The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 21, 1963, Section Two, Image 11

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    Clearwater News
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth John
son were called to Albion Thurs
day by the serious illness of Ken
neth's father, John Johnson, a
former resident. Mr. Johnson
was stricken while seated on the
davenport in his home about 10:15
Thursday morning. He had been
about his home us usual. He is
in an Albion hospital and his
right side is paralyzed, he has
not regained conciousness from
what has been termed a stroke.
He was depot agent here many
years before moving to Albion.
He was 70 years old in October.
Relatives here have received
word of the critical illness of
Mrs. Doyle Keller in a Grand
Island hospital. Mrs. Keller is in
her late thirties and is the mo
ther of three children, the young
est seven. She is a daughter-in
law of Mrs. Mae Pruden a for
mer resident.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Duben and
Daniel spent the weekend with
relatives here and near Neligh,
they and Mrs. Howard Luben
were Saturday dinner guests at
the Dewey Brittell home near
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schrage
entertained the YML club Mon
day evening, March 11. Four ta
bles of ten point pitch were
played. High scores went to Or
val Hankla and Mrs. Charles
Curtright. lows, to Mrs. Robert
Middleton and Wallace Twiss, Ro
bert Middleton received travel
ing. The group sang happy birth
day to your writer and a lovely
birthday cake baked by Mrs.
Ilcen Schmitz was presented.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale C'J-‘xight
and sons, Kearney, and Mrs.
Theresa Curtright, Neligh, visit
ed Sunday at the Charles Curt
right home. Evening guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twiss and
Richard, Mr and Mrs. Lyle Med
calf and family, Mrs. Ileen
Schmitz and Sally and Clarence
Ahlers. Richard Twiss showed
colored slides of their visit to
the World's Fair in Seattle, af
ter which cards were played.
Wm. Luben received word that
his sister, Mrs. Mane Vanden
burg, Memphis, Tenn., is in a
Memphis hospital. In her late
80 s she has been in failing health
for sometime.
Legionaires and wives were
guests Friday evening at the Le
gion hall to observe the 44th
birthday anniversary of the Le
gion. Forty guests were present
Pitch and Pinochle furnished the
entertainment for the evening.
In pinochle, high scores were
held by Floyd Neal and Mrs. Inez
Jaeke, lows Benny Prater and
Mrs. Harold Berringer. In pitch,
highs went to Fred Maben and
Mrs. Arthur Ahlers, lows to Mrs.
LaVern Allen and Arthur Ahlers.
Lunch was served by the Auxili
ary. Three birthday cakes were
presented, they were baked by
Mrs. Roy Stevens, Mrs. Benny
Prater and Mrs. Inez Jaeke. Mrs
John Rix decorated all three.
One was a flag, one bore the Le
gion post 267 letters and numer
als and one a large 44, the num
ber of years being observed.
Mrs. Roy Stevens was awaken
ed in the wee hours Friday morn
ing by the continous barking of
stray dogs. The dogs had chas
ed cattle and barked other nights,
but their continued disturbance
caused her to get up to investi
gate. She looked out of her front
window just in time to see a huge
ball of fire in the air and sparks
shooting from all side, after
Parade of Values
Keg. $1.50, Three Piece
Keg. $2.49, Silk Screen Decoration
URN PLANTER with stand . £37
Keg. $1.79. Easy-Squeeze Action
Keg. $2.95, Jumbo Size
Keg. 29c, Double-wall
12-oz. INSULATED MUGS . 19c
Keg. $4.45, Styrene Plastic
Keg. 19c, Sparkling Crystal
Keg. 39c, Cut Glass Pattern
Keg. 59e, ITnhreakable Plastic
70-oz. DECANTER .37c
Keg. $2.25, Crystal Glass
CHIP 'n DIP SET. ^49
Keg. $1.9$, Crystal Glass
3-pc. SALAD SET. J49
Keg. $1.29, Ironing Board
PAD and COVER. 7*5c
\ ** sp**y • ^ \
\ - ~ Wastebasket.»** \
\ n-q»- ** ,b aAc \
\ canot s ^ 77c \
\ - ■»?ar* BlOOSfS * 1
\ COTTON e 4 67 \
1 98. ^ - . * 1
1 rteA colors . \
1 -a4. Assort*® nrr 1
\ SHEW S«MS ,*, \
\ *es sl*«iT SET . \
\0,A .... ■>*<■« "> SbOI> _
\-Hrt»«3isjasE0® \
\ , nebr- \
W*rtoWS_____--- ^ "
which all was quiet. After a little
thought she went back to bed
and upon investigation the next
morning her calculations proved
right The dogs chased a coon
up a light pole by the side of the
road, and Mr Coon had come
down, lifeless, almost as fast as
he went up, after coming in con
tact with some high voltage wires
The dogs didn t wait to claim
their prey and it is likely they
have found a little less exciting
neighborhood to prowl.
Jess Yates Jr. us x patient n
the Veteran’s hospital in Grand
Island, entering IXiesday of last
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westerhoff
assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Siems, entertained their pitch
club Saturday night at the Wes
terhoff home. Four tables of ten
point pitch were played with high
scores going to Mrs. Avalt Sanne
and C. L. Twiss. Lows went to
Mrs. Claude Schrage and Walter
Westerhoff, Mrs. Sanne also re
ceived traveling. Lunch was serv
ed by the hostesses.
Floyd Miller received word Sat
urday of the death of his brother,
Harley Miller, Neligh. Harley suf
fered a heart attack on Thursday
and was taken to Antelope Mem
orial hospital where he died
about 1:00 p.m on Saturday.
Harley was a long time resident
of the Frenchtown community,
having grown to manhood on the
place now owned by his brother,
Floyd. He was 54 years old at the
time of death.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Snider will
hold open house Sunday after
noon at Concordia Lutheran
church parlors in observance of
their 25th wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Ocea Kirchner, Mrs. Lena
Michael and Mrs. Minnie Claas
sen were recent guests in the
Dwight Kirchner home in Sioux
Clearwater will have a full
time barber beginning Tuesday,
Mar lyth Howard Bradstre«t of
Orchard will operate Jack's bar
ber shop on the west side of
mam street. The shop will be
open on Wednesday and Satur
day evenings Jack Rutledge will
assist on Saturday evenings
friends here have just recent
ly learned of the death of O. K.
Wright, «y yrs. old of Browns
ville, Tex. The deceased is very
well remembered here by the old
er pc-ople of the community and
was always known as Ticky
Riverside News
By Mrs. Uooel Qatar
Mrs. Ora Switzer received word
that her sister, Ruby Butler, was
operated on in the Clarkson hos
pital in Omaha for gall stones,
Friday morning.
The Riverside Womens Mis
sionary society met Friday af j
ternoon with Mrs. A1 Anson, with
ten members and one visitor, i
Mrs. Alfred Doud present.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn
and Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Schmidt and Tommy, Mrs
Keith Biddlecome and Mr. and
Mrs. Lionel Gunter called on Mr.
and Mrs. Frank 9chmidt on their
60th wedding anniversary Monday
evening. Sandwiches, cookies
cake and coffee were served late
in the evening.
Candice Kirshmer was an ov-.
er night guest of Joan Miller
Mr and Mrs Oscar Wonder
check and family, Bassett, were
guests at the Grant Mott home
last Sunday afternoon
Ervin Pnbnow, Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Pnbnow and Lee ol Al
bion were dinner guests Wednes
day at the Earl Pierson borne.
Rev. and Mrs. Paul Andre and
family were dinner fcoests Sun
day at the Dave Pollock home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson vis
ited in Neligh Friday afternoon,
Mrs Pierson also called on Mrs.
Laura Schober.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs and
family came Wednesday evening
to the Dewitt Hoke home to at
tend funeral services for Robert’s
grandmother, Rosa Harding in
O'Neill Thursday afternoon, re
turning to their home in Omaha
Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs.
Dewitt Hoke also attended the
Mrs. Keith Biddiecome enter
tained the Jolly Workers club
Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Wilbur
Bennett and Mrs Wayne Shrader
were co-hostess. The ladies em
broderied pillow cases and quilt
block* for the hostess Mrs. Will
ie Shrader, president, presided at
the business meeting with ten la
dle* present They voted to send
a cash donation to the Children's
Home in Omaha and each mem
ber gave So cents. Each mem
ber is to bring something (or the
pantry shower (or Mr. and Mrs
Douglas Shrader, who were re
centiy married, to the April 11
meeting at the Kitty Fry home
Mrs Frances Tomjack, Mrs De
witt Hoke, Mr* Kitty Fry ami
Mrs. Lionel Gunter each received
a birthday gift from their mys
tery sister.
The Seek and Share club met
Wednesday afternoon at the
church annex Mrs. Wayne Shra
der served the lunch Mrs Leo
Miller was a visitor The ladies
made smocked sofa pillows
Mr and Mrs. Arlen Miller and
family visited the William Lof- ,
qaist family Tuesday evening.
Mrs Rol Hord visited Mrs
Keith Biddlecome Wednesday af
Mr and Mrs. William Lofquisl
and family visited at the Char
le* Kothetham home Friday eve
Mr and Mrs Amo* Switzer via
lied at the Ora Switzer home
Tburada y evening
Mr and Mrs Allred Napier and
(amity were guest* Sunday at
the Glen liarpaler home
Mr and Mr* Lyle Switzer.
Clearwater, and Mr and Mrs Li
onel Gunter visited Mr and Mrs
Dewitt Gunter in Norfolk last
Sunday afternoon
Mr. and Mr* Roger Bennett
and Curtis visited at the Wilbur
Bennett home Saturday
Mr and Mr* l»uve Pollock via
Ited tn Neligh last Monday
Mr and Mrs John Moehlen
huff and son, Jeff, ami the Vert
Gunter family, all of Creighton.
visited at the Lionel Gunter home
Wednesday evening
Steve Miller aprnt W.dneaday
night with Terry Lofqutal
Otto H«*tin? vtaited at the Z. M
Fry home Thursday
Linda Striker was an overnight
of llecky Miller l*at Moo
Mr and Mrs Willie Shrader
and David visited at the Lynn
Fry home Thursday evening
Mr and Mrs John Nanier and
family viaited at the Ed Wal
ters home in Chambera Wedne*
day evening
Ellen Miller was an overnight
guest Thursday of Sheila Fry,
TK« Frontier
James Davidson & Sons
Service Since 1901
Ih a | a a me Winter A Hummer
B® Ml Ml ■ ■ jf Air Conditioning
W#% Qu _ Oil - Coal
American Standard Plumbing Fixtures
Youngstown Kitchens
Sheet Metal Work
513 E. Doug Ian Phone 2M O’Neill, Nebr
Elkhorn Valley Hereford and Polled Hereford
Norfolk Livestock Sales Co. — Norfolk, Nebr.
MONDAY, MAR. 25 - Sale at 12 o'clock
representing 30 herd*
10 Young Proved Slrm — 40 (Vmilng lun year old Hull*
10 Itlg .Senior Oolveo — 15 Cholir Polled Ililllo
.55 Young row* with Oalvr* at aide and lleifer*
An opportunity to select high quality Hereford* and Polled Hero
fords with enough variation in age* At bloodline* to meet all need*.
Fur ('tttalof adilre**
Norfolk, Nebraska 47 4J»p
-the Exciting Money Came at Safeway! .T,; I Gn YOU»
HERE’S HOW YOU PLAY ... Get a "Spell Cash” Card each time you visit Safeway! _ " \ \ I \ \ SPELL CASH
Place card under running tap water to remove the ink spot and find the Mystery Letter - \ HVT; -" \ I - I \ \
... collect cards until you can spell C-A-S-H ... bring the cards to your Safeway store p 1 (V \j ^ \ \\ \ CARDS NOW
manager ... and you will be issued a check for $100.00! Nothing to buy or write! It’s \ . u \ \ at SAFEWAYI
that easy! You must be 18 years of age or more to play Spell Cash. (Disfigured cards are \
void.) (Game is closed to Safeway employees and members of their immediate families.) __ - - j | f \____—1
Shoulder (Boston) Butt cuts,
4 to 8-lb. average size
Beef Sirloin Steak aged for flavor... .Lb. 85c
Beef T-Bone Steak perfectly agwi .. .Lb. 99c
Swift's Sausage with luscious flavor .... .Pkg. 49<
Braunsch weiger 39c
Whole or Jellied, Ideal mat* with any meat!
i OeU<iousftW>‘es
l fa&cV te grown Hjl®
l ^ Wasbi»StonSt
\ tb* ” 29.
\ celery Heort*®*8^”” 29.
\ y,esh CaulHlower ssr
1 Bar-Hone Sgtad*
> 41ONIOt! .:..*ach
\ jvi&x*0™-***’. “X*9«
—with purchase of I £
10-ox. Package I £
Captain’s Choice, frosen E
Offer good thru March 23 p
—with purchase of
24-ox. NuMade or
1-qt. Miracle Whip
| Salad Dressing
S Offer good thru March 23
i3k***»*'Z '4HMHMKI
with purchase at
14b. Cm
| Hershey's Cocoa
a Offer good thro Marsh S3
—with purchase of 5-o«. Take
jg Offer good thru March 23
&&&&&&& ^
—With purchase of 25-eoiO ML
Offer good thru March 23
Ms^J right doum the Une...
Libby s Salmon vb- 79c
p £?S*L*£lsuPA 2/33e
ae with pineapple diatiUed v^egaT^
Quaker Oafs ao,
or <W* ItaU hot brciw4a ^ j
Clorox Bleach y33«
-.jt ■SSfS
-aSf 4tt 89c
li ,S^19c i ;i,S£=‘2'«85c
LStve 7c oo etch loaf porchased Grade A. £*nn-fre*n
SAMSONITE by duaiiton of LIFE... . a
Handi-Chair Religions of | Slze
«mlyM99the World Envelopes
' J&39*
Afl trie* wfjKtUt TW, Ft*. Ui, UmA U, li, 1«, h> O’Neill, Netar.
Spam, Treet, Prem
MEATS***lI Cans
Mazola Corn Oil
Ideal for all cooking and baking _
1-qt. Bottle OjF*
I NBC Snack Crackers
Onion Thine, Beeoo n|_MC
Thins, Potato and ^^B rHk«« M
Social Crackers...
Lucerne Ice Cream
Available in 13 delicious mamma
flavors... first quality ^^^m
%-gol. Carton # Y*
Charmin Tissue
4 roM Pkg. J
Sulvo Tablets
■ Pre-measured tablet detergent
I 46-oz. Box Jj1