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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1963)
OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Holt County Supervisors O'Neill, Nebr. Jan 31. 1963 11 :00 A. M. I loll County I loan] of Supervi sors met as per adjournment All members present. Meeting railed in order I \ the (!hnirman ' Minutes of pi . read and approved as read. The Fmariee Committee rejuirt rd that the fees of various Guinty Offices have been remitted to the Guinty Treasurer, as requir ed by law. Motion by Iherking, seconded by McConnell, that the following banks be named as Depository Banks for Holt Guinty. KKHOM TION APPROVING DEPOSITORY amt HKCI KITIKs WHEREAS, the following banks have made application for the privilege of t>eing designated as Depositories of the monies of this County: First National Rank, Omaha, Nebr. First National Rank, Atkinson, Nebr. First National Rank, O'Neill, Nebr. O’Neill National Rank, O’Neill Nebr. Tri-County Rank, Stuart, Nebr. Farmers State Bank, Ewing, Nebr. Chambers State Bank, Cham bers, Nebr. WHEREAS, all of said Banks have deposited certain securities of character and form required by law, (or (he safety of any and all public monies deposited in said Banks by said County, or its duly elected and acting Oiun ty Treasurer, and WHEREAS, • s a i d securities have been deposited in escrow in the manner and form as pro vided by law, and WHEREAS, these Banks have agreed to abode all of the pro visions of the law with respect 1o the deposit of public monies. NOW, THEREFORE, I move you that the above named Banks l>e designated and named the F>e positories of the public monies, and that the Treasurer of Holt Counly, Nebraska, be, and he hereby is authorized and empow ered to deposit the public mon ies now in his hands or herein after to come into his hands as such Treasurer in the above B;mks in the manner and within the limits provided and prescrib ed hy law, making deposits in the Holt County Ranks first and only depositing the surplus that the Holt County Banks cannot take care of in the First Nation al Bank of Omaha, Nebraska. Roll Call was as follows: AYKS: Harlan A Dierking, Edw. N. Flood, Walter A Smith, M. V. I^andreth, • Eli McConnell and W. E. Davis. NAYS: None. The Chairman declared the resolu tion adopted. Motion by Smith, seconded by Davis that the following ionds iw approved. Motion carried. Alice L. French, County Supt., County of Holt James J. Mullen, Deputy County Sheriff, County of Holt Leo S. Tomjack, County Sheriff, County of Holt Charles R. Fox, County Assessor, County of Holt Nora Mullen, Deputy County As sessor, County of Holt Emmitt Thompson, Twp. Clerk, Antelope Twp. Donald Kramer, Twp. Clerk, At kinson, Twp. George Sladek, Twp. Clerk, Con ley Twp. Richard Sunderman, Twp. Clerk, McClure Twp. George Skopec, Twp. Clerk, Em met Twp. Glen Stewart, Twp. Clerk, Iowa Twp. R. Homer Rutherford, Twp. Clerk, Golden Twp. Donald J. Vandersnick, Twp. Clerk, Ewing Twp. Otto Izirenz, Twp. Clerk. Grat tan Twp. Arthur II. O'Neill, Twp. Clerk, Coleman Twp. Stanley J. Lambert, Twp Clerk, Lake Twp. Earl Schindler, Twp. Clerk, De loit Twp. Merlin Ajiderson, Twp. Clerk, Paddock Twp. Ben Vonasek, Twp. Clerk, Wil lowdale Twp. Roger Rosenkrans, Twp. Clerk, Steel Creek Twp. Charles Tasler, Twp. Clerk, Gr«’<?n Valley Twp Lyndlcy Crumly, Twp. Treasur er, Antelope Twp. Blake Benson. Twp Treasurer, Rock Falls Twp. Haney Frogman, Twp. Treasur er. Scott Twp. liewis Ohde, Twp Treasurer, At kinson Twp. Robert VanHom. Twp. Treasur er, Golden Twp. Richard S Brion. Twp Treasur er. Ewing Twp. Herman Grothe, Twp. Treasurer, Emmet Twp. Jim Bilstein, Twp Treasurer, Wyoming Twp. Leonard Shoemaker, Twp. Trea surer, Grattan Twp. Roy Goeke, Twp. Clerk, Pleas ant View Twp. F H. Nalier, Twp. Treasurer, Saratoga Twp. Arthur Olberding, Twp. Treasur er, Stuart Twp. Herman McDaniel, Twp. Treasu er. Pleasant View Twp. F. Thomas Engelhaupt. Twp. Justice of Peace, Inman Twp N. D. Ickes, Jr., Twp. Justice of Peace, Verdigris Twp. Rola rt E. Lewis, Twp. Justice of Peace, Atkinson Twp. David Keidel, Twp. Justice of Peace. Sand Creek Twp. Lyle Addison, Twp Justice of Peace, Saratoga Twp. Kenneth LaRue, Twp. Justice of Peace, McClure Twp. Delmar Johnson, Twp. Justice of Peace, Golden Twp. Kenneth Barlow, Twp. Justice of Peace, Ewing Twp Louis Vitt. Twp. Justice of Peace, Grattan Twp. William D. Sammons, Twp. Jus tice of Peace, Fairview Twp. Emil Gruhn, Twp. Treasurer, In man Twp. Joe Gokie, Jr., Twp. Clerk, Shie lds Twp. John P. Conway, Twp. Justice of Peace, Shields Twp. John Jansen, Twp. Treasurer, Shields Twp. Gerald E. Waring, Twp. Trea surer, Iowa Twp. Albert Widtfeldt, Twp. Treasur er, Belle Twp. A. C. Watson, Twp. Treasurer, Swan Twp. John Flannery, Twp. Clerk, Sher idan Twp. Howard Wells, Twp. Justice of Peace, Scott Twp. I>oran Kruse, Twp. Treasurer, McClure Twp. - I QUR(&SS5)60th ANNIVERSARY HOT water BOTTLE r=^CTC TVftlll Economy. 2-qt. red rubber. Special- .88 GiFTS TO YOU! 12-PACK of DIAPERS when you buy any of the 100- I bifdSeye C°t,0n- SPeCii"-1 *59 60 TAB rnrr tab. size Rexall Vitamin ■ FILLER PAPER __ BOTTLE mCC specialties below at reg. price! ■ 55-sheet pack, 8" x 10W, 5-hole punch. __ •II MULTIPLE VITAMINS I IMS rftSPcB’JI...39 s'.sris.s- i98 I ffsasJEi^BSftjysssff....29 GERIATRIC BBSS PRICE SALE! K!f;r».S'»:r- 398 jElOTPERMANENTS^ New improved Pink Creme Lotion. nrt #C/Cr THERAPEUTIC vit/u!uns No pre'shampooing necessary. Reg. $2.00. f Rexall, high potency. /■ Q C H (| MNIL-Ml'l CARA NOME 1 Both 495 g fi ■ hand cream FREE (/tag#) BUFFERED ASPIRIN with any size or vunil* type of Rexall ” j fitlV * at regular price. (2-oz. Thru shown). 6 oz. 2.98 __ FREE (Resati) aspirin, 50’s with ... Sr vantacid t(S)BISMA-REX products at regular price. ■■■■■■■— (5 oz. size shown) GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES Adult or Infant. Giant jar of 36. Special FUNGI-REX Rexall Athlete’s Foot Powder. Reg. $1.38. Special 2*can pack. Rexall ASPIRIN Free Me 100 s slz. when you buy 300's at reg. price. Both ... ■■■— EYELO Free 59c 4-oz. size when you buy 8-oz. at reg. price. Both — SACCHARIN Free 69c 500 s size when you buy 1000’s at rag. price. Both Mi-31 Antiseptic ct Mouthwash. Rexall. 8 oz. Reg. 54c. MONACET APC TABLETS Rexall. 200's. Reg. $1.63.. RUBBING ALCOHOL Rexall. 8 OZ. bottle. Reg. 45c BIMMOSKm. g"«gll!^ - 2.69 dual-pack THERMOMETERS ] Fever thermometer In Its ; case, plus a spare... all in reusable Jflfl container. Choice of oral, rectal, or stubby thermometers. Accurate, easy to read. HEY KIPS! YOUR Si fj iI when Mom boys 11 (S)MELTAMINSJR. Chewable Multi-xitamins 5^9 for chlldron. 60’a J J Famous Cara Nome beauty aid. {% W Lanolln-rich hand cream, 8 oz. Sr Mf Reg. $1.75 V # tr Hand Lotion, 16 oz. Reg. $2 00- .... CARA NOME DEODORANTS Cream or Roll-on style. Reg. $1.00. Each__ ,OU BRITE SET HAIR SPRAY AO Save $1.00! Giant 15-oz. size. Reg. $1.98_.98 Rexall SHAMPOOS . ,n Rexall Castile or Brite shampoos. Reg. $1.69. ______ I ■ I 7 Rexall BABY TALC Fine quality, velvety talc. Lb. Reg. 89c._ .07 HAIR f EASTER BUNNIES DRYER SK,. ,99 With Hood, Percale suit Hose, Case Reg. Big Sleepy $15.95 Bunny. Only i 1288 n99 £ hg FShoulder strap -— — hand* VACUUM BOTTLE < 1Q Run-Resistant 10 oz- ReB- $l-79- ———— I • I v NYLON5 VAPORIZER , qq By Spunftx Reg. $9.95_7.99 Seamless " ^$1.49.,29 ALARM CLOCK 99Q now I Rex. Reg. $2.98-L.L3 Seamless Reegh$l 39,10 ^eX FILM Pack if J Reg. $1.39, jJ9 ^ ^ 62Q Reg __ STATIONERY HEAT PAD rQr PACKS ElKtrex. Reg. $7.95. ■ ■■■-■ w»W 39c ) X FACIAL TISSUES . nn| £ech eJeJ* Rexall, white, 200’S. 8 f*f — I .UU Choice of 3 styles. Plus Fed. Tax on Some Items. SPECIAL RECORD ALBUM OFFER! 2 High-Fidelity Long Play Rtcards — 24 ARTISTS j YOURS for just $2.00 { with proof of purchasa of any Rexalt _ brand product (Comparable to Afems I priced at $7.95) MAIL TOi Rexall Record Offer, I Box 1500, Spring Park, Mian. B I enclose $2.00 plus proof of purchase I of one Rexall brand product for each " record album ordered. Please sand I -albums. . I -STATS_ I or money order. No ■ferry. pltHt. ADow • ■ weeks for delivery. Tfcls offer Is not effective is say rrrleltitlne I LpnobibtUsjr. licensing, taxing or regulstlng suefe offers. Offer ends _ June 30. 1063. I DEYOY REXALL DRUG We Give S&H Green Stamps on all Purchases Phone 87 Robert T. Devoy, Pharmacist O'Neill Elmer C Allyn. Twp Justice of Peace, Cleveland Twp. 12:00 Noun. On motion the Hoard adjourned until 1:00 pm. O’Neill, Nebr. Jan. 31, 1963 1:00 P M Holt County Board <>f Supervi sors met as jier adjournment. All members present. Motion by Landreth, seconded by Flood, that at the request of City of O’Neill, that sjieed limit signs lie placed on the east and west road at north edge of O’ Neill and mad patrolled by City at all expense to City. Motion carried. 4:00 P. M On Motion Board adjourned until Feb. 18, 1963 at 10:00 A M Kenneth Waring COUNTY CLERK Clarence Ernst CHAIRMAN O'Neill, Nebr. Fel>. 16, 1963 10 KX) A. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read. Motion by McConnell, seconded by Davis that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the General Fund in payment of same. Mo tion carried Salaries 9047.29 Augustine Co., office sup plies 32.26 Bancroft Whitney Co., of fice supplies 22.00 Clark Bros., express char ges . 8.30 Edward Coday, mileage 3.68 Consumers Public Pow er District, electric ser vices 65.29 coasumcrs ruimc row er District, electric ser vice for county shed 2.00 A. B. Dick Products, of fice supplies 25.74 Harlan A. Dierking, sal ary . 36.32 O. E. Davidson, repairing services 3.00 H. R. Farrier, salary for precinct assessing 371.95 Joy Nixon, Dakota County Clerk, office supplies 3.41 Alice L. French, postage 13.68 Friden Agency, repairs on office machine 26.42 The Frontier, publishing fees . 53.46 Grahams "66” Service, supplies for courthouse 1.65 HaVnmond & Stephens Co., office supplies 61.93 Alvin H. Heese, service officer, postage & mile age . 13.20 Holt County Extension Service . 342.31 K. & M. Telephone Co., telephone service for county shed . 16.62 Lowell Pencil Co., Inc., office supplies. 24.58 Howard D. Manson, Clerk of District Court, post age . 12.00 Charles M. Mulford, sal ary for precinct assess ing . 100.00 Omer McClenahan, salary for precinct assessing 180.00 Norfolk Office Eqpt., of fice supplies . 113.65 Northwestern Bell Tele phone Co., telephone cort-ipoc fnr oAiinftr sheds . 25.15 Atkinson Graphic, office supplies & publishing fees . 33.55 C. C. H. Products Co., of fice supplies . 3.20 Ralph S. Cobum, salary for precinct assessing 80.00 Consumers Public Power Dist., electric bulbs _ 9.72 Frank Cronk, County Judge, postage . 10.00 Waldo E. Davis, mileage 9.04 Earl E. Dickau, salary for precinct assessing 80.00 Lyle P. Dierks, mileage 3.60 Dudleys, cleaning servi ces . 12.43 Clarence Ernst, mileage . 14.80 Charles R. Fox, County Assessor, office sup plies, postage & mile age . 39.07 J. R. Freeman Chemical Co., supplies for court house . 141.55 Marva Ann Fritson, Sec. Treas. of State Associ ation of County Clerks and Register of Deeds, assessment for legisla tive work . 5.00 William W. Griffin, Coun ty Attorney, postage ... 20.00 Esther Harris, Daily re port for county asses sors office . 11.00 E. V. Hickok, mileage . . 3.20 International Business Machine Co., repairing office machine . 21.25 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service for courthouse and annex 369.55 Monroe Co., equipment ' _________ PLANNING A WEDDING? ! PHONE 788 THE FRONTIER, FOR Invitations Thank You Cards Napkins our Prices ! Before you Buy | See Oar | Samples I Before ! YoQ I Choose The Frontier for annex & courthouse 127 50 James Mullen, mileage 44 20 Eli McConnell, mileage 27 20 News Priming Service, office supplies 142 24 Northwestern Bell Tele phone Co, telephone services for county of fices 234 98 O'Neill Photo Co . office supplies 5 50 Redfield and Co-, office supplies 9 92 Servall Towel & Linen Sulkily, towel & cabi net Service for court house 11.55 Leo S Tomjack, mileage 116 00 Leo S Tomjack, prisoner lioard 8130 Robert E. Tomlinson, sal ary for precinct assess ing 160.00 Western Auto Store, sup plies for courthouse 39 05 George Wettlaufer, salary 3.04 Lutheran Hospital, Blood test for alcohol content 12.50 Pitney Bowes, Inc., office supplies 18.00 Geo. C. Robertson Agen cy. tend fees 260.00 Walter A. Smith, mileage 27.36 Spelts lumber Co., sup plies for annex 2.50 Leo S. Tomjack, conven tion expenses . 72.00 Leo S. Tomjack, jailor fees . 43.50 Henry Weber, salary for precinct assessing 100.00 West Publishing Co., law' books for law library 464.00 Harlan Kubart, salary for precinct assessing 110.00 Alice L. French, mileage 38 83 Motion by Landreth, seconded by Smith, that the following Re solution lie adopted. Motion car _:_i * IV-U. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The County of Holt and State of Nebraska, is the holder of two liens, for old age assistance grants made to DeWitt A. Gunter and Hazel A. Gunter, and against their inter ests in the real estate described as Izit 11 in Block 15 of Pioneer Townsite Companys Addition to the Village of Ewing, Holt Coun ty. Nebraska, which said old age assistance liens are respectively recorded in Miscellaneous Re cord Book 43 at page 236, and at page 237, and, WHEREAS, the above describ ed property is not occupied by either of the owners thereof, and a sale thereof is contemplated and negotiated at the present time, and the owners thereof, have offered and agreed to pay to the County of Holt the new proceeds of sale of said premi ses, amounting in all to the sum of $3,886.55 in full payment, set tlement and satisfaction of the aforesaid old age assistance liens, and to obtain the release of said liens, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Sup ervisors of Holt County, Nebras ka having carefully considered the value of said property, the amount of said liens, and all de tails in connection with said of fer and finding that said proper ty is being sold for the full and fair value thereof, and that the proposed sum to be paid to the County of Holt for the discharge and release of said liens, able prospect of obtaining a greater sum for said property, or for the satisfaction of said liens, and that said offer should be ac pnnfnrl eoirl linnc rnlm cnrl IT IS THEREFORE RESOLV ED, by the Board of Supervisors, County of Holt and State of Ne braska, that the old age assis tance liens pertaining to Lot 11 in Block 15 of Pioneer Townsife Companys Addition to the Vil lage of Ewing, Holt County, Ne braska, which said liens are against DeWitt A. Gunter and Hazel A. Gunter and recorded in Miscellaneous Book 43 at pages 236 and 237 thereof, should be released and compromised and the County Treasurer of Holt County, Nebraska be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to' release said old age assis tance liens, upon receipt of the payment of the sum of $3,886.55. A roll call vote being taken on the passage and adoption of said Resolution, resulted as follows: Aye: Edw. N. Flood, M. V. Land reth, Waldo E. Davis, Harlan Dierking, Walter Smith and Eli McConnell. Nay: None. The motion for adoption for such resolution, having received the affirmative vote of the ma jority of the Supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska, the same was, by the Chairman, duly declared as passed and adopted. Motion by Flood, seconded by Dierking, that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Road Fund in payment of same. Motion car ried. Dale Adams, labor 319.70 Gary Anderson, repair services . 24.00 Bill Brewster, supplies 10168 Christens Garage, (tarts 3100 Coast to Const Store. parts 22 40 Continental Oil Co. sup plies 65 57 Construction Service Eqpt Q».. repair* & repairing services 252.61 Construe lion Serv ice Eqpt Co . repair* It repairing service* 7703 Dnnkert Service, »up(>lies 386 05 Earley Oil Qx, supplies 10 78 Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt , repairs & repairing eqpt 75066 First National Bank, ma chinery payment 52500 Finkbine Bros Cb , sup plies 773 First National Bank, ma chinery payment 6500 00 Fritzs Body Shop, repair service 10 00 Grahams "66" Service, supplies 74.33 A1 Holbrook, labor 200.00 Island Supply Welding Co., parts ’ 15 52 Paul Kaup. labor 201.55 Kennys Conoco Stations supplies 2.30 Melvin Lorenz, supplies 6.50 Missouri Valley Machin ery Co., repairs & re pairing eqpt. 525,08 C E. McVay, posts 16.20 O'Neill National Bank, machinery payment 6500.00 Raymond E. Robey, suim plies 34.49 Robertson Motor Co. parts 19.76 Service Center, supplies 35 00 Shaw Oil Co., supplies 18.29 American Gear Go., parts 1.99 Ed Brandt, lalior 200 00 Campbell Lumber Co, supplies 5.50 City of O'Neill, Water De partment 3.00 Consumers Public Power, electric service 3 33 Construction Service Egpt Co., repairs & repairing services 98.19 Construction Serv ice Eqpt Co., repairs & repairing eqpt. 72.56 O. E. Davidson, repairing services 40 00 Farmers Mutual Insur ance of Nebr., insur ance premium 39.13 LaVem Finley, labor 200.00 First National Bank, ma chinery payment 525.00 First National Bank, ma chinery payment 6500.00 Foree Tire & Supply, sup plies 10.22 Galyen Motor Co., Inc., supplies & repairs & repairing services 26.80 Island Supply Welding Co, parts . 7.00 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service for county sheds . 17.60 Wm. Krotter Co., supplies 5.S8 Missouri Valley Machin ery Co., parts 92.15 Motor Parts, Inc., parts 9175 Tony Mudloff, labor 200.00 Nelson-Brayton Co., sup plies . 226.17 O’Neill National Bank, machinery payment 525.00 Fred Roberts, labor 200.00 Calvin Seger, laoor . 340.75 Servall Towel and Linen Supply, towel & cabinet Service . 18.55 Shelhamer Oil & Eqpt. Co., parts . 25.71 South Side “66”, supplies 62.84 Standard Oil Co., sup -- plies 14263 Frank Tracy, lalxir 331 99 T & W Tire arxl llnttery Co, supplies 630 76 Western Auto Store, sup plies 16 76 Walter Repair*, repairs & repairing e»«it 15 17 Iv an 1* Way titan, lalxir 2*4.20 Wintermote Blacksmith mg and Welding, re pairs & repairing eijpt 36.75 South Side "66", supplies 109 46 Stuart Ijght I‘hint, elec tric service fur county shed 11.16 C W. Trobaugh, laUir 100 00 West loimlx-r 8s COal, supplies 9 68 Ronald Watson, machine lure 60 00 Gasper Winkler, gravel 47 00 12:00 Noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1 00 pm O'Neill, Netir Feb 16, 1963 1:00 P. M. Holt County Hoard ol Su|iervi sors met as jx-r adjournment All members present Motion by Davis, seconded by McConnell tiiat the following Claims l»» allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Bridge Fund in payment of same. Mo tion carried Joe Burda, lalxir 104 (10 Galyen Motor Co , Inc , Ford Pickup 1562 48 Eugene Holbrook, lalxir 100 oo Daniel Hurley, lalxir 200 00 Elgie Irish, lalxir 100 00 G F. Murphy, lalxir 35.00 Standard Oil. supplu s 120.03 Ernest Smith, lalxir 100.00 Wheeler Ijimtx-r Bridge and Supply Co , bridge lumlier 4800 00 CampU-U I Jim her Co., supplies 17.92 Gokie Service supplies 3 68 1.1_ li _I_ l_l. _ an *»n uwimi ivjr, Is!: i ml Supply Co., sup plies 577.84 Motor Parts, Inc., parts 6.96 McConnell Welding and Repair, repairs & re pairing service 40 89 Wheeler lumber Bridge & Supply Co., bridge supplies 9.52 Motion i>y Smith, seconded by Landreth that the following Claims Ik* allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Road Bridge Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Construction Service A Kqpt., parts 15.27 Force Tire and Supply, tires 178.34 Motor Parts, Inc., parts 17.71 Earley Oil Co., supplies 6.16 Floyd P. Gettert, labor 200.00 ShaJhamer Oil & Eqpt. Co., parts 15 86 Motion by Dierking, seconded bv Flood, that the following Claims lie allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Mail Route Fund in payment of same Delbert Anson, lalw 200.00 Wm. E. Kelley, labor 200 00 Motion by McConnell, seconded by Davis that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Medical Fund in payment of same. Mo tion carried. Aid to Disabled Fund 243 01 Blind Assistance Fund 96.0 Boone Co. Hospital 19.0 Lydia Brown 22.0 Dr George J. Carstens 37.5* DeVoy Drug . 44.0 Rosa Harding 10.0 Miller Funeral Home 7 50 FI train-tli Ncigmftnd 2 17 O'Neill I Tug Wt 50 Will l*n-»< «»U 9 90 Schulte I Tug 20 21 IT It J Smith .10 00 AI mn Trgeler 10 15 Roy Wllwn II 90 Atklle Wwmfttl 6 HO Atkinson (link- 47 00 Mat*el limes 100 I Town I 'mi; TJ H5 Emm* Canada)- 5 25 N Mm* Oupe* 1 (10 IT H D (llkk-raleeve 35 00 ha llopkma 4 7N Minu s I Tug 1150 Old Age Assistance Fund 51100 Physicians l-alwratnry 5 00 I .run Sargent 2 90 It It J Smith 45 Ml Dr Kennetti Stout 4 2k Wilson Drug 17 75 It* Wllaon A Water* 1C*50 Yellow- Cab I HO Motion t*y I -indn-th, aci-unded by Smith ttuit the following Claims la* a Unw ed and Warrant* onlered drawn on tin* Unemploy ment Relief Fund In payment of same Motion carried Administration Fund 1*00 00 Hill Hrewster H 52 Cmifala Market lo oo Home of the (rood Stiep hertl 5000 Kheltuimer Fisxls .75 00 Ruth Thurkm 29 Bt Higlin* 19130 Catholic Charities 100 00 Elmer* Market 29 72 IVlcer and Spence 10.00 Walter Snider 307 90 Motion h> F!<» *t. unit' d tiy Dunking that the following Claim In- allowed and Warrant onlered drawn on the Soldiers and Sailor* Relief Fund in pay ment of Mime Motion carried. Soldier* and Sailor* Re lief Fund 000.00 Multuti hv II Ki'mnitid hy I Meriting that tin* Liability In suranre on County Owned Vehl clea and Workmen* (2um penes* tion policy In- given to the kiw hid of Khonkn Insurance. Mo tion carried 4:00 P. M f>n motion the Board adjourned until Feb. 28. 1962 at 11:00 A M Kenneth Waring COUNTY CLERK Clarence Emit Phono Your Now* To The Frontier Phone 788 Paul Shierk INHI'RANCE AOKNfTY ONErtJ., NEBR limumnce of All Kind* DR. D. E. DAVID OPrOMETKIHT Complete Visual flare Contact lenwvi Hv Appointment l*hone *101 Hi ver, NehranS* COAT I Misses & Petite Sizes / J Plaids! Solids! Tones! / Cashmere Blends! /_ j __ 4j boucles, plaids, solids. Single and double breasted styles, interesting neckline and f; pocket details. Fashion-wise spring colors! j !0*-24*7,1455.1410.2419.J457 _