1 Meek News By Mm. Fred lindberg The Junior Citizens club Dis trict 27 met Feb. 2«. Roll call was answered by having a free hand portrait of Washington. A1J members were present. Election of officers was held. President Dan Drueke, secretary and trea surer, Douglas Drueke, news re porter, Wayne Rouse. Plans were made for a spring party Mar. 21. Sue Nelson, news reporter. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jensen at tended the Charles Novak funeral. Bristow, Saturday and also call ed at the home of Mrs. McQuis. tan. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fernau, Bristow, were Tuesday dinner guests at the Carl Krogh home. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby and Mrs. Carrie Borg and Marvel were dinner guests Friday at the William Hubby home. The occas sion marked William’s birthday anniversary. Mr and Mrs. Austin Dearies and girls were Saturday dinner guests at the Clarence Ernst home. Velda Ernst, Lincoln, was also present. Patrons day was observed at Dist. 1 Tuesday afternoon. The parents and some of the grand I»arents were present. The regu lar classes were observed in pro gress until 3 p.m. when a social hour and lunch was served to the group. Mrs. Doris Filip taught school the last 3 days of the week in Dist. 1 Dorothy Curran took time out on account of making prepar ations for her mother’s funeral, which was Saturday. The Green Thumb flower club Servicemen's Notes . . . LACKLAND AFB. Tex.—Air man Basic Donald P. Bonn, son of Mr*. Simon Bonn, O’Neill, Is Imlng reassigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex., for technical train ing as a United States Air Force base utilities specialist. Airman Bosn, who completed the first phase of his military training here, was selected for the specialized course on the basis of his Interests and apti tudes. The Airman, a I960 graduate of St. Mary’s High School, attended Kegis College, Denver, Colo. met with Mrs. Jim McNulty Wednesday afternoon Feb. 27 Roll call was answered by nam ing something new. Mary Peter son gave the lesson on care of geraniums. Thirteen members were present. The year book cov ers were judged and Wilma An son received the prize for the best cover. The next meeting to be with Mrs. Bob Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krogh were Monday evening visitors at the Merlin Anderson home and Mr and Mrs. Dewayne Anson and girls were Friday evening vis itors. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck were Thursday evening callers at the Loyal Hull home and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Booth, Creighton were Sunday dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hallgrim son were Monday night callers at the Allen Walters home and the Walters family were Tuesday evening callers at the Russeil Woeppel home, Ewing. Mrs. George Hansen is spend ing some time with her son, Gerald and family, Littleton, Colo. Gerald is in the hospital and Mary is staying with the grandchildren. Gerald has hopes of being dismissed Wednesday from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson are expected home the first of the week from Albuquerque where they had gone to be with their son, Raymond, whose con dition is much improved and he is back to work. Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford, Buffalo, Wyo., came Tuesday to visit at the Ted Crawford home. They took in Patrons day at Dist. 1 Tuesday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller called Tuesday eve ning. The occasion marked Mae’s birthday and Ted’s and Mae’s wedding anniversary. Wednesday Ted and Mae and Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford were dinner guests at the Bud Mitchells Thursday, the John Crawfords continued them journey. Mr. and Mrs Richard Rosen krans and family, Pomona, Calif arrived Sunday p.m. for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Allen Wal ters and family and his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Ro se nkrans Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford and Pam were Sunday p.m. vis itors at the Bob Witherwax home. Word was received here that Mrs. John Dalton is planning to have an operation on her eye as soon as she recovers sufficiently from her recent cold. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth and family, Omaha, came Saturday to attend Mrs. Ott’s funeral, re turning Sunday a.m. when the weather turned blusterly and the forecast was for storm. The snow plows were in action. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse and family went to Dakota City Saturday e veiling and were house guests at the Don Rich home. Mrs. Harold Fox and Marlene and Mrs. Carrie Hood were Sat urday dinner guests at Martha Johrings. Deloit News By Mrs. it. Baimer Mr. and Mrs. Dana Sisson and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer and Echo Fisher of Neligh had sup per Friday evening in Tilden in honor of Otto’s birthday. Mrs. Ewald Spahn attended a club meeting in the J. Pruden home m Ewing and visited Mrs. Anna Savidge one afternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Haryster and boys were Sunday dinner guests at the John Napier home Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and son, O’Neill, were Sunday March 23 dinner guests at the Leonard Larson ixxne in honor of Mrs. Larson's birthday. Mr. and Mrs K. M Tomjack were overnight guests Wednesday at the Jean Ray borne in Omaha Mrs Keith Bartak and Mrs Lambert Bartak were O'Neill visitors on Saturday. Mrs. Glenn Harps ter called on Mrs Elvon Ziems on Wednesday afternoon. There was no school at Deloit school this week. Marilyn Burk and son visited the Martin Van Conet home in Ewing on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Joe Funk’s mother, Mrs G. Dozier of Elgin passed away at a Norfolk hospital on Tuesday. Funeral services were held on Friday. We wish to express our sympathy. Anita Lee called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer on Thursday evening. Mrs. Scout Clow, Denver, who has been hospitalized following surgery, was able to return home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmi ser of this community are hav ing a sale and leaving the farm The sale will be on Tuesday, March 12th. The Deloit Pinochle club met Tuesday at the Harold Werk* meister home. Guests were Mrs Ewald Spahn, Mrs. Kubart, Mrs. P. Pallesen and Mrs. Bill Sehi. Mrs. Spahn, Mrs. Pallesen and Mrs. Sehi joined the club. Guests Mrs Sehi had high and Mrs Pallesen, Vim, for the members, Mrs. Frank Bohn bad high and Mrs. Koenig, low; Mrs Sisson traveling prize and Mrs. Spahn door prize Riverside News Mjr Urn. UumI UltMrr Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Pollock and family and the Art Buss hardt family visited Sunday af. ternoon at the Dave Pollock home and had home made see cream and cake for lunch. Mrs. Alfred Napier and Mrs Rol Hord visited Mr. and Mrs Dewitt Gunter in Norfolk Satur day afternoon. The Forum group had a cov ered dish supper at the church annex Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and family visited at the Dale Na pier home last Tuesday evening Rev. Paul Andre and Rev. Ivan Turner called at the Dave Pol lock home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family were dinner guests Sunday at the John Napier home Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and David and the Archie John ston family visited at the Verl Gunter home Friday evening. Mrs. Alfred Napier called on Mrs. George Keller and Mrs. John Napier Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Woslager and his two sisters, Mary and Barbara, visited at the Dale Na pier home last Sunday afternoon Cheryl and Connie Pierson vis ited at the Earl Pierson home last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Pollock Omaha, were dinner guests Tues day at fie Dave Pollock home and attended funeral services lor Mrs. Lyle Smith in the afternoon in Neiigh. Mr. and Mrs Dewitt Hoke el* iteu at the Rnl Hurd home last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pink and JfTl visited at the Bert Fink home Friday. Mrs. Grant Mutt and Mrs Wal ter Miller attended prayer con ference at tlie Bethany church at Amelia Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Andre and children were dinner guests last Sunday at the Howard Miller home. Mr and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, kr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and family, Mr and Mrs Melvin Napier and Carol and the Richard Napier family were guests Wednesday evening at the Dale Napier home in honor of Dale's birthday an mversary. The Wayne Fry (am ily were also present. Kev Paul Andre visited at the Waiter Miller tmme Friday. Mrs. Dave Pollock vuuied at the Kenneth Pollock home Fri day morning and the L. 11. Fry borne m Uie aiternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson were dinner guests last Sunday at Marcus Piersons. Mr and Mrs. George Fink, Grand Island, were weekend guests at the Bert Fink home. Mr and Mrs. Arlen Miller and fuuuly were supper guests Thurs day at the Grant Mott lumf Kev. Ivan Turner was an over night guest Thursday at the Ho ward Miller borne. Mis Grant Mott and Tammy Mrs. Roniue Mott and Mrs Ar len Miller and children eleiled In Neligh Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Verl Gunter and family. Creighton attended the Shrader Hauer wedding leal Sat urday afleruwn and were aup per guest* at the Lionel Gunter home Mrs DewiU Hoke and Mra Ko be rt Hobbs and children visited at the Ralph Shrader hone last Sunday afternoon. Alkil Beauty Shop HA r. iKMigt** iu I’hoss MB Cumplete Beauty Servtoo ^ShmlunrHeducinjt^Marftto*^ s mimumiHifumimm V -BY— Dick Tomlinson " I I • l* at "tot Pop—wo |vtf want to tpln It." It is lop quality which was purchased at Dick's, who has a large stock to choose from. But little hoys should not use j the bottle for a top. Dick's Bar Off and On Liquor Sales Let Dick keep you in the Best of Spirits Phone 356 O’Neill, Nebr. mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmm^ SEE Bankerslifemon — Ernie Brf zian About a Hired Man Insurance Policy ■Aimnir^’coMnui* WHY PUT OFF i Convenience & Luxury I OF AN AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER? j IVs so easy to Rent i Clean, Hot Water t ' Service ... all the crystal clear, sparkling: hot water you’ll ever need ... 24 hours a day . . . every time you turn on the tap. | As Low as $1.55 Per Month rhis offer applies te equipment enttnUe Jsf lesljUntU, and small commercial inateHerts— ! I ' ^ I -r- ' . -V I INCOME TAX SERVICE For assistance in making out your 1962 Income Tax Return, see— FLORENCE PONTON Golden Hotel Corner Phone 106 - O'Neill - 'v- ** - :.■ ,v . NEW, EXCITING GAME AT SAFEWAY! HERE’S HOW YOU PLAY. • . Get a "Spell Cash" Card each time you visit Safewayl Place card under running tap water to remove the ink spot and find the Mystery Letter ,.. collect cards until you can spell C-A-S-H . . . bring the cards to your Safeway store manager . . . and you will be issued a check for $100.00! Nothing to buy or write! It’s that easy! You must be 18 years of age or more to play Spell Cash. (Disfigured cards are void.) (Game u closed to Safeway employees and members of their immediate families.) GEy yOUR spiLL C-A-S-H CARDS NOW . . at SAFEWAY! I BON US CARDS ... if the Safeway name ti/ipcars under ihr ink »|» at \ I you automatically win $1 ... you Hill have a chance to win $1001 J \Sweet i RELISH or Cucumber Chips 2 49c Zippy Brand FOR YOUR FREEZER . . . Ias Praam Snow stttr: Vanilla, ti-gaL Ua ■*“ UlCdlH strawberry, Chocolate.Carton UvC Strawberries SSSfddwou..39c Hashed Browns 2 ££ 35c Fish Dinners scau<^, Halibut..pi^! 49c Frozen Juice water.2 ^ 45c Pineapple-Grapefruit, Pineapple, Ftaeepple-Oranga Daeaul# McCormick— 8-ox 4A. roanuis blanched, Virginia, freeh.Pkg. w90 Dash Dog Food.6 Cans 89C I — With purchase of 44k Armour Star | Canned Picnics s? Offer good thru March 9 jXgXBAOXDX^vQXSXUACro^ GOLD BOND stamps —with purchase or 24b. Armour Star or Safeway THICK-SLICED Bacon Offer good thru March 0 k ARMOUR STAR I BOLOGNA ARMOUR STAR,.. Chunk style, fibrst quality Frankfurters SSS 49* Chuck Steak perfectly aged beef?.. » 59* Young Beef Liver SS£‘.m. 49c Fab Detergents.isst 25c a Afr*HQ Edwards—a rich, satisfying coffee; 1-lb. K Q f WllvV another fine Safeway Guaranteed Product.Can a# Asparagus Stokely’s—*H green, cut.., Can 25< Tender Peas sr.™..5N&^,100 Niblets Corn vacuum pack*. .2 35c Gold Medal Flour.s 89c Safewsy'k (£e) place tobi YAMS Golden beauties, firm, clean, smooth. Ideal to serve with Armour Star Hams.. Anjou Pears2£2s>££2* ,..^19c Pascal Celery sftsg. 19c Green Onions iz».2m.19c Picfl Shanpooss^ Js79< Food Tissiies^ssr 5sss1°° ..is 99c lm lrfiT3BP7ITM NOW.*; I I All iweerne 5 j fcssgggs»J rwiwMSS?\ 1 . ICED,. .US* W* 1 1 Tnr"DUaf!L~,,"m J HANDI-CHAIR ********' O’Neal Near. THE WORLD'S GREAT RELIGIONS ■ JV) • • • n Mumo