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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1963)
Amelia News I«V M i<wi Flonvm I in6amj WSCS met at the church annex Wednesday afternoon. March 6. There were 12 members present. Mrs. I>>w Hackhaus was the pro gram leader and assisted by Mrs. Ernie Johnston and Mrs. Emma Lindsey read a skit on "United Effort Mrs. Clyde Widman was the hostess. The first lesson of the approved study "Dimensions of Prayer" will l>e held by the WSCS in the church annex from 2-4 p.m. Tues day. Mar. 19. The leader is Mrs. Alice Prewitt. Ail memlK-rs are urged to attend and visitors are welcome. This study will cover four consecutive Tuesdays. The regular monthly meeting will be with Mrs. Heinle Frahm on April 3. Mr. and Mrs Weston Whltwer and sons. O'Neill, visited at the Arthur Hiatt home Sunday. Mar 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear spent the evening Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mrs. Gertie Adair was a supper guest Tuesday evening with her brother anil sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hus Gilman. A few ladies met at the home of Mrs. Hlake Ott Friday to gath er material concerning the Merry Matrons club. This is the 25th anniversary of the club. Indies present were Mrs. Alice Prewitt, Mrs. Asa Watson, Mrs. Stella Sparks, Mrs. Edith Andersen, Mrs. Gertie Adair and Mrs. I^ee Gilman. There was an official board meeting at the Methodist church Wednesday evening. Keith Houghn was the speaker at the Methodist church Sunday morning. Mr. Houghn is a teacher ---| Dr. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined—Classes Fitted Cuntavt Lenses Phone 1«7 — O’Neill, Nebr. Hours 9-8—Mon. thru Saturday Closed Wednesday in the Chambers high school. Hugh Carr has been a patient in the O'Neill hospital for several flays with a chest congestion He was released Friday. Mrs Leona Gleed called on Mrs. Vem Sageser anti Mrs. May Sageser Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett at tended Sunday School at the Free Methodist church and then were dinner and afternoon guests with their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White. This was Mr Barnett's first visit from home since his recent illness and hospitalization. Mrs Undsey anil Florence were Sunday dinner and luncheon guests with Mrs Edith Andersen at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo re turned home the latter part of the week from a visit at Tyler, Tex. with their daughter and son in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Bob Kalb and family. They also visited rel atives in Columbia, Mo. and Omaha while away. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meyers. Richard, David and Janice, Bas sett, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs, Dale, Wayne and Diane, Rose, and Mrs Maude Forbes were Sunday guests at the Heinie Frahm home. Mrs. Forbes went home with her daughter, Mrs. Briggs, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees, the Stanley Thompson family, Bus Gilmans, William Fryrears and Dick Doolittles were among the Amelia folks shopping in Atkin son Saturday. Mrs. Rees received a letter from Mrs. Wayne Standage ex tending thanks to the Amelia folks for cards and letters re ceived for their 50th wedding an niversary. They did not hold open house due to Mrs. Standage’s pf>or health. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adair, Jerry, Diane, Jeanie and Robert Arthur, and Mrs. Gertie Adair were Mon day evening supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle. Mrs. Doolittle was observing her birth day anniversary. Allen and Dickie Adair spent Saturday with their grandmother, Mrs. Gertie Adair. Charlie Sigman received tele phone calls on his birthday from his daughters, Mrs. Audrey Car penter, and Mrs. Bob (Lois) Sawvel, and his son, Cleve. He was observing his 79th anniver sary. Mr and Mrs. George Yancick recently made a trip to Farm ington. 111. to visit his parents and other relatives. Sgt. Yancick was separated from the Air Force February 2ft after having served 20 years Mrs. Yancick is the former Norma Andersen, daughter of Mrs Edith Andersen Their plans for the future are not definite. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doolittle and hoys will soon lie moving to a ranch near Faith, S. D. Dick plans to go about April 1st and Mrs. Doolittle and boys will fol low at close of the school term. They sold their cattle on the At kinson Market Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Dick McConnell and family were Friday evening supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle. Dick had gotten some fish and took them along and Mrs. Doolittle fried them for supper. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge were Sunday dinner guests with the Arthur Hiatt family. Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson were Sunday evening visitors at I^ee Gilman's. Mr and Mrs. Charles Everett, Harley and Susan visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle and family Sunday evening. Dick Bogue, Atkinson, and Miss Lori Kaup, Stuart, and Donna Humphrey, Atkinson, were Sun day guests at the Art Doolittles. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Gilman, Mr. and Mrs Art Doolittle and Dale and Miss Donna Humphrey were guests Sunday evening at the Bob Adair home. Mrs. Adair and son, Jerry, were observing birthdays. Mrs. Adair brought a birthday cake to school Monday to treat Jerry’s school mates. It was his eighth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees at tended the Vequist sale near O’ Neill Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielsen, Rodney and Brad, Omaha, came Wednesday to visit her father, Clyde Burge and family. Mr. Nielsen returned to Omaha, but Mrs. Nielsen (Carol) and the boys expect to visit a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White vis tied Hylas Farmer at the O'Neill hospital Friday Mr Farrier wa* feeling much lietter and expected to be released from the hospital in about a week. His sister, who is a nurse, is helping care for him and expects to be with him after he comes home. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Barkhaus visited with Mr and Mrs Frank Pierce Sunday afternoon Deloit News By Mr* H. Umt Mr*. Fred Harpater was taken to the TUden hospital Thursday where she is a patient suffering with infection Mr ami Mrs. Otto Reimer and Echo Fisher of Neligh and Mn E L Sisson snd Mrs Mel vin Resin visited relatives in Al bion Sunday. Mr* Sisaon spent several days at the Reimer home in NeJigh. Otto brought her home on Wednesday Mr , and Mrs J. A I a ram. Jessie Angus. Mr and Mrs Don I arson and Mrs Henry Reimer attended the funeral for Mrs Otto Retke in Inman Tuesday. Mrs Joe Funk anti haby son came home from the Neligh hos pital Tuesday. Mrs Martin Van Quirt and Mrs Henry lleimer are attending sociology classes from the Uni versity <if Nebraska at O'Neill on .Saturday Mr and Mrs George Haddock of Kansas recently made a trip to Parts, France by jet They mm the nil raprnn# trip an a (Wire from thr atairdraa madl company they ! eprr amt Thirty five |»'< iplr enjoyed thr tour Mr* Hnddurk wan for mat ty Kim* Klahrr of Kwtng. Mr and Mr* llmry L*nga aaf Sam Vrrhunk were Sunday dtn ner Kurats at thr Kwald Spaha home. QUR(te«)60th ANNIVERSARY GIFTS TO YOU! when you buy any of the 100- r 60-TAB. [nFF tab. size Rexall Vitamin £ BOTTLE |IVlC specialties below at reg. price! a MULTIPLE VITAMINS Qg* I Rexall One Tablet Daily. 1QO 1 100's. Reg. $1.98. Both — l7U ■ GERIATRIC VITAMIhfs |j Q V Rexall formula with iron. F=1 ■ 100's. Reg. $3.98. Both— O j ^ 6 THERAPEUTIC VITAMIhfs ^3 r I Rexall, high potency. 1^1 K 100's. Reg. $4.95. Both— ^ B [EE (ftrxalt) BUFFERED ASPIRIN with any size or type of Rexall ‘{Hnll ‘ at regular price. — (2-oz. Thru shown). ■TTjB L£1 I 6 oz. ™ — FREE Cfosati) aspirin, so'* with - -T VANTACID (RoaU) BISMA-REX products ° (except 10c rolls) at regular price. | (5 oz. size shown) GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES QQ Adult or Infant. Giant jar of 36. Special- .G*J FUNGI-REX Rexall Athlete's Foot QQ Powder. Reg. $1.38. Special 2-can pack- .30 Rexall ASPIRIN Free 64c 100's Hie 1 CQ when you buy 300’s at reg. price. Both-I •«*» EYELO Free 59c 4-oz. sire QQ when you buy 8-oz. at rag. price. Both ———- *30 SACCHARIN Free 69c 500 s sire 110 when you buy 1000’s at reg. price. Both-«• 13 Mi-31 Antiseptic 3*1 Mouthwash. Rexall. 8 or. Reg. 54c. .00 MONACET APC TABLETS 1 29 RUBBING ALCOHOL 3g Rexall. 8 or. bottle. Reg. 45c-*03 KA/SSft'S5.!?.*_.26 .88 2.69 dual-pack THERMOMETERS Fever thermometer in Its case, plus a spare... all In reusable 0/1/1 container. Choice of oral, rectal, or stubby thermometers. Accurate, easy to read. HEY KIDS! YOUR PEES I " (S)MELTAMINSJR. Chewable Multt-xltamlns 350 for children. 60’s_J ^ M HOT WATER BOTTLE Economy. 2-qt. red rubber. Special.. ,88 12-PACK of DIAPERS - __ Fine quality birdseye cotton. Special__| ,59 FILLER PAPER 55-sheet pack, 8" x 1014'', 5-hole punch_ „ . | J TRANSISTOR BATTERIES -- 9-Volt for transistor radios. Card of 2...,39 69-oi. PLASTIC PITCHER __ Big family-size; colored tops. Special ..__.. ,29 PRICE SALE! JS% FAST PERMANENTS S=\ New improved Pink Creme Lotion. ffl/lr ^JJL-Ino pre-shampooing necessary. Reg. >2.00. § 1 [CARA NOME HAND CREAM Famous Cara Nome beauty aid. M%^ Lanolin-rlch hand cream, 8 oz. Me Mm Reg. $1.75 %M M If | Hand lotion, 16 oz. Reg. $2.00. CARA NOME DEODORANTS Cream or Roll-on style. Reg. $1.00. Each__#50 BRITE SET HAIR SPRAY no Save $1.00! Giant 15-oz. size. Reg. $1.98. —___ ,98 Rexall SHAMPOOS , Rexall Castile or Brite shampoos. Reg. $1.69_1,19 Rexall BABY TALC Fine quality, velvety talc. Lb. Reg. 89c._ ,07 BIIUIIIEC REX-RAY n Ml It EHJIUI WWI1HIW nDYED Glint standing OKI EK bunny. 36" tall. |99 With Hood, Pereala suit Hose, Casa Reg. Big Slaapy 315.95 Bunny. Only 1288 2^9 Shoulder strap - freeeshandt VACUUM BOTTLE - 1Q NewTuTResistenT W 0I- R*$- -- I e 13 N/LONS VAPORIZER , aa £” .9 ,2, ALARM CLOCK now I * Rex. Reg. $2.98-4.43 Seamless Re'g*\l 39 , • o R*x FILM Packet* qq Rag. $139. | |9 j20, 127, 620. Rag. $1.69. — .00 STATIONERY HEAT PAD c qr PACKS Electrex. Re*. $7.99. —_— w»3w in. 39c FACIAL TISSUES « nn focli «/ Wlr Rexali, white, 200’a. • Nr — I «UU Choice of 3 styles. Plus Fad. Tax oa Soma Items. SPECIAL RECORD ALBUM OFFER! 1 2 High-Fidelity laag Play Raearda —24 ARTISTS * YOURS for just $2.00 l with proof of purchase of aay RaaaR Z brand product (Comparable to ANoam I priced at $7.95) ■ MAIL TOi Rexali Record Offer, f Box 1900, Spring Park, Maa. ■ I enclose $2X0 plus proof of narthaoi I of on# Rexali brand product for each record album^ordorod. Please eaad | I - WM» I daw tuh, dMck or aamr ardor No ifinei. rim an., a ■ wwk. for doltrOTy. Tbt. atTrr 1. not UTK.H la XV JIM taTI»llw I “■*** r’*uUUn« <*» —j DEVOY REXALL DRUG We Give S&H Green Stamps on all Purchases Phone 87 Robert T. Devoy, Pharmacist O'Neill CHARGE MARCH JWI Reg. 69c! Guaranteed l*t Quality SEAMLESS NYLONS Pi *1 Gals! Buy your nylons now—save! New b«*ig«* in sixes 9 to 11. ® .. " NEW 30" LENGTH Poplin Jackets Priced for Value! 98 MISSES 8-18 The ever-popular poplin jacket with smart knit collar and pock ets. Gay print lining, pretty gold buttons. Green or beige. Girls' Kasha-Lined POPLIN JACKETS 798 L SIZES 3-6X Sizes 7-14 .... $3.98 Water- repellent cotton poplin is i<leai for sc land or play! Colors! ■ Petite & Misses Sizes j SPRING SKIRTS j J98 I Vour choice! Newest styles and fab- I rics. Bright, djirk and pastel colors! Misses’ 22 to 30, petites’ 20 to 26. | 65% Dacron"’ 35% Cotton f FASHION BLOUSES I 198 I I Sizes I ■ 30-38 j ^ i y j Dressy and tailored styles in I \ V I / / whlte iu,d P*-1^1 colors. Laun- I der beautifully, just drip-dry! I I Spectacular Values! J CAPRI pants I COTTON VERTICORO I IN MISSES SIZES la 18 l77 I ■ PR I ■ asst. I ™ COLORS I Galey & Lord Tarpoon P/aids ***** .po„ cotton pant, "‘*"v m : xl K' N<ios Made in America! OiRLS' 7-14 CAPRISI 1 57 I Wash “ 'N Wear Sturdy cotton twill slacks take I lotn of wear and tear. Band waist I *»«lc *lpper. Blue, black or rod’. I 1 \ \~y 1&/I Men's & Boys' Newest Styles! I A Boys’ Cotton Sport Shirts in sol- ^ jq I id colors and fancy patterns. Long- Hw 1 sleeve, spread collar style. 6-16. ■ 1 B Boys’ Cotton Knit Shirts with ■ short sleeves, embroidered emblem. 4 ,59 I Two styles, assorted colors. 8-16. Ji I C Men’s Cotton Sport Shirts, some gm ftg B blends in the group. Short sleeve B styles in many colors. Sixes S-M-L. 2 D Men’s Long Sleeve Sport Shlrtw^^00 I in solid colors and fancy prints. 9o 1 Cottons, rayons, blends. S-M-L-XL M 1 E Men’s Knit Shirts with short I sleeves. Some zip fronts, action ^ 70 1 sleeve styles. Sizes S-M-L. ■ 1 YowtCkM*! I REDUCED! I Mini-Cord I SPRING DRESS PANTS | i BOYS' SIZES . $2 Well tailored popular Ivy League styles. Wash ’n wear mini-cord in blue, black or lodea. Huge Assortment! Sizes for All! J SPRING FOOTWEAR Fabulous Buys of Girls’ straps, pumps, ties In black or white sizes 8 Vi to 3. Little boys’ black oxfords or slipoas in sizes 8 Vi to 3. Misses’ and teens’ flats in sizes 4Vi to 9. Many styles, colors! Straps! Pumps! Ties! Slip-ons! 1 STURDY COTTON DENIM TOTS' BOXER LONGIES vondorful value! Elas waist, 2 pockets. Navy faded blue. Sizes 2-4-6. ■■■■■■ — —— * BARGAIN! COTTON TERRY INFANT SNOOZER SETS pc. set includes top, dpburs and booties! urge size. Pastels! BIG BUYI COTTON FLANNELETTE DIAPERS oft and absorbent! Hem ned edges, 26 x 26” size. 2 in a package. -if