Page News By Mrs. Bca Bln The MYF will hold a skating party on Friday night. All mem bers are urged to bring a guest. They are suppose to meet at the church at 7:30. The Soren Sorensens had a pre Christmas dinner at the Legion cliib on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen as hosts. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Charl«*s Sorensen and family, Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sorensen and family, Omaha, Mr and Mrs. Russell Sorensen and family, Creighton, Mr. and Mrs Eddie Conroy and family, Chad ron, Mr. and Mrs. Jr. Sorensen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max and family and Mr and Mrs. Hal Farnsworth left on Monday morning where the Farnsworth’ will *[>end Christmus in Kearney with the Bernholtz and the Sil vers and the Maxs will be at the Carl Max »r. home in Omaha. Eighteen members were pre sent for RNA Lodge held on Wednesday rught at the lOOF hall After the short business meeting lunch followed an a gift exchange. Mr. and Mrs Ed Walker, Cai ro, arrived here on Friday night to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs C. E. Walker and Mr and Mrs. Lyndley Crumly. Mr I >al# Ring spent Christmas eve with his parents in Winner. S. D. and Christmas day with his fiancee, Marian Sindelar, Ho wells, Nebr. The couple will be married on Thursday (today). Mr. and Mrs Allen Gross and Arden will spend Christmas va cation with her family in Grand Island and his family at Gurley They will also visit at Torrying ton, Wyo., and at Holyoke and Peetz, Colo. Mr. Gross is the Page school superintendent Mr .and Mrs. Ivan Heiss and Bonnie spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs. Joe Price, Lincoln, Bon nie and Dick Linder will attend Mid Winter Institute at Wausa. Dec. 27 and 28 The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Lan der and family spent Christmas visiting relatives in Bewyn and Grand island. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Webb and Jack. Mitchell, Mr and Mrs. David Eby and family and James Nissen, Omaha, Mr and Mrs Bill Eby, O’Neill, Mr and Mrs. Bob Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby and Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen and girls were all guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen. Saturday night guests of Mr and Mrs. Harold Heiss were Mr and Mrs. Dick Asher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fink, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heiss and Nadine. The Finks left for their home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French sr. left on Saturday to spend a few weeks visiting their daughter and family, Mr and Mrs. Robert Frels, Hershey. The members of the East Side Kountry Klub went caroling on Friday night. They also gave the shut-ins and elderly people gifts of candies and cookies, which the members of the Page Extension club helped make. The Page American Legion will hold their annual New Year's eve party. Everyone is welcome. East Side Kountry Klub met on Wednesday for their Christmas meeting with Matt McCabe, Mrs. Carl Lucas and Mrs. Allen Gross were in charge of the entertain ment and games. Secret sisters wre revealed. Mrs. Ron Park, Laramie, Yyo., joined the group. Mrs. Alfred Connors won the special prize. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Anson and family and the Edward Sukup family, Orchard, left cm Saturday to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sukup, at Traynor, la. Duane is a brother of Mrs Anson and they are children of Eds. Page town team traveled to Bartlett Thursday night and lost 58-56. The members of the Freshman class held a bake sale on Satur day at Bill’s cafe and over $25 was realized. Mrs. Lloyd Cork, Diane and Dick left Thursday morning to spend a few weeks visiting in Idaho and Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Park and family, Laramie, Wyo., are vis iting their parents, Mr. and Mrs Leo Lydon, Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park. Thirteen members of the NOK club met on Thursday with Mrs. Arthur Grass for the club’s an nual Christmas dinner. Follow ing dinner there was a gift ex change and revealing of secret sisters. Election of officers was held with Miss Lura Grass, pres ident and Mrs. James Stewart, secretary-treasurer. A large group of kids were on had to greet Santa Claus on Sat urday afternoon following the movie “The Big Land” This was sponsored by the business men and the Improvement club. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Asher and family, Powell, Wyo., arrived i here Saturday night to spend a couple of weeks visiting her par ents, Mr and Mrs. Harold Heiss and his mother, Mrs Frieda Ash er and hosts of other relatives and friends Mrs William Neubauer was hostess to the members of the HOA club when it met with her on Tuesday. There wm an ex change of Christmas gifts and re vealing day. Election of officers was held with Mrs Harry Lam pert jr the new president. .Mrs. John Steinberg, secretary-treasur er. Many schools in the area held their Christmas programs on Fri day night, included were District 23. Mrs. Everet Miner, teacher, district 128, Mrs. Robert Nissen, teacher and district 39, Mrs. Har old Blam, teacher. The junior and senior high school of the Page public school went caroling for their Christmas party on Thursday night. Upon returning to the gymnasium there was a gift exchange and games were played, followed by refreshments. The following is a list of com ing events: school will begin on January 2. On January 3 Page will be host to Clearwater for a volleyball and basketball game. The 8-19-11 will be the Sandhill Gateway Tournament at Chambers. There will be a volley ball game at Lynch on the 9th. At 11 a m. at January 10 there will be an artist Lyceum. GGCi and G met on t nday with Mrs. Ethel Park. Cards were played with winners being Mmes. Alta Finch, Elsie Cork and Frie da Asher. This was followed by a gift exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmar, Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach were Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tra shy nski. Cards followed. On Wednesday night around 30 members and their families of the Methodist church went car oling. Refreshments were serv ed on return to the church. Last Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton were their grandchildren, Julia, Barbara, Billie, Chern and Su sie Buxton. Sunday afternoon and supper guests were Harry Geers, Orchard. Golden Rule Extension club met on Tuesday with Mrs. Har old Freemeyer. Mrs. Catharine Iruira and Miss Virginia Greeley were guests for the one o'clock iuncheon. There was a gift ex change. Mrs. Don Nissen won the guessing game. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash er and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher, Powell, Wyo., and family were Sunday evening guests of the men’s mother, Mrs. Frieda Asher. A large crowd was in atten dance on Sunday night at the Methodist church when the Sun day school classes presented their program. A pre-Christmas dinner was held at the Kenneth Asher home Atkinson, on Sunday, with the following guests, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and family, Mrs. Hester Edmisten, Mrs. Frieda Asher, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Woods and family, Centerville, S. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods, Lin coln. Bridge Services Funeral services were held for a former resident, James Bridge, 74, last Saturday from the Evan gelical United Brethren church at 2 p.m. The Rev. Alvin Smith of ficiated. Burial was in the Or chard cemetery. James Harrison Bridge was born November 6, 1888 at Ewing and died on Dec. 13. He married Almira Susan Har vey at Wayne on October 21, 1912 and seven children were born to this union. Mr. Bridge worked for the rail road for many years before going into farming. He retired from a farm, seven miles from Page, in February of 1959 before moving to Orchard. Survivors are widow, Elmira, sons, Floyd, Rushville, Robert, 9pencer, Donald Pickstown, Rich ard, Hay Springs, daughters, Mrs. Viggo (Florence) Claussen, Rush ville, Mrs. Harlan (Goldie) Lar son, Chadron, sister, Mrs. Otto (Jessie) Volz, Cedar Rapids, la., brother. Art, Orchard and six teen grandchildren. A Poem From Mrs. Eby • •. —The Guiding Star— That bnliant star the wise men had led. not to a palace, but to a lowly place where cattle were fed. Oh they could have felt doubt creeping in, when they found Him there in that lowly bin. But they trusted God to lead them right, though intelligence might have paused at this sight, To allow God’s son to be born in that place, The rich would have felt, twas a burning dis grace. No soft bassinet, where God’s son was laid, no dainty pillow for Him had been made. No lovely layette but swadling clothes, that covered His body clear down to His toes. And His lovely mother doing her part, couldn't quite understand,' but trusted her heart. As cost ly gifts to her son were made, gold, frankincence and myrrh, the wisemen laid. But, Oh! the joy in Mary's heart, outweighed all the gilts as she saw them depart, As the glory shone round Him, ''God’s little boy’”, and hers too. No wonder her heart was bursting with joy. We still hear the joy bells ring ing today, for the little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay. Della Stuart Eby Ewing News By Mr*. Harold Harrt* Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik entertained at a family party on Christmas day. A one o’clock din ner was served and the afternoon hours were spent visiting. Pre sent were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and family of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mackel and family, Elgin, Sp. 4 and Mrs Gene Siems, Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Serr of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik accompanied by Sp 4 and Mrs. Gene Siems of Lincoln, were Sun day evening guests at the Frank Mlnarik home. Mrs. Caroline Sanders had as her guests during the weekend, Mrs. Bernice Harlan of Tilden and Mr. and Mrs. John Rosno of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Grafft had the following guests for dinner on Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler and family and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hadfield of Fullerton who remained over night. Mr. Hadfield is a brother of Mrs. Grafft. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler had a party Christmas eve at their home. The highlight of the gathering was the opening of gifts under the Christmas tree. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Grafft were guests. Miss Arlene Pelletier is spend ing the Christmas vacation with relatives at Page. Rev. M. E. Coombs left the last of the week for Kansas City, where he met his sister, who ac companied him to Denver to meet a brother. They then continued on their way to Newcastle, Colo., to spend the holiday with their par euu>. Mrs. Amy Jacobsen spent Christmas Day with her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knapp and daughter, Pamela Sue of Sioux Falls, S.D. came Sunday to spend a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Knapp. A Christmas eve party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp. A six o’clock supper was served. Later in the evening Santa arrived to deliver all the gaily wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and family, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw and children of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knapp and daughter of Sioux Falls, S. D. Mrs. Gladys McCage and daughter, Louisa Ruth of Omaha, are guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Louisa VanConet and Nettie until after Cristmas. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Con et will be hosts for a family ga thering at their home Christmas Day. In attendance were George Burk, Claire Tom)ack and Mr and Mi* Gordon Walton of O’* Neill. Mr and Mr* David Burk and family, Mra. Marilyn Burk and family and her father, Wal ter Woeppel, Mr and Mra Char les McDonald, all of Ewing Miss Beverly Rotherham re turned to St Paul on Wednesday after spending a few days with her parents, Mr and Mr*. Jim R rtherham Their daughter, An nette, a student at the University of Nebraska, arrived home Fn day for the holiday vacation Sp 4 and Mrs Gene Stems spent the Christmas holiday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. James Mlnarik and his mother, Mrs Inez Siems at Neligh Mr. and Mrs Insight Schroe der and children were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Leland Finley at Page. Mr and Mra Clarence Berg strom went to Plain view Sund ijr lo viait tua slater and brother in law. Mr and Mra. Tie* Hi*h»p Mrs itiahop was able to comr home Sunday from the General hospital. Plain view, alter being hospitalised several weeks Mr and Mrs Leslie Cary and Nila attended a Cbnatmaa church service at Butte Christmas night Mus Nila remained for a youth service being held the rest of Uie week The Ewing-Clear* uter Pinochle club met Thursday evening, first at the Hi way cafe, where the winners were treated to a dm nrr by the l«j*ers, then all went to the home of Mr* Inei Jacke where cants were played High score winners were Frank Bohn add Mrs Is*onanf Knapp while low went to Leo Hints and Mr* Hints After the gume* their wit* an eachang* gifU Mr. Bar. tha Archer waa a fueat Call B<»ea attended the funeral of Ed ilohU at I'latnvtew Friday He iu an aid friend of &«* **** tea family If .me for Chriatmaa at the Bute Bauer home are Iter daugb tera, Jerald me a ml Mary Ann from Lincoln ami Catherine from Fremont Mr* Bauer and her family were entertained «« Chriatmaa Bay at the Imme of Mr and Mra Call Boiea. Mr and Mra Stanley Bartoa ami daughter of McCall, Idaho, armed in Ewing Sunday to apend the holiday a with her parenta, Mr and Mr* Ear! Wright and hta fattier. Jamea Bartoa, Mr* Clarence Sehmtaer. _ her daughters. Linda ami Mua Cora lee Srhmiattr. Omaha, wrre cal lem at the Earl Wright home Sunday__ ' CONGRATULATIONS . . . To Don and Darlene Denbeck on the completion of the new Town House INN We are Happy we were chosen to install the plumbing in this new motel OHARA PLUMBING & HEATING Grand Island Nebraska .. SUPER 40 HOG CONCENTRATE makes grain ; do more to hurry your hogs to market1 j Only Vi to 3/i lb. per head daily balances a full feed of grain—making it into a high-efficiency ration. See us for Super 40 O’NEILL GRAIN CO. O'Neill, Nebraska CELEBRATE NEW YEARS EVE at the TOWN HOUSE INN Call 273 Now For Your Party's Reservation — Limited Number Available Favors For Everyone Pre-Celebration Dinner Reservations Available 'Til 9 p.m. Don & Darlene Denbeck CONGRATULATIONS . . . To Don and Darlene Denbeck on the completion of the new TOWN HOUSE INN OTTE CONSTRUCTION CO. WAYNE, NEBRASKA CONGRATULATIONS. . . To Don and Darlene Denbeck on the completion of the new TOWN HOUSE INN We are Happy we were chosen to furnish carpets, bedding and lamps for this new building. i MEYER MIDWEST FURNITURE Phone 526 O'Neill, Nebr.