The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 07, 1963, Image 2
Chambers News Hy Mr*. E. K Oarpnater Katheryn Logernan observed her first birtiuiay anniversary Monday, Feb. 25 with a party which included the following friends and relatives, Mrs. Bob Loseke and Diane, Mrs. Byron Oltjenbaughn and Julie; Mrs Bob Bernhardt, Tracy and Kim; Mrs. Dan Rowse and Sue; Mrs. Den nis Werner and Debbie, Mrs. Earl David and Mrs. Lyle Wright. Mr. and Mrs Bill Logeman and Kathy drove to Norfolk Sun day to see Mrs. Lucille Elkins, who was recently dismissed from the Tilden hospital following an appendictomy. Mrs. Elkins is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char les Wright of Chambers and well known here. Mrs. Robert Lieswald, Lincoln, was here Thursday and Friday to visit her father, Hylas Farrier at St. Anthony’s hospital. Harold Farrier, Denver, has re turned home after spending sev eral days here with his father, Hylas Farrier. Mrs. Steve Shavlik, Heart fund chairman for Chambers, reports a total contribution of $89.50. A combination community sale was held Saturday p.m. at the Legion Hall in Chambers with Merlin Grossmcklaus, auctioneer, and Ralph Adams, clerk. Satis factory prices were received for most items, some of which were new. Mr and Mrs. Emerson Loseke and Charles Green were supper guests of Mrs. Ralph Blair and mother, Mrs Wiudden, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott and Cindy, O’Neill, spent Sunday in the Harry Scott home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hanna were dinner guests Sunday in the Vern Wilkinson home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott were supper guests in the Lyle Hanna home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott visit ed their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke, Ew ing, Friday. Kenneth Coolidge, student at a Lincoln business college, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge. Gary Holcomb, Lincoln, and Gail Holcomb, student at Kear ney State college spent the week end of Feb. 23-24 with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hol comb. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf For Real Savings ON USED PICKUPS OR TRUCKS Try One of These 1960 FORD V2 ton Pickup 8 cyl., wide box, 3 speed, clean and ready to go 1961 CHEVROLET V2 ton 6 cyl., 4 speed, wide box, new rubber and A-l condition 1952 INTERNATIONAL % ton 4 speed with stock rack 1953 STUOEBAKER 1 ton Stock rack, duals, ready to go 1950 CHEVROLET V2 ton 3 speed, priced right ROBERTSON MOTOR CO., INC. PtkoM S3 316 E. Fremont O’Neill, Nebr. ? I I returned Sunday from a 3 week visit with their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max Medea If and family, Shreveport, La. Enroute home they were ov ernight guests Saturday in the P. T. Avard home, Lincoln. Mr and Mrs. Jim Ringle and children, Omaha, came the last of the week to visit in the E. M. Jarman home. Mr. Ringle re turned to Omaha Saturday and Mrs. Ringle and the children re mained for a week. Here to attend the funeral of Lloyd Gleed Thursday p.m. were his daughters the Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Cooke, Sheffield la., Mr. and Mrs. Don Prill, Oakland and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blevins and and daughter, Lincoln, also a ne phew, Milton Grimes, Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grimes were Saturday evening callers in the Erwin Carpenter home. Mrs. A. A. Walter spent the past week and until Wednesday visiting relatives at Stanton and Pilger. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grimes came Monday from Ottumwa, la., where they had been visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Doctor and Mrs. Loren Coppac for several weeks, to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, Lloyd Gleed. The Grimes, who have been house guests in the G. H. Grimes home, plan to leave Tuesday for Lincoln and from there to Montrose, Colo., to visit their daughter, Mrs. Lela Conley and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fry, who have spent the past 5 months in Oregon and Idaho are expected home in Chambers the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Cashett were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Papke and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doolittle, Mr and Mrs. Ed Coday, Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ninham were guests in the Lee Gilman home Sunday evening where they enjoyed a card party. Chambers vacinity had a heavy wet snow measuring 7 to 8 inches Sunday and Sunday night. The report is that there was .67 in ches of moisture. Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford, Buffalo, Wyo., came Sunday for several days visit with the W. H. Crawford family. Mr. Crawford is an uncle of W. H. Crawford, Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wintermote and girls drove to Columbus Sat urday evening and visited until Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thorin. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Cashett i. ~~ ■were Sunday dinner guests in the Glen Taylor home. There will be Lenten Services at St. Paul's Lutheran church at 8 p.m. Thursday evening and Holy Communion Sunday a m. Mr. and Mrs Roy Backhaus, Mrs. Kenneth Backhaus and Mr and Mrs. Merlin Grossmcklaus were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Cora Thomson. Mr and Mrs Willard Thomson and family and Mr. and Mrs Dale Adams spent &inday eve Sunshlne Girls 4-H Club Sunshine Girls met at the home of Cheryl Damme Feb. 23. The meeting was called to order by the vice president, Cheryl Dam me. Six members answered roll call by naming a cleaning tool. ‘‘America”, "Home on the Range” and ‘‘Jacob’s Ladder” was sung for our song period Our lesson was on dust cloths and containers. Our next meeting will be March 9 at the home of Sher ry Lines. Linda Rae Walter, reporter World Day Of Prayer World Day of Prayer was ob served Friday at the Chambers Methodist church. Sixty ladies from the Chambers, Amelia and Bethany communities were pre sent. A program worship leaflet prepared by Methodist Women of Korea was used for the service which was in charge of Mrs. Steve Shavlik. Vocal numbers were given by Mrs. Bernard Hoffman and Mrs. Harlan Lar son, with Mrs. Elwyn Robertson pianist. Mrs. T. E. Aiderson, Mrs. Gaius Wintermote, Mrs. Ed ith Anderson and Mrs. E. R. Car penter gave appropriate readings. The Rev. Hess gave a short talk on "Prayer”. An offering was taken for Mission work. A lunch of sandwiches, cookies and coffee was served the group in the basement following the service. Inman News By Mrs. James McMahan Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Clark and Nancy and Mrs. Frances May and Jean Anne spent Tues day evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl A Stevens, Page. Pre Lenten services are being held each Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the Methodist church with Rev. Robert Linder in charge. The book of Mark is being view ed. Boy Scout troop 283 enjoyed a skating party Tuesday evening. The troop was accompanied by SEE US For Free Ride to the Harvester Machinery Fair WEDNESDAY, MAR. 13 at Grand Island SHELHAMER EQUIP. CO. O'Neill, Nebraska Patrol leader Horrace Stales On Thursday evening Mrs. Helmer Widtfeldt, Mrs. Harvey Tomp kins and Mrs. Mick Gallagher attended a District Scout leaders round table at the Presbyterian church, O'Neill. Monday, Feb. 24 supper guests of Mr. and Mrs Clark Gaughen baugh, O’Neill, were Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Gaughenbaugh and Carol Ann and Patty Mor row, Inman. Mr and Mrs Floyd Brainer and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gauh enbaugh and Carol Ann, O’Neill were supper and evening visitors of the Woodrow Gaughenbaugh family on Wednesday, Febr. 27. Thursday, February 28 callers of the Woodrow Gaughenbaughs were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jonas, O’Neill. Friday evening Mr and Mrs. Woodrow Gaughenbaugh and Car ol Ann and Patty Morrow motor ed to Fremont, Nebr , where they were overnight guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gaughenbaugh. Saturday morn ing the group continued on to Lincoln where they were guests at an open house at the Lincoln School of Commerce. Saturday evening was spent at the Warren Winther home in Omaha. Sun , day the Misses Carol Ann and Patty were guesu of the War ren Winthm uud Mr and Mrs Gaughenbaugh were guests of Mrs Gaughenbaugh'* brother and family, the Bill Dickey's. Sunday evening the group stopped at Fre mont tor supper with the Irvin Gaughenbaugh family and then motored on to Inman. Mrs. Frances May and Jean Anne visited .Mr and Mrs John M. Gallagher, O’Neill, Saturday evening. Emmet And Community Dolores Tusesdcr Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs Agnes Heeb, O' Neill. were Mr. and Mrs John flabl sr, Lionel and Iaiann and Amie Halil. Clearwater. Mrs Joe Pongratz, Mrs Edw Cavanaugh, Mrs John Edwin Babl, Colleen. Curtis and Catherine, Mrs John Babl baked the birthday cake The dinner gathering was in hon or of Mrs Edward Cavanaugh's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard IXisalko and family were last Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mm. Frank Peter and George. O'Neill. Mr* Ray Tunender and Mo lure* were to Yankton Tuesday where they went on a business trip. Fmily 1 MsaUco spent the week end in O'Neill with her Inerul. Donna McGinn. Mm Joe Winkler was Tuesday and Wednesday guest at the home of Mrs 14*0 Welchman ami family, Stuart. Mr. and Mrs Ray Tunemler s|M-nt Saturday night visiting Mrs Joe Kamold sr. Mr. ami Mm. Bernard Pon grate attended the old time dance at St. Mary s Hall last Sunday at O'Neill. Mm. Kd Winkler ami Clara Steffen visited at the home of Mrs. Joe Bruder ami Mrs Walt Hies. Atkinson, Friday afternoon Mrs. Dan Traahynski spent Tuesday with Mrs Joe Pongrate Mrs Duane Pongrate, Dewey and Debbie also came with Duane to the farm and spent the day Delores Pettinger culled after school. Mr. and Mrs D. E. Marcellos and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Mar cellus, Stuart, spent Friday after noon at the home of Mr and Mrs Donald Marcellus and girls. Mr and Mrs. Iaxns Havranek and Iain? were Sunday dlnnar guests at the home of Mr ami Mr* At Havranek Mr* BUI Tlelke. Bdly and Bec ky called at the Inline of Mra. Donald Marcellua Wednesday af ternoon Sewing Oaaa of the Pleasant I Hers met at tlie Isnne of Mra. Albert Henning Friday aftemoun. All were present but one Cookies and Kuol Aid were served Kllen Froat was a Sunday guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Kay Tummler ami family Mr and Mr* lull Mullen and ’Dm visited at the home of Mr and Mr* Al Havranek Friday evening Mrs Agnes Ileeto und Mrs Joe Ptmgratz called on Mr ami Mrs, iHiam-, Dewey and Deto l»ie Sunday afternoon and Mr anil Mrs Peterson and family also called Victory Homemakers Club will meet at tlie liome of Mrs Joe Kamuld Jr Wettnesduy, Mar 13. Pleasant 4-Her's club will meet at Pleasant View School on Sun day, Mar 10 with Vernon Sle beri and Keith Shelltuise families as I Mists. Mrs Dan Troahyriaki, Page, visited at the home of Mrs. Ber nard Pi mgr at/ Friday afternoon. TRV IT FOR SIZE... UV IT FOR VALUE! Just put an Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 on the road and New style to delight you I Rocket action to excite you I watch it win you over! Graceful lines . . . elegant appointments . . . full-size comfort . . . 280-h.p. Rocket V-8 performance. And with all that, —■ Dynamic 88 is Oldsmobile’s lowest-priced full-size - _ . ^ aeries . . . smartest buy in the medium-price field! I 1 L. I 1 S'i f 1 E3 | L There's ",Something Extra" about owning an OLDSMOBILEI -SH YOUR local authorized oldsmobile ouauty dealer-—_ Spitzenberger Chevy-Olds Co. fast Highway 20 O'Neill, Nebraska Phone 623 O'NEILL NEBRASKA AS A NEW DISTRIBUTOR OF HIGHEST QUALITY DX PETROLEUM PRODUCTS IN O'NEILL AND SURROUNDING AREAS SELLING THE COMPLETE LINE OF FEATURING DX RANCH LUBRICANTS — THE tMIUHIWM BEST LUBRICANTS MONEY CAN GOODYEAR BUY* DRY CHARGE TIRES and LET THE GRUNKE DX SERVICE DX Super Boron Gasoline Improved DX Regular Gasoline DX Boron Motor Oils Specialized DX Lubricants They give you top protection against wear — Best in their Field! And you'll find their prices are really right. Call for fast, friendly service. CALL 396 BATTERIES TUBES Stop in at their DX Service Station at 702 East Douglas, and try a fill of New DX Super Boron Gasoline — A completely new blend of elements built to deliver peak engine response under all driving conditions to give a new world of driving pleasure to you and your family. . . . and be sure and try DX Boron Motor Oils the world's first Boron Motor Oils. They bring you miracle cleansing action to give you the cleanest engine in the world ... prevents deposits. The first new motor oils in 20 years. FILL YOUR HEATING OIL REQUIRE-1 MENTS. I OX Heating Oil is a clean burning, high heat fuel. B It's treated with the finest additives and is Super- B refined for purity. B You'll like the kind of service they give you. It's B neat, friendly and courteous. As close as your tele- B phone and just about that fast. Why not call now B for a fill. B CALL 396 I OIL COMPANY I Darrel Adamson — Jobbers for DX Petroleum Products — Robert Matthews I P 702 East Douglas PHONE 396 O'Neill, Nebraska |