Chambers News By Mr*. K. It. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper have received word that hia bro ther, Harry Cper, Tucson, Ariz., expected to enter the hos pital there Monday for medical care and possible surgery. His son, Gordon Cooper of Califor nia was expected to be with him and with Mrs. Cooper for a cou ple of weeks. The Work-To-Gether club met Thursday evening, Jan. 17 at the home of Mrs. Sam Young with 7 members present. One new member was admitted. Two new members who had joined the club recently were introduced They were Mrs. Kenneth Back haus and Mrs. Dick Read. The handicraft leader, Mrs. Richard Grimes, assisted the group in making pictures from plates. If was decided that all dues would be paid at once instead of each meeting. The next meeting will be February 21 at the home ol Mrs. Bob Bernhardt. -____1--I Mrs. Clarence Sanderson reporter Fourteen members and one vis itor, Mrs. Clare Coulthard, were present Thursday pm. at the Methodist church basement for the closing session of the study on the book "The Rim of East Asia”. The study was presented by Mrs. T. E. Newhouse and Mrs. Darrel Gillette. The next study will be from the book “The Arm of Compassion” by W. Ver non Middleton. The president, Mrs. G. H. Ad ams, presided at the business session. The group voted to give $10.00 toward a plaque, represent ing “Peace” to hang in the church center at the United Na tions special memberships were discussed, also subscriptions to the World Outlook and Methodist women. The meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. LaVern Hoerle and Mrs. Raymond Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, Cherilyn and Terry, Atkinson, were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Erwin Carpenter home. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Taggart, Dannegrog were Sunday p. m guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fagan. On Friday evening, Feb. 1, Chambers will play 9t. Joe, At kinson in a basketball game on the home floor. The Holt County Volley Ball Tournament will be held at Chambers Feb. 11-13-14. Wednesday evening callers in the Vern Wilkinson home were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hanna and Friday evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Watson. Mr and Mrs. Dick Brion, Ew ing, were Sunday pm. and eve ning guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter. The thermometer dropped to 25 degrees below Saturday mglu in the Chambers community after a high wind and blowing snow all p m. and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Coday and Dan were supper guests and at tended a card party at the Dick Doolittle home Sunday evening. Oscar Greenstreei showed slides he had taken in various parts of the U. S. from Florida to Alaska, at the Bethany Pres byterian church one evening last week. Keith Baughn, teacher in the Chambers H. S was speaker at the Methodist church Sunday a m. in the absence of the pastor. Mrs. Donald Hoffman was a patient from Wednesday eve ning until Friday in St. Antho ny’s hospital. Edgar DeHart returned the first of the week from Omaha where he had undergone surgery for the removal of a cataract on his eye. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jarman came Saturday from Rochester, Minn., where they had gone for medical council. They visited un til Monday a.m. in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wood Jarman and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jarman. Their sor, Dickie, who had been staying at the Dick Jarmans accompanied them to their home, Ft. Collins, Colo. Sunday dinner guests in the Richard Jarman home were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jarman and ickie, Ft. Collins, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Wood Jarman, Mr. and Mrs Jim Jarman and children and Duane Grossnicklaus, Karen and Linda. The latter two had spent the weekend with their grand parents, the Richard Jarmans. Mrs. Duane Grossnicklaus and Sally left Friday for a two week visit with friends and relatives in California. Mr. and Mrs. Duane K. Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gartner and children drove to Neligh Sunday to spend the day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Miller. The latter expect to leave next week for Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Rockford and -I family were Sunday d.nnei guests in ti»e Harry Scott home. The occasion was to celebrate the birthday anniversary of tlie Scott’s granddaughter, Betty Rockford. Mr. and Mrs Edwin Nachtman and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ralph Blair and mother, Mrs. Whidden. Several friends and neighbors gathered at the Green home Thursday evening to help Ralph Green celebrate his birthday an niversary. Mr. ami Mrs. E. M. Jarman drove to the Ernest Childers home west of Elgin Wednesday evening to visit the Russell Childers family of Wyoming whc weie visiting his brother and family. Mr and Mrs. Leon Hertel were Friday evening visitors in the Lyman Covey home in Chambers. Dorsey News Ity Mrs. Harold Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka were lunch guests at the Harold Os born home on Tuesday. Earlier in the day they called at the Ro ger Rosenkrans home to attend to some school business. Mrs. O. Ruzicka’s brother, Joe Kubic lias been a patient at Sac red Heart hospital in Lynch, re covering from a cold and flu. He go to go to his home in O’Neill on Friday. Miss Sadie Derickson accom panied Rosenkrans to O’Neill where she is going to spend some time with her sisters and mother due to the severe cold weather were having. Mrs. Clay Mashino had to have a tooth extracted Saturday by a dentist in O’Neill. She is suffering with it as the cold weather seems to bother her jaw where the tooth was removed. Mrs. Guy Hull was a Saturday shopper in Lynch. She also call ed at the hospital to see Mrs. T. J. Graham. Words been received from Rod rick Hughes who is stationed at Granite, Illinois, states that this cold weather is making it very uncomfortable for the boys to work in the shop as they can not get enough heat in there to keep them warm. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rosen krans received word that the dor mitory in Springfield, Mo., where their daughter Marion stays and attends college, caught fire, des troying it so badly that the girls had to find other quarters to live in. Some of the girls were at tending classes at the time and some of them lost all their cloth-' ing as the fire was to much in advance of the fire department to salvage the things from their rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber and Mr. and Mrs. Buss Greene visited at the Harold Osborn home Sunday evening. Mrs. R. L. Hughes accompan ied the Osborns to Lynch Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gillogy and children were Friday evening callers at the R. L. Hughes home, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Aim were O’Neill shoppers Friday. Mrs. Aim’s mother is not feeling the best and has had to be in bed for a few days this past week. Miss Lizzie Carson and Mrs. Mary Wolfe braved the cold wea ther on Thursday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson. Guy Johnson was admitted to the hospital Friday for a run ol x-rays and tests. Friends hope he soon will be able to be back home. Roger Rosenkrans chimney caught fire Monday morning causing them some inconvenience on these cold mornings as they had to fight the fire to keep it from getting away from them. Amelia News By MIm Ptornur* limtorj Mr and Mr*. George Fullerton took home ma le ice cream and cake and spent Thursday eve ning, Jan. 24 with Mr. and Mrs Lew Backhaus and helped Mr*. Backhaus celebrate her birthday anniversary. Mr and Mrs. Lew Backhaus went to Atkinson Wednesday on business and while there called on their nephew, Ted Backhaus and S. C. Barnett at the Atkinson hospital. Ted is seriously ill with diabetes and surgery for ampu tation of one leg was to be per formed early this week. Mrs. Frank Searles, Denver, Colo., planned to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and fam ily this week She will visit an other daughter, Mrs. Lew (Bev erly) Sperling at Spencer Mrs. Duane Carson, Chambers, called on Mrs. May Sageser and Mrs. Emma Lindsey and brought them each a birthday remember ance. Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson went to Sargeant Sunday after noon to visit their brother-in-law, i Ott Dickman, who is critically ill in the Sargeant hospital. They al so received word from their son, Don Peterson, that his wife was in the hospital suffering with Hepatitis. They live in Tuscon, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton spent Saturday evening at Lee Gilmans. Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Everett, Atkinson, were Saturday evening supper guests with Mr. and Mrs Charles Everett, Harley and Su san. Lee Gilman expected to have part of the cast removed from hu injured leg Tuesday. He was sure in f»o}>es Uus could be dune aa the cast extended around his waist and made it difficult for him to get around. Mr. amf Mrs Dick Do >1 it lie en ter tamed at supper and card* Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mr. and Mrs Anna N inham, Mr. and Mrs George Fulleiton and Mr ami Mr> Dunk Peterson were guests. Dale Doolittle and Dick Mc Connell were Lincoln callers Fri day returning home Saturday Dale visited hu sisters, Mrs. Ger ald Tesch and Mrs. Ray Gartner and their families while there. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle were shopping in O'Neill Thursday and visited Mrs. Gertie Marcellun while tiiere. Mr. and Mrs Gus Pospichal. Mr and Mrs Art Doolittle and Mrs Gertie Adair were visiting at Edgar Petersons Sunday eve ning. The evening was spent play ing cards. Troxeil Green was speaker at the Methodist church Sunday morning, filling the pulpit for Rev Hess who had gone to Mis souri to spend his birthday an niversary with his twin brother Deputy United States Marshall Roy Gartner, Unr<4n. in com jwny with another officer recent * :> went to Washington D C. on business anl while there attend ed the inaugural dinner and per sonally met president Kennedy Deputy Marshall Gartner ii a son in law of Mr, and Mrs, Ari Doolittle He also figured in the Oxford. Mississippi ran Miss Donna Forbes stayed tn Amelia With Mrs Maude Forbes to attend school due to bad road conditions and cold weatltrr Debby Waldo stayed overnight Thursday with Cynthia Dierklng Mr. and Mrs. Bi4> Friedrtck and family have recenlly moved to Liibback, Tex , from El Paao, Tex This la tl»e northwestern part of Texas and some closer,, to home. B«ib, a former Amelia! boy. is art electrician. He is a brother U> Mr* LKryd Wnldo Mr* May Sageser waa a gue*t Saturday with her non and wile, Mr and Mra Vrrn Hagesrr to a dinner tn honor «J her itVh htTth. day dinner Mr anil Mr* Oienn White and Mra S C. Barnett have spent several hours each day with Mr. Barnett at the Atkinson hrwpttat. -AikPi Beauty Shop 9t3 K. Dougina H» Phone til Complete Beauty Service Slimllner Reducing Machine ROYAL THEATRE rhurs Jan. 91 “JIMRO" l -1 sal. I Hi i I "TAKZAN TUP. APIS MAN" Sun.-Mon. Tiiea.-Wed.-Thar*. Pel*. 9-4-3 4 7 "IF A MAN ANSW RKM” . . . Don't Hung I p IOOF LODGE NO. 57 meets every Wednesday at 8 pm. All members are urged to l>e present. Visiting Odd Fellows welcome. tf DANCE WHOOPEE JOHN FRIDAY. FEB. 8 American Legion Ballroom O'Neill, Nebraska . -- Half-Price Sale on Cara Nome Cosmetics! HAND LOTION QQC Pint. Reg. 2.00 JO HAND CREAM Q7C 8 oz. Reg. 1.75 ° 1 SKIN FRESHENER 1 OC Reg. 2.50 COLD CREAM 1 OC _Reg. 2.50 CLEANSING CREAM 1 on for Dry Skin. Reg. 2.50 NIGHT CREAM 1 CA Reg. 3.00 HORMONE CREAM 1 75 Estrogenic. Reg. 3.50 ■ w FAST CLEAN 1 AA Cleansing Lotion. Reg. 2.00 * «w w ASTRINGENT 1 OC Reg. 2.50 (B)New Awakenings Made together to work to- 5 gether. Now say good-by to problem hair. Controlled Action Shampoo, Sheen ’n’ ! Shield Rinse, Moisture Guard Conditioner, Crystal Clear Hair Spray, Star-Shine Hair Gloss. Each COUCH and COLD NEEDS REXALL ASPIRIN. ».». «*> »*«.'«'■ 64c ,m Antiseptic stick soothes chapped, cracked REXALL LIP-AID. or dry lips. .. .. *. u Kills contacted germs. Use qq. Mi-31 Antiseptic Mouthwash, asgargie.wm »9C Lo-Glare for comfort around face. ~ Rex-Ray HEAT LAMP, save ssc. Reg. 3.9s. ; p. rnvnrv nriT DAn Wetproof, 3-heat. Save 1.97. Reg. ^ no : ELECTREX HEAT PAD. 5.95. _ _ iiinnniirn Steams up to 12 hours. 1-Gal. capac- r qf Rex-Ray VAPORIZER, ity. save 2.00. Reg. 7.95. j DEYOY REXALL DRUG We Give S&H Green S amps on all Purchases Phone 87 Robert T. Dev ay, Pharmacist O'Neill in —111 liiiiiiwinw—in rwiiMi—i——i—imm ian attention! corn farmers WATCH THE oiTm Seminar No. 1 MINIMUM TILLAGE Saturday, WNAX Radio Feb. 2 - 11:30-12 Noon Presented by Geigy Agricultural Chemicals, manufacturers of Atrazine and Simazine herbicides. DON’T MISS IT! As Advertised in Farm and Home Section HARRY R. SMITH IMPLEMENTS O’Neill, Nebr. I ' ■ ' ■11! w-HSll^SlIfc 38p3«™ Cjir^/.I.I wmamU «» 3 i*>i m.*!7FxfZ!Wmm: 11 ■■ ■ ■ HOPpM DR. D. E. DAVID OPrOMKTHIHT (Vmiplrtr VImuiU Om* (WltiK't iMMni H) A|>|»ilnUiiMit rhotie Sl«l 8»' -*r«*r, Everything piles up handsomely in a Chevy n including savings Imagine a low-loading wagon roomy enough to AUEI/V TT this one goes and goes on a gallon. They grow handle most anything you can heft—and still vflCVl II with brakes that adjust themselves. An exhaut trim enough to slip into cramped parking spots. system that lasts longer. And a Delcotron We imagined it, built it and called it Chevy II. generator that keeps battery reserve p< up. Made it as dependable as a wagon ~an get. Want to hear more? How about a low price, And made it so it’ll keep piling up savings natty interiors, Body by Fisher craftsmanship over the years. Those show up in the way KeePs Gom9 Great _and a talk with your Chevrolet dealer soon! ■BMUBBr ■ Y. n mUBI S1JTT1BV * ’WK.vrUll f vmmm. - M a. -iitirrun .— III Nova iOO 1,-Door 6-Paztenger Station Wagon See four entirely different kinds of ears at your Chevrolet dealer’s . . . Chevrolet, Chevy II, Corvair and Corvette. Spitzenberger Chevy-Olds Co. East Highway 20 O'Neill, Nebraska Phone 623 - New Kind of Cold Capsule! (flexalt) TIMED-ACTION COLD CAPSULES Tiny pellets of medica tion dissolve at timed intervals to bring you prolonged cold relief up to 12 full hours! i2's 1.49 — .- — ^ — ■" 11 —- " 1 — ^ "V