The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 14, 1963, Image 6

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    ^ " —
Page News
By Mrs. Bob Mha
Four one act plays -will be pre
sented Friday evening at 7:30 at
the acliool auditorium, under the
direction of Allen Gross. The
first one is entitled “Eh?” a
comedy with Devon Kemper,
Rick Allen, John Crumly, Del
mont and Connie Sum
mers. Second play is Thursday
at Home, a farce with Caroline
Max, Connie Migsen, Bonnie
Hem, Juanita Ragland, Karen
(Harris. Diane Kemper, Peggy
Crumly, Suzie O'Brein and Rita
Lai son appearing.
“Keep it under Cover” is a
comedy and Jean Nissen, Bob
Tikalsky, Mike O’Brein, Koyvan
Ragland, Breiula Mudloff, Val
jean Parks and Marily Max are
the players. The last play is an
old fashioned melodrama entitl
ed "True Blue and Trusted”
with the following players, Linda
Thompson, Janet Anson, Roberta
Asher, Randy Shaw, Linda Al
foerts, Lyle Harvey, Mick Stewart
and James Crumly.
The American Legion Auxili
ary met Monday night at the
Legion Hall. It was announced
that the Legion's birthday sup
per will be held Sunday, March
24 at 6:30 All Legionnaires and
Beauty Shop
32.3 K. Douglas St. Phone 2B3
Complete Beauty Service
Slimlinor Reducing Machine
their wives and Auxiliary mem
her* and husbands are invited to
attend the pot luck supper with
the Auxiliary furnishing the meat.
A discussion was held on the
buying of new chairs, no defi
nite action was taken. The Legion
and Auxiliary county meeting
will be held Monday night at O’
Neill with the Page unit in
charge of the entertainment.
Mrs. Kennedy announced that
Peggy O’Brein was accepted fur
girl’s state.
Mrs. William Scheinost won the
special prize and hostesses were
Mmcs. Don Nissen, William Sor
ensen and George Wettlaufer.
Regular meeting of the WSCS
met Thursday morning at 10:30
folli/wed by a noon day dinner.
In the afternoon Mrs. Harold
Heins had the devotion and les
son on "Is Your Society Neces
sary". She was assisted by Mmes
Raymond Hciss, George Clasey
and John Steinberg. Mrs. Elmer
Trowbridge was the pianist. A
letter was received from the Om
aha City Mission thanking them
for the money that was sent. A
card was read from Mr. and Mrs
Edgar Stazffer who are vacation
ing in Arizona.
Sympathy cards were sent to
Mrs. Stella Russell, Mrs. Jennie
Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Teg
eler and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ter
rill. Cheer and get well cards
went to Norman 9altz, Mrs. Tony
Mudloff, Mrs. Elsie Naslund and
J. W Pinch.
March 21 meeting will be the
first of the all day meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy
ami Pat were Thursday night
callers at the Ray Harmon home.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Coover, Ne
ligh, Dennis Ickes, Lincoln, Di
ane Kemper and Mr. and Mrs.
-—— ,
Sore a Sorensen jr. and family
were Sunday dinner guesta of
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes After
noon callers were Mr. and Mrs
Dale Inness, Meadow Grove.
Chatter Sew club met Friday
with Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge. All
members but one present. The la
dies did their own handwork.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lydon, Ew
ing and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tio
shynski were Sunday callers at
the Hugh Troshynski home, Or
The lesson “Care of Hardwood
Floors" was given by Catherine
Inura at the Harry Harper home.
Those attending were Mrs. Nor
man Trowbridge from the East
Sale Kountry Kluo, Mrs. Dale
Matschullat and Mrs. Carl Max.
Golden Rule Extension club and
Mrs. Merwyn French sr. and
Mrs. Dan Troshynski, Page Ex
tension club. Lunch was served
by Mrs. Matschullat and Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
arrived ui Grand Island, Sunday
morning after an extended trip
to Calitornia. They were met by
their daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. A1 Anthony and fam
ily, Scotia, and were all dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Matschullat, Page. While on
their trip they visited their son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Matschullat in Ran Francisco.
They visited a daughter, Mrs
Mernon Chase and family at
Porterville and also stopped at
Orange to see Otto’s sister, and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Horstman. In San Diego they
were guests of their daughters,
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Stolier and
Mrs. Alice Clark and grand
children, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
.viooay anti Mr. ana Mrs. Don
Frank. They also stopped in to
see Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gallagher,
formerly of O’Neill. Enruate
home they again stopped at re
lauves and spent another week
with Wayne and family before re
turning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kelly took
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reed, Or
chard and Mrs. Leila Reed,
Brunswick, to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Reed, Stanton
Sunday for dinner. Afternoon
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Cyril
Hansen and family, Wayne.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart
called at the Curt Roberts home
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Grey en
tertained for Sunday dinner
Mrs. Nell Snyder and Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Sterns and Mrs. Icie
Snyder for dinner at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Grey in
honor of the John Grey’s 67th
wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frel and
family, Hershey, were Wednes
day and Thursday guests in the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Merwyn French sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gross and
family, Omaha, were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Gross. Sunday afternoon guests
were her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ervie Thomas, Grand Island.
Saturday night guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Ragland were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert,
Mr. and Mrs. George Clasey, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Freemeyer, Mr.
and Mrs. R. V. Crumly and Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Nissen. Cards
were played with winners being
high, Harold Freemeyer and
Mrs. Frank Beelaert and Bob
Nissen and Mrs. Freemeyer, low.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen, Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Asher, Mr. and
Mrs. George Wettlaufer, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Asher and Debbi, Mr.
and Mrs. William Sorensen, all
of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
club will serve lunch at Mrs.
Stracka, Atkinson, were all Sat
urday night supper guests of Mr
and Mrs Kenneth Asher, Atkin
son. Cards were played with win
ner being high, Mrs. Wettiaufer
and Bill durensen, low, Mrs. Don
Nissen and Jerry Asher, Alfred
Stracka won traveling.
Sunday afternoon and supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Har
mon were, Mrs Felix Hendricks
and Mr. and Mrs. William Aim
and JoAnn, all of O’Neill
King's Daughters met Tuesday
night at the Methodist church
with 16 members present. Mrs
Richard Trowbridge had the de
votion and lesson on allowances
for children. The senior tea was
discussed but no date set as yet
The Rev. Linder will present a
series of lessons on "The Dim
ension of Prayer. Hostesses were
Mmes Darrell Heiss and Rich
ard Heiss.
Help^U-club met Wednesday
with Mrs. Sidney Fajhaber be
ginning with a noon day dinner.
The 11 members present did
needlework for the hostess. The
Finch’s sale. The special prize
was won by Mr*. Finch
KNA held their annual family
supper Wednesday night at the
I OOF Hall with 60 people attend
ing The evening was spent in
Bid or Bye bridge club met
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs
Frank Cronk. Mrs Harold Kelly
was a guest. Mrs. Calvin Harvey
won high score honors.
Caroline Mas, Karen Harris and
Dick Linder accompanied Mr. A1
len Gross to Norfolk Tuesday
where Caroline will participate in
the American Legion’s oratorical
contest Dick and Karen placed
second and third respectively at
the contest held in Page
Those in the area were plea
santly surprised to see Alvin
Crumly and Kay Nissen singing
in the Wayne State Teacher’s
choir presented on Sunday on
KTIV. Alvin is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. T. Crumly and Kay
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Bob Nissen.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen and
Mrs. Frieda Asher visited Mr
and Mrs. Lorenz Fuelberth, Os
mood. Afternoon visitor was Ben
Rjelberth. Mrs. Asher and Mrs
Nissen are sisters of Ben and
Mr and Mrs Elmer Trow
bridge and Lori. Mr. and Mrs
Leslie Summers. Connie and Lar
a and Mrs A. 0. Weber were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Jerry Summers in hon
or of Juan Summers 7th birthday
The Page MYF met Sunday
night for a potluck supper with
the Ewing MYF as guests Juan
ita Ragland and Connie Nissen
had the lesson on “Teen age
Drinking'. A lively discussion
followed Next week Marilyn
Max and Roberta Asher will have
the lesson
Mr and Mr*. Bob Stevison and
family, Lincoln, are here for the
weekend to visit her parents, Mr
and Mrs Alton Braddock.
MYF held their pancake sup
j>er Friday night at the Metho
dist church with a large crowd
attending The young folks took
in over $80 Several of the mo
thers assisted.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr
and Mis Frank Bohn, Debit,
were Mr. and Mr* Frank Bee
laert and Becky, Mr and Mr*
Robert Prill and family. Mr. and
Mr*. Bob Beelaert and family.
Mr and Mr* A M Beelaert.
Orchard and Mr. and Mr* Fred
Prcllwitx and family, Kearney.
Mrs Lloyd Cork returned home
Saturday after undergoing sur
gery at Sioux City. She was ac
com pa rued by her daughter. Di
ane. home for the week Diane
returned to Sioux City with Mr
and Mr* Jerry Asher on Mon
day They were taking thru
daughter Alene to see a bone
specialist The little lady came
home with cast* on both leg* to
straighten her legs
Mr and Mrs Bud lekes and
family were 9unday dinner
guests of Mr anti Mrs Dale
Mr and Mrs Everett Copes
and Nancy, Ainsworth, were
Sunday callers ut the home of
his mother, Mrs Mae Copra
Tuesday night sup(>or guests of
Mr and Mrs. Frank H <
honor of Grandma Marie Bee
laert kind birthday, were, Mr.
and Mr* Jim Jarman and fam
liy. Chamber*. Mr and Mr*
Frank Dohn. Defeat, Mr and
Mr* A M lieelaert and family.
Orchard. Mr and Mr* Bob Hoe
laert and family and Mr and
Mra. Hob Prill and family.
The nominating committee of
the W8CS met Mom lay morning
at the homo of Mr* Ivan Heia*.
They were Mme* Merwyn
French tr , J W Finch, Marvin
Stauffer and Elmer Trowbridge.
Mr anti Mr*. John Walker,
Norfolk were Sunday vuutor* in
the C E Walker home,
Mr and Mr* Hoy llaynoa. Lin
coln. here over the weekend to
visit hig parent*. Mr and Mr*
Allan Hayne*.
Last weekentl guest* of Mr*.
Leona Finch anti Mr. ami Mr*
Junior Finch were Mr and Mra
Artiiur Sufftoool and *on*. Ver
digre, Mr. ami Mr* Gordon Gent
ler, Ttltlen and Mr. anti Mr*
Kenneth Tyler. Fremont, Mr*
Finch i* planning on the moving
to the place recently vacated by
the Jerry Summer* family
Brewed slowly, by a centuries-old natural process, beer ii
Nebraska's traditional beverage of moderation—light,
sparkling, delicious.
And naturally, the Brewing Industry is proud of the mil
lions of dollars it contributes to this state's economy
through wages, advertising, rentals, insurance, transpor
tation and utilities. Money made in Nebraska, spent in
Nebraska. In Nebraska, beer belongs, enjoy it.
J*r .
V in easy-care
/• Kodet*-cotton-nylon
< /
Frocks, as dainty and airy as the first
breath of spring. Dozens of enchanting styles
for big and little sisters.. .made exclusively
for us by a famous maker... in miracle Kodel
polyester-cotton-and-nylon blend—the fiber
that washes and tumble dries, comes out
tresh, wrinkle-free. Exquisite pastels:
lilac, blue, pink, lime, white.
1-3 4-6x 7-14
2.77 3.77 4.77
Because we have decided to quit farming we will offer the following described personal property to the highest bidder at
public auction at the farm LOCATED ... 1114 miles south of Ewing . . . OR ... 17 miles west of Neligh and 114 south . . .
OR . . . from Durre's station on Hwy 281, 2 miles south, 16 miles east and 514 miles south (Watch for Farm Sale Arrows) on —
■ Sale starts at 12:00 noon Lunch at sa|e by Christian Mothers
188 Head off Livestock
E 6 Bred Gilts to farrow soon
I 36 Steers in feed lot 3 Angus heifer calves 27 Pigs, average 100-lbs.
■ 5 Angus cows 4 A s , HAY AND GRAIN
I 7 Angus first calf heifers ° 9 Stacks of hay
I 1 Roan first calf heifer 1 Angus 2-year-old bull 2-°°° bushels of com
I . About 70 tons silage
1,200 ft. 6-in. heavy duty mainline 1,000 gal. diesel fuel tank 66 1 x% reducers
pipe Steel wheeled pipe wagon 66 Sfee, riser$
2,500 ft. 4-in. pull-type sprinkler line 66 No. 35 Rainbird sprinkler nozzles
220 Ford diesel motor 2 Telescoping sections 66 1x36 alomlnum
6-inch pump with 6 stages 66 Couplers Gear head
Well Cared for - Some Near New
1 1953 AC WD 45 Tractor, overhauled
last spring
1950 AC WD Tractor, overhauled last
1938 John Deere "G" Tractor, good
1948 John Deere "A" Tractor, good
1962 Ford 2-row corn picker, used
only one season
IHC 4-row corn planter
2 Blue fertilizer attachments for planter
John Deere 2-row corn planter
12-ft. John Deere fertilizer spreader,
on rubber, good
3-14 mounted A-C plow
2-row A-C cultivator for WD
4-row John Deere rotary hoe
40-ft. Owatonna elevator, good
24-ft. elevator
10-ft. tandem disc
12-ft. MM grain drill with grass seeder
attachment, good
7-ft. IHC trail mower, No. 9, good
7-ft. John Deere power mower, No. 5,
Heavy duty trail mower hitch for John
Deere G or A
Hay Sweep for A-C
24-ft. Hydraulic rake
Hay stacker and back stop
Cabling rack, heavy beams
John Deere N 145-bu. manure spread
er with bunk feeder attachment, like
new, to sell separately
125-bu. Blair feed wagon with stake
sides, new
100-bu. wagon with hoist
Wagon with pickup box
Knoedler burr mill
12-ft. grain auger, 4-in.
Humboldt loader
Snow scoop
Dozer blade
Char-lynn hydraulic pump
11 Feed bunks, 16-ft.
2 Stock tanks
Set 12-38 tractor chains
Cattle oiler
420-gal. fuel tank on stand
Some 55-gal. steel barrels
About 500-lbs. loose salt
10 Rolls corn cribbing
Pump jack
Cattle scratcher
Some cable
Some old iron
Small 8x10 building, like new
Some forks, scoops, miscellaneous
hand tools and other articles too
numerous to mention
I TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until settled for I
I Roy Kirwan, Ed Thorin, Chuck Mahony Auction Service, Butte and O'Neill I