The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 20, 1962, Section Two, Image 11

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    Inman News
By Mr». Jiunm Mr.'ltUmn
Pack 28.3 of Inman held their
December meeting Tuesday eve
ning, Dec. 11. The theme for the
meeting was "It la More Blessed
To Give Than To Receive". The
meeting opened with the flag sa
lute. Eugene Clark gave a report
on "Hanukkah" The den Mo
thers exhibited Christmas decora
tions made by the scouts. Com
munity strips were presented by
Helmer Widtfeldt. Games were
played and songs were sung Den
2 was recognized for having the
largest percentage of attendance.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs H. Clark and Mr. and Mrs.
Helmer Widtfeldt. Helper parents
for January will be Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Tompkins and Mr and
Mrs. Mick Gallagher Future
events include a pack Leaders
Committee meceting Jan 7 at the
school house and a pack meeting
Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1963. The scouts
will meet after school Monday to
pack cookies for the shut in’s
in town. Faith Kell, reporter
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Butterfield
and family spent last weekend at
Redfield, la., visiting Mr and
Mrs Garry Butterfield and fam
ily, Mr ami Mrs. Larry Butter
field and family and Jack But
Mrs. Larry Williamson and
daughter. Orchard, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Couch Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds
visited Mr and Mrs. Bert Rey
nolds at Neligh Friday evening.
Joe Peters, who is employed at
Norfolk, spent Thursday visiting
his family. Thursday evening
guests in the Peters home were
Mr and Mrs. Gary Sanders and
Tina, O'Neill
Tina Sanders, O’Neill, spent the
weekend visiting her grandmo
ther, Mrs. Joe Peters and Larry.
Lawrence Stevens, Norfolk,
spent Friday evening in Inman
visiting relatives and friends.
Ralph Sholes, who is employed
l ,
at Ainsworth, sjxrnt Friday eve
ning visiting his mother, Mrs.
Violet Shoiea
Mrs. James McMahan attend
ed a stated meeting of Sympho
ny chapter OES Thursday eve
ning at O'Neill.
Mr*. May Fraka left Sunday
for Orchard where she will visit
her son-in-law ami daughter, Mr.
and Mrs William Vrooman and
Mr and Mrs. James Coventry,
Mr and Mrs. James Sobotka,
Mr and Mrs. William Kelley ami
Mr and Mrs. Howard Jackson
attended a party at the Town
House Monday evening for the
hospital employees
Mr and Mrs. James Corkle,
O’Neill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ho
ward Jackson Thursday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dempsey,
who have been living in the
home of Mrs Fred Sciiaffw,,
moved to Council Bluffs, .& , on
Friday. Mr. Dempsey is associate
ed with the Boy Scouts of Amer
Margaret Pruss, Clearwater,
spent the weekend visiting her
parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry"
Chambers News
By Mrn. E. H. Carpenter
The Valley Center club mem
bers enjoyed an interesting
Christmas program dealing with
the Yuletide customs in other
countries, Friday evening at the
home of Mrs. Alfred Maas. The
program was in charge of Mrs.
L). K Miller. There were several
games to liven the p.m. followed
by a gift exchange. The presi
dent conducted a short business
session. Seventeen members ans
wered roll call by telling of a
Christmas they remembered
must or of a Christmas custom.
There was one visitor, Mrs. K.
Maas and three children present.
Lunch was served by the iiostess.
The next meeting, Jan. 18, will
be at the home of Mrs. C. V.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Carpenter
went to Neligh Sunday to attend
the funeral of her uncle, Charles
Carpenter, a long time resident
of the Neligh community who
died Thursday at the Antelope
County hospital. Mr. Carpenter
was 82 years of age. He is sur
vived by his wife Grace, 2 sons
and 3 daughters, 2 sons having
preceded him in death.
Fifteen members of the WSCS
were present Thursday afternoon
at the Methodist church for the
lesson “Christinas is Sharing”
presented by Mr. Gaius Winter
mote and Mrs. G. H. Grimes.
The song "Hark, the Herald
Angels Sing" was sung by the
group with a special song sung
by a quartette composed of Mrs.
Steve Shavlik, Mrs. Gaius Win
termote, Mrs. Raymond Shoe
maker, and Mrs. Darrel Gillette.
Mrs. John Honeywell was pian
ist. She also played as the group
marched around and deposited
their gift of money for world ser
vice, on the worship table. Mrs.
Steve Shavlik presided at the
business session in the absence of
the president. Several letters
were read and names listed to
receive Christmas cards. Mrs. J.
E. Grimes gave a Missionary re
port. It was decided to use the
book “The Arm of Compassion”
by Vernon Middleton as the next
W’SCS study instead of using it as
a church wide study. The meet
ing closed with prayer and lunch
was served by the hostesses, Mrs.
Raymond Beed and Mrs. Glen
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adams left
Wednesday of last week by train
from Grand Island for Sedro
Wooley. Wash, to spend Christ
mas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Huston and other rel
Mrs. E. H. Medcalf spent from
Wednesday to Saturday of last
week with her daughter, Mrs.
Allen Miller and family, Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gesch
and children Lincoln were recent
weekend guests of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik.
Oscar Greenstreet. Mount Ver
non. Wash., is spending a few
weeks with relatives and friends
at Chambers. He is a house guest
in the W. D. Reninger home.
Mrs. A. B Hubbard had the
misfortune to fall Wednesday on
the steps of her tiomt and break
a bone in tier right arm. She was
in St. Anthony's hospital Wednes
day night but returned home
Thursday with tier arm in a
Mrs Lloyd Wintermote attend
ed a meeting in Ainsworth Fri
Mr. and Mrs Louis Wboeier,
Stanton, were Wednesday evening
guests of their brother and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Peltier and
sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Walter.
Received into membership of
the Methodist church Sunday
morning were Mrs Florence Mil
ler and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Coul
thard and 2 daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hooper
spent the weekend with Mr and
Mrs. Dave Holcomb, Aurora.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howder, Vi
vian, 9. D. were overnight guests
Saturday in the home of her sis
ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs Erwin Carpenter. They ac
companied the Carpenters to Ne
ligh Sunday to attend the fun
eral of an uncle, returning home
Sunday evening
Mr and Mrs. G. H. Grimes
went to Omaha Monday where
Mr Grimes had a check up fol
lowing eye surgery a few weeks
Mr. and Mrs. J. E Geimes
planned to leave Wednesday for
Lincoln to the home of her son.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Grimes and
from there to Ottumwa. la., to
spend Christmas with her daugh
ter, I>r. and Mrs. Loren Coppac
and family. They plan to visit
also in Mountrose, Colo , later.
Mr and Mrs. Dale Adams re
turned Thursday from their wed
ding trip to Lincoln.
Sunday afterrKxxi visitors In the
home of Mrs. Charlotte Honey
well and Mrs. Erna Tucker were
Mrs. Lawrence Urban and daugh
ter, O'Neill and ber rao*ber. Mrs
King, Omaha.
Betty Rockforu, Chambe * anu '
Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and
girls, O’Neill, spent Sunday in the
Harry Scott home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Messenbrink
and girls, Fremont, spent Satur
day with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Wilkinson.
Mr and Mrs. Lyle Hanrts were
Thursday evening callers in the
Harry Scott home. Saturday eve
ning the Vern Wilkinson's called
A square dance was held at
the Legion hall Saturday eve
ning with a good attendance and
a good time reported, lhc neat
dance will be Dec. 27th.
A group of about 15 members
of the Methodist Youth fellowship
with their sponger*, went carol
ing in the country Sunday eve
ning Mrs W H Craw lord led
the singing. Mrs. La Vern Hoerle
Judy Beed furnished cars. They
plan to carol in town neat Sun
The Bethany Woman's Associa
tion met with Mrs Henry Wood
Wednesday, Dec 12 with an at
U-ndance o! 16 ladies and three
children. The theme of the pro
grom was The Cradle. The Cross
and The Crown. The jiurpose was
to point out the signifiance of the
Incarnation in God's plan. Thu
was s jam sored by the committee
The president, Mr* Bob Sum
merer had charge of the service,
installing the new oflicers. Mi*
Stanley Lambert, Mrs. Russell
Barieman and Maude Urban.
During the business meeting it
was v»*ted to give $5000 to the
"While Gift", $5000 to the Walk
er*, who are missionaries in die
Sudan and $50 oo to the Belhetiy
church organ fund, which was
started recently The meeting
closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
The Ramona Rebekah Lodge
met Thursday evening, Dec 13
with 28 members present. All of
ficers were in the chairs with the
except am of one. Mr* A B Hub
bard, who wa* m the tewpiUl
with a broken i»>i>c in her anil
The group Noted to change
their regular meeting n.ght back
to the 2nd and 3rd Friday* of
each month The next meeting
will be Friday, Dec 2* After thr
buameaa *e**iiwj a cleaver pro
gram in charge uf Mrs Hay
Deed, Mr* Ru*»ell Darrlman and
Mr* Lloyd deed wa* oietenird
with an exchange of gift* Santa
bruttf there to band them ‘Ml. A
lunch i arrytn* out the < hi ulMl
theme »u arrred by the helm
r% Mr* <»U*n Grime* and Mr*.
Njn» BurtwMlr The next hna>
trv»e* will tie Mia Hay Heed
and Mr* Glen Grime*.
Phono Yoor Nows to
Tho Frontior
Phono 788
We re headquarters for
farrowing to market
All research and feeder proved
gets baby pigs eating early.
turns weaning days into growing days
Vi to 3/a lb. per head daily balances
/l&jESS&s a full feed of grain to finish 'em fast.
- lip
O'Neill, Nebraska
That it costs LESS than 50c a month to operate
an ELECTRIC yard light... but a flame-type costs
up to $3.00 . . . and gives only HALF the light!
ASK US . . .
Available in the City of O'Neill
Excellent Location
Small Capital Needed
Write Box FN c o The Frontier
For further particulars
lUislness hours lor the ( mini) Vn uMim't office for January
and February will be open at 3:00. open during the ik«h hour
and i lose al I :00. To avoid standing In line for licenses plena*
use the mail
Instructions lor licensing motor vehicles;
I. lie turn all copies of Ul statements.
S. Include IWit registration certificate al Ume ..f licensing
11 (Hi extra tee must tie charged if the old certificate la nut pre
sented at license lime.
3. Make check or money order lc»r amount of tat and llnwu
4 No new {dates tor ISMS so add only 3c for |«ostage, for new
registrations which rec|ulre new I Wit (dates to Ice matted add tt*.
There w ill be three different color stickers for v olldailng IMS
(dates for I IMS.
lied: I'aMeiigc-r cars and last.
Itlue: Oommervlal truck* and Interstate buses
Yellow: Farm trucks, trnilrrs, motorcycles, dealers and al
J. ED HANCOCK, County Tresturor
Happy Holidays to You from All of Us at Safewayl
All stores will MONDAY, DECEMBER 24
(lose at 6:00
Christmas Eve House ♦ • • USDA. (jrcitlc'A
Day. 11 HmM bSHB £§jj
Kraft Philadelphia
& 1
3-°*. 4 f\c
Package X V
Golden Book Encyclopedia
S( Vol. Cl 4|A Complete Set CAE A A i
g No.l4?|,eT of 20 Volumes 9 Ad*UU '
8 The ideal Christmas present for your high school youngster, j
Spotlessly clean inside and out. Tender plump birds with broad
breasts and loads of fine-eating meat. Your satisfaction guaranteed.
Ocean Spray CranberrieSoTh£m«i 25c
Shop Safeway for these festive foods for your Merry Holiday Feasting
Lucerne Egg Nog Kiddies love its dairy flavor.. .Carton 79*
Lucerne Ice Creum 2L r_59<
^our Choice—No. 1 Can Town House Medium Ripe or 00
B 5-oz. Jar Empress Old Fashioned Thrown Stuffed Manzanillo for &
Leg O' Lamb USD A Choice ... .Lb. 79c
Lamb Shoulders u 45c
Lamb Loin ChopsK*,,, 89c
Lamb Rib Chopsl^ u, 79c
Pork Sausage^'tTAy.a 33c
Dinner Napkins
Hcht ReMt-PBd to Limit Qu&ntiUM
I Stalk
Golden Y«nsSSfw»....2i»2Ji
( Navel OrangesSa&nii.. b$59<
| FreshTangerinesd«49c
I ★ i
1 Skylark Rye Bread
Save 7e
16-oz. Loaf I jrC
UKvUrJ* —is given on your purchases at Safeway!
Mince Pies ks ... 3 ^ $1.00
Libby's Corn?«L,2N<^29c
Sandwich Spread^te 57c
Chocolate Drops 35c
Bridge S£35c
Soar Crean .<£&29c
•-Tamm* Lo“™— T^-os. in.
■•Fr™w Vt*m glaal ...Cm -*<*•
PnjffJ A-I-CM No. J* [fl.
Inrj| wfaclc. .Cm •
FrezeePees chan q<mht7 4 Pip 75c
tteese Sere ads •Kriit: *?*■ os»
>90018 • « • • * JOO HW
Xaocpt Old Cn*a* arnd Gvtte
Christmas Gift Suggestions
mm amts' auuttms
Red Raspberries 55?:.. 4 55 SI
Strawberry Preserves 56c
Mixed Rats £5S“..^89e
Nersbey’s Daiaties 'X.5Z *•
Eariebed Flew .^ Me
Staffing Bread wr%M».26c
6eve Oysters b. Mr_£530e
Cold Bond Stamps
are Free with your
purchases at SAFEWAY!
I Honey-Mustard Glazed Leg '0 Lamb Recipe l
1 5-lb. Leg O Lamb I tip. salt 1
Yk cwP pcmparad mustard % tsp. pappar |
Vl cup honay
Place lamb on rack in akall'/w roasting pan. Bake be alow j
oven OOO*) for 2 boar*. Combine rmaiato| lagredkMi 9
blend. Poor orer lamb. Bake Vi boor, or nodi aaear I
thermometer registers 179 • 160 f depending mpom daatrad |
degree of donenem.) Serre with ecattoped potatoes or bon 9
tered hominy, fresh spinach and bead lctmce wedge salad. X
Always place dee fat dde upon rack in open roaadng pan. X
Add no water, do not cower, do not barn. Sarm 4.
Reynolds Wrap £7..^ 68a
I Pecan Pieces .££ 89c
bail Vanilla .... u££ 19c
Jell-0 Paddmgs_2 23c
Gold Medal Rev .„...^ 52.26
Welcfcade Grape Driak 3^51
Welch’s Recta Paack ..3££5I
Jersey Gloves
351! 39L
Bine Top Cutu Gkmm ...PairMs
Hershey’s Dainties !ZT.. 23c
Real Gold Oraago Base 2 Si 35c
Imperial Margariae... 2 ££ 79c
Plaater’s Mixed Nats 99c
\ Instant Coffee ££7 51.45
I Family Napkits^* ... £& 16c j