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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1962)
a _ - - - — — m F rontiers Ago VO YEARS AGO The Frontier wishes all its readers, b<»th big and little, A Merry Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. . . Sheriff Grady left Wednesday morning for Fremont where he will attend the annual meeting of the Nebraska Sheriff's associa tion, which is being held in that city, this week. . ..J J. Thomas, J. B. Meilor, Charles McKenna and Gene Sullivan left this morn ing for Grand Island to witness the ten round boxing contest be tween .Jack Sullivan and Young McCarthy of Revenna, Nebr.. which will be pulled off in that city tonight. . . Evnng. Lutheran church, Sunday, I)cc 22, 1912 English services with preaching will be held at the church at 3 p m. . .Editor Lee Henry of the IPlainview News was in the city yesterday visiting old friends. Lee is naturally feeling good since the election of Woodrow Wilson and says that bright and happy days are in store for Dem ocrats. 25 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain are rejoicing over the arrival of a little daughter at their home, born last Monday. . .Mr. and Mrs. E B. Carter of thia city ce leurated their 65th wedding anni veraary last Sunday. The only festivity of the day was a dinner at the home of their son, Dr L. A Carter. Fred Beckwith, Em met, was again reelected chair man of the Holt County ACA at their meeting held in O'Neill last Monday. This is the third term for President Beckwith and will be his fifth year as a member ol the county committee. . Many ol our local residents have been expressing the belief that Die weather the past week was the coldest we have had in this sec tion for several years. Dec. 8 it was 10 below zero. . . It is said that $£>,000,000,000 has vanished from the value of American se curities during the past two months and somebody wants to know where it is. Perhajis it has gone into the “kitty” of the New Deal. 10 YEARS A<;0 Persons from Holt, Boyd and Knox counties gathered here Tuesday for the first in a series of four official hearings called by Gov. Val Peterson in regard to the bureau of reclamation’s proposal for development of the Niobrara river basin. . .Benton Mellor, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mellor of Atkinson, is one of four Nebraskans winning 1952 national 4-H honors in the beau tification of home ground division of competition. . .Cpl. Gene Liv ingston reports that he saw Pres ident Dwight Eisenhower when he was in their camp recently. His unit was stationed six miles out of Panmunjan in Korea at the time. . .Coyotes are becoming quite numerous in the Deloit vi cinity. several having been sight ed within the past week. Some of them appear to be rather bold 5 YEARS AGO Mr and Mrs. Claude P. Han cock. 1929 Claudins Ave, Los An geles. Calif., former O’Neill res idents, on Christmas day will be observing their 50th wedding an niversary. . .O’Neill’s new bowl ing alley prepares for Saturday’s opening. The new firm will be known as Ten Pin Alley. Tech nicians today will be putting the finishing touches on the elabo rate equipment. . Dr. R. E Kriz, 65, prominent physician and sur geon in Lynch since 1921, died about noon Friday, Dec, 13, in Clarkson Memorial hospital at Omaha. . An advance shipment of small items — pole insulators, etc., — have arrived for O'Neill’s television booster installation., None of the major equipment has* yet been received. . .Mr. andjj Mrs. Dave Pollock celebrated* their 40th wedding anniversary} The Long Ago ! At Chambers 5 50 YEARS AGO Fred Schrorer's little boy, Hen-j ry had the misfortune to break* his leg Sunday while playing inf the house. Dr. Gill was called* at once to repair the broken liinbj and reports the boy as getting* along nicely. . .Dr. E. E. Dillonj gave a very interesting lecture* Wednesday evening accompanied! by sleroptican views . .Art Cow-j perwaite and Froelich were^ down from O’Neill the first of the! week, buying horses in this vi-* cinity. . . Miss Topsy Turvy atj the Band Hall, Friday evening* A big laugh for everybody. . .5 Frank Lienhart went to Omaha* Tuesday morning after a newj Studebaker "25” Touring Car.* Dr. Bernard accompanied him toj secure repairs for his car which! has been laid up for a week. . .f We understand that John Lien-! hart has sold his harness shop| and business to E. V. Sageser,* who will take possession as soon| as possible. I 25 YEARS AGO 0 On Tueaday, Dec. 14. Miss Zet-g ha Hubbard and Dr. C. M Eason* both of Chambers, were quietly! married at the court house ini Omaha, Nebr., by Judge Crawl ford. . The Amelia bridge team I Fullerton, Waldo, Reisinger and Sageaer were again defeated Sat urday night at Elmer Wander sees by Catlett, Lamason, Carson and Wandersee. . LaVeroe Wal ter was a member of the 120 voice chorus which gave the fourth annual presentation ofj Handel’s Messiah in Wayne last Sunday evening . C E. Tibbets delivered his first 1938 Model Ford, a Standard Tudor to Johr Hall of Swan Lake vicinity, Sat urday, having driven it up from Omaha that day. . .Allie Sam mons are remodeling their resi dence on their farm a mile south of Amelia; adding on four rooms and an enclosed porch making it much more convenient and mod "" l/AW'—• I cimsH*** ! ^Lssvvws May the joys and blessings of Christmas abide with you. >; A Harry and Helen GILDERSLEEVE O’Neill, Nebraska 1 WWW • :,cr--rr. =-,:,<c,rc«i5ig!«'et. '.r-g’gig«c,eT’.t!gtg»c«(OC«K«i»w»€iPi to share the joy of Christmas... these are the true gifts of Christmas ...ours today as when the wise men sought a humble manger. May we treasure them always. GILLETTE DAIRY O'NEILL NEBRASKA I I I a n a a a a a a a a Nina — Josephine — Dorothy — Jenny — Genelle — Eileen Rubie — Sharleen — Marie — Charles — Chuck — Mr. Longstaff i 3maij. ij I wtutji ] ! | Good times, \ good cheer, good g s friends ... may they all be yours S ! at this happy J i season! | I The Ponton Agency \ O’Neill, Nebraska i '**c*€*mwc«€*c* i 1 1 2 ' 1 1 1 1 I i i I I s v ■ Sf I «l i i i i » i SI I s ! < 9 i ! I I ■ \ ; I i | Central Finance O'Neill, Nebraska -o-ia-v. •Vi-cx'oxix. ^ •«* M Z'Z’Z'Z'Z'ZZ'Z’Z-ZZ'Z'Z'ZZ z 'zz • pcwk 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 i 9 « S i u » 9 9 9 9 w 9 9 *1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 s I 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 I I 9 ■_■ e*» Christmas 1 Our warmest tcishes to all our good friends' \ 9 1 1 1 O'Neill Cleaners O’Neill. Nebraska ; vcmaMcmvKmKmMva ay the Christmas spirit of Peace on Earth come to dwell in the hearts of all. WM. KROTTER CO. O'NEILL, Spencer, Stuart and Naper C'CiCiriCiCtCiCtCtCwr'CtCWtCtCICtCVSCtC’C'C'C'KICICtCK'ClCtCICW'ClCiraiCiCirC'C'Y'ClC'ClC* i I * M IA & M SHOE STORE Archie and Mary Bowen «>CIC1C'(IC tCWKW <C<C<CWIMW I Christmas comes but once a year...and always such a happy time for all of us to wish all of you and your families every Christmas joy I TROPICAL GARDENS Mary and Durl Anderson O'Neill, Nebraska I ! f i ■ I i 1 i , O'NEILL STYLE SHOP Ipnna Hvnp<; — Mr«; M A Srhelkonf DANKERTS SERVICE O'Neill Chambers * ~■ —--— ) \ ■ i I I I FOR RISTMAS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS JiT SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT Your IH Dealer O'Neill, Nebraska % all our loyal friends and customers a Christ mas season filled with joy and happiness, and express our sin cere gratitude for their patronage. IT Mc DONALD'S \ J. M. MCDONALD CO.