sen alternate. Page News Area B Commander George Wettlaufer and Mrs. Wettlaufer were among the guests at the Legion birthday supper, Thurs day night at Norfolk. Others from this area were Don Kramer, At kinson, district commander, Mike Coday, district adjutant and Mrs. Coday, Atkinson and Alvin and Mrs. Heese, he’s district service officer. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen ate dinner Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby, O’Neill. Neighborhood club met Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. Kenneth Wettlaufer. Mrs. A. Wettlaufer, O’Neill was a guest. Cards were played with winners being Mmes. George Wettlaufer, P. E. Sojka and Andrew Wettlaufer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Price and Randy Joe and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown, all of Lincoln, were Sun day dinner guests of the ladies parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss. Little Mark Price returned home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Robinson and Willis were al so guests. Marie Heiss and Viola Haynes both of Hastings, were here for the weekend. Marie was a guest in the Merwyn French home and Viola was visiting her parents, Mr nnH Mrs Allan Huvnps. Supper guests of the Ben Ash ers Friday night were Sandy and Linda Alberts, Bruce Bowen and Dick Linder. The occasion was the 16th birthday of Linda's. The group then attended the one act plays in which he girls partici pated. Following that a surprise birthday party was held for Lin da at the Asher home with guests being, Sandy Alberts, LuAnn Nissen, Seal Luebcke, Andrea Wettlaufer, Jean Finley, Linda Thompson, Janet Anson, Connie Summers, DeVon Kemper, Bruce Bowen and Dick Linder. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gentzler, Tilden, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler, Fremont, were weekend guests of their mother, Mrs. Le ona Finch and Mr. and Mrs. Jun ior Finch, Mrs. Art Sufficool and family, Creighton, joined the group on Sunday. Bid or Bye club met Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Harold Asher, Mrs. Margaret Kelly was a guest. Bridge was played with Mrs. Dan Troshynski winning high. Get-To-Gether club met Wed nesday with Mrs. Jessie Cronk. Nine members and three guests. Mmes. John Steinberg, Anna Thompson and Mable Smith. RoD call was answered with a chuc kle. Mrs. Harry Tegeler won the special prize. Mrs. Roy Grubbs will be the next hostess. NOK dub met Thursday with Mrs. Ben Asher. Nine members and one guest, Mrs. Robert Lin der. Mrs. Everett Miner -joined the group for coffee. The ladies did their own fancy wok. Mrs. William Scheinost will be the next hostess. MYF met Sunday night at the Methodist church. Roberta Asher and Manlyn Max had tit* dr votton and action on "People or Prts". Seventy two dollar* wax realized at the pancake supper held March 8. It waa voted to send SaO to Camp Funteneile and to help pay expense* for mem bers to Camp this summer. Mr. and Mr*. Robert Van Horn were sponsor*. Next Sunday, Becky Beelaert and Peggy Sue Kelly will have devotion* and les son Mr. and Mrs. R V. Crumly will be sponsors. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer, O'Neill, were Fnday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Ben Ash er. Little Teddy Troshynski spent a few days with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshyn ski, while his parents, the Hugh Troshynskis were attending the basketball tournament in Lincoln. Mr and Mrs. Edgar Woods, Lincoln and Mrs. Hester Edmis ten were her visiting for the weekend. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher, Atkinson and the Calvin Harveys. Mrs. Ed nnsten spent Saturday night with Mrs. Frieda Asher. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matscbullat and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mat schullat. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wett laufer and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Strong, Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wettlaufer and Gary. O’Neill, were all Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Andrew Wettlau fer. The Page American Legion will entertain the Legionaires in honor of their birthday at a 6:30 covered dish supper, Sunday night at the Legion club. All Le gion members and their wives and Auxiliary members and their husbands are invited. Cards will be played. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mick were Sunday dinner and luncheon guests of the Ben Ash ers. A very large crowd was in at tendance Friday night at the Page school auditorium when the students of the Page high school participated in four one act plays under the direction of Mr Allen Gross. The rhythm band entertained the group between acts. Pie and coffe were served afterwards by the pep club. GGG and G club met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Soren Soren sen sr. Pitch was played with winners beine hieh. Mrs. Frieda Asher, low, Mrs. Anton Nissen and traveling, Mrs. Elsie Cork. Mrs. Alta Finch spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch. Dale Waring, Orchard, called on his mother, Mrs. Ethel War ing, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlau fer, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kenne dy,* Mr. and Mrs. William Scheinost and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher all attended the birthday supper of the American Legion and Auxiliary at O’Neill, Monday night. Sgt. William Cousins spoke and showed a film to the group. Separate meetings were then held. Page will be host to the county in May. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge left Wednesday for Lincoln. The la dies attended the Annual meet ing of the Women’s Society of Christian 9ervice. The Frenches will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Brouse. The farm sale of Mrs. Leona Finch held last Wednesday drew a nice crowd. Mrs. Finch will be moving shortly on the place va cated by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Summers. Atkinson News Mrs. Frank Skrdla is spending a few days at the ranch in pre paration of their sale which will be held next Monday, Mar. 25 northeast of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kazda came last Wednesday to visit his mo ther, Mrs. Alfred Kazda, who fell recently and is hospitalized here. They returned to Winner Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. Denton Colfack and Wanda of Niobrara were Sunday afternoon callers at the Nels Colfack home in Atkin son. Other Sunday callers in the Colfack home w'ere Mrs. Opal Wondercheck and family of New port, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colfack and family of Sargent, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Colfack and family of O’Neill. Monday was Mrs. Nels Colfack’s birthday. She was 82 years old and the family came Sunday to help make her day a memorable one. Mrs. Leonard Jungman and ivuo. tvuiiam rrcxav txuxcu vni Mrs. Robert Batenhorst Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Anderson and family were Sunday after noon callers at the Alfred Kazda home. Mrs. Leota Rickard of Ontario, Calif, came to Grand Island last Wednesday to spend some time here with her sister, Mrs. Al fred Kazda. Mrs. Rickard was met in Grand Island by Alfred Kazda and Dick Kazda of Winner and brought her to Atkinson. The Bakers Dozen Extension dub met March 22 at the home of Mrs. C. F. Shall. Ten members answered roll call by Giving a . Beauty hint. One new member was taken into the membership, Mrs. Rose Camp, and Mrs. Cora Weichman was a guest. The group presented a farewell gift to one of their members, Mrs. Lance Withers, who will leave soon to make their home in Idaho, where their children re side. The next meeting will be held on the regular date at the home of Mrs. Josephine Kramer. Mrs. Rose Hull and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cady of Ainsworth came Saturday to visit in the Al fred Kazda hone and to visit Mrs. Kazda who is in the hospital here. Mrs. Hull is Mrs. Kazda’s mother and Mr. Cady is a broth er of Mrs. Kazda. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Kersch and family of Spencer visited briefly with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Knbody last Ttiiy\ day afternoon, they war- comutt to loncoln to attetaK th< basket ftaJl tournament an# they Jfcft the Kfcnu-h children a ith tl>< grand parents while they were gone. They returned tome Friday night. Donald Wedige and Robert Vlaek came from Omaha Satur day to bring a load of furniture for the 1 smalt! Wedige family. Mr. and Mrs I *onald Wedige have leased the White Cafe hi Atkinson and are moving into the Mary Henning home In west Atkinson Mr. and Mr* Wedige will take possession of the opera tion of the cafe on April 1. Mrs Wedige and the children have been in Atkinson for a few days until the furniture arrived Mr*. Effie Kubart celebrated another birthday Sunday when members of her family gathered to enjoy the day with tier. Her Sunday dinner guest* were Mrs Eva Thompson and son, Larry of liassett. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coufal of Stuart, Father Kubart of Ewing, and Mr and Mrs. Jack Ramuld of O’Neill and Mr. ami Mrs. Lmo Kramer. Afternoon call ers were- l-awrence and Evelyn Pacha. A (minted Happy Birth day to you Mrs Kubart Mrs. Brice Braziel and son, Blaine, returned to Lincoln Sat urday after spending the week in Atkinson to to near her mother, Mrs. Alfred Kazda She was ac companied to Lincoln by Mrs. Erma Carr who will spend a few days visiting relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack and Mr. and Mrs. Oil tort Schneider and family returned home- Sun day night after visiting the Macks’ daughter, Capt and Mrs Norris Johnson and family at Colorado Springs. Colo. Mrs. Mack went to Colorado Springs ten days ago. While there the party toured the Air Force Acad emy, Cave of the Winds, Garden of the Gods and many other in teresting places in Colorado. Mrs Mack also met a former Atkin sonite, Mrs. Fanny Dickerson one day and the ladies had lunch at the Broadmor and enjoyed an afternoon reminiscing. Mrs. Mack reported that she also had her first live view of skiers per formances while on tour of the many sights which Colorado has to offer all tourists. Mr. and Mrs Gene Ziska and Mrs. Art Ziska were Sunday af ternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Connie Gokie. Mrs. Mal>el McDaniel and Mrs Raymond Schaffer attended the shower on .Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Merle Winings. The hiking bug hit again last weekend. One group left Atkinson Saturday morning to get in a fifty miler to Inman and back. Phyllis Kaup, Joan Lee, Betty Ries, Judy Krysl, Bob Gokie, Pat Bennett, Bernard Bonenberg er and Ronnie Barnes set out to complete the fifty miles but fell a bit short. Arriving in O’Neill, four gave up while the others continued on. Enroute home, due to weather conditions, Ronnie’s grandfather Parsons, just couldn’t stand it any longer so he went to meet the remaining four and brought them to Atkinson. They had made it back as far as six miles west of O’Neill. Gonna try it again? Well some of them say “Maybe”. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seger and family were Sunday evening din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike McKay. Mrs. Pat Gokie and family of O’Neill spent Monday in Atkin son with her mother, Mrs. Gil bert Engler. Mr. and Mrs. Mike McKay and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pacha and boys were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har old Kreiger. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor of Norfolk visited with Mrs. Wil liam Vahle and Dorothy last Thursday. Mrs. Taylor spent the afternoon there while Mr. Taylor drove to Ainsworth on business. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parsons and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Heying were in Norfolk last Thursday on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith sr. were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doolittle and were Sunday eve .O “'•KK'-* ai U1C fT lIII0.111 Fryrear home. Other afternoon callers at the Fryrear home were Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Young of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce, Amelia. Later in the eve ning Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Ceams and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ceams and family arrived from Scotts bluff to help Mr. and Mrs. Fry rear celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary on Monday, Mar. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Withers and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Small were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvon Chace. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rothchild made plans for an all out family celebration last Sunday to honor the Roth childs on their 45th wedding an niversary but old man winter in terfered with those farther away being able to attend. Those who were able to attend the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rothchild and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rothchild and son, and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson of O’Neill. Unable to come on ac count of driving conditions were two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Dar rell Couch and family of Kimball, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gutzmer and family at Woon socket, S. D. Other dinner guests who helped to make the day most memorable were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dexter of Bartlett, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Dexter of O' Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Dale Dvorak and family. The Mohr School House was en livened Sunday afternoon when the womenfolk of that area turn ed out in numbers to honor Mrs. Merle Winmgs with a miscellan eous shower. Sharon and Carol Winings sang two songs and the afternoon’s merriment turned into a gala affair. Mrs. Johnny Mohr and Mrs. Ethel Hansen acted as Marriage counselors, as each guest presented a problem which the new bride may encounter through the years with her win some husband. Many problems were settled right then and there by these two old pro's. The bride received many lovely and useful gifts. The li'-aoriftkies wore m keeping With the St. Patrick'* In»> eokiHni; and the table was enhanced wgh a green lac* table doth launch was served follow ing the entrrumuitriit and Mrs. ti mings’ many many Mend* left wishing tier a lifetime of happi ness. J t JlE 4 Celia News Mrs. Mark Headricks The Celia 411 club met at the home of Mr and Mrs I Hike Hoff, man on Sunday. All but one lead er and one dub memlier were present Mrs Clarence Focken jr and children were guests. The next meeting will be at the Imme of Mr. and Mrs Alex Frkekel on April 19. Mr, and Mrs 1 Hike Hoffman were supper guests at the Or hardt Mommsen home Sunday. Mr and Mrs Emil Cblfack amt I H*nnis and Mr. and Mrs Denton Colfaek and liaby of Nlolirnra visited at the Nels Colfaek home in Atkinson. Sunday Olliers pres ent to help Mrs. Cblfack sr. cele brate tier 82nd hirthday were Mr and Mrs. Carl Colfaek and fam ily of O'Neill ami Mrs. Carl at tack's mother, Mrs Mae Farsch also of O’NeiR, Mr and Mm. Harold Colfaek and family of Sargent, and Mr. and Mrs Oscar Wondercheck, Bassett Mrs Won* dercheck is a daughter, 0|>ul, of Mr and Mrs Nels Colfaek. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Hoffman were Saturday night supper guests of Ed Hoffman in Atkin son They enjoyed a feast on the big pike that Ed caught a week ago Mrs Clarence Focken sr vis ited Miss 1 kirothy Scott Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken jr. und family were Sunday din ner guesls of his parents, the Clarence Focken sr and family. Mr and Mrs. Norbert Dobias and family were Sunday dinner guests at the John Sicheneder home. Arlin Hendricks was a dinner guesi ui uwneii umnin Auixiny. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. James Mellor and baby were vis itors with them. Mr. and Mrs Mark Hendrick* had dinner at the Richard Kling er home Sunday and when they returned home they took Terry and Marjory Klinger to spend a few days with them. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Points of Stuart were dinner guests at the Robert Hendricks home. In the afternoon they called tlie Ieon Hendricks family in Manhattan, Kan. and made arrangements for Leons to meet them at York. Mr. and Mrs. Points will visit in Manhattan and several places in Oklahoma the next two or three weeks before returning to their work at the Wilson ranch. Mr. Points has several children and his only sister living in and around Oklahoma City. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson of Albion visited at the Merrill Anderson home Sunday on their way home from a visit at the Claire Anderson home at Long Pine. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer sr. were Sunday dinner guests of the Merrill Andersons. In the af ternoon they drove to Naper where they visited at the home of Mrs. Meyer’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Garold Hoyt, helping her celebrate her birthday at a sup per in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson were Friday dinner guests of the Hans Lauridsons. Mrs. Bill Coleman called on Mrs. Hans Lauridson Monday and on Tuesday Mrs. Bill Tasler was a guest. Darryl McKathnie spent the af ternoon and early evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridson and LeRoy. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sicheneder helped Harold Goldfuss shell com Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sicheneder visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sicheneder Wednesday. Natchel Rzeszotarski helped his brother, Gaines, near Emmet with some cattle work Wednes day. Natchel Rzeszotarski and Ed and Leon Rentschler attended the Irrigation meeting in O'Neill on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rzeszo tarski and family of Emmet vis ited at the Natchel Rzeszotarski home. Mr and Mrs. John Schwindt and Vanita visited at the Milton McKathnie home Wednesday eve ning. Mrs. Mark Hendricks and Mr. and Mrs. Omer Points of Stuart drove to Sioux City on Wednes day where Mr. Points consulted with doctors. They returned home that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and family visited at the Alvin Heis er home Thursday. Henry Heiser called at the Ro bert Hendricks and Alvin Heiser homes cm Thursday. Mrs. Omer Points spent the day with Mrs. Robert Hendricks Fri day. Rev. and Mrs. Elmore Blain and sons were last Sunday supper guests erf the Herman Meyers sr. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie and children drove to Palmer where they made the acquain tance of their new grandchild, a son, of the Ernie Wondercheck*. Mrs. Wondercheck ia the former Ellen McKathnie. Mr*. Leonard Chaffin drove her car to Venus Monday evening, taking a load of young people to the EVHY meeting. Those ac companying her were Ariin Hend ricks, Charles, Linda and Edith Chaffin, Evelyn Slaymaker, Mar vin Thurlow and Connie and Lin da Lewis. Leonard Chaffin and son, Char les attended the Finch Farm Sale near Venus Wednesday. Mrs. Vic Frickel and girls, Beverly and Bethene and Mrs. Bill Coleman drove to Stuart where they called on Mrs. Hitch cock and Mrs. Jennings at the Stuart Rest Haven. They report the ladies feeling real well and very happy to have callers. Harold and Garold Frickel \ jerry Osborne ml Gerald O' (Tanner drove to Uru-oln where they at tended tie Nebraska state twakettMill tour-'>ment this week end Honnie Frtckel was an over night guest at Cheryl Herk Fri day Mias Durottiy Scott was a Wednesday evening supj-r guest of the Frank KUmurry* Mr awl Mrs Hay lk>htas were cullers at tlie John Sicheneder tionie Monday Thursday evening Mr and Mm John Sicheneder visited at the Lyle Addison home where they helped Lyle enjoy hi* birthday. Others present for the evening were Mrs Hex Coburn, Mr, and Mr* Hay Gabum and family Mr and Mrs John Sicheneder awl Hale were Frhtay guests at ti»e home of Mr and Mrs Frank Sicheneder John Sicheneder drove to Nor folk Tuesday awl brought his father. Frank Sicheneder. home from a tong stay at the hospital. They report Mr Sicheneder Is Improving remarkably after re cent major surgery. Mrs Kmil Golf nek, Mm Duke Hoffman Mrs Milton M.Kathnle awl I jury Hayes, all teachers In this vicinity, attended the Hural Teachers meeting In O'Neill Tues day night. Miss Ht-len Martens gave a Travelogue of her trip U) the World's Fair and allowed pic tun** of her summer lour of Canada awl other interesting places. 'Hie Celia Pinochle club met at the home of Mr and Mrs Ihiane Heck Friday night Those in at tendance were Mr und Mm. Nab chel H/es/otarski and family, Mr and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry and fumily, Mr and Mrs John Slchcwder and family. Mr. und Mrs. John Schwindt nnd Vanlla, Mr. and Mrs Jim Sicheneder and daughter, Mr and Mrs Ger hardt Momnwm anil fumily awl Mr. and Mrs Lyle Addison and family and Mr. and Mrs. I hike Hoffman and sons. Indies high score was won by Mrs. Natchel H/eazoturski, second high by Mrs. Hoffman Mens high by Gerhardt Mommson and second high by Roger Monman. Ine n«*xt meet ing will lx* at thi* home of Mr. and Mm. John Sichencder March 2fth. Mrs Duke Hoffman attended the covered dish luncheon of the legion club on Thursday night. It was the I>*gion Club's annual Birthday Party. A program fal lowed the luncheon. Deloit News By Mrs. H. Ufilinnr Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDon ald spent Thursday evening ut the H. J. Kurpgewett home. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moon of Neligh were Sunday guests at the Watson McDonald home. Mr Moon planned to make a liusiness trip to Denver next week. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harpster and Terry were Neligh visitors Saturday. Mrs Harpster had a dental appointment. Willard spent Saturday afternoon at the Fred Harpsters and Mr. and Mm. H. Reimer were afternoon callers. Mr. and Mrs. Ixiclen Taylor and two children of Grand Island and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer visited the L. W. Reimer home in O'Neill Sunday. Mrs Mary Steams returned home Sunday from Norfolk where she visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer Steams. Mrs. Fred Harpster was able to return home from the Tilden hospital Friday. She went back for a check up on Monday. Last Wednesday Glenn Harpster took his mother to Omaha to consult a plastic surgeon. They returned to Tilden Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster and Mr. ami Mm. Otto Reimer and Echo Fisher visited Mrs Fred Harpster in the Tilden hos pital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDon ald and Mr. and Mm. Gary Moon were last Sunday dinner guests at the Willis Moon home in Ne ligh. mi a. iiciu jr iv iiiin riiifj UH' faculty at Royal attended the funeral for Mrs. Andrew Jensen, 54, in Royal on Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDon ald called on Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith and sons Wednesday eve ning. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! ROYAL THEATRE Thors. Mar. *1 “TWO TICKETS TO PARIS’’ Frl.-Hat. Mar. ZZ-U Big Double Bill "YOUNG GUNS OF TEXAS” ALSO "THE DAY MARS INVADED EARTH” "DIAMOND HEAD” Postponed Because of First Pains of Diamond Head being held over in the cities no prints are available for my theatre and I am forced to make a change Instead of Diamond Head we will show "BARABBAS’’ on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday. March 24, 25, 28, 27, 28. BARABBAS starring Anthony Quinn, Vittorio Gassman, Jack Palance. The story is about a robber who is followed by the memory of Man crucified in his place. The movie is filled with virile adventure and authentic spectacle, this Italy-produced drama still to cused on the believable human be ing strongly portrayed by Quinn. Since the Bible references are brief, poet-playwright Christopher Fry uses imagination in huTscnpt with many roles for the notable cast. Admission 75c and J5c Matinee 1—day at 2:M o’clock