The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 24, 1963, Image 6

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    Amelia News
lij MIm Florence IJndk j
The Amelia Progressive club
met Wednesday, January 17, at
the home of Mrs. Elmer Coolidge.
There were 5 members present.
Year books were made out for
the New Year. Mrs. Harvey Han
sen became a new member. The
next meeting wdl be with Mrs.
Vern Sageser.
Mrs. Emma Lindsey observed
her With birthday anniversary
Monday, Jan. 21. She is Amelia’s
oiliest resident. Mrs May Sageser
is next in line and will celebrate
her With birthday January 2ti.
Word received from Sam Gil
man, who is in the Veteran’s hos
pital at Grand Island, stated that
he was feeling much better and
ttiought he would soon be out
of the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge
went to O’Neill Thursday to visit
their son, Calvin Coolidge and
family. Their little granddaugh
ter had received a broken arm
and one of the little grandsons
had broken a collar bone.
S. C. Barnett has been a pa
tient in the Atkinson hospital the
past week with a severe case of
The Merry Matrons club met
Complete Visual Care
Contact Lenacs
Hy Appointment Phone S101
Ki > tcer, Nebraska
with Mrs Lee Gilman Thursday,
January 17. All members were
present excel* one. A delicious
dinner was served at noon .
Mr. and Mrs Hamp Smith took
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ev
o.ett to Broken Bow Thurs
day where their other son met
them and took them to their liome
at No'th Platte.
Wayne Burgett was released
from St. Anthony's hospital, O'
Neill, on Friday. He had been
having a seige of near pneumon
There was a Township meeting
in Amelia Tuesday.
Vern Sageser attended a Fair
board meeting in Lincoln Mon
day. He stopped off in Lincoln
enroute home from Las Vegas,
Nev., where he had attended an
REA meeting.
Bob and Rusty Adair were do
ing some carpenter work at the
Catholic church last week.
Mrs. Vern Sageser and Mrs.
Mary Sageser called on Mrs. Van
Robertson Thursday afternoon.
Mr and Mrs. Harold Fullerton
and Beth went to Lincoln Satur
day returning Sunday. They visit
ed the new little Miss Becky Jean
Matthews and her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Matthews. Lit
tie Becky's mother is the former
Joan Fullerton, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Fullerton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cearns,
Scottsbluff, were January 13
weekend visitors with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fry
Saturday mornings mercury
dropiied to a 22 below reading. No
one seems to be doing any un
necessary traveling, thus not any
The Frontier
---- “i
And Community
Dolor** Tunender
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold jr.
and family, O’Neill, visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tun
ender and family Thursday mg!*.
Mrs. Joe Ramold sr. Hubert
and John and Connie Coufal. Lois
Sterns and Ellen Frost were sup
per guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Tunender and fam
ily on Jan. 13 in honor of Fran
cis’ birthday. Dolores was also
honored on her birthday Friday
night, the 18th with Leo Tunen
der, EUen Frost, Lois Stem and
Edgar Fischer with a supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Havranek and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havranek
and family, O’Neill, were Sunday
dinner guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Havranek and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold jr.
and family, O’Neill, were Sun
day guests at the home of Mrs.
Joe Ramold jr.
Mrs. Ray Tunender and Do
lores were on a business trip to
Yankton Tuesday, Jan. 8.
Victory Homemakers club met
at the home of Mrs. Joe Gokie on
January 9 with a noon luncheon
with Mrs. John Babl as co-hos
tess. All were present but 2, roll
call was answered with giving
the New Year resolution. Mrs.
Kay Conway, reading leader,
read, Mom the Crazy Mixed Up
Kid and New Year’s. Some Gold
Bond Stamps were collected. A
wedding shower was discussed
and will be held February 3. Do
lores Tunender received the Mys
tery Sister gift, Mrs. Joe Ramold
won the guess what and Mrs.
Al Havranek won the door prize.
Next meeting will be at the home
of Mrs. John Babl in February
with a valentine exchange.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schaaf, An
nette, John, Joe, Denny and
Mary Jo attended the wedding
of Jennie Jansen at Minnesota
the 12th of January. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor
bert Jansen. They were former
ly of Atkinson. Mi's. Jansen and
John Schaaf and brother and sis
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender
and family and Lois Sterns were
supper guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Ramold jr. and fam
ily, O’Neill Tuesday, Jan. 8.
A nice crowd attended the
shower of Miss Helen Dusatko
Sunday, January 20. She will be
come the bride of Bob Fritton of
O’Neill on February 9 at the
Church of Epiphany at Emmet.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender
were Tuesday night guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Marcellus and girls.
Chambers News
By Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Reninger
arrived home Thursday after
having si>ent Christmas and New
Years with their son and daugh
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nor
man Reninger and family, Co
lumbus, Ohio. From shortly af
ter New Years on they were at
Dallas, Texas where they took
medical treatments.
Edgar DeHart left Wednesday
for Omaha where he was to un
dergo surgery for the removal of
a cataract on his eye. He is re
ported to be getting along fine.
His daugliter, Mrs. Gene Van
Gerpen, Fremont, has been with
Mrs. C. V. Robertson was hos
tess to the Valley Center Exten
sion club Friday p.m. at her
home. Due to the weather con
ditions only 9 members were pre
sent. There were 2 visitors, Mrs.
Rena Deirking and Mrs. Earl
Hess. The president, Mrs. Mel
vin Bell conducted the business
session. She mentioned several
country club goals, various spec
ial meetings to be held soon and
gave out a line up ol the lea
sons for the year. Mrs. G. H.
Grimes read the minutes of the
last Council meeting. It was vot
ed to give $2.00 to the March of
Dunes. Following the business
meeting, Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
gave a report on the book ‘To
Kill a Mockingbird ’, by Harper
Lee. The meetuig adjourned and
lunch was served by the hos
tess. The next meeting will be
Feb. Is at the home of Mrs. D
K Miller. There will be an ex
change of home made Valentines.
The Rev. and Mrs. Earl Hess
left Monday for Missouri where
they plan to visit a couple weeks
with relatives and friends in Linn
County. The Rev. Hess and his
twin brother will celebrate their
birthday anniversary together.
They planned to visit their sons
at Wichita, Kan enroute.
Mrs. Anna Albers returned
home Saturday from a visit of
several weeks with her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordan Harley and family,
Springfield, Ore., and with her
brother at Portland, Ore. She
was accompanied by Mrs. John
Wmtermote who had been visit
ing her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook, Mer
ldian, Idaho.
Mrs. Lyman Covey returned
several days ago from St. Antho
ny’s hospital where she had been
a patient for a few days.
Mrs. Marjorie Fagan was ad
mitted to St. Anthony’s hospital,
O'Neill, last week for medical
Kenneth Coolidge, Lincoln
spent the weekend with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cool
Keller club met Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Sam Young
with Mrs. Ernest Young co-host
ess. Ten members, 1 guest and
5 children were present. Roll cal]
was answered by telling of a fav
orite TV or Radiq program. Mrs.
Charles Coolidge was awarded
the door prize. Interesting articles
were read by Mrs. Coolidge, Mrs,
G. H. Grimes and Mrs. E. A.
Farrier. The latter also played
several selections on the piano.
Mrs. John Lee Farrier was ad
mitted as a new member. The
next meeting will be Feb. 6 at
the home of Mrs. Melvin Bell
with Mrs. Charles Coolidge co
Danelia Whitaker, student at
Wayne State College spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Whitaker and
family. Also home for the week
end was Judy Beed from Grand
Chambers first team defeated
the Atkinson team 53 to 51 in a
closely contested game of basket
bail in the Chambers High school
gym Saturday evening. The At
kinson second team won from
Chambers 38 to 35. The Chambers
girls won the volley ball game.
The Home Circle club met
Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Dellie Fauquier with 6 members
and 2 visitors present. Election
of officers was held. Mrs. Fau
quier was elected piesident; Mrs.
Bob Koci, secretary and trea
surer; and Mrs. E. M. Jarman,
sunshine leader. The next meet
ing will be February 20 at the
home of Mrs. Lyle Hanna. There
will be a Valentine gift exchange.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott were
Sunday dinner guests in the A1
Rockford home, the occasion be
ing in honor of Mrs. Scott's birth
day anniversary. Afternoon call
ers were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Scott and Cindy, O’Neill. The lat
ter also visited at the Harry Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hanna took
her father, William Reick to Til
den Monday for a medical check
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hertel were
Sunday dinner guests in the Ce
cil Clouse home at Bartlett.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Loseke
were Sunday supper guests of
Mrs. Ralph Blair and mother.
Mrs. WTndden.
Mrs. Arnold Hoerle, formerly
Irene Parrot, was honored at a
miscellaneous shower at the Lu
theran church basement Satur
day evening. In spite of the ex
tremely cold and stormy wea
ther a good turnout of friends and
relatives were present. The pro
gram which depicted the life of
the bride in songs and dialogue
was in charge of Mrs. J. W. Wal
ter. Lunch was served.
Friends and relatives at Cham
bers have learned that Stanley
Jarman, Ft. Collins, Colo., has
entered the Clinic at Rochester,
Minn., for medical care. The Jar
mans are formerly of Chambers.
He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wood
Jarman. Their son, Dick, will
stay at the Richard Jarmans
while his parents are in Roches
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith
were weekend guests in the Al
bert Larson home, Omaha, on
January 12 and 13.
Mrs. Anna Albers was an ov
er night guest Saturday in the
John Honeywell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Urban, Jim
and Coileen were Sunday dmnei
guests in the Richard Grimes
hune in honor of Mrs. Urban's
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Thorin,
Charies Thorin and Janet Swan
son, Columbus, were Sunday din
ner guests in the Lloyd Winter
mote home. The occasion being
the birthday anniversary of Mrs.
Wintermote and her twin brother,
Charles Thorin.
Mrs. Amelia Wells, administra
tor of the school for the trainable
at Cozad was an overnight guest
in the Wayne Smith home Mon
day, Jan. 14. She was guest
speaker at the PTA meeting. O’
Neill, that evemng.
The Walther League of St.
Paul’s Lutheran church will meet
at 8:Oo pm., Thursday.
The St. Paul’s Lutheran Aid
is sponsoring a smorgasbord on
Jan. 30 (weather permitting).
The hours are from 5:00 to 8.00
The continued cold and some
blowing of snow has curtailed ac
tivities and again this week their
is a shortage of news.
Atkinson News
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Smith were Mr.
and Mrs. Laurenee Pacha, and
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pacha and
family. Mrs. Mary Pacha was
also a Sunday afternoon caller in
the Smith home.
Mr. and Mrs. Holland Kersch
and family of Spencer were Sat
urday evening dinner guests of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Enbody in Atkinson. The occa
sion was to celebrate Mrs.
Kersch’s birthday.
Mrs. George Tracy and Mrs.
Mary Kanzelmeyer drove to Val
entine Sunday where they w’ere
dinner guests in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. 0. L. West and family.
Alfred Kazda was in O'Neill
Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mack came
from Wayne Friday night to
spend the weekend with relatives
in Atkinson. They returned to
Wayne Sunday evening.
Donna McClurg and Rita Win
ings came from Lincoln to spend
last weekend with relatives and
Mrs. J. W. Carlson, Scott and
Sheryl came from Crofton last
Friday to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Wefso. They re
turned to Crofton Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and
Dennis were last Friday evening
callers in the Wefso home.
Mrs. John Meurrens called on
Mrs. Frank Skrdla last Friday
William Wefso went to Broken
Bowr last Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carr and
family recently moved to O'Neill
where they will reside. Mr. Carr
..111 ■
is I inkling a new home in O’Neill
find while It is not completed they
have mo veil into it and will
finish it as time permits- Mr
Carr is employed as a carpenter
and has been commuting buck
ami forth to work the past sev
eral montlut
Bobby Gokie. son of Mr ami
Mrs. Conte Gokie. underwent a
tonsileclomy at the Atkinson
Memorial hospital Saturday. He
was dismissed Sunday.
A surprise birthday party was
held Sunday night at the home
of Mr. ami Mrs Gerald Roth
child, honoring Gerald and Mrs
Donald Mills Those present
were Mr ami Mrs Donald Mills.
Mr and Mrs Maynard Coleman
and Mr. ami Mrs. Ted Manzer.
The No. 8 Bridge club met
Monday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Raymer Funk. Those at
tending were Mrs. Robert Gaylor,
Mrs. Ted Manzer. Mrs. Maynard
Coleman, Mrs Donald Mills,
Mrs Richard Braun, Mrs. Ger
ald Rothchild and Mrs. Donna
Mrs. K. A Harshfteld and Mr
and Mrs Ronald Watson spent
Sunday afternoon in the home ol
Mr. and Mrs William Schom and
family near Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tooker and
family of Spencer spent Sunday
afternoon at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Humphrey in At
The Rakers Dozen Extension
club met Inst Friday night at the
home of Mrs. Helen Carroll. |
Eight members answered roll
call ami plans were made for
the new year and materials pass
mi out to each member. Mrs Ro
bert Keating and Mrs. Frank
Prussa were appointed to prepare
the new year looks. After all
business was completer!, the
group continued the work on their
smocked aprons. The next meet
ing will lie in February.
Miss Donna Regal was hostess
Monday evening to the Merry
Mixers Extension club. Dues for
the new year were paid and
plans made for the coming
months. Games were furnished
by the hostess and lunch fol
Stuart News
By Mrs. Herb Skais
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Seger enter
tained three tallies of card play
ers Sunday evening at their home
in Newport. Prize winners were
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Batenhorst,
high; Mr. and Mrs. Louie Shald,
low; Mrs. Jim Davis, travelers.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Shald will
have the next party in three
Sunday supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. I>on Moss and famdy
were Mr. and Mrs. John Friedel,
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Moss, and
Mr. and Mrs. Boh McCartney and
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lockmon
and family spent Sunday visiting
friends Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Teney and family at Orchard.
Mrs. Gary Claussen, Lincoln,
arrived last week for a 10 day
visit with her parents, Mr. and
waa admitted to the Hock Coun
ty hospital Sunday. Her daugh
ter, Mr«. G. L. Obermlre, vislt
ed her Sunday
Mr. and Mr* Jot' Gilson en
tertalned four tallies of pitch
player* Sunday evening at their
itfiiii *. Guy Cndwnlkder was n
guest l*rt/i- winners were Mr
and Mrs Jimmy Huffman. lav
nerd King, Hob Cadwall.ider anti
I-a Vunne Dvorak 'The next party
will is- February 3 at the home
of Mr and Mrs Glen Cadwalla
der with lo-nertl King amt lot
Vunne Dvorak as buetesaes
Allierta Hoffman aj**nt several
days recently at the Inane of Mr.
amt Mrs Hill I toff man ami sons
at Naper.
Sunday dinner ami suptier
guests of Mr and Mrs. Kdwin
Kngler were Mr and Mr* Al
fred StrMku and family. Other
*up|»er guest* were Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Kngler, Atkinson
Mr. ami Mra. Merle Thurlow
and family moved Saturthty tu
Kalina, Kan where they will
make their home llseir new
address ta ns follows: Mr. and
Mrs Merle Thurlow, 902 Otero
kee, Kalina, Kan.
Mr and Mrs. Harold Given*
entertained friend* ut supper and
a card party Sunday evening.
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — It Pays I
SAT.. JAN. 26
Admission $1.00
American Legion
Page, Nebraska
McKesson 2 for 1 Sale
Fantastic Savings!
Check this partial list of bargains:
Reg. Sale
After Shave Lotion .1 00 2/1.00
Alcohol Rubbing Compound .59 2 / .59
Aspirin Twins .
Athlete's Foot Lotion .98 2 / .98
Athlete's Foot Powder .69 2 / .69
Axon Cold Tablets .98 2/ .98
Axon Cc'd Tablets .1.69 2/1.69
Ax^n Cold Tablets for children.69 2 / .69
Axon Nasal Spray .98 2/ .98
Cream Deodorant .89 2 / .89
Cut 'n Scratch Cream .69 2/ .69
Denture Adhesive .63 2 / .63
Denture Cleanser .63 2/ .63
Fluoride Toothpaste .53 2/ .53
Roll-On Deodorant .89 2 / .89
Room Deodorant .89 2 / .89
Rosemary Blue Lotion .1.00 2/1.00
Rosemary Castile Shampoo .I .UU x / I.UU
Rosemary Hair Spray .1-69 2/1.69
Rosemary Hand Cream .98 2 / .98
Rosemary Pink Lotion .1.00 2/1.00
Rosemary Shampoo with Egg ....1.00 2/1.00
Shav-ng Lotion .50 2 / .50
Sleep Tablets .89 2/ .89
Solution No. 59 .69 2 / .69
Super Foam Luxury Shave .89 2 / .89
Glycerin Suppositories .49 2 / .49
Surin Ointment .1.25 2/1.25
Rcsemary Bubble Bath Liquid .1.79 .90
Rosemary Bubble Bath Powder ..1.79 .90
Bean Bag Ash Tray .69 .39
St. Regis Hot Water Bottle. 1.29
U.5.I. Flashlight Batteries .20 2/ .20
i Facial Tissue . 27 3 / .69
Dancing Mileage Hosiery . 2 pr. 1.59
Boxed Stationery .1.00 .79
Shipper's Special Toilet Tissue .... .99
Johnson Drug Store
PHARMACIST - Wm. Petsche - Phone 118
Body Shop
24 Hr, Wrecker Service
Complete Body Work
Glass Cut & Installed
86 Day — 473 Night
Corner of 7th & Clay, near Lutheran Church in
Sale starts at 2:00 p.m.
Refrigerator; Apt. size gas range; Dining Room
table and chairs; Overstuffed set; Desk; 2 Library
tables; Day Bed; Rollaway bed; Singer sewing
machine; 14-ft. upright freezer; Wardrobe; Vac
uum cleaner; Chest of drawers; Kitchen cabinet;
Power lawn mower; Radio; Curtain stretcher;
Speed Queen washer; Set of double tubs; 100
gal. propane tank; Over 100-ft. hard pine floor
ing; Dishes; Shop Tools; Miscellaneous items.
Kieth Abart & Dewayne Anson, Auct.
A memorandum has been received from the State Tax Com
missioner’s office stilting that amounts earned but not received
on January 1, 1963 for the storage of resealed grain shall be
subject to intangible tax as an account receivable. These amounts
will be placed on the personal schedule of each individual, part
nership, or corporation which has resealed grain. This is done
in accordance with Section 77-201.01 R. S. Nebraska.
The tax is 25* on $100 or $2.50 on $1,000. The penalty for fail
ure to comply with this is five times the amount due.
The number of bushels of grain resealed will be made avail
able to the Assessor’s office by the county A.S.C.S. office.
We hope your full cooperation will be received in this matter
and the Assessor’s office will do their best to answer any ques
tions you might have.
Charles R. Fox
Holt County Assessor
All Clean Selected
Where Your $ Buys More Bull
February 4th - 12:30 p.m.
Sioux City Stock Yards Pavilion
Here's your chance to raise the quality of your
next calf crop.
For Information Contact
S. O. Knudson, Sec.
Sioux Rapids, la.
Helen Mane Dusatko
| will wed
Robert Fritton
February 9
The bride has registered in our bridal registry
Make McIntosh Jewelry your First Stop for
China, Crystal, Silver and Wedding Gift needs
McIntosh jewelry
«*' E. DougluA Ph1M
A Trueled Jeweler In Your Beet Advtnor
Just put an OldsmoMe Dynamic 88 on the road and New Style to delight you I Rocket action to excite you I
watch it win you over! Graceful lines . . . elegant 10 youi
appointments . . . full-size comfort . . . 280-h.p.
Rocket V-8 performance. And with all that, - \
Dynamic 88 is Oldsmobile’s lowest-priced full-size m ^ ^
series . . . smartest buy in the medium-price field! OLDSMOBILE
There’s "Something Extra" about owning an OLDSMOBILE!
Spitzenberger Chevy-Olds Co,
East Highway 20 O'NEILL, NEBRASKA Phone 623
Mrs Norris Goats.
Norris Coats returned Monday
from a week business trip to
Omaha and Lincoln.
Mr and Mrs. One Itatenhofst
and sons had as their Sunday
dinner guests Mr ami Mrs Joe
Hamik and Ifemnie, and John
llirsch to help their son, Duane
celebrate his second birthday
Mr ami Mrs Klgte Irish en
tertained four tables of friends
Sunday at a piteh party at their
itome Prise “inner** were Karl
Cadwallader, Mrs Iasi Slaehetka.
Harry Cadwallader and Mrs
Karl Cadwallader The next
party will lie at the home of Mr
and Mrs Harold Butler Sunday,
Feb. 3
Mis. Norris Goats entertained
her bridge club Tuesday evening
Prise winners wen* Mrs Jack
McGrew, Mrs. Joe Brewster and
Mrs. Dwaine Lock man.
A Tuesday afternoon caller of
Alberta Hoffman was her broth
er. Everett Crosby, Bassett
Alberta Hoffman called on Mr*
Harold Butler lust Wednesday af
Saturday afternoon callers of
Mr and Mrs Elgie Irish wen*
Mr. and Mis. Arthur Seger, New
Mr. and Mrs Glen Camplwll.
Ivan, Cindy and Dennise wen*
Sunday dinner and supper guests
ol Mr. and Mrs Eddie Ziska at
Mrs. Mary Henning, Bassett,