The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 10, 1963, Image 9

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    Page News
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen
sr. were Saturday overnight
guests of their son, Mr. and Mrs.
Kussoli Sorensen, Creighton.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer
left on Friday for an extended
trip to Texas and other points of
Harry Harper, Mrs. Frank
Beelaert and Mrs. Bob Beelaert
spent Thursday visiting Mrs. Jim
Jarman in Chambers and her
mother, Mrs Gordon Harvey, Ok
lahoma City.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewart and
family, Grand Island, were holi
day guests here visiting the John
Sorensens and the Glen Stewarts.
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Soren
sen and family, Terri Ickes and
Diane Kemper and Paul Neubau
er were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes.
GGG and G met on Friday with
Mrs. I. O. Woods. The afternoon
was spent in playing cards with
Mrne:. Frieda Asher, Anton Nis
sen and Miss Grace Zellers win
ning prizes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kelly, Mrs.
Anna Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Kelly and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Frerichs and family,
Emmet and Mr. and Mrs. Ber
nard Grimes and family, Cham
bers, were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Art Grass.
Mr and Mrs. Hugh Troshynski
and Teddy, Orchard, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Powell and family,
Alliance, were last Monday’s din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
George Wettlaufer was installed
as the Worshipful master when
the Masons met on Friday night
at the IOOF hall. Other officers
included Bill Simmons, Sr. War
den, Bill Howell, Jr. Warden,
Wilbur Bennett, treasurer, Harold
Banta, secretary, Lloyd Fussel
man, jr. deacon, Merwyn French
sr., senior deacon and Harold
Freemeyer, Tyler. The wives then
served oyster supper to the
An all day meeting was held on
Thursday at the Methodist church
when the WSC9 met with a cov
ered dish dinner, with Mrs. El
sie Cork and Mrs. John Steinberg
as hostesses.
At the business part of the
meeting, Mrs. Harry Harper had
the lesson on “Council of
Churches”. Due to the absence of
Rev. Linder, there was no study
lesson, the lessons will begin at
the next meeting. The group do
nated $25 towards the Tove
French sewing machine fund. It
was voted to pay the mission
Get well cards were sent to
Mines. Mae Copes, Mable Smith.
Frank Snyder, Edd Stewart, Hes
ter Edmisten and Jessie Cronk.
New Year’s day dinner guests
of the Dan Troshynskis were Mr.
and Mrs. Art Givens and family,
Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. George
Pongratz, O’Neill, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Powell and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski
and Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes
were Sunday supper guests of
Mr and Mrs. Frank Belmar, Ew
New Year’s eve supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bowen
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van
Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bee
laert, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss
and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stauffer.
MYF met on Sunday night at
the Methodist church for a pot
luck supper. After supper Dr.
George Carstens addressed the
group. This was followed by a
question and answer period.
The Rev. and Mrs. Lisle Mew
maw and family, Neligh and Mrs.
Mary Haworth were New Year’s
day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Steinberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly
spent Sunday visiting their grand
children in the Leo Dado home
in Fairmont.
Mrs. H. 0. Hill and children.
Orchard and Mrs. Ethel Park ac
companied Edd Stewart on
Thursday to Omaha to be with
Mrs. Edd Stewart when she un
derwent surgery on Friday. They
returned on Sunday bringing a
favorable report on Mrs. Stewarts
Mrs. N. D. Ickes celebrated her
46th anniversary by eating supper
with her son and family, Mr. and
Mrs. “Bud” Ickes while Mr. Ick
es was working in South Dakota.
After supper guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Jr. Sorensen and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat
took their parents, Mr. and Mrs
Otto Matschullat to Scotia on
Wednesday where Ottos were ov
emight guests of their daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. A]
Anthony. On Thursday the Otto
Matschullats boarded a train to
Grand Island and left for Cali
fornia to visit their children and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach
and Sharon Carr spent the week
end in Omaha visiting their son,
Larry Roach.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Powell and
family, Alliance, returned to
their home on Wednesday after
spending the New Year’s week
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Troshynski.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Edmisten,
North Platte, were Saturday
guests in the Calvin Harvey home
to visit his mother, Mrs. Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gross and
Arden were Saturday night sup
per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Tegeler.
Town and Country club met on
Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Fusselman. Bridge was
played with winners being Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Lamason and Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Harvey.
A pre-birthday party was held
on Saturday morning in honor of
Mrs. Otto Matschullat. The self
invited guests included Mmes.
George Clasey, Alton Braddock,
John Steinberg, Lyman Park and
Anna Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach
and Sharon Carr, O’Neill, were
New Year’s day dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk.
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Freemeyer’.s 30th wedding an
niversary, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz
Riege entertained a group of
friends and neighbors at a card
party on Sunday evening. Cards
were played with prizes going to
Dale Matschullat, Mrs. Harrison
Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Ragland.
Mr and Mrs Anton Nissen,
Mr and Mrs. Don Nissen, Mr
and Mrs Harold Asher, Mr and
Mrs Ben Asher and Mrs. Frieda
Asher, all attended a farm sale
on Monday, of Mr. and Mrs. Lo
renz Fuelberth, Osmond Mrs
Frieda Asher and Mrs Anton
Nissen are sisters of Lorenz Al
so there from Page were Harri
son Hallman and Lorenz Riege.
Mrs. Frank Cronk had the les
son on “Council of Churches”
when the King’s Daughters met
on Wednesday afternoon at the
Methodist church Hostesses were
Mrs. William Sorensen and Mr>
Jerry Asher.
On Thursday Mrs. Dale Stauf
fer and Mrs. Darrell Heiss de
livered the blankets to the In
dians at Niobrara. The blankets
were given by King’s Daughters
Neighborhood club met on Sun
day evening at the Legion hall
with all members and their fam
ilies, except one were present.
The group played cards with pri
zes going to Mrs. Louise Heese,
Mrs. Glenn Stewart, Norman
Wettlaufer and Ed Eggan. The
club presented a farewell gift to
Mrs. Duane Finch as they are
moving to Osmond.
Mr. an 1 Mrs. Arnott Buxton
and family, O’Neill, were New
Year’s Day dinner guests of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Asher and
family returned to their home in
Powell, Wyo., after being here
visiting relatives and friends for
the past two weeks.
The members of the Page high
school charivaried Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Ring on Wednesday night.
The Rings treated the kids to pop
at Bill’s Cafe.
RNA Lodge held installation of
officers on Wednesday night at
the IOOF Hall with 18 members
present. Mrs. Anton Nissen is
the new oracle. This was followed
by an oyster supper.
New Year’s day guests of Mr
and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer w^re
Mr and Mrs. Dale Stauffer and
family. Mr and Mrs. Edgar
Stauffer and Mr. and Mrs Harry
Mrs Glen Stewart entertained
the members at the Chatter Sew
club at her home on Friday. The
members present did their own
work They will meet on Febru
ary 1 with Mrs. Harry Thomsen
Mr. and Mrs. Monte Taylor.
Omaha, were weekend guests of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Inman News
l$y Mrs. James Mc.'lahaii
The following were 9uuday din
ner and supper guests of Mrs.
Frank Belik, Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Coover and family, Omaha,
Mr and Mrs Floyd Belik, Page,
Mr and Mrs Tom Engeihaupt and
Mrs J. B. Peters and Larry, In
man, Mr. and Mrs. Gary San
ders and Tina, O’Neill, and Mr.
anti Mrs. Clarence Schornburg «
and family, Pierce.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wettlau
fer of Page spent Monday eve
ning visiting Mrs. Frank Belik.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton
and family, Omaha, spent Mon
day visiting Mr. Hutton’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutton.
Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Hutton
and family left Tuesday for their
home in Vermilion, Canada, after
spending the holidays visiting Mr.
Hutton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Hutton.
Robert Pribil returned to his
schooling at Creighton University,
Omaha, Wednesday alter spend
ing the holidays vismng his pa:
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frelent Pri
Carolyn Reimers returned to
her duties at St- Vincent's iios
prtal, Sioux City, on Wednesday
alter spending several days vis
iting her i*aients, Mr. und Mrs.
Chris Reimers.
Mrs Woodrow Gaughenbaugh
spent Friday in O'Neill visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gaughen
baugh and family.
Everett Stewart left Wednesday
for Fort Leavenworth, Kan ,
where he is stationed with the
US Army after spending the holi
days visiting his mother, Mrs Vi
olet Stewart.
Billy Jackson returned Tuesday
alteration from Nampa, Idaho.,
where he visited his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Doug
las Jackson and Lori over the
holidays. He acconi|»anied Mr.
an i Mrs Robert Burival and son.
O’Neill, to Idaho.
Charles, lone and Larry The
Charles. lone and Larry The
lander returned home the 28th af
ter spending Christmas with their
(laughter and family in Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Kallhoff
and daughters spent the weekend
and New Years Eve ui the home
of their folks. Charles Theland
Mr and Mrs Charles The lan
der and Larry of O’Neill, Mr
and Mrs Teddy Kallhoff ami
daughter* of Omaha and Mr and
Mrs. Leonard Young of O'Neill i
were Sunday night supper guest* j
of the Keith Thelander home in
Mr and Mrs Charles The land |
er and Larry of O’Neill spent
New Years day in the borne of
their folks, Mr. and Mrs Fieri
lekler of Orchard
Larry Thelaiuler spent Friday
night in the home of his friend
Leonard Parkinson
Mr and Mrs. Bernard Keiland
and family moved Sunday from
the Torn Engeihaupt rent pr«>|ter
ty in the east part of town to the
Timmerman property.
Mrs. Otto Relke returned to her
home Saturday from St Antho
ny’s hospital where she had been
a patient several days.
Joe Peters. Norfolk, spent
Thursday visiting Ins family here
Mrs Grace Luben attended fun
eral services for Howard Luben
Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10
Report of condition of the
O’Neill National Bank
of O’Neill, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on
DECEMBER 28, 1962
Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the
Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes
Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process
of collection .$ 793,356.48
United S ates Government obligations, direct and guaran
teed (Net of any reserves) . 1,846,048.50
Obligations of States and political subdivisions (Net of
any reserves) . 517,151.40
Corporate stocks (including $7500.00 stock of Federal Re
serve bank) (Net of any reserves) 7.500.00
Loans and discounts (including $1191.44 overdrafts) (Net
of any reserves) . 1,560,099.70
Other assets . 98.o94.o4
Total Assets . 4,822,550.42
Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor
porations ...;• 3,407.092.16
Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships,
and corporations . 247,557.00
Deposits of United States Government (including postal
savings) . 106,15645
Deposits of States and political subdivisions 334,954.94
Deposi:s of banks . 206,877.53
Total Deposits .$4,302,638.08
la) Total demand deposits .
lb) Total time and savings deposits 247,557.00
Mortgages or other liens, none on bank premises and
$7066.66 on other real estate . <,066.66
Total Liabilities . 4,309,704.74
Capital Stock:
Common stock, total par $100,000.00 . 100,000.00
Surplus . 150,000.00
Undivided profits . 262,845.68
Total Capital Accounts . 512,845.68
Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts . 4,822,550.42
Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for
other purposes . 681,000 00
t o. D. French, Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby de
clare that this report of condition is true and correct to the best of ray
knowledge and belief.
O. D. FRENCH, Cashier
We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness erf this report
of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the
best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct.
F. N. Cronin, J. B. Grady, Julius D. Cronin, Directors
Annual Polled Hereford Sale
JANUARY 19, 1963
Selling 40 coming 2 year old bulls
25 bred heifers
Write for catalog
1:00 p.m, at the ranch 2 miles west of Geddes
L. V. GANT & SONS, Geddes, S. D.
at Chamtcr on Friday.
Mr and Mrs Charles Myrr and
arms have moved to Page where
he ta employed
Thotnaa J Davta. Ftemont,
soent Wednesday afternoon ami
Thursday visiting in Inman.
.■« .. ........s
m mmuifumiiiiniifft
Dick Tomlinson
' My hirtbond* boo" •O’-m* »**• wo*
d«i<ul old S<otcK ond K<a>po«od »o
bo tom* !«•«* *■ **• «obo*
Hun t worry uUml past liquor
trouble#, start now on a new
shopping future at IHck'# It
pays* to buy from Dick#
Dick's Bar
Off Hint On IJqiior Hiilno
Ix*t Dick keep you
in the Heat of Spirit#
Phone #.%« O’Neill, Nebr.
__— € » \ ^ f
Enjoy these savings on fine Qelltlorite foods at Safeway! I|p ( mm _ $|AA
Fruit Cocktail £5.t* ...43S«23 sf.00 Tomato Sauce 8oz'“n3 25'^p) ShoteTSSorcreimstj-iegoMcn.# Nckl2'J I ”
Del Monte Catsup. 5 iofe 95c Chunk Tuna 3X£...36&?M.OO |p, GrPPII RpflllC lK„m$100
Del Monte Spinach.4§£49< Dill Pickles.: £39c M*CUII UCUI»,i."* ^ ■
Tomatoes ite^dn.tfrr....41caM3$1.00 Sliced Beets Dei Monte.2Nca^“39c ^ T Alllfltn llllf f* /L 46-oz. ^100
Royal Ann Cherries 2§S89c Bartlett hmSHCTL3^85c ■ UHIUIU IUIIC DeiMonte .-t I
— or DARK SWEET — Del Monte
Safeway's (tSe) place to Luy
RED, U.S. No. 1 Grade
10-ib. lag
Clean and shallow eyed, ideal for any purpose
Safeway’sfS) lace to Buy Meat!
Chuck Steak beef fo^^rMLavor^T?...Lb. 59<
Ct Afl |f Arm cuts from USDA Choice ^%C|f
mm II ■ 99 ^m I Villa Beef, aged for tenderness.Lb. %f m ^
Perch Fi I lets835tb52Sd r.^SE 39c StewinQ Beef usda^Sb ...u, 69c
Breoded Shrimp choice;frzn.Pkg. 79c Cube Steoks^boice Grade beef. Ji). 89c
Apples fr»mw„«sute..tb. itc Twin Rolls ?gs».Su23e BEEF HINDQUARTERS.u. 59«
Fr'AcIi R«a«#aI| Top ,'vn-tk OQ, Crunch Donuts Mrs. Wright’* .......of 6 29c CUT AND WRAPPED FOR YOUR FREEZER AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOUl
rre»n Broccon .“■ ** Nwb&dbsssss,.jr*.
Dried Prunes medium size \.. .Plio Bag 69c Coconut Macaroons Sunshine ....Pkg. 39c W 1 "■■■■■■■——■■ in . |
Wesson Oil Ideal for cooking Bottle 79c I SWIFT'NING FAB PLASTIC AD
°'N‘“ rnuinium Waxej Pacer ^.23c a* 79c 2SJE«3ln £££29* ^^85*
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