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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1963)
HILL RICHARDSON. Publisher BRUCE J. REHBERG, Editor Terms o? Hub*. npUon: In Nebraska. U 50 ^er year; elsewhere in the United States. 13 per year rate abroad provided upon request. Ail suhscrip tions payable in advance. Entered at the postoffice in O'Neill, Holt ooun ty, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. This news paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Asso •-iation, National Editorial Association and the Audil tureau of Circulations. NATIONALEDITORIAL t Atkinson News Mrs. William Coleman was a last Friday afternoon caller at the Alfred Kazda home. Paula Kersten, two pound daughter born on February 20 in Omaha to Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kersten, passed away last Thurs day, February 28 in an Omaha hospital. Mr and Mrs. Donald Wedige and family came last Saturday on business and to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wed lge and other relatives. Mrs. William Wefso spent last Wednesday in Long pine with her friend, Martha Kimball. Mrs. Mike Bonenberger took her mother, Mrs. Katherine John son to Wood Lake last Saturday where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Margaret Mulligan for a few days, Mrs. Bonenberger re turned to Atkinson Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Meurrens drove to Grand Island last Sat urday where Mr. Muerrens tran sacted business. Enroute home they visited with relatives in Central City. They returned to Atkinson Tuesday. . WE'RE HELPING THE 500 FUND All carton tops from Meadow Gold products turned in to your favorite grocery store during March and April will be redeemed for lc each for use in the 500 fund for the band's trip to Indianapolis Memorial Day. The offer applies to all Meadow Gold cartons except half-pint sizes. MEADOW GOLD DAIRY Bill Perry SPECIAL Fat Cattle & Stock Cattle SALE MONDAY. MAR. 11 Due to the storm last week a lot of cattle did not get In so next Monday will be a Double Header — We will have the Buyers for this sale — We know the Fat Cattle Market Is not good but we feel sure you can get more dollars right here at home — Let us know what you might have to sell — The top on Butchers last Monday was at $14.65 — The hog sale will start at 12:30 sharp — Charles Coolidge will sell his entire herd of Milk Cows next Mon day — They are all 5 and 6 years old and Bangs vaccinated — They are all Holstelns and 14 are to have calves right away — Some before Sale Day — Four are milking now — All bred to Hereford bulls—Plan to attend this outstanding sale next Monday. EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET Phone 19, 70W, 144J Terry, Larry and Max Wanser A Nationally Certified Market Allen and Steven, ions of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wedige, are spending a lew days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs George Wedige in Atkinson. Mrs. Harold Kirkland called on Mrs. Alfred Kazda Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Brice Braziet, Kent and Blaine, came Friday to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kazda. The Braziels returned to Lincoln Sunday. Mrs. Eva Thompson and son, Larry, Bassett, and Mr. and Mrs Lee Kramer drove to St. Paul Sunday where they were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Tenepier. They returned home Sunday night. Mrs. Thomp son and Larry continued on to Bassett on Monday morning. The Atkinson Civic Improve ment Garden club will meet March 11 for their first meeting of the new year at the home of the new president, Mrs. John Meurrcns. There will be a Round Table on "What’s New in The Spring Catalogues.’’ Roll call will be answered with, "My Favorite Bird.” and the hostess will have an arrangement displayed for judging. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schole and daughter, Gail came from Hoop er Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Juracek. Nine members of the Priscilla club met Thursday, February 28 at the home of Mrs. Roy Rich ardson. The afternoon was spent _: _ 11_. mu _ _4 _i meeting will be held on March 14 at the home of Mrs. Ronald Watson. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Fleming and grandson, Randy Fleming drove to Ainsworth March 1 on business. Mrs. Regina Conrad of Orange, Calif., arrived in Denver last Wednesday morning where she was met by her brother, Harold Claussen and they drove to At kinson to visit their mother, Mrs. Margaret Claussen who has been hospitalized in the Atkinson Memorial hospital. Harold return ed to Denver on Saturday but Mrs. Conrad will remain in At kinson with her mother for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parsons drove to Ewing Saturday where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parsons. They returned to Atkinson that evening. Circle Sarah members of the Methodist church drove to Stuart Sunday afternoon where they held a worship service for the elderly in the Rest home there. Rev. and Mrs. Milan Coleman accompanied the group. Mrs. Lou is Humphrey was in charge of the Worship service. After the service the Atkinson group vis ited many of the patients in their rooms. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. (Farmer) Withers left Saturday after spend ing a few days visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Funk and family. When they returned to Omaha they were accompanied by Char ley Withers who has spent the past few weeks in the Lance Wit her home in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Spence of Cedar Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Spence and family of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. James Os trander and children left Sunday after being with relatives and friends and attending the funeral of Roy Woodruff who passed away at the Veteran’s hospital in Grand Island on February 28. James Puckett and Vern Hic kok went to Wichita, Kan., last Thursday where they attended an Area meeting of the National Council of Presbyterian men. Al so attending that meeting were two former Atkinsonites, Rev. Kersting of Taos, N. M., former pastor of the Atkinson Presby terian church and Wayne Hic kok of Lexington, Nebr. Rev. LET YOURSELF Come drive the thrilling new ’63^ Super Torque Ford... the hardtop that really looks like a convertible... with horsepower that zooms up to a sizzling 425! Here’s the biggest news since the hardtop was invented. Our all-new Super Torque Ford! It has a sleek new slope to its roof line and a vinyl roof covering* to make It the closest thing to a convertible going! You can choose bucket seats . . . center console .. .four-speedfloor shift! Upfront, there's the liveliest new Thunderbird V-8 ever! See a|l our new Command Perform ance Cars . . . drive them all... now at your Ford Dealer’s. They’re sportacular! •opbon* Robertson Motor Co. Inc. Phone 33 O'Neill, Nebraska KersUng and Wayne Hxkok served as discussion leaders *t the meeting. Accompanying Jim and Vern to Wichita was Vernon Whited who visited relatives in Wichita. They returned home on Sunday. Mrs. Elmer Spence and Jeff went to Omaha last Thursday on business and to visit friends. Mrs. D Scott was hostess on March 4 to the first meeting of the new year of the Atkinson Iris Society. Sixteen members weathered the snow and slushy streets to spur the clubs enthu siasm into the new year's busi ness. The lesson. "What Every Iris Grower Should Know," was presented by Mrs. Roy Griffin. The groups officers for the year are, president, Mrs. D. F. Scott; vice president, Mrs. Howard Da vis; secretary, Mrs Mary Ellen wood and treasurer, Mrs. Lois Ries. The next regular meeting will be held on March 18 at the home of Mrs. Frank Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fleming were in Grand Island Sunday on business. Amelia News By Minn Florence Lindsey How can the weather change so quickly? Saturday was such a grand day and then when we awoke Sunday morning it had be gun snowing and by that evening wc uau awuii .i.v. — w of snow. However, there was a lot of good moisture in it amount ing to about .70. Mrs. Paul Andre was pleasant ly surprised Wednesday evening after the Prayer meeting service when members of their congre gation brought and served birth day cake and coffee. A Sunday School rally was held at the Free Methodist church Friday evening with Rev. Ivan Turner, Ringgold, in charge. He spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White. Prayer conference was held at the Amelia (Bethany) Free Meth odist church Saturday. Rev. Ivan Turner. Ringgold, was speaker at the 10 o’clock morning service. A basket dinner was served at noon with 41 people present. The afternoon speaker was Rev. Char les Phipps, Atkinson, State Sup erintendent of Wesleyan churches. There were about 50 in attend ance for this service. Clyde Burge, Robert, Joyce and Bruce were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Han sen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Maude Forbes was a din ner guest Sunday with Mrs. Lind sey and Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Weigle and Judy visited over the weekend with relatives at Red Cloud. Julie, Susie and Becky Black more, North Platte, stayed with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson from Saturday until Wednesday of last week while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blackmore, were in Chicago to attend a machinery show. Bob and two other employees were sent by the company by which they are employed to attend the show. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Robak and family, Homer, visited her bro ther and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sammons and family Satur day and Sunday. Amelia Progressive Club The Amelia Progressive club met Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 27 with Mrs. Vem Sageser. The meeting was called to order by reading the Club Creed and fol lowed by repeating the Lord’s Prayer. Roll call was answered with a sewing hint or question. Ten members were present. It was decided to make articles of clothing for the University Hos pital in Omaha and to do some sewing for the Atkinson Hospital. Mrs. Milton Clemens was ap pointed to find out what garments were most needed. Year books were filled out and names for J MACHINERY AND CATTLE AUCTION ■In order to settle the Estate of the late Henry Prokop, the under (signed offers at Public Auction at the farm, from Verdigre 5 mi. fewest, lVi mi. north, Vi ml. west; from Venns 9Vi ml. north, 7 jt ml. east, 1 Vi mi. north, Vi mi. west. I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1963 | 11:00 a.m. Lunch on Grounds LIVESTOCK 56 Head of extra choice Hereford steer and heifer calves. Weight about 450-lbs., green. MACHINERY and MISCELLANEOUS 1919 UTU MM LP gas tractor; 1946 UTU MM gas tractor ; 1950 ZA MM LP gas tractor; 1948 RTU MM gas tractor; 1944 RTU MM gas tractor with mounted mower; 1944 John Deere B gas tractor; 1959 MM Model L Uni. tractor with power steering, used 2 sea sons with corapicker; 1959 MM Model L Uni. tractor with com bine; S Farm Hand Fll loaders with hay baskets, manure and grapple forks, snow scoops; 3 Loaders, IHC, Horn, Duncan; 8 Jay hawks, 3 hydraulic (very good), 1 hydraulic, 1 mechanical; 24-ft auto, rake; Mower, New Idea, 10-ft. bar (like new); Hay basket on rubber; Undersiaag, auto guide hay wagon; Winch, center mounted, short stinger, fits John Deere A; 9 discs, 1 14-ft. MM, 1 MM 15-ft, 2 MM 12-ft, new, 2 Kelly Ryan, 15-ft; 3 Oneway*, 1 MM S-ft (very good), I MM 4-ft., 1 JD 4-ft; 2 MM grain drills, 1 new, 1 used, with grass seed attachments; 2 com planters, 1 MM 4-row, 1 901 2-row (new); 9 Cultivators, 4 MM 2-row, 1 IHC 2-row, 1 JD 2-row; MM No. 99 combine; MM windrower 12-ft.; 2 Rotary hoes; I listers, 1 901 4-row, 2 Case 2-row; Eli trow; Exes Flow fertffiaer spreader; 2 Elevators, 1 49-ft Kelly Ryan with motor, 1 24-ft Keykor with motor; 3 Wagons, 1 Electric Gear with hex, new, 1 Colby with flat bed, 1 Johaooao with 129 bu. steel box; Spreader MM (good); 2 Flews, 1 3 hsftsm 14-in. IHC, 1 901 3-bottom 14-in., 1 JD 2-bottom 14-in.; 2 Shelters model E 901; 2 90C Pull type corn pickers 2-row; Farm Hand weed spray er; 2 Sioux core cribs 1899 bu. (new); 4-sec. harrow; Clipper fanning mill; Grain blower; Stoves and Miscellaneous Items. TERMS: GASH. IRENE PROKOP, Executrix UNDER THE WILL OF HENRY PROKOP, OWNER Auctioneers: Rodloff Bros. Bank of Verdigre, Clerk new mystery sister* drawn. It wa* also voted to send a Chnat mas box to the children's ward of the University hospital again next year. A letter of thanks was ri-ad for the gifts sent the past Christmas Mrs. (Hyde VVidman presented the lesson on "sewing with wool" and Mrs Rees gave an interesting article on silver ware and displayed several old pieces The next meeting will lie with Florence Lindsey World Day of Prayer Eight members of the Amelia WSCS attended the World Day of Prayer service at the Cham tiers Methodist church Friday after noon. Those attending were Mrs Blake Ott, Mrs. Ralph Rees, Mrs Vern Sageser, Mrs May Sag eser, Mrs Ernest Johnston, Mrs Lew Backhaus, Mrs Clyde Wid man, Mrs. Asa W’atson and Mrs. Edith Andersen. Mrs. Maude Forties returned home Tuesday from Atkinson where she had been staying with her sister-in-law, Mrs Carrie Forbes Among those from this com munity attending the funeral of Lloyd deed Friday, Mar. 1 were Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser, Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mrs. Ralph Rees. Mrs. George Fullerton and her daughter, Mrs. Gene Skala and Kelly visited her sister, Mrs. Paul (Mary Loui Moore and family at Rapid City, S. D. last week. Mrs Gertie Adair returned home Friday from Washington, I). C. where she had been with her daughter, Mrs. George Fogle and family and Mrs. Ted Price onrl „- PI_ _ 1. _ a - '■ • • *vv. WIIV. UiOV > IJIHU another daughter, Mrs Bill (Joan) Schmitt and family, Coun cil Bluffs, la. enroute home. Mrs Heinie Frahm and fam ily and Mrs. Maude Forbes were in Atkinson Saturday. Patty Frahm had the cast removed from her arm which she had broken at Christmas time. A card was received from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leder, Atkinson, saying they were visiting their sons, Kenneth at Lompoc, Calif., and sons Arlen and Lee also in California. Mrs. Leder formerly operated the telephone switch board in Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos, Mrs. Maude Forbes, Patty and Sue Frahm visited the Lindseys Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Heinie Frahm, Patty, Karen Sue, Dannie, Doug las and Gregg and Pete Frahm visited over Saturday night with the Jerome Krutz family near Pilger. Mrs. Blake Ott was a business caller in Chambers Wednesday and also visited Mrs. Stella Sparks while there. nub is a copy oi part ot a let ter Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sageser received from their son, Floyd, who recently was sent to Ger many on active duty require ment. "I am a Captain in the Air Force Reserves. I had an oppor tunity to accompany an Aerial Medical evacuation team to Ger many to bring back a jet plane load of sick and injured service men and their dependents as a part of my annual 15-day active duty requirement. We flew Com mercial Aircraft to McGuire AFB, New Jersey, took an Air Force jet to Frankfurt, Germany and then returned non-stop via Air Force jet to McGuire. The trip over took 7 hours and 10 minutes, the trip back because of slight head winds took 8 hours. We were in Frankfurt and Wies baden. My main job was to pre pare newspaper and magazine articles and take pictures of the aerial evacuation operation." Floyd’s home is at Prairie Village, Kansas City, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolcott en tertained their card club Friday evening, Mar. 1. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Prewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everett. Mr. and Mrs. Everett were high score winners. Mrs. Emma Reed, of Page, brought her sister. Mrs Morris Kennedy to Amelia Wednesday They were dinner guests with Mr and Mrs Bemie Kennedy and later in the altemxsm visited at the Art Doolittle and Kdgar Pe terson homes Mr and Mrs Kdgar Peterson visited their sister-in law, Mrs Morris Kennedy at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Fsrl Stevens. Page. Saturday evening Mr* Kennedy * home t* at River aide. Calif Mr and Mri Vem Sageaer went to Atkmaon Tue*day to have dental work done Mr. and Mr* Tmxell Green and family railed no Mr ami Mr* S. C Barnett Satuniay eve ning. Rev Paul Andre wa» ralied to Inman Tueaday to conduct fun eral arrvirra for Mra Otto Retfc# Phon® Your N®wt to Th® Frontier Phon® 788 CHARGE IT at GAMBLES! O'Neill, Nebraska w 7}n CREPES! TWEEDS1 Fabulous Buys! Misses' laminated crepe coat* in blue or l*eige. Pockets and 3/4 sleeves have smart tab trim 3-button closing. Sizes 8 - 16. Everpopular wool tweed coats in neutral beige or gray go with everything! Interesting buttons, pocket detail. 8-18. 17' New Vinyl Suede f CASUAL TOPPER I Terrific Value! I ir Soft, luxurious vinyl I suede jacket tope all I your casual clothes! I Removable halfbelt, I full lining, covered I D. buttons. Fawn, hazel I BLACK! **"8 to “ j laminated coat ISo much style.' Missah* i„ l llnag. de,Joril0 cr^ “ita aJk r -g s. yy?