The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 28, 1963, Image 2

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    THE FRONTIER, O’Neill, Nebnw
Amelia News
My >11 mi Florence Unduey
School was dismissed in the
Swan Lake school Friday be
cause of the teacher's father, Hy
las Farrier, who had suffered a
stroke. Mrs. Darrel (Ardath)
Wedge wood is the teacher.
Several from here attended the
Vern Sageser Bull sale at Atkin
son Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. M H. Madsen
and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett
attended the farm sale of Nels
Madsen near Ericson Thursday.
Nels has (mrchased a business in
Ericson and will move there soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker were
supper guests at William Fry
rears Thursday evening.
Maynard Coleman carried the
mini for Dwight Kenny Saturday
while the Kennys took their
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Dale Ken
ny and children to their home
in Casper, Wyo., after a weeks
visit with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cuddy,
Timmy, Jean and Kenneth, O’
Neill, visited Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bur
gett and Wayne.
Mrs. G. Fullerton entertain
ed the Merry Matrons club Thurs
Mrs. Gene Skala and Kelly,
Fremont, came Sunday to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Vern Sageser attended a pure
bred cattle sale at Bassett Sat
Mr. and Mrs. F Tesch, Atkin
son, called at Art Doolittles Sun
day afternoon.
Mrs. Morris Kennedy, River
k», Thursday, February 2«, 1963
side, California, is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ste
vens, Page. Her father has not
been well. Mrs. Kennedy expects
to visit relatives in the Amelia
community later this week includ
ing the Beriue Kennedy, Art
Doolittles and Edgar Petersons.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle, Mr.
and Mrs Dunk Peterson and Kay
Johnston, Raymond Wickham
and John Hansen were guests
at Bob Adairs Wednesday eve
ning, F<b. 20, to help them cele
brate their 9th wedding anniver
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett and
Wayne visited the home of her
brother, Elmer Harlan near Bas
sett Friday. They were dinner
guests there.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle and
Mrs. Gertie Marcellus went to
Lynch Monday where Mrs. Doo
little consulted a doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Jake Classen
near Spencer Sunday afternoon.
Barbara Pospichal spent a few
days last week with her grand
parents, Mr and Mrs. August
Pospichal. They took her to her
home near Stuart Friday evening
and while there helped their lit
tle grandson Gary celebrate his
7th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown, Om
aha, visited Sunday with her fa
ther, Charlie Sigman.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Carr and
Darla spent Friday evening at
Marvin Doolittle's.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Everett, Harley
and Susan were supper and eve
ning guests Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Dunk Peterson and their lit
tle granddaughter, Kay Johns
Word was received from Mrs.
Bertha Sammons stating her eye
operation was a success and with
out unlorseen complications she
should have one hundred per cent
Mr and Mrs Paul Johnston
returned to their home in Schuy
ler this week, after three weeks
in Phoenix, Ariz., where he was
attending school. Their little
daughter, Kay wt*u has been stay
ing with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Peterson return
ed home wuh them.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carr, Mr
and Mrs. Louis Burgett and Mr.
and Mrs. Darrel Carr attended
the square dance at St. Mary's
Friendship hall in O’Neill Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fryrear,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry, Mr
and Mrs. Lew Backhaus, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mr. and
Mrs. Ernie Johnston were din
ner and afternoon guests Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. William Fry
rear. The afternoon was spent
playing cards with high score
winners being Lew Backhaus and
Mrs. Orland Fryrear and Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Berry were low
score winners. Mrs. Fryrear then
served a delicious luncheon.
Mrs. Bernard Blackmore and
Mrs. Vern Sageser attended a les
son on making ceramics Tues
day in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge
attended the Merwyn French jr.
farm sale near Page Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus ac
companied the Coolidges.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bailey, Bell
evue, visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn White over the week
end. They also visited their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 9. C. Bar
nett on Saturday.
Debra Carr visited her grand
. ti _ J X * T T. ./vl. rv, - ^
liil . a»»vi a. 11^511
in O’Neill several days last week.
Kay Johnston was a dinner
guest Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
Vern Sageser. Mrs. May Sageser
was also a guest.
Bob Adair, Rusty Adair and
Clifford Clemens went to Cairo
Saturday night to attend a cock
Rev. Hess called on Mr. and
Mrs. S. C. Barnett Sunday after
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos vis
ited at Frank Pierces Thursday
evening and watched the wrest
ling matches on TV. Later they
played a few games of cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hiatt, Paul
and Gene visited at Frank Pier
ces Friday evening.
(I>a<st Week's News)
Helping Hand club met Thurs
day, Feb. 14 at the home of Mrs.
Joe Stoecker. After a very de
licious dinner the business meet
ing was called to order by the
president, Mrs. Arthur Hiatt. Roll
call was answered by an article
about a famous man. Thirteen
members were present. The rest
of the afternoon was spent with
games and contests led by Mrs.
Hiatt. Mrs. Della Peterson was
also on the program committee
but was unable to be present be
cause of illness. The next meeting
will be with Mrs. Ralph Rees.
A meeting was held at the
church annex Friday afternoon in
appreciation of the cooperation
of all WSCS members and a drive
for new members was discussed.
There were 16 guests present.
Everyone enjoyed the afternoons '
program and a nice luncheon was
Mrs Maude Forbes has been
staying with Mrs. Louis Forbes
since she was released fmm the
Atkinson hospital Sunday, Feb
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Wimngs
are visiting their daughter and
family, Mr and Mrs. Roger Do
bias in South Carolina. Roger is
in the army and stationed there
Mr and Mrs. Glenn White,
Clyde Burge. Joyce and Bruce
were dinner guests Sunday with
Mr and Mrs. S. C. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson
Thermopolis, Wyo., visited his
brothers. Dunk and Edgar Peter,
son from Friday until Saturday.
Mrs. Lindsey and Florence
were dinner guests Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMillen
Mrs 1 lolly Mullen is staying with
the McMiilens, as she suffered
a stroke about six months ago
and is not able to stay alone.
Mrs. Mullen is a sister of the late
Jim McCaffrey who was an Am
eiia resident before his death
ndseys l^en were luncheon
guests and spent the evening with
Mrs Carrie Forbes and Mrs
Maude Forbes.
Delbert Edwards has been ill
with flu. He was feeling better
the early part of the week
.Mrs. Edith Andersen spent this
weekend at her home in Amelia
She was a dinner guest Sunday
with Mr anil Mrs. Vern Sagt-ser
and Mrs. May Sageser
Mrs. John Ceams. Scottsbiuff
Mrs. Ernest Gruenberg, Linda
and Carol visited their parents
Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear
Sunday. The Ceams had brought
a load of potatoes and Mr. Cearns
and Mr Gruenberg were deliver
ing them.
The Gilmans drove to Cody
Sunday to get their brother, Bill
Gilman because of the death of
anther brother. Sam Gilman.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Edward
and family, Omaha, were Sunday
evening supper guests with his
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert Edwards Geralds plan to
move near Clearwater next week
where they will be employed on
a dairy ranch.
Mr and Mrs Arthur Hiatt
Paul and Gene visited at the
Mark Summerers home near Em
meu Sunday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young,
Chambers, and Mr. and Mrs
Carlton Davis, Ertcson were Sun
day afternoon visitors with Mr
and Mrs Tom Baker. Mr. and
Mrs Irwin Carpenter. Chambers
called there that evening.
Mr and Mrs. Jack Gilman and
Sherry. Omaha, came Sunday to
attend the funeral of Jack's un
cle. Sam Gilman.
Pete Frahm returned home last
w.ek fr»m Piiger where he has
been visiting his daughter, Mrs
Jerome Krutz and family several
Bob Ailair, Rusty Adair, Pete
Frahm and Dunk Peterson are
doing some carpenter work for
Mrs. Vera Paddock at the ranch
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce at
tended the funeral of Carlee Bar
thel at Burwell Friday afterno >n
Mr» Bertha Sammons under
went eye surgery Tuesday. Feb
12 at a Twin Falla, Idaho hew
pilai. Her son. Forest plained to
Mrs Blake Ott following the op
eraUon saying she was getting
along as well as could be expect
Mr and Mrs Frank Pierce
were quite surprised Friday
night when their daughter, Mrs
Charles Bligh and their grand
daughter, Mrs Dick Brail drove
up from Omaha to spend the
weekend with them
Mr. and Mrs Leon Skala, Mr
and Mrs. Gene SkaLt and Ke!
ly, Fremont. visited on the week
end with tlie George Fullerton
and Marvin Doolittle families
Mrs Marvin Doolittle has been
having a seige of pleurisy
Mrs Blake Ott. Mr. and Mrs
Floyd Adams and Don were O
Neill shoppers Saturday
Mr and Mrs. Calvin Cuolklge
and family were over Sunday vis
ito"s with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs Elmer Coolidge. Calvin ex
pect* U> move hi* family to Sen
ecp. Kan . next week
Announcementa have been re
ceivrd from Mr. and Mr* Jim
Holme*, Arcadia, that tb» y have
adopted a little girl She wna *»*
days old Mrs Holme* ti th* for
mer Evelyn Thompaon. daughter
of Mr ami Mr* Leon Thompaon
Kaljdi Hee*. Marvin Doolittle.
Clifford Cletnena and Fredrick
DeHart attended the sale at Ord
Mr ami Mr* l»ck Doolittle
are planning to go to South Da
kota till* weekend to Ha*
a ranch near Faith They are
thinking of locating there thia
Phone Your New* To
The Frontier
Phone 788
Teen Age
American Legion Auditorium
O'Neill, Nebraska
Music by
and His Combos
Admission: 75c
Reg. 239.95, Beige
2-PC. L. R. SUITE N°» 199”
Reg. 199.95, Turquoise
2-PC. L. R. SUITE Now 179”
Reg. 169.95, Brown
2- PC. L. R. SUITE Now 12495
Reg. 289.95, Brown
3- PC. SECTIONAL Now 24995
Reg. 169.95, Maple
Reg. 44.95, Choice of colors Green, Beige, Black
_c ... Now 4250 \
\ Kcvi\VEL R°cKERS c how 24501
\ Reg. ’fpnOiaFR CHAW^ 1
S"KaSU'S \«C,‘L 54”\
1 7-PC. OlHETt ^ iime „ yoo need rt 1
Because we have decided to quit farming we will offer the following described personal property to the highest bidder «»t
public auction at the farm LOCATED ... 11 Va miles south of Ewing . . . OR ... 17 miles west of Neltgh and 1 ]/a south .
OR . . . from Durre's station on Hwy 281, 2 miles south, 16 miles east and 5Va miles south (Watch for Farm Sale Arrows) on -
1 57 HEAD OF CATTLE 57 6 .*!, cBKfLS! ZGS
36 Steers in feed lot 3 Angus heifer calves ^Tjig^avemgejoo-jbs.
5 Angus cows 4 *nm,, fnivp(. HAY AND GRAIN
, - 51 #• . «jr a • r 4 Angus calves 9 stacks Qf hay
7 Angus first calf heifers bushels of com
1 Roan first calf heifer 1 Angus 2-year-ola bull About 70 tons silage
f 1,200 ft. 6-in. heavy duty mainline
2,500 ft. 4-in. pull-type sprinkler line
220 Ford diesel motor
6-inch pump with 6 stages
1,000 gal. diesel fuel tank
Steel wheeled pipe wagon
66 No. 35 Rainbird sprinkler nozzles
2 Telescoping sections
66 Couplers
66 1x3/4 reducers
66 Steel risers
66 1x36 aluminum risers
Gear head
€ Well Cared for - Some Near New
1953 AC WD 45 Tractor, overhauled
last spring
1950 AC WD Tractor, overhauled last
1938 John Deere "G" Tractor, good
1948 John Deere "A" Tractor, good
1962 Ford 2-row corn picker, used
only one season
IHC 4-row corn planter
2 Blue fertilizer attachments for planter
John Deere 2-row corn planter
12-ft. John Deere fertilizer spreader,
on rubber, good
3- 14 mounted A-C plow
2-row A-C cultivator for WD
4- row John Deere rotary hoe
40-ft. Owatonna elevator, good
24-ft. elevator
10-ft. tandem disc
12-ft. MM grain drill with grass seeder
attachment, good
7-ft. IHC trail mower, No. 9, good
7-ft. John Deere power mower, No. 5,
Heavy duty trail mower hitch for John
Deere G or A
Hay Sweep for A-C
24-ft. Hydraulic rake
Hay stacker and back stop
Cabling rack, heavy beams
John Deere N 145-bu. manure spread
er with bunk feeder attachment, like
new, to sell separately
125-bu. Blair feed wagon with stake
sides, new
100-bu. wagon with hoist
Wagon with pickup box
Knoedler burr mill
12-ft. grain auger, 4-in.
Humboldt loader
Snow scoop
Dozer blade
Char-Lynn hydraulic pump
11 Feed bunks, 16-ft.
2 Stock tanks
Set 12-38 tractor chains
Cattle oiler
420-gal. fuel tank on stand
Some 55-gal. steel barrels
About 500-lbs. loose salt
10 Rolls corn cribbing
Pump jack
Cattle scratcher
Some cable
Some old iron
Small 8x10 building, like new
Some forks, scoops, miscellaneous
hand tools and other articles too
numerous to mention
f TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until settled for f
C Roy Kirwan, Ed Thorin, Chuck Mahony Auction Service, Butte and O'Neill I