The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 21, 1963, Image 2

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    BILL KiCHAKDSON. Publisher
Terms ft SutmcrtpUon: In Nebraska, #2 50 yer
year; elsewhere in tlie United States. J3 per year,
rate abroad provided upon request. All subscrip
tions payable in advance.
Entered at the postoffice in O'Neill, Holt coun
ty. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under
the Act of Congress of Match 3, 1879. This news
paper is a memtier of the Nebraska Press Asso
•Jatlon, National Editorial Association and the Audit
iureau of Circulations
cJ&Ll Ia#c6t,3n
Ewing News
By Mrs. Harold Harris
The members of the American
Legion, Sanders Post No. 214,
were guests of the Auxiliary at
the 44'h birthday anniversary of
the I region Thursday evening
ft' when both groups met for the
regular meeting of the month.
The anniversary cake was baked
and decorated by Mrs. Jerry Ro
therham. Other hostesses were
Mrs. Frank Hawk, Mrs Robert
Kreitziger and Mrs. John Hawk.
Jerry Rotherham, commander
presided at the Legion business
meeting. Two topics of discussion
were on the future plans for the
Boy Scout Troop 281, Ewing, and
the Junior Legion Ball team pro
gram, both sponsored by the
w American Legion. One hundred
new folding chairs have been pur
chased by the Legion. A mem
bership ledger has also been
given to Leo Hawk adjutant for
record of the membership of the
post now over one hundred.
Boxes of used clothing have
been collected and prepared
ready to send to White Clay by
the Auxiliary. They also have
several pounds of carpet rags
ready to he sent where needed.
Mrs. Eula Eppenbach who has
been secretary for over four
years, resigned from the office
and Mrs. Jerry Rotherham was
appointed to fill the vacancy.
Mrs. Eppenbach was given a
vote of thanks for her faithful
Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle was ap
pointed chairman of the Ameri
^ can Legion Auxiliary program to
be presented by Unit 214 on Sat
urday, Mar. 30 over KBRX radio
station, O'Neill.
April, designated as Pan Amer
* ican month in the Auxiliary will
be observed at the next meeting.
Mrs. Frank Belmer will present
an article on the Pan American
Mrs. R. H. Shain, president,
presided at the session. Thirteen
members answered to roll call.
Mrs. Edna Lofquest was an
overnight guest Friday at the
home of Mrs. Fay Doty, O’Neill.
That evening the ladies went to
Atkinson where they heard Miss
Eyes Examined—Ulawtrs Fitted
Contact Lenses
Phone 107 — O'Neill, Nebr.
Hours 9-5—Mon. thru Saturday
Closed Wednesday
Adams, a missionary from Afri
ca, speak. Saturday afternoon
ihey attended a CYC service at
the Wesleyan Methodist church
in O'Neill.
The annual meeting of the Ew
ing Co-Op Creamery was held
Saturday at the creamery begin
ning at 2 p.m. with an attend
ance of about 70 persons. Sam
Kegan, president, presided at the
business meeting. John Walling,
manager, gave the following re
I>ort for the year: butter churn
ed, 633,688 pounds and the sale
of 27,510 pounds of butterfat;
124,934 dozen eggs and 9.434
pounds of poultry purchased. The
sale of feed products totalled
$79,946.69 and of vaccines and
sanitation products $4,442.54. The
total net earnings for the year
were $7,811.44.
Carol Summerer was re-elect
ed secretary. Other officials are
Mr. Regan, president; A. M Bee
laert vice-president, and William
Lofquest and Ludwig Tagel.
Guest speakers were Sam Le
wis, Fairbury, and William Ne
well of Grand Island, represent
ing the Super Sweet Feeds.
The seven employees of the
Ewing Co-Op served lunch at the
close of the session.
Winning door prizes were Le
wis Sobotka of Inman, first;
George Ruroede, second, and
Marcus Pierson, third, both of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis
had as their guests Sunday from
Valentine, his sister and brother
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin
Sedore and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord
drove to Clearwater Sunday eve
ning to visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Switzer.
Roland Hord went to Syracuse
Monday where he will accom
pany bis son, Duane Hord, on a
business trip to Illinois. At Gen
esco, 111. they will be guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and
Marie made a business trip to
Sioux City, la. Thursday.
Baptismal services were con
ducted for Thomas Lyle, the son
of Dr. and Mrs. Merton Dierks,
at St. Peter’s church Sunday.
Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Ron
ald Watters of Colby, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Watters
and daughter, Paula, of Colby,
Kan. were guests at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. Merton Dierks from
Saturday to Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo O’Malley,
Chambers, are the parents of a
son, Patrick Michael, born Sun
day, Mar. 17, weighing 8 lbs. 13
ounces, at the St. Anthony’s hos
pital, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Rotherham are the maternal
Guests arrived Sunday evening
at the Charles Regan home for
a surprise party on Mrs. Regan
who was celebrating a birthday
anniversary. Cards were played
for amusement. The self-invited
guests served cake and ice cream
for refreshments Present were
Mr. and Mrs. Rot*>rt Bartak and
family, Mr. ami Mrs. Ray Funk
and family. Mrs Laura Spittler
and Mrs. Bertha Archer
A slumber party was held Fri
day night at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Funk Friday eve
ning, the occasion to celebrate
the fourteenth birthday of their
daughter, Shirley. The girls en
joyed a variety of games and
other entertainment and refresh
ments which lasted until the wee
hours of the morning. Shirley re
ceived some nice gifts. Shirley's
birthday, which is March 19, the
same as her father’s, was cele
brated Friday ahead of the date
due to school activities on the *
Mrs. Frank Keller, who spent j
the weekend at the home of her
sbn and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. George Keller, left Monday
to return to her home at Herring
tun, S. D. She attended the Sci
ence Fair Saturday evening at
the Ewing public school.
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Alexand
er and family spent Sunday vis
iting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George White at
Pla inview.
i nr jwvifiK-v^ircirwtfiLT rumuut*
club was entertained Thursday
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gail Boies. All members
were present. High score winners
were Mr. and Mrs. Boies and
low went to Leonard Knapp and
Mrs. Roy Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Sojka and
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies were
Sunday afternoon guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Durward
Loughrey, Norfolk.
Mrs. Aubrey Wood who was a
patient at the Antelope Memorial
hospital for a week was able to
come home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brion re
turned to Lincoln Sunday after
spending the weekend with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs. R. S.
Mrs. R. S. Brion spent most of
last week at the bedside of Mrs.
Maud Brion, at St. Anthony’s hos
pital in O’Neill. Mrs. Maud Brion
was injured in a one car acci
dent several days ago. Her con
dition is reported to be improved.
Mrs. Earl Billings who spent
several days at the Antelope
Memorial hospital, Neligh, is now
back at her home in Ewing.
Sunday dinner and evening
guests at the H. R. Harris home
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ray
A party was held Tuesday after
school hours at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Mitteis, honoring
the eighth birthday of their son,
Jim. Guests were Lois and Floyd
Lehmann, Connie and Bobbie Tu
ray, Sue Burk, Darrell Cleveland,
Bruce and Marilyn Sedivy. In
door games were played for
amusement with Marilyn Sedivy
assisting Mrs. Mitteis. Opening
of all the gifts was a highlight of
the party. The birthday cake was
served as a part of the refresh
ments by Mrs. Mitteis.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs,
Mr. and Mrs. John Turay, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Yelli, Mr. and Mrs.
Mick Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs.
Dewayne Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs.
Dorrence Hobbs, all of Ewing,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs of
Omaha attended the funeral of
their grandmother, Mrs. Rose
Harding in O'Neill, held at the
Wesleyan Methodist church, on
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs and
Peter Roudybush attended the
funeral service Thursday of.her
mother, Mrs. Rose Harding, 87,
held at the Wesleyan Methodist
church in O'Neill.
A daughter was bom to Mr.
_rs w •smt Gk
... the hardtop that really looks like a convertible!
Come sample the liveliest
line-up of new V-8 horsepower
Who else but Ford—pioneer in V-8 performance
—would bring you 5 great new V-8 engines* all
at once! There's new V-8 “go" all through the
line! For instance, Thunderbird horsepower
goes up to 425 in the new '63% Super Torque
Ford! In Fairlane, there's a new V-8—271 hp! Or
come feel the fun in a V-8 Falcon—any Falcon!**
Add up our V-8's ... 11! That's right—11 V-8
choices for you! Nobody else comes close!
•Optkmal “Except Staboa Bus sad CM Views
Brand-new Falcon V-i Sprint Hardtop ... the car that 11 ppcAT
•tola the chow in the Monte Carlo Rallyel V-8 standardl 1 unc”
Robertson Motor Co. Inc.
Phone 33 O'Neill, Nebraska
and Mrs Clifford Steskal at the
Antelope Memorial hospital, Ne
ligh, Saturday, Mar. 16, weigh
ing six pounds and ten ounces.
She has been named Amy Mane.
The maternal grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs, Ew
ing, and the paternal grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs John Steskal.
Inman, formerly of Ewing.
Mr. ami Mrs. William Hobbs
went to Neligh Sunday to visit
their daughter, Mrs. Clifford
S eskal and daughter, Amy Ma
ne, at the Antelope Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolhvitt
entertained the following guests
at a dinner party Sunday, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Urban, Mr. and
Mrs. Ewald Spahn, Mrs. Robert
Pruden and family, and Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Bollwitt and family
who were afternoon guests.
Lynch News
By Mr*. Fred King
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Birmeier,
Joan and Vincent visited Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lis McDonald and Mr. Fred
Graham, Randolph, Nebr. They
were dinner and supper guests
there. Mrs. McDonald is a cou
sin of Mrs. Birmeier and Mr.
Graham is an uncle.
Mrs. George Soukjp, Pueblo,
Colo., came Thursday night for
a visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Courtney and Caro
The following first ten of the
Lynch Eagles basketball team
left Wednesday for Lincoln where
they attended the state basket
ball tournament. They accompan
ied Coach Ray Howard and As
sistant Coach Robert Ditman.
They spent Wednesday night at
Winside at the home of Mr. Dit
man’s parents. The following
boys attended, Ken Crooks, Ted
Zach, Jim Erlenbush, Monty
Pickering, Dwight Stewart, Virg
King, Leslie Holz, Fred Boelter
and Les Graham.
Mrs. Guy Norwood is visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Mills, Riverton, Wyo.
Mrs. Harry Mulhair has been a
patient at Norfolk hospital for
the past week.
Howard Wells underwent sur
gery at the Veteran’s hospital in
Omaha a couple weeks ago.
Micky Ray Stewart, youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ste
wart was a patient at the Lynch
hospital Wednesday and Thurs
The Junior Class of Lynch
High School is presenting a 3
act comedy entitled “The Little
Dog Lajghed” at the new School
Auditorium Friday, March 22 at
8 p.m.
Harmony Club Meets
The Harmony club met at the
home of Mrs. Albert Schindler
and Mrs. Dayton Seiler Thurs
day, March 14 at 2 p.m. with 15
members present. The lesson was
on “Kitchen Cabinets”.
Ecello Club Meets
The regular meeting of the
Excello Club was held Monday.
March 11 at 8 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. Ray Counts with 11 mem
bers present.
Highland Club Meets
The Highland club met at the
home of Mrs. Harold Micanek,
Thursday, March 14 at 2 p.m.
with the following members pre
sent, Mrs. Emil Micanek, Mrs.
Leslie Stewart, Miss Margaret
Stenger, Mrs. Frank Weeder,
Mrs. Frank Fisher, Mrs. Don Mc
Dowell, Mrs. Edward Streit, Mrs.
Harold Wickersham and Mrs. Lo
ri Micanek. Mrs. Wickersham
and Mrs. Lori Micanek presented
the lesson on “Kitchen Cabinets’’.
The American Legion Auxili
ary honored the Legion to a
birthday party March 18 at 8
p.m. at the Legion hall. A short
program was given and ranch
was served at the close of the
party by the Auxiliary. A short
meeting was held as this was the
regular meeting night.
WSCS Meets
The regular meeting of the
WSCS was held Friday, March
15 at 2 p.m. instead of on Thurs
day as the clubs meet on that
It was held at the home of
Mrs. Dayton Seiler with Mrs.
Leonard Havranek as co-hostess.
Due to the absence of the pres
ident, Mrs. Ronald Stewart, the
vice president, Mrs. Frank Mul
hair presided over the meeting.
Mrs. L. Cozine, treasurer, was
absent and there was no report.
The Secretary, Mrs. E. Rutledge,
read the minutes of the Last
meeting and gave roll call. A
discussion was held on work in
the basement of the church. Mrs.
Robert Conklin was in charge of
the devotions. The following
members were present. Mrs. Er
nest Darnell, Mrs. Frank Mul
hair, Mrs. E. Rutledge. Mrs. Neil
Bjomsen, Mrs. Frank Heiser,
I “ i
at your
Holt County
Texaco Dealers
Mrs Leonard Harr a nek, Mrs
Glen Stewart, Mrs. Alford Davy,
Mrs. L. Stewart.
Rural Progri-s%i\t* Club Meets
The regular meeting of the Ru
ral Progressive club was held
Thursday, March 14 at 8 p m. at
the Moody's cafe dining room
with Mrs. John Frink and Mrs
Bernard Webber as c» hostess
Mrs. Webber served due to the
absence of her daughter, Mrs.
Jack Tarr who was with her
husband in Sioux City, la. while
he was a patient at the hospital
there. Mrs. Elmo Barnes, presi
dent, gave a report on the Coun
ty Council Meeting The lesson
on "Kitchen Cabinets" was pre
sented by Mrs. William Havran
ek and Mrs. Charles Courtney.
"Whats in the Box?" was won
by Mrs. Clarence Kolund. Each
lady pays a penny for each
guess. It was a cheese slicer.
Mrs. Kolund will bung the gift
to be guessed at the next meet
Roll call was answered by each
member reciting a riddle.
Members present were Mrs L
Christensen, Mrs. Bernard Web
ber, Mrs. Elmo Barnes, Mrs.
wmiam navrancK, mis. uianrs
Courtney, Mrs. Glen Hull, Mrs
Neil Bjornsen, Mrs. L. Havranek
Mrs. P. Mulhair, Mrs. Vernon
Dalberg, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson
Mrs. Clarence Kolund. Mrs. Wal
lace Moffett, Mrs. Ray Long,
Mrs. Ed Rohde, Mrs. Eldon No
land and Mrs. John Frink.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. L. Chris
tensen with Mrs. George Court
ney sr. as co-hostess. Roll call
will be answered by “'An April
Fool Joke Played on Me”.
Mr. and Crs. Cap Haselhorst
are visiting their son, Capt. Del
bert Haselhorst and family in
Mrs. J. H. Birmeier left on
Sunday, March 17, for Chadron
where she will help care for her
daughter, Mrs. Robert Schom
mer and new baby son born
Mar. 16. The Schommers also
have another son, Michael.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Barnes
of Wayne spent the weekend at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo
Barnes and David.
Darrell Noland, youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Noland,
drank kerosene while they wire
visiting relatives in Fairfax on
Sunday and he was a patient at
the Burke hospital on Sunday
and Monday.
Altar Society Party
The Catholic Altar Society held
a card party Mar. 17 at 8 p.m.
in the basement of the Assump
tion BVM church. There were 12
tables. There were men and la
dies 1st and 2nd high prizes giv
en and also a door prize.
Sneak I toy
The Lynch High school seniors
left Feb 38 on “Sneak Day" for
Omaha with the {allowing span
sors. Mrs NeUe Nclsen. Mr
Leigh dill arid Mr Ray Howard.
They visited Joselyn Memorial,
Union Pacific Railroad Musejm,
Cinerama and the Sports Show
They returned h>me Sunday.
March 3. The seniors w 11 now
start work on their class play.
“The Green Valley” under the
direction of Mr Ray Howard t >
be given in April.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph N«»Jte sr ,
formerly of Lynch, observed
their 50th wedtlmg anniversary
Sunday March 3 at Genoa, Nebr
The four children of the Noltes’
were all present < Wilma. Tillie
Bea, Belva and Ralph jr.) Mr
and Mrs. Fred Spencer, best man
and ma.d of honor, were also
Those who attended the State
Basketball tournament from
Lynch besides the first ten and
coaches were, Supt Leigh Cull,
Mr David Anderson, Quentin
Pickering, Jerry Christensen,
and Bruce Miller.
Mr. and Mrs Don McDowell
and Susan spent the weekend in
Sioux City w-ith Mrs. McDowell's
Athletic Banquet
The Athletic Banquet will be
presented March 30 at 6 30 at the
new School Auditorium and will
be served by the Band Boosters
organization. The pep club is sell
ing tickets and they will be in
charge of the table waiters, dish
es and setting tables Plans are
being made to serve 300. This
will be the first Athletic Banquet
in Lynch where the public is in
vited. The tickets are $1.75 Bob
Gates, Freshman Football coach,
at the Lincoln University will be
the speaker. Awards will be pre
sented to the boys also at this
time. This should prove to be
the most outstanding activity of
the entire school year. A num
ber of tickets have already been
sold to out of town people
All School Dm Planned
All School Day is planned for
Friday. April 5, at the new acho •)
auditorium. There will be a pr
giam by the different rooms,
music department, etc . also a
The Hand and Chorus of the
Lynch High school, under Mi
David Anderson, band msuvut or,
plan to attend the “Three Rivers
Music Festival" March .*»> at At
kinson, starting at » a tn This
Is the first large local festival
of this type* and sIhhiLI prove to
be very helpful to all students
attending. There will be an hon
or band and chorus chosen from
the entire group and they will
present an evening performance.
Dorsey News
By .Mrs. Harold Ostium
Mr and Mrs. Clayton Bennett
and Donnie visited at the G <i
don Barta home on Friday eve
rung. Mr. and Mrs Buss Greene
visited at the Edward Carson
home Monday evening.
Mr ami Mrs. Fred Marshall
visited at the Gordon Barta home
on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs Leman Huber
were Tuesday evening supper
guests at the Harold Osborn
home. Mrs Huber arrived home
Monday from Sioux City when*
she had gone for minor surgery
and check-ups. She has to re
port back in a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka
were coffee guests at the Harold
Osborns Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn
were supjier guests at the Buss
Greene home Thursday evening
Robert Wells and Robert Wayne
were Thursday supper guests at
the Howard Slack home. He came
to visit his wife and boys as
Mrs. Wells is still slowly recov
ering from her recent illness
Mr and Mrs Hits* Green* and
Mr and Mr* Hamid Osborn vis
ited at the Gordon Barts home
Sunday evening Mr and Mrs
Otto It izk kit visited at Walter
Hostcksa Sunday sfternoon and
at the Tom Aider home tn the
ev- tung
Edward Csrsua was called to
his sister’s home Sunday mom
mg a* Carrie hud to lie taken
to Sacred Heart h*«spltal for care
Friends hope her a sjteedy re
Mr and Mrs Huger R”**n
krans inspected tlir new house in
the new liousmg area in O'Neill.
They are very much interested in
all die convenience* ns they plan
to remodel in the near future
Claude Pickering was a busi
iii -s* caller at the Huger Rosen
krans (tome on Saturday
Mr» Howard Well* arrived
home after being with her hus
band while he underwent sur
gery at the Veteran’s hospital,
Omaha. Nehr She expects to re
Bjrn this weekend to tie with
him again, as report* are he ha*
to have more surgery Friends
hope for him a sjwedy recovery.
Verdigre News
By Vw Kajiitu
A coffee was held Friday from
ii a m. until t pm sponsored by
the Verdigre Woman's club
$21<M) was realised and It
will be sent t > the Arthritis fund
The Seventh district of the
Farmers Union will hold their an
nun] meeting, March 21 at the
ZCBJ Hall, Verdigre The meet
mg will b< gm at H a m and con
tinue until the noon hour when
a covered dish dinner will be
served Election of officers will
be held in the afternoon.
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — It Pays I
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IAIII CAkl CHICK OUR iOW PRICI on your sizi If 1
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Get work-saving advantages for
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