.Mr*. Kldcn Ituttcrfleld announ ces the engagement of her daugh ter, Moma, to Michael Fletcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Flet cher. Miss Ituttcrfleld, a 1963 gradu ate of O’Neill high school, Is a student at Stewart's School of Hair Styling in Sioux City, la. Mr. Fletcher, also a 19113 grad uate of O'Neill high school, Is a student at the University of Ne braska in Lincoln. No dale has been set for the wedding. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: Mar. 5 James H. Harris, Spencer, Brandon Koun ovsky, O'Neill. 6 William Mul len, Emmet, Mrs. R. B. South, Inman, Bernelda Pongratz, O’ Neill, Bonnie llornback, Spencer. 7 George Van Every, William \V McIntosh, Mrs Ix*na Tom Jn< k and Mrs. Alfred Hamik, all ftf "fJ’NHlI. Allen Hargcru, Spen cer, John J. O'Connell, Emmet, ami Mrs. Evelyn Gcay, Page. H Mrs. Charles I’nstt Grimes, of Chamber*. Harley Buxton and Vernon Strong, O'Ncdi, ami Mrs Calvin Harvey, Page. 9 Sandy Schneider, Inman, Jim Laska and Mrs Maude Hrion, lx»th of O’ Neill, and Wllmer Crawford, Lynch l(b Jean Finley. Page, Mrs. Harry Spall, Mrs. George W. Squire and John Richter, all of O'Neill 11 Mrs. Bert DeGroff and Mrs. Gailen Weller, both of O’Neill. 12 Mrs. I>onaid McLain and Thomas J Ixmohoe, both of O'Neill, Kenneth Riha, Butte, and Michael Heck, Chambers. 13— Mrs. Harmon Grunke, O'Neill, and Mrs. Bill Eby, Neligh. DISMISSED: Mar. 6 — Earl Conklin, Spencer, Jess Wills, Em met, and Mrs Leo Mulhair, Lynch. 7 Bemelda Pongratz, O' Neill. K Brandon O. Kounovsky and Hugh Carr, both of O’Neill. 9 Timothy Klasna and Mrs. H. B. Black, Spencer, John J. O’ Connell. Emmet, and John Jeff rey, O'Neill. 10 William McIn tosh sr., O’Neill, Mrs. R. B. South, Inman, Paul Shelhamer and Mrs. Alfred Hamik, both of O’Neill. 11 Jean Finley, Page, George H. Mumm and Ilarley Buxton, both of O'Neill, and James H. Harris, Spencer. 12— Vernon Strong, Jack Richter, James Laska, all of O'Neill, Bon nie Hornback, Spencer, and Dan ny Schneider, Inman. EXPIRED: Mrs. Rose Harding and E. F. Petersen. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Mar. 5 — Steven Kenneth Hansen, Bassett and Mrs. Gene Couch, O’Neill. 7 — Calvin Allyn and Mrs. Martin Miksch, both of Stuart; Mrs. Jer ome Bejot, Long Pine. 9 — Fred Goebel, Stuart; Mrs. Harold Walker, Colleen Sue Sterns and - ain or shine coats... 10.99 • Blue skies—gray skies . . . our classic all weather coats are real charmers in their own right. This colorful tapestry tweed not only repels water gallantly, but is also treated to resist wrinkles and stains. Set in sleeves, slash pockets, fully lined. Sizes: 8/18 16 Yi to 24^i | O'Neill, Nebr. Kathryn Kin-era, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ku cera, has been chosen to repre sent Verdigre at Olrls State. She is sponsored by the local Amer ican I/eg ion Auxiliary. Kathry n Is a Junior at Verdigre Itigh school and Is a member of the student council. She Is also a cheer leader in the pep club. (Parole •ledlicka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jedlicka, is alternate. Mrs. Alfred Kazda, all of Atkin son. 10 — Dean Moore, Newport and Mrs. Ray Bly, Amelia. DISMISSED: Mar. 4 — Mrs. Margaret Claussen, Atkinson; Paul Johnson, Newport and Mrs. Don Engler and daughter, Stu- I art. 9 — Mrs. Eugene Upstill, Long Pine, tt — Mrs. Irene A. Mudloff, Page; Mrs. Vernon Rothchild and son, Atkinson. 7 — Merle Armstrong, Stuart; Mrs. Jack Passieux, O'Neill. 8 — Leo Slachetka, Stuart; Steven Ken neth Hansen, Bassett. 9 — Mrs. Gene Couch and son, O’Neill. 10 — Mrs. Harold Walker, Atkin son. SACRED HEART PRESENT: Mrs. Reuben Avoy, Mrs. Richard Friedrich, Ed Geottsch, Mrs. Frank Loock, Ro bert Bridge, John Hagberg, Will iam Lampman and John Schom mer, all of Spencer, Mrs. Mable Fittschhon, Scott Lewis, Mrs. Mary Weber, Mrs. Phoebe Bar to, Charles Krnzie, Mrs. Clara Hahn, John Tiefenthaler, Mrs. Helen Grainger, Mrs. Walter Sire, Herman Mohr, all of Butte. Floyd Kelly, Mrs. Bernice Ruff, 9wan Pearson, Hannah Sinclair, all of j Bristow, Mrs. Paul Neumiller, Naper, Mrs. Mammie O’Neill, O’ Neill, and Mrs. Josie Pershek, Lynch. DISMISSED : March 6 — Mrs. j Kenneth Rosengren, Baby Hollie Elsasser, Spencer, .Mrs. David Landholm, Bristow, 8 — Gary Slechta, Verdel. 9 — Elmer Lued ke, Spencer. 10 — Mrs. Christina Frasch, Fairfax. ST. ANTHONY’S DEGROFF—Mr. and Mrs. Bert DeGroff, O'Neill, daughter, 7 pounds 12*4 ounces, March 12. MCLAIN—Mr. and Mrs. Don ald McLain, O’Neill, son, 6 pounds 15*4 ounces, March 12. EBY—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eby, Neligh, daughter, 7 pounds 3Vz ounces, March 13. ATKINSON MEMORIAL COUCH — Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Eugene Couch, O’Neill, son, Bradley Eugene, 6 pounds 9 oun ces, Mar. 5. MIKSCH — Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Miksch, Stuart, son, Randy Lee, 7 pounds 6 ounces, Mar. 7. Johnson Drug Store Phone 118 O'Neill, Nebraska Pharmacist, Wm. Petsche DISCOUNT SALE FOR THE WEEK McKesson aspirin twins 5 gr. USP aspirin — Bottles of 100's 2 for 59c McKesson childrens aspirin for babies and children Pleasant flavored lime tablets 74c value Now only 49c Doctor Wests TOOTH BRUSHES Flexi tuft — Hard, medium & soft Regular price 89c Now two for 89c ROSEMARY SHAMPOO with Egg Large 1.00 value (pint) Now only 60c Eveready Special FLASH LIGHT with 2 batteries — Reg. 1.59 value Now only $1.19 QUALITY PLAYING CARDS for pitch, bridge, etc. Reg. 79c value Now only 53c RUBBING ALCOHOL Pint bottle — Reg. price 69c Now 39c COLGATE TOOTH PASTE Family size tube — Reg. price 83c Now only 72c GILLETTE SUPER BLUE BLADES Regular 1.00 size Now only 88c Desert Flower Hand & Body LOTION $2.00 size for only $1.00 Desert Flower Roll on DEODORANT Regular 1.00 size now Half Price Just 50c Desert Flower Hand & Body LOTION 1.00 size plus 1.00 size Roll on Desert Dri DEODORANT Both for just $1.00 CURAD PLASTIC BANDAGES 1 large assorted 69c 1 small regular 45c 1.14 value | Only 89c SACKED HEART JOHRING - Mr and Mrs Bennie Johring. O’Nwil, son. Mark Owen, 7 pounds !S ounces. Feb. 24, Mrs. Martha Johnng is tbe paternal grandmother and Mr. and Mrs Henry Walters are the maternal grandparents. ELSEWHERE CLAY — Mr and Mrs. Howard Clay, Spnngview. son, David Charles, 6 pounds 15 ounces. March 10 at the Ainsworth hos pital. Mrs. Clay is the former Sarah Anson, Orchard. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clay and Mr and Mrs. William Anson, Bassett. MILLER — Mr. and Mrs Jerry Miller, fcrchard, son, Troy Linus. 6 pounds, 12 ounces, March 10, at the Tilden hospital. DEANS — Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Deans, Chadron. son, Tho mas Vern, 6 p<-unds 34 ounces, Mar. 5. The couple also has two sons and two daughters at home The maternal grandmother is Mrs. Della Harding. NAPIER - Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Napier, Haysville, Kan., son, Mark Wayne, 8 pounds 10 oun ces, Mar. 10. Mr and Mrs. Ir vin Cloyd and Mr and Mrs. Web Napier, all of Ewing, are the grandparents O'Neill Locals Mr and Mrs Warren Seger and Mark, Annette and Danny. Gordon spent the weekend here visiting their respective jw-nts. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and Mr and Mrs. I). E. Seger. Mr and Mrs. Fred Wells and family, were Monday night sup per guests of Mr and Mrs, Reu ben Redlinger. Mrs Anna Wenke, Donna, Mar vin and Judy went to Platte, S D. where they visited Mrs Wenke’s mother, Mrs Claus Gehl sen who was stricken with a heart attack. A/2 class Russell D Wenke, son of Mrs. Anna Wenke, return ed to his duties at Castle Air Force Base, Calif., after spend ing his leave visiting relatives in O’Neill, Spencer and Platte, S D Russell was on special leave to attend the funeral of his cou sin, Beverly Anderson. Mr and Mrs. David Eby and family, Omaha, spent the week end with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Ray Eby and were Sunday ('inner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vemie Johnson, Neligh. Mr and Mrs Floyd Hershtaer and family and Mr and Mrs. Tf L. Harmon, Bassett were Sun day supper guest* of Mr. and Mr*. Ahrin Vorce Dr. and Mrs James Adamson and daughter Central City, were weekend guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs Emmett Crabb. Mrs.' Leon Thompson. Susan and David, Bloomfield, visited her sister. Sunday evening. Mr ami Mrs. Herbert Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs Fred Schtnck. Brunswick, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Switzer and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Dahl. Meadow Grose, were all Sunday dinner guests uf Mr. and Mrs C. H Switzer. Mrs. Sophie Nekuda, Omaha spent the weekend visiting her sons, Elmer and Leonard Jura cek. O'Neill. Mr and Mrs. Alvin Heese were Sunday callers of his mother, Mrs Ella Heese, Orchard Mrs Dean Anderson and child ren, Seattle, are here visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. El mer Juracek for two weeks Mrs. D L. Clauson tk her brother. Charles H Shaw. Friday to the Veteran’s hospital. Grand Island for medical care. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Buechler and family, Lincoln, and Mr and Mrs Cut Spath. Inman were Sun day dinner fueets ol Mr. and Mrs Amu Httir. HHtr-day dttiiK r gueala of Mrs' M..rtha Ross were Mr. and Mrs Cecil Miller, Bruce and Oliver Ross. . A Two largiou oowung learn* psi ticipaied ui tile bowling usirua rnent at Grand Island* Sunday Those attending with their wive* were Mr and Mrs Harold MU nar, Mr and Mrs Bud Krugman Mr and Mr*. LaVem Lorens, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Morrow. Mr and Mrs. Rudy Morrow. Mr and Mrs Junior Adamson. Mr and Mr*. l>«n Adamson. Mr and Mrs Arnott Buxton. Don Mc Kamy and Archie Bright Friends of St Mary’s held a card party at the Parish Hall Sunday evening. Parents of the fifth anti sixth were in charge of arrangement Mrs Nora Mullen was a winner at Pitch, Mrs. Tom Greene anti Mrs. Ira Moss, win ners at bridge; and Leon Sargent and Joe Pongrats, winner* at pi nochle. Mrs Harrison Bridge was hos tess Wednesday evening to the members of the 9FF Bridge club Dinner was served at the M & M cafe followed by playing of cards at her liomr Mrs, laiwrrtKv o'M alley fr turned Friday front the West , Vl-ynti -she vtailed Mr aud Mr ■ ''Tnflr IRilppry and faintly at PtKM'nia; Mr and Mr* James Goggms and family, Whit rr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jo*- O’Malley awl family. Concord, war Ran Fran cisco Mr*. Hagerty awl Mm. Goggtn* are her daughters Mr* Charlie Grimes. Cham bers, s|N*nt Monday in O'Neill Mr and Mrs Bill FrorUch and . daughter. Wich-.ta, visited In O' Neill from Friday (o Tuesday with relatives Mrs Tess Murray returned re cently from Fargo, N D where she spent some time with her daughter, Mr*. T<*m Watson, and family, Mrs I.eo O'Malley of Amelia was In O’Meill on Monday Mrs Frances Johnson, Hope Ida. is visiting her brother*. John and Owen Davidaon and families, Mr and Mrs John Davldsoo returned »inday from a month'* trip to California Mrs Matt Hynes and a»n, John, were in Omaha for the weekend Terry Hynes, who la stationed at Fort Riley. Kan. was also in Omaha. I SUNDAY. MAR. 19 A.M. TO 9 P.M. j At Spelts Lumber Company's j I FEATURING: Split Foyer Wall to Wall Carpeting Ceramic Tile Entrance Panel Walls All-Vinyl Floor Tile Birch Cabinets Three Bedrooms on upper level Spacious Dining Living Room Area Wrought Iron Grill Work Sliding Doors on Closets Forced-Air Heat Large Lower-Level Family Room Caroeted Stairs Mount Vernon Home Gracious Living For The ... _ View of the Modern Split Foyer Modern Family Built on a 75-foot Front Lot at the Corner of FIRST and DOVER O'Neill, Nebraska