ENGLISH CHRISTMAS BREAD I Vi cups boding wuUr Vi cup sugar 2 teaspoons salt Vi cup butter Vi teaspoon nutmeg I teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon caraway seed Ut cup warm svater III0-1IS') 2 pkgs. active dry yeast 1 egg, room temperature 5V4 to 544 cups sifted all purpose flour Vi cup washed, dried currants Vi cup white or dark raisins Vi cup finely cut-up citron ———————————————■———I I Karo Syrup adds I ■ a wholesome kind I I of sweetness that’s I I easy to digest! I ^B In this basic candy recipe, Karo I ■I adds flavor, texture, and dextrose — H H a sugar that needs no digestion! B Bfl VS cup Nucoa* or Ma/ola* Margarine B H| Vi cup KARO Red Label Syrup B MR 1 pound sifted confectioners’ sugar B B 1 teaspoon vanilla B lB Stir the margarine, Karo and half of B tJB sugar in 3-qt. saucepan over low heat B until bubbly throughout Quickly B BJ stir in remaining sugar and vanilla. B IB Remove from heat, stir until mixture B ES just holds shape Cool to lukewarm B in greased pan, knead well B Peppermint Pbpcom Tree Prepare 14 cups popped com. Line 13x9x2-inch pan with greased alu minum foil. Prepare candy, but re place margarine with 2 tbsp. water and increase Karo to 1 cup. Remove from heat; stir in 32 marshmallows (not miniature), 1 tsp. peppermint flavoring. Toss with popped com in large bowl Press into prepared pan. | Cool until set (about 15 min.); re move from pan. Cut into pieces, two each: 5x5", 4x4", 2x2" and three 3x3". Stack with largest on bottom. Decorate with candies and candles. Form candy balls around nut pieces. Roll in colored sugar or sprinkles. Minthtties Color candy mixture red or green with vegetable coloring. Use winter green flavoring for red, peppermint for green. Form into small patties. Riled Hots or Fruits Fill pitted prunes, apricots or dates with candy. Roll in sugar. Easy-to-Digest Karo Syrup is rich in dextrose —a sugar your body uses directly for quick energy! Cook and bake with all purpose Blue Label or crystal-dear Red Label Karo. Use maple-y Sa vored Green Label Karo Syrup with its fuller body for panca kes and waffle*. Measure boiling water into a large bowl with sugar, salt, Iwitter and spices. Arid yeast to warm water. I>et stand 3-5 min. Stir to dissolve. Add egg When water-sugar mixture cools to lukewarm, adtl half the flour, then the yeast mix ture. Beat until smooth. Add half the r«-maining flour, mix ing well. Blend in the cut-up fruits with more flour until sides of bow! are cleaned. (Dough will be soft). rum (lough onto lightly floured board. Gently knead alxmt 50 strokes, until smooth. Place dough in greased bowl, turning once. Cover with foil and a dry cloth. Ia*t rise in warm place until doubled, 1 to IK hours. Grease a large liaking sheet Punch down dough. Turn out. Divide in two Shape each half into round ball; place on liak ing sheet so halls don’t touch I^t rise until almost doubled, about 1 hour. Bake in pre heated 375° oven. 30-40 min., ! until well browned. Remove to rack; frost lightly if desired. Makes 3 round loaves. If de sired use part of dough to fill 9 x 9 x 2-inch pan to make a square loaf, use remaining dough for rolls. ICE CREAM EGGNOG SAUCE 1 (I lb. 1 ox.) ran fruit rorktail 2 egg* 2 tablespoons rum (or, 1 teaspoon rum extract) lA teaspoon nutmeg W teaspoon salt 1 cup sifted pondered sugar I cup whipping cream 1 pint vanilla or eggnog ice cream Drain fruit cocktail thor oughly. Beat eggs, rum, nut meg and salt together until thick. Beat in sugar gradually. Beat cream until stiff; fold into egg mixture. Soften ice cream and fold into sauce along with drained fruit cocktail. Serve over holiday puddings or fruit cake. Makes about 1 quart sauce.