Church Notes All minister* are invited to send tlu’lr church* notes to Stie Frontier. For guar an tee it publication, we ask that the notes are In our office by Saturday, one week prior to the service. Ht. Patrick’s Catholic Church dnesdny — Bible Study, 7 Sunday: Morning worsliip, 10 a.m.; Sunday school, 11 a.m., and Christian Endeavor, 7:30 pm. Wednesday Cottage prayer aer rce, 8 p.m. Kinmet .Methodist Church Sunday — Sunday school, 9 a. in.; morning worship, 9 45 a.m. Page .Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Under) Saturday — Sr. High member ship class, 7:30 p.m. Sunday — Church school, 10 a.m.; Worship services, 11 a.m.; Jr. High membership class, 7:30 p.m; Sr. High MYF, 7:30 p.m. Thursday — Commission on Missions, 7:30 p.m.; Official Board, 8.00 p.m. First Methoulst Church The Rev. Glenn Kennicott) Thursday — Prayer circle, 10 a.m.; Dorcas, 2 p.m. Saturday — Junior choir, 10:30 a.m. Sunday — Sudnay school, 9:45 a.m.; morning worsliip, 11 a.m.; evening School of Missions, 7:15 p.m. Monday — Wesleyan Service Guilds 8 p.m. Wednesday — Senior MYF, 8:31 p.m.; intermediate MYF, 7:01 p.m., senior choir, 8 p.m. Assembly of God Church (The Rev. Ivan Christoffersen) Wednesday Prayer and Praise Service, 8 p.m. Sunday — Sunday School 10 a.m.; morning worship and jun ior church 11 a.m.; C. A. Youth Service, 7 p.m.; Evangelistic Ser vice, 8 p.m. First Christian Church 505 East Williams Sunday: Bible school, 10 a.m., YFC 7 p.m.; worship services, 11 a.m. First Presbyterian Church Sunday morning worship 11 a.m.; Sunday school 9:45 a.m. The Rev. F. E. Udlock, associ ate professor of religion at Hast ings college will have charge ol worship service. Christ Lutheran V. W. Brack, Pastor Sunday — Sunday school, 1:00 p.m.; Church school, 2:00 p.m. don Watsons a couple days. Stan- > ley is recovering nicely follow- i ing an operation, but hasn’t re gained his strength yet. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson and _ Mr. and Mrs. Austin Searles and girls were supper guests Thurs day evening at the Virgil Hubby home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaczor called on Jessie Kaczor Thursday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts, Albuquerque, N. M. came to at tend the funeral of Lera’s bro ther, L. A. Ott. During their stay here they were Sunday dinner guests at the Sam Robertson home, other guests were Katie Ott, Mrs. Frances Curran, Mrs. Christine Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sundall, Wakefield. Monday evening, accompanied by Katie Ott, they called on Vivian Martin. Thursday they were all dinner guests at the Fred Cole man home and supper guests at the Roy Karr home, both of Spen cer. Friday they were dinner guests at the Fred Lindberg home. Lera and Arthur grew up in the Joy community and were numbered with the younger group some few years ago. Martha Johring and Henry Storjohann were Wednesday visi -1 1 ..u*...*..■■■"■ 1 [I Conrad L Smith District Representative Box 573 O'Neill, Nebraska Sales Leader One of Modem Woodmen’s top-ranking agents, District Representative, Conrad I. Smith, O’Neill, has qualified for this organization’s Champion's dub for 1962. We congratulate him for this achievement, and recommend him as a capable representative of a leading life insurance organization. Modern Woodmen OF AMEKICA • HOME OFFICE • *OC«C ISLAND, ILLINOIS tors at the Donald Johring home, Clearwater. Thursday they call ed on Tillie Schwuidt, O'Neill, Friday they were dinner guests at the Louis Goeke home, Atkin son and Melvin and Kent Joh ring were Saturday dinner guests at Martha's. Mr and Mrs. Carl Hallgrimson and Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters anl Norma and Linda Jenkins attended the basketball game at Ainsworth Saturday night. Sen. Frank Nelson sjient the weekend at home returning to Lincoln Sunday. Mrs. Axel Borg called on Del la Harding, Saturday night and Mrs. Carl Krogh called Friday. The Paddock Community aid met Wednesday p m. at the home of Mrs. Axel Borg with 16 mem bers and 7 visitors present. Hel en Nelson had charge of the de votioas. Marjorie Nelson and Grace Borg sang a duet The la dies distributed materials to be made up for the fall bazar Those having anniversaries or birth days during the month, received gifts from their secret pals. The next meeting will be with Dor othy Devall March 6. Mr. ami Mrs. Ed Kaczor and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby were Monday evening callers at the* Paul Nelson home. The occasion marked Marjorie’s birthday anni versary. Mr. ami Mrs. Lawrence Rouse and boys called at the Alvin Blair home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitz ami family and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pierson and boys were dinner guests Sunday at the Kenneth Huston home, Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty en tertained a group of their friends and neighbors Saturday evening. Cards were played for entertain ment. Mr. Bill Devall, Mrs. Roy De vall, Spencer, and Mrs. Ruda, Bristow, were Tuesday visitors at the Oswald Drueke home and Mrs. Theresa Schellkopf was a Sunday visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Art Mann sjient Thursday afternoon at the Axel Borg home. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and girls were Friday night sup per guest^ at the Russell Woep pel home, Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and family were supper guests Thursday night at the Merlin An derson home and Friday were visitors at the Henry Walters home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg were Monday supper guests at the Carl Hallgrimson home and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and Nan cy and Mrs. Henry Walters were visitors Wednesday p.m. Mr. Garold Risor attended the funeral of Mrs. William Klinetobe Monday at Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woidneck were Saturday evening visitors at the Loyal Hull home. The Paddock Missionary socie ty i>lans to meet Friday after noon with Dorothy Devall. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer jr. and family, Atkinson, called at the Delbert Rouse home Tues day evening. iwing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Larry Rotherham and his aunt, Miss Lucile Rotherham arrived in Ewing Wednesday, Feb. 6, from Albuquerque, N. M. Miss Rotherham will make her home in Ewing. Larry, who had to give up his college work for health reasons at the University of Al buquerque, is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotherham. Larry Rotherham went to Lin coln Tuesday for a medical check up and to spend some time at the homes of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother ham and family made a combin ed business and pleasure trip to Norfolk Saturday. Mrs. Dean Pofahl and daugh ters returned home Friday from Norfolk where they had spent a few days at the home of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeman. Ed Shobe is a patient at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill for treatment of pneumonia. Dr. Wm. H. Ross was appointed _1 T~> „ thany Presbyterian churches at a meeting held at the O’Neil] church Monday evening. Plans were made to have a seminary student take charge of these two churches for the summer months. Dr. Wm. H. Ross attended a meeting of the presbytery held at Atkinson Wednesday evening. The Rev. Lynn Davis of the Black Hill presbytery is to be installed as pastor of the Atkinson Presbyter ian church. Mrs. Mildred Wright and Mrs.! Lucile Biddlecome went to Om- j aha Sunday to attend the capping service of 46 student nurses from i the Lutheran school of nursing, j Miss Betty Wright was a member | of the class. Mrs. Minnie Larson had as her , guests Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peters of Norfolk. Mrs. James Mlnarik who has been staying with her mothef, Mrs. Fred Serr at the Immanuel Lutheran hospital in Omaha, re turned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mackel of Lincoln visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and family. Beth Rotherham was an over night guest Tuesday at the home of Peggy Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson spent Tuesday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wil son, Elgin. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Van dersnick were Mr. and Mrs. Don Vandersnick and family, Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cun ningham and family of Page. Mrs. Joe Kaczor, her mother, j Mrs. Leo Vandersnick, Mrs. Lyle j Mitteis and daughter, Mary, went to Stuart Monday to spend some time with Mrs. John Vandersnick at the Stuart Rest Home. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Vander snick brought their small daugh ter, Connie, home Friday from the Antelope Memorial hospital where she had been a patient for three weeks. Evelyn True visited at the home of her friend, Barbara Schilousky, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom entertained the Thursday night pitch club at their home. Mr. an.l Mrs. R H. Sham and Mr and Mrs. Clarence Bergstrom were guests. The next meeting will be held at the Archie Tuttle home. Miss Ardis Parks was honored at a miscellaneous shower at St. Dominic’s Hall, carried out in a green and white color theme. In charge of the entertainment were Mrs. LaVerne Finley, Mrs. Thos Eacker and Mrs. Don Larson. Mrs Ron Brion was in charge of the gift book. Donna Wright and Linda Larson assisted Miss Parks in opening the gift pack ages. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mines W'm. Hobbs. Charls Rotherham, Earl Wright, Don Larson, Thos. Eacker and LaVerne Finley. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs. Mrs. Harriet Welke was a din ner and evening guest Friday at the home of her grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and daughters spent Sunday at th« home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott at Chambers. Miss Ina Bennett had as her dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Utterback of Clearwater. Cub Scout Pack 281 held their meeting February 7 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Dominic’s hall. All cub scouts were present. Skits were presented and cub scout songs were sung by Den I and II. Awards were presented uj uuy.^ earning uaiigL^. lui us Roberts, Den I, received a “Wolf” badge. In Den II, Terry Anson, “Wolf”, and Robert Pruden “Bear”. Mr. Walton, district ex ecutive, Sandhill District and Mrs. Walton were present. The Blue and Gold banquet was dis cussed and will be held Feb. 21 at St. Dominic’s Hall. A pot luck supper will be served at 6:30. In vitations are extended to the par ents and Boy Scouts to attend. Coffee, pop and cookies were served after the Pack meeting. Mrs. Vance Anson and Mrs. Willis Rockey are den mothers. Miss Arlene Pelletier was a Saturday afternoon and supper guest at the home of her class mate, Miss Evelyn True. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pruden were dinner guests Sunday at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen. Melvin was recently discharged from the United States Army where he had served for eight years. He is em ployed at the O’Neill Cheese Fac tory. Misses Sharon and Lois Spang ler were Sunday visitors at the home of Evelyn True. Mrs. Josie Versaw and grand daughter, Sandra Tellander were dinner guests Saturday at the home of Mrs. Jessie Goodspeed in Oakdale. Mrs. Waldo Davis was a guest Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Spence, O’Neill. Letters to the Editor Dear Mr. Editor To All Bird Lovers: Immediat ely write to our senator, Frank Nelson, in this district, asking him to vote against the Dove Bill LB 450. Mr. Nelson has always been against making the mourn ing or turtle dove a game bird. But not so with many members of the game commission. This bill has again been dumped into the legislative hopper of bills to be voted upon soon. Mel Steen is determined to see the bill pass and is urging all hunters to plug for the bill. Why? Just to have something to kill Maybe they do have open sea son on the dove in other states to have something to shoot at, why the slaughter? The dove is unafraid, and as it sits on a fence it is a perfect target, it is a seed eater, and does not bother fruit or vegeta bles. Why kill them and then spray your crops for weeds. The spraying kills our song birds too and those that live on worms and bugs in the fields. The dove makes a flimsy nest COMBINED BAND — Unofficial notification from Al it. Wright, chairman of the band selection committee was received this week of the acceptance of the O’Neill band to participate In the Main *\w’ l> thiil and I’a ratio. mill la! notification U c\pcct«-«l imo from II »l> 'lonrlinul, frttlliul |>r«*»lilcnl. and is easily disturbed while nesting, usually breaking the eggs in its sudden freight, only to build again and perhaps not raise any young during a sea son. Putting the dove on the game list will soon have all of them destroyed, like the beauti ful passenger pigeon that was hunted by the thousands until all were destroyed. Some have said why not sh >ot the meadow lark or robin in their eagern ss to shoot. God forbid this, too. (Speaking of God, think of your Bible, how often the dove is spo ken of and its use.) The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Let every bird lover write to your senator and let him know how the people at home feel about the bill in your part of the state. State Bird Chairman of the Federated Garden Clubs. Mrs. Olive S'krdla. Amelia News By Miss Florence Ljinlsey Mrs. Stella Sparks was a din ner guest Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott. Mrs. Lindsey and Florence vis ited at Mrs. Maude Forbes Tues day evening. Mrs. Vern Sageser and Mrs. May Sageser attended Garden club at the home of Mrs. Mark Gribble Tuesday evening. Mrs. Gene Thompson was in Lincoln over Tuesday of last week. Ronnie, Kay and Sherry stayed with Mrs. Forbes while she was away. Miss Venita White, McPherson, Kan., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White. WSCS met at the home of Mrs. Lew Backhaus Wednesday after noon. There were twelve mem bers present. Mrs. Blake Ott and Mrs. Lew Backhaus presented the lesson on “The United Na tions”. Mrs. Bo Connors read the scripture lesson. The next meet ing will be with Mrs. Joe Stoec ker. The MYF group met Thursday evening at the Annex. They made Valentine place mats and these were given to the Atkinson hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees went out to Asa Watsons Sunday eve ning to see the pictures shown by Oscar Greenstreet taken dur ing his travels. Mrs. Gloria Landrum and Sally, Mr. and Mrs Roliie Everett, Atkinson, were al so present to see the films. Mrs. Watson served a lunch. Vern Sagesers are busy getting ready for their annual cattle sale which will be February 20. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black more and Mrs. May Sageser were dinner guests Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser. The men folk were working with the cattle to get them ready for the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman took their daughter, Marcia, back to Morningside college, Sioux City, la., Tuesday following mid semester vacation. The Methodist church board held a business meeting at the church Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair, Al len and Dick attended the wed ding of Mrs. Adair’s niece, Hel en Marie Dusatko at Emmet Sat urday. Mrs. Gertie Adair wTites to folks at home that she does not plan to be home until mid March. She is in Washington, D. C. with her daughter, Mrs. George