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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1962)
Ewing News llj Mr*. Harold Harrta Little Lisa Wright is being car ed lor this week at the home ol Mr ami Mis. Leo O'Malley near Chambers and Hod and Jeff Wright are at the home of Mr, and Mrs One Koenig. Mr and Mr*. Vincent Rother ham and family ol Niobrara were weekend guests of his parents. Mr. ami Mrs. Roy Rotherham Other guests on Sunday at the Rotherham home were Mr. and Mrs. I^eo O'Malley. Guests at the 11 R. Harris home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler, Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hall of Roy al. The Halls left Monday morn ing for an extended vacation trip through the southwestern states. They plan to spend Christmas Day with relatives in California Mrs Anna Savidge Is a patient at the Antelope Memorial no. pi tal suffering from pneumonia. L. A Hobbs, who has been a patient at the Antelo|«- hospital for a few days was able to come home Thursday He will return for a few days this week for tests and x rays The d ry and Do Home Exten sion club met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Willis Hock ey with Mrs. Weldon Alexander as co hostess. Twelve members were present and one guest, Miss DeLosh Mis. Stanley Davis, pres ided at the short business ses sion at winch furnishings f r the ladies’ rest room were discussed. There was an exchange of gifts, revealing their secret sister for the year, followed by a social hour and refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Dorrence Hobbs took their small daughter, Nata lie to Omaha Sunday where she entered the hospital for surgery; on Wednesday. Her parents re turned home but went back fi r the operation, Mrs. Hobbs re-I mnining lor a few days. Other1 children in the family are being cared for at the homes of rela tives during her absence. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and daugh or. Ann, Mrs. Laura Spitt ler, Mrs. Ray Funk and Lo-i made a c mbmcd bus.ness and pleasure trip to Omaha Tuesday. Richard Spittler was an over night guest Monday at the home of his m ther, Mrs. Laura Spitt lor after transacting business in Norfolk. He returned to h s home in Valentine on Tuesday. D Win. H. Ross, pastor of the United Presbyterian church, Ew ing. went to Norfolk Monday where he took a plane to Omaha. From there he went by plane to Phildelphia, Penn, and was met by relatives. Dr. Ross will spend the holidays with his daughters and families in New Jersey. Miss Laura McLachlan, a mis sionary home on leave from Pak istan, will conduct the morning worsuip hour, Sunday bhi-u-*#. Dec. Zi at the United Presbyter ian church. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak, Gregg and Gary accompanied by ! Mrs. Laura Spittler, went to Nor folk Wednesday. Mrs. Spittler had dental work uone. The Young Matron’s Pinochle club had their Christmas party Tuesday evening. A seven o clock dinner was served at the Tropi cal Gardens in O’Neill. A social evening was enjoyed with an ex change of gilts. Mrs. Ralph Munn and Mrs. Earl Wright lurnished transportation for all the mem bers. The parish of St. Peter's Cath olic church held their Christmas party Sunday evening at St. IX m mic’s hail with a good crowd in attendance. A Christmas film followed by comic strips, were shown by Jolui McCarville of O’ Neill. On tbe arrival of Santa, all children received gifts and treats. Coffee and cookies were served for refreshments. Mrs. Ralph Eacker received word tins week of the death of her uncle, Dr. Williord Isoel. King of Louglaston, Long Island, New York, a distinguished edu cator, research scholar and au thor. Dr. King, born in Iowa, June 2. 1880, made his home in a sod house in western Nebraska in his early boyhood. His father was county judge at the time and his mother, postmistress in the post office of her home. Dr. King was always proud of the fact that he was duly sworn in as as sistant postmaster at the age of nine. He is the author of sev c al books. Dr. an i .wit. Kuig have vtsued the Hacker lain../ u> Hwmg sev eral Line*. Mr*. Waldo D-vis and Marie spent the weekend at Hastings, visiting !Menus and relatives The meeting of the Cub Scouts. Den I and II m l Wednesday af ternoon at the reception room at the home of Mrs Willis Hockey, den mother, assisted by Mrs. Vance Anson, also a den mother. Tray favors were made lor the Childrens' Memorial hospital in stead of a gift exchange among the group Plans are being made for a Christmas party. Mrs. Rachel VanCc net and Mrs Frances Knapp, teachers in Dis trict 46 presented an operet ta “Frontier D.ys ' Monday eve ning, Dec. 17. Thirty eight child ren participated Gloria Schindler is the pianist. 'I he Dcloit school Mrs G»*orgi ana Funk, teacher, held a Christmas program Fuday eve ning, Dee 14. Mi and Mrs. Mer le Sehi m li st ict 6, will pre ent a C.Tistmas *n eitainment Thursday * veiling, 1 *<■ 2tl and Mrs Marilyn Burk, District 146, on Wednesday evening, Decem ber 19 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thrumer and family were guests Sunday evening at the James Kirkman home at Elgin. A card *hower v i , held t r Mrs. John Latzei, Tuesday, De cember 11, when she celebrate-' a birthday annivrsary Mrs. Lat zei is confined to her home due to her illness of ;he past sev ral months. Mr. and Mis. Allan Pollock are spending a few days in Omaha on bu aness this week. Mrs. Arthur Kropp is a surgical patient at at St. Anthony's his . Celia News Mr*. Mjsrk Heudrkk* Judy, Diane, and Shulty M »■ sen were Sunuay idieinioii guests ol Bonnie and Btveny Fricklc. Mrs Hans Lauridson spent Sun day evening visiting with Mrs. Frank Disterhaupt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiimurry and family and Mr. and Mrs uuhurd M and family, were Sunday evening guests at the LeRoy Hoffman home Mrs. LeRoy Hotfman and Gary attended the Band Concert at the Atkinson High school auditorium Thursday evening Roger Hoff man plays in the band. Mrs LeRoy Hoffman and Gary attended the Chustmas piugi~in at he High Sch ol auditorium Sun lay afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Natchel Rzesz ia™ki took a car load of girls to the St Joe-Clearwater game at Clearwater Tuesday evening. Mr and Mrs Natchel Rzesz tarski took Michele to O'N ii Thursday, where f he g >t her •! i vers license-. Michele will drive to school now. Mrs Merrill Anderson went to Newjiort to visit and take p c t .:tn of Miss Ellen McKenny. . ha was given a pony by Mrs. ft, y Aten Mr. and Mrs Otner Poynts were 5'unday dinner guest* at Uie Alark Hendnck> home Dec » Mr. and Mrs Mark Hendricks were dinner guests at the Rich ard Klinger home Thursday Thursday evening supper guests at the R bert Hend'icks home were Miss Dorothy Scott, Mr and Mrs Mark Hendricks and Arlin and Mr and Mrs. Rich ard Klinger and family. Thurs day was Ricky Hendricks birth day Mr and Mrs. Ivan Wayman helped Mr and Mrs Robert Hen dricks haul wood Saturday, l»ec 15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks attended the Christmas program presented by Dt>t No 10. whe e Mrs. Velma Or is the teacher 1 hey reported a wonderful pro gram which a lunch was >-erved Mr and Mrs. Fel.x Liables w-re Sunday evening guests at th'; N’dtchtl Kzeszotarski home Mr and Mrs Natchel Rzesz > taraki called at the Ed Rentcb ier home Sunday afternoon. The Svoboda children and Ran dy Rentchler, played at the Hies -tolar ski liomc Sunuay Dosothy Scott »a* a Surd-y evening supper g tsts at the Du ane Beck norne Mr .md i.i^ Duane Beck and family were i’atuiday evening supper guests at the h me .>! his mother, Mrs Helen Beck Sunday dinner guests at tlie Hiirij Lau. idscn home were Mr •in t Mrs Mil >n McKathme, and Mrs. Jim Lauridson. Mr. and Mrs Jim Sicheneder and Mrs. Frank Sicheneder went .0 Norfolk to visit Mr Frank Sicheneder. who is in the hospital there, M" arid Mrs Jim Sicheneder called at the John Schwirvdt home Saturday evening young pe pie and Rev. and Mrs. Elm re Blain attended a Sunday school class party at the Robert Hendricks home Tuesday evening Mrs. Hendricks is the ciaia teacher. The Celia club Christmas meet ing was lurid at the home u1 Mr atvl Mrs Leonard Chaffin, Fri day. The husband* were invited tor a covered J» h me. at no n. ; »ikmed by a giab bag gilt es ..range and myau-t) Mater gilt eschangr There was alio a almrt business meeting Mrs Lonard Chaltm visited at the Mark Hendricks h me Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs Ales Frickrl «. compamed Mr and Mrs Eli Mc Connell to Omaha, where they at tended » County Commit* loners Convention. Mr aril Mrs Mc Connell went as delegates am! Mr and Mrs Fnckel as their guest* Mrs Frank Drttrrman stayed with the Fnckel children They left Tuesday morning ami k return#*! Friday evening Dinner gueula at the Al*-« Frtc Me home Sunday, Dec t, were Mr and Mr* Joe Sir aka and Mi and Mr* Joe Liable of Stuart Mr and Mr* Clarence Fickrn and famdy were Sunday fueata of Mr and Mr* Paul F-«-ken at Uioomfieii! Dec » Mr and Mr* Clarence F«k ken Jr and family were overnight guest* at the home of hi* jmr eiiia Mi and Sir# Clarence 1 *• ken ar Saturday, He* 15 Frank KDmurry, Duane link Victor Frickel, and I tick Wads worth went to Ainaworth Mon day to the Hull sale Frank K 1 rnurry bought a bull Sunday dinner guest* at (he (tome >4 Mr and Mra. Omer }' >ynu a) Stuart, were Mr and Mra JUluid Klinger and (am dy and Mr ami Mra Mark I lend rirka Mr and Mra Itay Elder were Friday afternoon caller* at the Leonard Otnlfm lamkt Mr and Mra John Skhriwdor •ere Finlay evening gueata at I hr Ly e Addiaon home ■TifTninniirfFmuTnnn —BY— Dick Tomlinson "h everybody reody for the Afghanistan national drink?" If you do not remember how that drink should be mixed phone Dick's for friendly, telpful suggestions. Dick's Bar Off and On Liquor Sales Let Dick keep you in the Best of Spirits Phone 356 O’Neill. Nebr. i i V, : in—' I CARD OF THANKS We Mould like to tluuik all the folks and kids who sent our son cards ami letters during Ills stay at the hospital and after. We Mould especially like to thank those who helped us pray for o'tr son through the first few critical days. He would like to thank the ItHid Junior la-gion liidl club and their manager for their thoughtfulness. He would like to assure one and all that lids will always he remembered. Thanks again to one and all that helped in any way after our son's car accident. Mr. and Mrs. I^unhert Helina sr. and Raymond SEE Bankerslifeman — Ernie Brinkman IN ATKINSON About a Hired Man Insurance Policy I | . .— j MNItIM V#// COM MAN. Alice's j Beauty Shop ill I IfcxigU* »i I’kmir •«! OimpMv lu-auty S*rvtc# ‘ ^ni i». ■ H* lin ing Mwihirw NOTICE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY . . . Our Tuesday Hog Sales will be discontinued and WE WILL SELL HOGS THURSDAY MORNINGS STARTING DECEMBER 27 O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 Verne and Leigh Reynoldson, Mgrt. I-- - ----- GOWN & ROBE tOM Nylon tricot, drip dry Sizes S-M-L A perfect gift for the lady in your family HALF SLIPS Famous Movie Star All acetate Half Slips LACE PANTIES 39c pr Painted design. Sizes 6-8. \ I $1 98 * i For GirLs and Ladles. SHEER NYLON HOSE All Prices: All Sizes! I COTTON HOODED SWEAT SHIRTS Reg. 2.69, Now $149 Thick, absorbent; rib knit cuffs, waist Double thick drawstring hood. S-M-L-XL. OOE-LON CAPS WITH KNIT BANOS D. Two styles in finest vinyl with knit outerband and in band to cover ears. Tan, black olive, charcoal, blue, black in sizes 6% to 7%...... .1.98 GAY “TOYOCORD'* SEWING BASKET Top handle, fitted lid. Equipped with pin cush ion, needles, thimble. White with gay trim. •Scotch erful Christmas do* signs. %'xl50 feet; 25c Clo stick-on bows. Easy to use. Solids, stripes.98c Park of 6 Satin Clo stick-on bows. Sol ids, stripes. Easy to ue ..49c p MEN'S SOX Sizes 10-13 2 pr- $1 ppr?' -’f? " V- » $367 Official Hire. MARX-A-COPTER Battery operated heli copter takes off. By $g99 BATTERY OPERATED j “SHOP KING” $5*9 BIG BUY! A saw, lathe, * grinder, drill, buffer, morel 5 Easily interchangeable ^ plastic power tooLs for craft work in foam plastic. 1 STOP »N AND SHOP 1 1 NOW AT LEE STORES I I we still have a large 1 1 selection of toys and gifts 1 I for the whole family ■ 1 REDUCED PRICES ■ I (Some50%OFF^^J OFFICIAL FOOTBALL Pro” sized! Rubber coat ed fabric with a tough dou ble lining and needle. BASKETBALL AND GOAL SET $498 Bciiit to lad. Beady to hang. So tie book* Open Thursday, Friday & Saturday Nights till 9 p.m. |