The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 07, 1963, Section Two, Image 9

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    Section Two Four Pages
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper
__ Volume 82—Number 42 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, February 7, 1963 Seven Cents
Inman News
liy Mr*. .lames McMahan
Mrs. Muy Fraka returned
home Thursday from Orchard
where she spent several weeks
visiting her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William
Vrooman and family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark spent
Friday in Burwell visiting Mrs
francos Clark and other friends
Ralph Sholes accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Riibert Burival and
Jim Hoover, spent Wednesday
night in Norfolk attending the
Golden Glove Boxing matches.
Mrs. Retke was transferred
from St. Anthony’s hospital to a
Norfolk hospital where she will
receive medical treatment. Mr
Retke took her to Norfolk on Fri
Kieth Kivett, Wayne college
i.....—T ,
The Nation's Finest
Blue or Stripe
30 to 50 Waist
Clothing or Shoes
O'Neill, Nebr.
student spent the weekend visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Vaden Kivett.
Ruth Ann Hansen, University of
Nebraska student, sj>ent a few
days last week visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Han
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan
and family, Holdrege, Nebr.,
spent from Thursday until Sun
day visiting Mrs. Mary Hartigan
and also Mr. and Mrs. James
Coventry and Bill m O’Neill.
Joe Peters, Norfolk, spent Wed
nesday evening and Thursday
visiting his family here. Other
guests in the Peters home Wed
nesday evening were Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Sanders and Tina, O’
Mr. and Mrs. Robert BurivaJ
and son, O’Neill, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Jackson and Billy
Friday evening.
Mrs. Ray Siders left Monday
for Long Beach, Calif., where she
will spend a few weeks visiting
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr
and Mrs. Ronnie Ross. Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Snyder took Mrs.
aiders to Grand Island and she
continued on by train.
Miss Tina Sanders, O'Neill,
spent the weekend visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. J. B. Peters
and Larry.
Mrs. Mayme Harte and Miss
Bea Gallagher left Monday for
Pomona, Calif., where they will
spend a few weeks visiting
friends and relatives. Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Gallagher took them
to Grand Island and they con
tinued on by train.
Body Shop
24 Hr, Wrecker Service
Complete Body Work
Glass Cut & Installed
86 Day — 473 Night
Third of a Series
A 1C- SAR" BENaaa
one of Nebraska’s
largest taxpayers
In 1962, AK-SAR-BEN paid the state $598,242 in taxes from
its racing meet. $78,318 was paid to the state racing commis
sion for Nebraska’s county fairs and every county fair shared
in it. The balance went into the state’s general fund to pay for
highways, colleges and universities, agricultural research, state
highway patrol, state hospitals and institutions and other
governmental operations. ■ Since racing was legalized, AK
SAR-BEN has paid to the state in taxes and license fees and in
voluntary contributions for agricultural, educational, civic and
charitable programs $6,042,169. ■ Voluntary programs spon
sorea oy /viv-aart-joiMN —programs wmcn otnerwise would
often have required tax funds — include thousands of scholar
ships covering every university and college in Nebraska . . .
grants for county fair grounds improvements ... 4-H and FFA
projects . . . 4-H leaders training institutes . . . hospital, fire
and rescue equipment for many Nebraska communities .. •
co-sponsorship of the annual school for training volunteer
firemen . . . and many others. ■ Yes — AK-SAR-BEN is
one of Nebraska’s largest tax payers.
AK-SAR-BEN, a good citizen of Nebraska, in- j
vites other good citizens of Nebraska to join JNu
AK-SAR-BEN. 1/ ^
Chambers News
lij Mm. E. K. Carpenter
The Ladies of St. Paul’s Lu
theran church served a Smorgas
bord at the church basement
Wednesdav evening.
Danelta Whitaker was home
from Wayne College for the week
end. Judy Beed from the Grand
Island Business college and Ken
neth Coolidge from Lincoln where
he attends the Lincoln School of
Commerce, were also home.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gillette,
Bel Fousche, S. D., were recent
visitors in the home of his father,
Cliff Gillette ami Mrs. Gillette
and his brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Darrel Gillette and Darrel Lee.
Roll call was answered by 14
members of the American Legion
Auxiliary when they met Thurs
day evening at the home of Mrs.
L. V. Cooper. The president, Mrs
Donald Green, presided. The Na
tional Anthem and the song of
the month, “In the Cross of Christ
I Glory”, was sung. A letter from
the District President, Mrs. A1
Chavet, regarding “Girl’s State”
was read. It was voted to send
$2.00 to the “Leonard Wood Mem
orial”. They also decided to spon
sor an Essay Contest, giving $5
as first prize and $2.50 as second
prize. The group favored holding
the Legion’s birthday party on
March 15 with Miss Alice John
son in charge of the program.
Memebrs are asked to bring two
Bingo gifts. There will be no
regular meeting on Friday,
March 1, the usual meeting date.
The meeting was adjourned and
lunch served by the hostesses,
Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Edwin Wal
ters. Mrs. C. F. Gillette, reporter.
Relatives from away, here tc
attend the funeral services for
Mrs. Effie Medcalf Thursday,
Jan. 31 at the Methodist church
were Emmet Medcalf, Sedro
Woolley, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Ot
to Greenstreet, Mt. Vernon,
Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hor
ton, Beatrice, Mr. and Mrs. P. T.
Ava-d, Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Medcalf, Atkinson, Mr.
Headquartars: 304 So. 18th St.
IMS Run: lliy 10th thru July 4th
and Mrs. Allen Miller, Stuart
Mr and Mrs. Don Medcalf, Ains
worth, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Med
calf and family, Clearwater, Mr
and Mrs. Bob Hof acker and fami
ly, Elgin and James Medcalf, Or
The Chambers High School Vol
ley Ball team played the Cham
bers Alumni girls Friday eve
ning The High School team de
feating the Alumni 25 to 21.
The St. Joe basketball team oi
Atkinson defeated the Chamber*
team 55 to 41 with the Chambers
2nd team winning their game
26-24, Friday evening in Cham
Mrs. Marjorie Fagan returned
home Friday from St. Anthony’!
hospital, O’Neill, where she had
been a patient for the past twc
Mrs. Art Walter was a patient
in St. Anthony’s hospital last
week. Mrs. Seth Hertel was sup
ply teacher for her room while
she was absent.
Edwin Fleek underwent sur
gery at St. Anthony’s hospital the
first of last week.
Air. and Mrs. True Fagan, Riv
erside, Calif., came Friday fox
a visit with his brother, Mr. anc
Mrs. Merle Fagan and Gary and
with his mother, Mrs. Marjorie
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Loge
man and their daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Beal and family
Plainview and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Wright, Chambers, were dinner
guests Sunday, Jan. 27th in the
Bill Logeman home. The occasion
was Mr. Logeman s birthday an
ni versary.
The Rev. and Mrs. Earl Hes!
returned Thursday from a twc
week vacation spent with rela
tives in Missouri.
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Em
bree, O’Neill, attended services
of fhn in PUnm
bers Sunday morning.
Mrs. Frank Searles, Denver
Colo., has been a guest of her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and family last
week after having visited her two
daughters and families, Omaha,
and a daughter and family, Spen
Several friends and relatives
gathered at the home of William
Reicks Tuesday evening to help
him celebrate his birthday anni
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Watson and
Dan had as guests Thursday eve
ning several of their friends and
neighbors. Home made ice cream
and cake was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott vis
ited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Milan Wilke and children, Ewing,
Supper guests 9unday in the
Vern Wilkinson home were Mr.
and Mrs. Eric Retzlaff and Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Hanna.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sasek, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Hull, Omaha, and
Fay Blair, Lincoln, spent Sun
day with their mother, Mrs. Ralph
Blair and grandmother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bishop and
children, Mead, were weekend
guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Hertel.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott and
Cindy, O'Neill, were Sunday din
ner guests in the Harry Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Butterfield
and family were Saturday eve
ning visitors in the A1 Rockford
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Jarman
spent a few days over the week
end with their daughter and son
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ringle
and children and their son, Doug
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eggle
ston, Neligh, were Sunday vis
itors in the home of Mrs. Char
lotte Honeywell and Mrs. Erna
Mr and Mrs Harold Green and
family, Albion, were Sunday
guests in the Glen Taylor home
Mr. and Mrs Edd Coday drove
to Grand Island Monday on busi
The Chambers ‘March of
Dimes” chairman, Mrs J E
Gibson reports that the Mother's
march netted $40 30 and the
school $37.56.
Mr. and Mrs D L. Holcomb,
Aurora, were weekend guests in
the L. V. Cooper home.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck
and Kathy and Maurice Rasmus
sen, Columbus, were weekend
guests of her parents, Mr and
Mrs. John Honeywell.
The following guests were pre
sent at the Edd Coday home Sun
day evening to help Mr. Coday
celebrate his birthday anniver
sary: Mr. and Mrs. George Ful
lerton, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doo
little, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman
and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peter
son, all of Amelia and Mr and
Mrs. Amos Ninham of Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz and
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Halsey
were Sunday evening callers in
the G. H. Grimes home.
And Community
Dolores Tun enter
Connie Coufal, Stuart, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coufal, was
the guest of honor Sunday at a
miscellaneous bridal shower, giv
en by the Victory Homemakers
club at the home of Mrs. Joe Ra
mold sr. Games were played and
a lunch served. Miss Annette
~ '
Sehaaf registered the gifts Mary
and Raydene Timmerman. Joan
Peter and Dolores Tunender as
sisted her. Miss Coufal will wed
John Rarnold February 16 at St
Boniface Catholic church at Stu
Mr and Mrs. Joe Rarnold ,t
and family and Mr and Mrs An
drew Rarnold and family, O'
Neill, were Monday night guests
at the home of Mrs Joe Ra
mold, sr. and boys.
Mr and Mrs. Jerry Sehaaf and
daughter, Omaha, and Mr and
Mrs. Larry Donhn and family,
Central City, were weekend
guests at the home of their par
ents, Mr and Mrs Elmer Sehaaf
and family
Mr anil Mrs. Donald MarceJlus
and family visited at the home ol
Mr and Mrs. Ray Tunender and
family Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George Babl vis
ited at the home of Mr and Mrs
Art Holz and daughter, O'Neill
Friday afternoon.
Frank Havranek of Hamburg
la., brother of A1 Havranek was
an overnight guest there Satur
Mr and Mrs George Shald and
family, Stuart and Mrs. Joe
Winkler were Sunday dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Winkler and Mary Alice.
Mr and Mrs. Louis Havranek
and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek
were Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Havranek and family, O’Neill.
Mrs. Joe Winkler and Mrs. Ed
Winkler and Mary Alice visited
Mrs. Leo Weichman at the At
kinson Memorial hospital Sunday
Ed Winkler visited at the Wal
ter Ries home, Atkinson, on
Art Wills, Wayne State Teach
ers College, spent last weekend
at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jess Wills.
Mrs. Fxl Winkler and Mary
Alice called at the homes of Mrs
Josephine Binder and Mr and
Mrs. Walter Ries and family Sun
day afternoon
Ellen Frost and Lois Sterns
were Sunday guest* at the home
of Mr. and Mi* Ray Tunendrr
and family.
Mrs Joe Ramold sr, and boys
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs Cyril Peter and family, O'
Neill, Tuesday night
Dick and Caroline Pongratr
Janice Vequist and Jimmy and
George Grutsch attended the has
ketball games Friday at Lynch
between Lynch and St Mary s
I >et>by and Debbie Pangrata
stayed at the home tif their
grandparents while their mother
was in the hospital.
Gene and Dolores Pettinger
visited at the home of Mr and
Mrs Joe Pongrata last Sunday
Mr and Mrs John Babl visit
ed at the home of Mr and Mrs
John E. Babl and family Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus
and family were Sunday dinner
guests at the home of Anton Jir
Victory Homemaker* club will
meet February 13 wuh a Vnlen
tine exchange at (he home of
Mm John Hub)
Mr an.! Mr* Hilbert Kautrrku*
and family and Mr. and Mm
Bill Tieikr and family were Fit*
day night visitors at the Iv ina
of Mr and Mrs Donald Marcal
lus and family.
Mr* John liabl visited at the
home of her moUier, Mr* Ague*
Heeb, O'Neill, Thursday
Mr and Mr* Donald Marcel
hi* called at the home of her mo
ther, Mrs Agnes lfeeb, O'Neill,
Mr. and Mr* Donald Marrrllun
called at the home of Mr ami
Mr* BUI Tie Ike Tuesday after
Wmr a Prolmluiwl llain ut
Hhampo<>« Fariaia
MaMumn Hair 4 olaiing
Peacock Barber Shop
Mi'mbrr A.MHIIA 1‘honr »
Virgil l. Laursen
District Manager
Box 276
O’Neill, Nebraska
Sales Leader
One of Modem Woodmen’s top-ranking agents, District
Manager, Virgil L. Laursen, O’Neill, has qualified for
this organization’s Century Club for 1962. We congratulate
him for this achievement, and recommend him as a cap
able representative of a leading life insurance organiza
Modern Woodmen
“ ■ - ■ - - 1
' " . .... "■■■■■ »' . ...
Northwest Nebraska Hereford Association
j 46th Annual Spring Sale — 50 Registered
Hereford Bulls
of Serviceable Ages
Sale Pavilion — Fair Grounds
Sale to Start at 1:00 p.m. (C.S.T.)
Eldon and Ron Klamclt. Thcdford; flurry .1. Brown, Bassett;
VV. Everett Broun, Valentine; llarley Dellavfn, Hay Spring*;
Charles Dennis, Wood Cake; Charles Dorsey and Hons, .Newj»ort;
Dry bread Herefords, Valentine; Furman Hereford Ranch, Mars
land; Harold J. Harms, V'aJentine; Monahan Cattle Co., Hyanntn;
Karl G. Woblg, Cody.
The Bulls are from top Northwest Nebraska herds All are out
standing bulls and many are suitable for heading herds. They
carry the best of breeding and individuality.
Popular Blood IJnm surh as Advance Regulator, Coldest Aster,
FW Bo Aster 4th, Silvers, TK Zato Heir, Mischiefs, Via Bo Aster,
Coldest Aster 068, IIDIt Cold fhiward 6th, Voting Husker.
SHOW of Sale Cattle Wednesday, Feb. 13
—For Catalog or Other Information, Writ**—
Sale Manager, Valentine, Nebr.
Charlw Cork!** and Gene Watson, Auctioneer*