The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 20, 1962, Image 3
Amelia News It; MIm Florence lindM} Mr and Mrs. George Fullerton entertained friends at a card par ty Sunday evening, Dec. 9. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doo little, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Nm harn, Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peter son and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cody. Mrs. Vern Sageser and her sister, Mrs Ival Thompson, Sed ro Woolley, Wash., came from Council Bluffs, la., Tuesday where they have been staying to be near their mother, Mrs. E. L. Minter who is ill and in a hospital there. They return ed to Council Bluffs Friday for a few more days. Mrs. Sageser planned to bring her mother home with her when she is re leased from the hospital Lee Gilman received a broken leg when he slipppd and fell as he was unloading cattle from a truck The bone was broken be low the knee. Bad luck seems U> be following him as he has not fully recovered from an in jury to his hand while working with cattle in a truck. He had to have a finger amputated at that time. Mr and Mrs Dary Carr have a new car They drove it home Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Doolittle, Jack. Bill and Terry left Monday evening to spend the Christmas holidays in California. Patty Frahm slipped and fell on some ice Sunday causing her to break her arm. It was the same arm and in the same place she had broken it earlier in the year. She was taken to the At kinson hospital where she was an overnight patient. She was back in school Monday. The Methodist church annex re ceived a new coat of paint last week Rev. Hess, Clyde Widman, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Johnston, Mrs. Lew Backhaus, Mrs. Blake Ott and Mrs. Edith Andersen as sisted with tiie work Helping Hand club met for their Christmas party Thursday, Dec 13 at the home of Mrs. Leu Backhaus. All members were present with the exception of Mrs. Julia White who is with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Braddock at Watertown, 9. D. A delicious dinner was served at noon and the afternoon was spent with games and visiting. There was a gift exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos and their little grandson, David Sva tos, visited at Lindseys Thursday evening. We are glad to note that Prai rie Land Talker, Romaine Saun ders, is able to be back “on the job”. His daughter, Mrs. Eno, writes us that he had received injury from a fall. Word received from Mrs. Ju lia White stated that her son-in law, Frank Braddock, was ser iously ill with a heart ailment. He was in Rochester, Minn., hos pital and Mrs. Braddock was with him there. Mrs. White want ed everyone to know that she was fine and well cared for at the Braddock home in Water town, S. D. Write to tier m care of Whooiey's Trailer Court. Mr. and Mn Harlan Dierking and Cynthia spent the later part of the week in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce were Burwell callers Friday. The Aioert Freeouf family moved to a farm near Burwell last weekend. Mrs. Irvin Forbes took her mo ther-in-law, Mrs. Louis Forbes to North Platte last week where she visited her daughter, Mrs. June Skinner. She left there Sun day to spend Christmas m Cali fornia with her son, Orval Forbes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman, Mrs. May Sageser attended the Christmas music program by the Atkinson High school students Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tlvompson and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett attended the horse sale at Sar geant last Tuesday. Mrs. James (Jusie) Lowery passed away at the Burwell hos pital Thursday of last week. They ranched in the Ballagh communi ty for many years. Mrs. Art Rowse, Burwell, is her daughter. Mrs. Delia Ernst suffered an other heart attack after reaching the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Ernst, Wichita, Kan. and is in St. Joseph's hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle and Mrs. Gertie Adair spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson. Edgar was observing his birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton called on Lee Gilman Sunday af ternoon. He had been released from the Atkinson hospital that morning. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Doolittle Sunday after noon. Mr. arid Mrs. Everett Smith, Maxwell, are visiting their son, Hamp Smith and family, and her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo. Mr. and Mrs August Pospichal attended the funeral of her aunt Mrs. Anna Chladek, Bruno, on Monday, Dec. 10. Lynch News By Mr*. Fred King - -. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heiser took Mrs. Marvin Schindler to Missoula, Mont., Friday morning. Mrs. Schindler has been here for her mother, Mrs. Mary Heiseer's funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinker man, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinker man and Mr. and Mrs. William Aim were supper guests Wednes day of Mr. and Mrs. George Cal kins. The Sophomore class held a party at the school house Tues day night. Coach Robert Ditman is their sponser. A Hay-ride was planned but due to the cold wea ther, they held the party at the school house. The First Methodist church congregation will have a Christ mas pot luck dinner at the Le gion hall at 6:30, Dec. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Moody and family, Sioux City, la., spent Sunday visiting relatives here. me rresnman class sponsored a "Sock Hop” Saturday night af ter the Lynch, Atkinson basket ball game at the new school aud itorium. The Excello club held their an nual Christmas party Monday, Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Glen Stewart. Those pre sent were Mrs. Ray Counts, Mrs. G. L. Mulhair, Mrs. Rich ard Ducker. Mrs. L. Cozine, Mrs F. France, Mrs. Veronica Ashlock, Mrs. Ronald Stewart, Mrs. E. Sixta, Mrs. A. Kalkow ski, Mrs. Fred King and Mrs. Don Allen. The president, Mrs. Joseph David, was ill and could not be present. No. lesson was given at this meeting. Secret pals were revealed and new ones were drawn. Gifts were ex changed. Mr. and Mrs. Ilan McDonald, Brownsburg, Ind., are the proud parents of a baby boy born Dec. 7. He tipped the scale at 6 pounds 8 ounces and has been named Thomas Michael. The grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDonald of Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Stroupe of Crown point. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDonald and Mrs. Vernoica Ashluck and Allen will leave Friday. Dec. 21 fur Brownsburg, Ind . where they will spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs Han McDonald and Tommy. Mrs Don Stewart will accompany them to Moline. Ill , where she will visit her sisters and families Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald, Mr. and Mrs Chris McGinn, O’ Neill, Mr. and Mrs Albert Mc Donald and Mrs. Veronica Ash lock and Allen were Sunday din ner guests of Mr and Mrs. Phil lip Allendorfer. The YWGO club held their an nual Christmas party Monday, Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Kern Lueken. Games were played and secret pals were re vealed with a gift exchange. Mrs. Wayne Christensen held her school Christmas program Friday, Dec. 14 at 8 p.m at Bris tow. Virgil King was an overnight guest of Dwight Stewart Monday night. Mr. Leo Farran. Neligh, help ed bale hay at the Leslie Stewart farm Thursday Mr. and Mrs Leman Huber left Monday morning for Chey enne, Wyo., where they will spend the holidays with Mr. anti Mrs. The Highland club held their Gerald Elsasser and family, annual Christmas dinner Monday Dec 10 at 6 pm. at the Christ Lutheran church basement. The club members and their husbands present were. Mr. and Mrs. Les lie Stewart. Mr and Mrs, Art itetxiaff, Mr. and Mrs Frank Fisher, Mr and Mrs Francis Fisher, Mr and Mrs. Robert Dit man, Mr. and Mra. Don McDow ell. Mr. and Mrs Harold Wick ersham, Mr and Mrs Emil Mi canek. Mr and Mrs Harold Mi canek, Mr ami Mrs. Lori Mican ek. Mr and Mrs. Frank Weeder, Mr and Mrs. Edward Streit. Miss Margaret Stenger and Mrs Marvin Schindler. Progressive pitch was played after the dinner. High pnre went to Frank Weeder and Mrs. Les lie Stewart Low prize was given to Robert D:tman and Mrs. Jan ie Fisher There was a gift ex change for the club ladies who revealed last years secret pal Names were drawn for next year also. The American Legion held their regular meeting Monday. Dec. 17 at 8 p m. in the home of Mrs Don Allen with Mrs Jacob Birmeier as co-hostess. The pres ident, Mrs Don Allen, conducted the meeting. The secretary. Mrs Jacob Birmeier, gave the roll* call and read the minute* of the meeting held last month at the home of Mrs Frank Fisher Mrs. Glen Stewart, treasurer, gave a report. Plana arc being made for a money making project the first of the year. Mrs. Ray Counts waa in charge of a short Christmas candle lighting ceremony There was no gift exchange The Lynch Grade School pro gram will be held Thursday a! ternoon at 2 at the new gymna sutm Each room will contribute to the afternoons entertainment Gifts will be exchanged on Fri day and treats given A free show donated by the Lynch theatre, owned by Mr and Mrs. Donald Johnson, will be given at 2 p m immediately af ter school i» out. Treats will Uien be given by the Lynch fireman with the help of the business places. Mr, and Mrs Bert Lewis,, Spring view, celebrated their Gold- j en Wedding anniversary Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson accom panied by Mr-, Gladys Gallop at tended Mr. Lewis is a brother of Mrs Gallop The annual stockholders meet mg of the Farmers Union Co-op Ass'n. was held Wednesday, Dec 12 at the Legion hall in Lynch Officer* were elected and ennie of the by law* were amended.* and cxitfee waa »erv. ed at noon to all patron* Mr and Mr* Orville Galk»p and Bonnie returned Tuesday trm Alaska wbere Mr Gallop la employed every summer Mr. and Mr* Carroll Ci all> >j> and Kuae Mary have also been there work* mg. They returned two week* ago Tlie Altar Society of the HVM Assumption church sponsored a card party Sunday, Dec Ift at ft p m in the church baaeinent. Ttiere were II table*. Mr* Jake Birtneier. Mr* Joseph Blrmeler. Mr» Bud Stewart. Mary Jo Sten ger, Mr* Don Allen and Mr* Frank Weeder were lioste*»e» Kural progressive club held their Christmas party Thursday, Dec II at 3 (MU. at the lame ai Mrs. ivu* MuUiatr l»u»*o waa played In entertainment and •ecrnt pal* were revealed and new names drawn lor neat year. Ttiere waa an eacbanfe ot gJt* Mr* Glen Hull wa* aaaiatinf boa lean Tbuae present were. Mr* Clarence Kolund. Mr*. Thomas Courtney. Mr* L Cfir ialeoaeo. Mr* Ed H»dale, Mr* Elmo Bar nr*. Mr* Wallace Multett, Mr*. Kay Long. Mr* C L Haaelhorat. Mr* lawman) Hivranefc, Mr* Neil !l>urn*rn, Mr*. Eldon Nolan. Mr* William Huvranek and Mr* French St. Mary's Alumni ANNUAL BENEFIT BALL WED., DEC. 26 »:80 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. American Legion Hall Mimic by .less <layer Orchestra Aiim. J1.00 Public Invited James Davidson & Sons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Since 1901 I mb » ■ m n Winter & Summer -ENNOX American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Youngstown Kitchens Sheet Metal Work SIS E. Dougin* Phone 2«4 O’Neill, Nebr. BEDSIDE LAPIDARY Curly Washechek GENUINE STONE JEWELRY Rock Crystal, Jade, Agate, Woods, etc. Many Gift Items Available Earrings 66c and up—ladies and little girls rings pendants—bracelets—lapel pins broaches—sweater guards—necklaces, etc. Tie tacks—cuff & bar sets—key chains—western ties—men's & boys' rings—belt buckles, etc. Carvings—desk sets—book ends—candles driftwood—bark—imports Lapidary Supplies Come out and Browse Hours 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 p.m. Closed Sunday Located first building south of the Elms Motel, East on Highway 20 and 275 MAKE DEVOY REXALL DRUG Your Last-Minute GIFT SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS GIFTS FOR HIM - Pipes — Lighters — Electric Shavers Timex and Westclox Wrist Watches Toiletries — Billfolds — Cameras GIFTS FOR HER Cosmetic Gifts, Sets or Individual Pieces by Leading Manufacturers Lighters — Manicure Sets — — Fancy Soaps — Billfolds GIFTS FOR "LITTLE LADIES" - "Tweedie" — "Little Lady" — "Fifteen" GIFTS FOR CHILDREN - Games — Toys — Dolls — Books — Paint Sets GENERAL GIFTS - Household Thermometers & Humidiguides Cook Books — Trays — Tumbler Sets Hair Dryers — Ball Point Pens CAMERAS AND FILM - Be sure to have plenty of film and flash bulbs on hand to take pictures of all the holi day festivities. We have in stock a fresh shipment of Johnson's roasted nuts for your holiday entertaining. DEVOY REXALL Drug Bob Devoy, Pharmacist Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings _ _ GAS-TOONS —BY— Fritz Bazelman ! . “Just the windshield, Ben . . I'm in a HURRY.” We’ll give your car COM PLETE service that speeds you on your way! Bazelman Mobil Service SINCE 1929 Phone 355 Hi way 20 East Dr. H. D. GILDERSLEEVt OPTOMETRIST r> r iuuiimi-iiiMMa pitted l unlm l I .ram Phone* 167 — O'Neil). Netir Hour* * 5 —Mon. thru Saturday tVmed Wrdneaday CHRISTMAS DANCE \ rr«U*fp — /41U II** Tuesday, Dec. 25 Red Ravens Orchestra A<!mu»um J1 00 CHARGE IT At Gambles ^ • last minute shoppers special! j l tjfc >■ 1 j ■! * * I k M . Give Her Lovely Patricia SEAMLESS NYLONS 79e pair Delight her with fashion sheers. Reinforced toe, heel. New shades. Sizes 9-10l/2. Many Styles! Fashion-right SOFTIE HANDBAGS 2*8 plus tax Softie plastic looks and feels like leather. Huge assort ment of gift styles, colors! Smart tiift ItilHolds and CLUTCH BAGS Your Choice $ J plus tax Fine gift for teen-ager* or grad ester*! Pigskin or cow hide plastic. Many styles! Thrrmosrt ltiinl»n{lt) filft CARDIGANS 398 Nylon! Itliwk, wliltf, green, Mur, belgr. Sizes 80 - 4<). Sizes 42 to 46 . 4.OH I iill.v I.1im-«I, Hllm Nylon WOOL SLACKS 399 lm|M>rt«‘<l lltUlitn mprl* In l»>li! pi.tills, solid ton*-*. Wi% wool, H% nylon. \|Im, 10-IJI. Make Entertaining Festive! FANCY APRONS Many Styles *1 Pretty nylons, cotton sheers, polished cotton prints! All trimmed with lace; ribbons. Styles for Hoys & Girls KIDDIES POLOS 79c and $1 C'otton knits in eute novelty stripes, patterns. Many col ors. I»ng sleeves. 1 to 6X. Beautiful Decorator Bath TOWEL SETS 1 98 and O98 I,ush floral prints or lovely hand-decorated appliques. 3 and 4 pc. sets, fiift boxed. <>ay Printed Cotton Terry KITCHEN TOWELS Now! ^ J Fun to use and practical, too! Soft, absorbent, lintless. Many prints. Regular 48c i-a. Many Itenigim: Kmkrulilfrrd PILLOWCASES J98 set "Ills ’n Her*, Mr. A Mr*." or dainty floral embroidery trim. I'air, in a iclft ho*. Boys’ Cotton or Flannel SPORT SHIRTS Men’s Sanforized Cotton FLANNEL SHIRTS He’ll Like Dressy Leather BOYS' GLOVES Ban Uta(tL) or Cotton Argyle MEN S SOCKS 59c pair V Men’* Heavy Height (attorn SWEAT SHIRTS ■ Bold prints in wash 'n wear cottons or Sanforized cotton flannels. Sizes 6 to 16. Handsome patterns in soft, suede-finish flannel. Extra Ions: shirt tails! 14Va to 17. Nylon knit sidewalls. Gray, black, brown. Ages 8 to 13. Ages 13 to 18 . 2.98 Ban-I»n stretch nylon flta stec 10-13. Big color choice! Cotton Argyles, 10 Vi-13 . ,6»c FI****-back ration knits is pray or whit*. Six* S-M LrXL Blark. lod*n . l.M BOYS' CREW SOX 1009c nylon stretch style. In white or colors. Sires M-L.PR. DEERSKIN MinS 4 OA Cotton-rayon fleece lining Elastic I A^P knit cuffs. Age 8-13. ■ SPORT SHIRTS J AA Smart cotton flannel plaids. Spread ^^^^P t'ollars. Men, ^M-I^XL. . 1