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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1963)
Meek News By Mn» Fred lindberg The Safety club District 1 met Friday afternoon. Roll call was answered by naming a sign of spring. For the next meeting the pupils are to answer roll call by naming their favorite song. The 7th and 8th grades had entertain ment on Nebraska. The pupils and teacher, Twila Hicks from FRITZS Body Shop 24 Hr. Wrecker Service Complete Body Work Glass Cut & Installed - PHONE - 86 Day — 473 Night O’NEILL, NEBR. aotfc Dist. 27, also the pupils, teacher, Lela Risor, from Dist. 17 were present for the showing of the film strip of Nebraska Industry and Polio. The birthday party was also held following the en tertainment. The pupils having birthdays during the month of March were Marilyn Risor, Steve Hanson and Joyce Searles. The mothers of the pupils honored for birthdays and the teacher, Dor othy Gurran served refreshments to the crowd. About 70 were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Don McClellan were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Carl Krogh home. Dist. 1 have hired their teach ers for the coming year, Lucille Pinkerman has the older pupils and Lela Risor, the younger group. Dist. 27 have also hired their teacher back, Twila Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosen krans and boys, Pamona, Calif, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Waiters were Tuesday evening supper guests at the Roger Rosenkrans home, Dorsey, and Wednesday, Richard and Donna left for Cal ifornia. Mrs. Vernon Harding went to Chadron Friday to visit her daughter and family, Uie Bernard Deans and also get acquainted with her new grandson. Mr. Will Devall, Spencer, was a Sunday afternoon visitor at the home of his son, Elmer Devall. Tuesday evening supper guests at the Lawrence Rouse home were Mr. and Mrs. Garold Risor and Marilyn and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Risor and son. The oc casion marked Lelas and Law rence’s birthday anniversaries. The American Jr. Citizen club Dist. 27 met Mar. 13 at 1:30 p.m. Roll call was answered by wear ing something green. The pupils are to be divided into two groups and play tricks on each other. Wayne Rouse, news reporter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hallgrimson were Tuesday evening callers at the Carl Krogh home. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford and Pamela, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller, Harry Spall and child ren gathered at the Wilbur Mil ler home Sunday for dinner. The occasion marked Wilbur’s birth day. Duane Booth and Judy were Sunday afternoon callers at the Loyal Hull home. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and Nancy, Mr, and Mrs. Hen ry Walters, Allen Walters and Sam Robertson were dinner guests Friday at the Carl Hall grimson home. Wanda Hallgrimson was an ov ernight guest of Norma Walters Friday night and Diana George was a Saturday guest of Nor ma’s. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson were Tuesday callers at the Dave Jensen home. Mr. and Mrs. Garold Risor and Marilyn were Monday evening callers at the Austin Searles home. Judy Searles accompanied them home and was an overnight guest. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby were visitors at the Dave Jensen home Thursday night and Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Rouse and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaczor were Saturday evening supper guests at the Hobby home. Quick work and phones helped check a fire at 3:30 A. M. Sat urday on Highway 281 about 2* i miles south of Midway. A trave ler passing along, spread the word and firemen from O'Neill responded to the call and the grass fire along the road and in Joe Steins pasture was soon extinguished. The origin of the fire was undetermined. Seven families from the com munity attended the fellowship meeting at the Assembly of God church, O’Neill Thursday after noon and evening. The O’Neill church was host to the other churches located in the North Central District of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jensen were Saturday dinner guests at the Martha Johrrng home. The occasion marked Dave’s birthday Mrs. Mildred Lane, San Diego, Calif., called by phone Saturday evening to wish her father a happy birthday. The Dave Jen sens attended the funeral of Mrs. Myrtle McQuistan, Bristow, Monday and visited at the Jim Karel home Sunday p.m. They report Mrs. Jim Karel has not fully recovered from her recent attack of the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rouse and boys and Christine Johnson were callers Sunday p m. at the Bennie Johring home. The Rev. Turner plans to be present Sunday at Paddock Un ion church tor tne morning ser vice. Judy and Darla Searles were overnight guests of Pamela Crawford Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and family were Saturday night visitors at the Henry Walters home. The Young Adult class had their Class party at the Russell Woeppel home, Ewing, Friday evening. Emmet And Community Dolore* Tun end er Victory Homemakers club met at the home of Mrs. Joe Ramold jr. March 13 with Mrs. Ray Con way and Mrs. Joe Babl as co hostess. All members were pres ent. Roll call was answered with Something about St. Patrick. Mrs John Schaaf led group singing of "Dear Guardian of Mary”. Mrs. Ray Conway reading leader read "You were ever so young and glad to see you”. Mrs. Clark Gaughenbaugh won door prize. Mrs. A1 Havranek won Guess What. A White Ele phant Auction was held. Guests were Mrs. Cyril Peter, Mrs. Harold Parks, Mrs. Clark Gaughenbaugh, Mrs. George Ra mold and Mrs. Charles Boyle. The club will also donate $50 to each hospital, Atkinson and O’Neill. Mrs. A1 Havranek the Gold Bond chairman received some Gold Bond stamps. Mrs. Joe Babl and Mrs. Joe Ramold jr. received Mystery Sister gifts. The next meeting will be at tl>e home of Mrs. Joe Itamold sr. on April 16, Tuesday. Roll call will be a "Verse out of the Bible". Mrs. Edward Cavanaugh. Pam ela Kay and Mrs Joe Pongratz were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Agnes Heeb, O'Neill. Vicky Schaaf spent Friday ami Saturday at the home of her friend Itozy Rzeszotarski. Jean nie Forman also was a weekend guest at the home of the Elmer Schaaf family. Mrs. Walt Ries and Mrs. Jose phine Bruder, Atkinson, visited at the home of Mrs Ed Winkler Friday afternoon Mary Lewis visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler on Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs Leo Welchman and family, Stu art, on Friday. Mrs. Duane Pongratz, Dewey and Debbie went with Duane to the farm and spent the day on Thursday. Dewey and Debbie went Friday again while their mother went to Norfolk shopping with Mrs. El win Babl. Jeanette and Linda Babl stayed with their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Shorty Schmidt. Mrs John Bahl spent Friday evening at the home of her mo ther. Mrs. Agnes Heeb. O'Neill. Cathy l<ynn liabl also spent Tuesday at the home of tier grandparents, Mr and Mr*. John liabl. Bernard ami Dick Pongratz helped Joe and Duane Pongratz brand and dehorn calves Thurs day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pon gratz. Carlene and Berelda spent Friday in Norfolk. Circle 3 is having a card party at St. Michael’s Hall at the Church of Epiphany at Emmet Sunday. Mar. 24. Pinochle and pitch will lie played. Prizes will lie given and lunch will be serv ed. March 6 Mr and Mrs. Ray Tunender and Dolores were on a business trip to Yankton. In the evening they attended the accordion music recital given by Hewitt Music Company of Yank ton. Mrs Ed Winkler and Clara Steffen attended the Altar So ciety at Atkinson St. Joseph's while Mrs. Birmingham showed her Madonna pictures and also talked aliout them. Mr. and Mrs George Bahl were Friday guest* at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Art llol/ ami Susan. Mr. ami Mrs Ed Winkler and Mary Alice were Sunday *u|»per guest* at the home of Mr* Walt Ries amt lioys Mary ami Albert Timmerman. Atldraun. spent Saturday at tin home of their grandmother, Mr* Joe Ramold sr Mrs. Bernard Pongrat* receiv ed word this week that her bro ther. John tlrutsch would have lung surgery at the Veteran* hospital in Lincoln the last week in March Mr and Mrs. James llavranek jr , Mr ami Mrs Francis Hav- ! ranek and Anton Jirak, O'Neill, wen* Thursday supper guests at the home of Mr. ami Mrs Donald MarceUus am! family in lumor of Mrs Mareellus" birthilay. Mr. and Mrs Cyril Peter and family and Mr and Mr*. John Ramold, O’Neill, ami Mr ami Mrs. Ray Timmerman ami fam ily. Atkinson, visited at the home of Mrs Joe Ramold sr. and Hu bert Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Donald Mareellus and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kitchens ami family Alkinson Wednesday eve nlng. The Pleasant t iler's cluli ilftiry meeting was held Frltlay evening at the tk>me of Mr. anti Mr* A1 herl Henning Cnmn were J»tay* ed and lunrh was served, Mr* Joe Ramoid nr, anti Hu* Inrrt railed at the home erf Mr. and Mr*, Ray Tunemlrr and fam lly Thursday night In Imnor of time's birthday. Mr ami Mrs Ray Tunentler. Hob ami < iene Malted at the hom* of Mr ami Mr* Joe Rantokl Jr. ami family. O'Neill, Sunday eve nlng. Money To Loan! Property, Oir*. Truelui. Farm Equipment lluu’M'hold Personal HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company IX>W HATE* Buffalo Till-Planter Attachment I NOW Available for Most Popular Makes and Models of Listers SAVE TIME and LABOR BY MINIMUM TILLAGE Farmers can save up to $10.00 an acre on tillage costs, less time, labor and equipment it required. Yields have been at high or higher than any other method over a six year period. Can be used on both Irrigated and dryland corn, milo and soybeans. Easy conversion for both models of Allis-Chalmers, Cate, Dempster, Ferguson, Ford, Ford Dearborn, John Deere, International, MinneapolilMoline, and Oliver two and four-row mounted or pull-type listers. In ordering, please state two or four-row; alto make and model. RETAIL PRICI Some models will require the press wheel drive, such as die John Deere 300 aeries, Dempster, etc. The drive wheel and any special mounting bracket are priced extra. FOR LITERATURE AND DEALER’S NAME WRITS: FLEISHER MANUFACTURING, INC. P.O. Box 848 Columbus, Nebr. t . SEE Bankerslifeman — I Ernie Brinkman IV 4XKIVSJOV About a Hired Man Insurance Policy ■ANKim^^COMMNY on MoiNia. iowa There's "SOMETHING EXTRA" about owning an OLDSMOBILEI HANDSOME HONEY OF THE LOW-PRICE FIELD! OLDSMOBILE Exciting new blend of beauty and action . in the low-price fieldl Sparkling . . . spirited . . . spanking new! That’s the F-85 ... the beautifully practical way to move into an Oldsmobile! Big car ride! Small car maneuverability! Plus an aluminum V-8 that delivers up to 195 h.p.! See it . . . the low-priced, fun-to-drive F-85 ... at your Dealer’s now! It’s every inch an Oldsmobile! -SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER Spitzenberger Chevy-OldsCo. East Highway 20 O'NEILL, NEBRASKA Phone 625 LADIES’ SHOES DRESS UP and SPORT FLATS 3.98 4.98 6.98 TEEN SHOES HEELS and DRESS FLATS 1.98 2.98 3.98 4.98 MEN’S SHOES DRESS and SPORT OXFORDS - $9.95 to $13.95 Values NOW! 6.95 Complete Run of Sizes MEN’S WORK SHOES THE FAMOUS LOT 505 FRIEDMAN SHELBY BRAND NOW! 5.05 FREE Reddy Goose Comic Books For The Kids fY *4, , SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Specials Good Until March 30 New Spring Styles & Color Arriving Daily See The New White "Patina" — Easy To Care For Priced To Fit Everyone's Budget WESTERN BOOTS MEN'S - All Leather As Low As 14.95 Nationally Advertised Brands WELLINGTON BOOTS MEN'S - Black NOW! 9.95 SCHOOL SWEAT SHIRTS ST. MARY'S - Reg. $2.98 NOW! 1.49 . (tv CHILDREN'S SHOES a DRESS and PLAY 2.98 3.98 4.98 Large Selection of Western Boots for Children girls CANVAS OXFORDS For SCHOOL—"Red Ball Brand" Were $4.95 — School Colors NOW! 1.49 BUCKAROO JEANS ^ 13% Ounce — All Sizes — Were $3.98 2.98a KEY BIB OVERALLS 4 Blue or Stripe 349 ^ WORK JACKETS Blanket Lined Blue Denim 4.95 2 /P\ jtfk