The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 29, 1962, Image 2

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"Art In Texas"
People will buy anything of course. J. Lloyd
Phillips has developed an unexpected market for
cow chips, once known as the anthracite of the
(gains He gets $3 upiece for them.
Once a Dallas man, Mr. Phillips now inns a
fishing camp in Marble Falls. His spare time he
devotes to the arts He grinds up colored glass from
bottles in which his customers carry their various
medicines, makes paints of the glass and paints
pictures. He makes handicraft articles, some of
which lie sells at his camp.
One day he came upon an ancient cow chip and
his artistic was aroused. He sealed it with
a shellac bath, sprayed it with gold paint and put
it on display mostly as a gag. A woman visitor asked
whether she might buy it. Phillips tried to dissuade
her by naming the astronomical price of J3.
The woman bought it instantly.
"I am going to give it to my husband," she said.
Mr. Phillips is now in limited production on this
gift item He has already sold half a dozen, though
once when lie wasn't looking, Mrs. Phillips mistak
«*nly let one of them go for $2 Paul Crune in Dallas
Term* of Kubacriptiou: In Nebraska, #50 ye/
year; elsewhere In the United States, $3 per year,
rate abroad provided upon request. All subscrip
tions payable in advance.
Entered at the postoffice in O'Neill, Holt coun
ty, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under
•he Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news
paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Asso
lution, National Editorial Association and the Audit
tureau of Circulations.
Dr. and Mrs. Emil Zimmerman
of Chicago arrived in the city
last Sunday for a few weeks visit
at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman. . .
The Wayne State Normal is now
offering a short winter course in
agriculture. . .Judge Carlon re
turned last Tuesday evening from
a two weeks visit with relatives
and friends in Chicago . A very
pretty wedding was solemnized
at the Catholic church in this city
last Tuesday morning when Rev.
M. F. Cassidy pronounced the
words that united in the holy
bonds of wedlock S. F. McNich
ols and Miss Anna Mullen in the
presence of a large number of
the relatives and friends of the
contracting parties. . .Mrs. Frank
D. Ross of Chicago arrived in
the city last Saturay evening and
is spending a few weeks visiting
at the home of his mother, Mrs.
The O’Neill Lions club met at
the Golden hotel room Tuesday
evening for their regular bi-week
ly meeting. . .The O’Neill high
school football team went down
to defeat at Ainsworth last Fri
day when they lost their first
game in two years to the Ains
worth high school team, cham
pions of the western district, with
a score of 7 to 0. . William Riege,
Frank Allen, Page and James D
Beck, Stuart, were re-elected di
rectors of the Holt County Farm
Bureau at the annual meeting
held in O’Neill last Monday. . .
Raymond J. Pribil and Miss Lib
bie Jindra, both of O’Neill were
granted a marriage license last
Tuesday. . .Miss Helen Biglin
returned Sunday evening from a
two weeks vacation spent with
relatives at Salt Lake City, Utah
and visiting many points of in
terest in that secetion.
The first real snowstorm of the
season was borne into north Ne
braska and the O’Neill region
Anniv rsary Sale
17 JEWEL Wedding
on sale at Sa|e
H’Sup _I
Speidel — Kreisler — Flexlet
Values to 14.95
395 and
68' plus tax
Large Selection
Sale Ends Saturday, Dec. 1
With the purchase of an
Give the Family Amana for Christmas
Get a Free Gift for the Kids
Stop In Today at
O'Neill, Nebr. Chambers, Nebr.
Tuesday . Bertilini, a phar
macist at Gilligan’s Reaall store
here since July, has purchased
the McPherson pharmacy at West
Point and will take possession
on December 1. . Sunday, No
vember 30 will be the golden wed
ding date for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
G. Gillespie well-known O’Neill
couple . Mrs. Alvina S. Way
man. 78, widow of the late Hen
ry Wayman, died about 5 p.m.
last Thursday in St. Anthony's
hospital .Pvt. Bernard D Janz
mg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her
man J Janzing, O'Neill, is now
taking infantry basic training
with the Seventh Armored Divi
sion at Camp Roberts, Calif. . ,
The O’Neill vocational agriculture
class took top honors at the first
annual livestock judging contest
of the North Central Activities
A goal of five thousand dol
lars has been set by the Chamber
of Commerce television commit
tee and voluntary fund-raising
will begin in this city this week
. A modern eight alley bowling
headquarters will open in O'Neill
around December 15. . An esti
mate 2,500 in damages was done
to the tractor of a truck outfit
owned by Wes E. Riffey of O’
Neill. . .Aye Richard E (Dick)
Gaskill is stationed at Ellison air
force base at Fairbanks, Alaska,
and reports he reads “The Fron
tier" from cover to cover. . .Now
that Coach Don Templemeyer has
successfully knocked in the head
an attack of pneumonia, he had
resumed drill chores for his 1957
1958 St. Mary’s Academy basket
ball team.
accompanied by Mis* Kathy Rick
caugh who also spent the 1 hank*
giving holiuay with hi* parent*,
Mr. and Mr* Art Ziska and Den
ay. Other* who were dinner
guest* at the Ziska home on
Thanksgiving day were their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mr*. Tom Schaai of Omaha, who
returned to Omaha on Thursday
evening and Mr and Mrs. Gene
Ziska and daughter of O’Neill.
Don Ziska and Kathy returned to
Omaha on Sunday evening and
Don continued on to Kearney for
further treatment.
Mrs. Mike Bonenberger and
Jean and Mrs. Herman McDan
iels went to Sioux City last Tues
day on business. They returned
home Wednesday night.
Thanksgiving day guests in the
home ol Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Kazda were her sister, Mrs. Pearl
Smith who has been spending the
past few weeks in the Kazda
home, also their son, Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Kazda, Kathy and
Dickie of Winner, S. D., a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Brice Braziel,
Kent and Blaine of Lincoln. Mrs
Kazdas sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Clark of
Seattle, Wash., a brother, Mr.
and Mrs. William Cady and fam
ily of Sparks, Nebr., and Mrs.
Kazda's mother, Mrs. Rose Hull
of Johnstown.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hewett were
Thanksgiving day dinner guests
of fus sister, Mi. and Mrs. Ry
iand Parker in O’Neill.
Miss Rose Mary Beck and Kar
en and Charlene Beck, children
of Mr. and Mrs John Beck went
to Winner last Thursday to spend
the weekend with their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith
who spent Thanksgiving day with
the John itecKs in AUtinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson
and Jim of Gibbon were Thanks
giving Day dinner guests of, their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Steinhauser, Tom
my and Peggy near Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Brook Stuart,
Yutta, Mariechen, Kurt and San
dra of Lincoln came last Wed
nesday night to spend the week
end with his mother, Mrs. Fran
ces Stuart and his aunt, Mrs. So
phia Brown in O’Neill They re
turned to Lincoln on Sunday af
Mr. and Mrs. John Beck drove
to Osmond Saturday and spent
the day in the Frank Beck home.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClurg
spent Thanksgiving Day with
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin McClurg in Bro
ken Bow.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso
were Thursday evening callers at
the home of Mrs. Sophia Brown
in O'Neill where they also visited
with the Brook Stuart family.
Mr and Mr». Brice Brand.
Ken; and Blaine came form Lin
coln last Thursday morning to
spend the weekend with her par
ents, Mr and Mrs. Alfred Ksxda.
They returned to Lincoln Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson
and Jim left Saturday morning
for Gibbon after spending a few
days visitmg relatives and friends
in the Atkinson-Stuart communi
Mrs. Alfred Kazda and Mrs
Brice Braziel called on Mrs. Wef
so Friday afternoon
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. C»rlson,
Scott and Sheryl came last Wed
nesday evening to spend Thanks
giving with her parents, Mr and
Mrs. William Wefao.
Mrs J. P. Brown and Frances
Stuart plan to leave Wednesday
for Phoenix, Am., where they
will spend the winter months.
Mrs. Gilbert Engler entertain
ed at a party at her home Sunday
afternoon. Mrs. Pat Gokie was
the demonstrator.
G I. Medcalf came from Wayne
Wednesday to spend the Thanks
giving weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Medcalf.
Mr and Mrs. Carl Smith and
Mrs Evelyn Pacha went to Den
ver last Wednesday where they
spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and
Mrs. Ronnie Frickel. Other
Thanksgiving dinner guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes and
family of Ft. Collins.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fullerton,
Bruce, Craig, Tama and Teresa
came from Norfolk Friday to
spend the weekend with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Small
and other relatives.
Mrs. Fred Richardson and
Mrs Thelma Radke were in O’
Neill Saturday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hickok
and Sherry came last Wednesday
to spend Thanksgiving with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V
Hickok and other relatives. They
returned to their home in Lex
ington on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parsons were
Thanksgiving day guests in Nio
Use Christmas Seals
Fight TB and Other
Respiratory Diseases
brara at the home of William anti
Frank t’avalka.
Mr and Mrs Fred Richardson
were Thuraday evening dinner
gueata of Mr. and Mra Fred
Frances Stuart anti Mrs. S M
Brown of O'Neill were Monday
evening dinner guests of (heir
brother, Mr and Mrs William
Wefso in Atkinson
(Last Week s News)
Mr and Mrs Leon Kaiser will
leave Saturday for Centerville,
Ohio, where they will visit (Us
sister, Mr and Mrs. Charles
Weckei and lamily. When the
Kaisers return to Atkinson they
will be accompanied by his mo
ther. Mra. Sadie Kaiser, who has
spent the past Jour months in
Ohio visiting.
Mr. and Mrs John Mrurreiis
left Monday lor Grand Island on
business. They will return home
via Omaha where they expect to
spend Thanksgiving with rela
lives. They plan to return to At
kinson Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rat(»h Bowers and
son, Ronnie, spent last weekend
with her sister ami famtly, Mr
and Mrs Francis Weller. Mrs
Bowers is postmaster at Alcova,
Wyo , anti they abo Turning* th*
General atoce there, near the
Akova Dam.
Weather permitting, Mr ami
Mr* Carl Smith will aprnd
Thankaglving with Mr and Mra.
Kunmr Fnckel in Denver.
Franc la Weller and daughter.
Karen, went U> Omaha Monday
on buainraa
Dr and Mra J W Carlaoa and
family, will aprnd Thankaglving
Day. with her parents, Mr. anti
Mr* William Webo.
Hubert Pick came from Denver
last week and waa a guest in
the home of Mr. ami Mr*. Aim*
Mlnank He wa» enroute to Hoy
al to visit relative* and frtrial*
and planned to lake hut grand
naidler, Mr* Hill Href, to I>rn
ver with turn where *lie will spend
ihe winter Mr* Pick u» a daugh
ter of Mr and Mr* Mlnarik.
Mr and Mr*. Art Zl*ka and
Mr .md Mra. Gene Ziaka anil
family, O'Neill, drove to Kearney
last Sunday to visit Donald ZUka,
wtfc> 1* ho«lpltali*<'d there
Phone Your New* to
The Frontier
Phone 788
The Long Ago
At Chambers
The IOOF held their semi-an
nual election of officers Tuesday
evening, Nov. 26 with G. H.
Grimes, being elected Noble
Grand. . .The Bethany church
was greatly heartened last Sun
day by the accession of 19 new
members, 14 of them by confes
sion of faith. . .Mrs. Smalley of
Lincoln and Mrs. Pagenstacker
of Omaha, both daughters of Mr.
Otto of this place, came up last
Thursday on a short visit. They
returned home Tuesday morning.
. .Od Jarman and family are eat
ing Thanksgiving turkey with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Graham. .
Mrs. A. B. Miller left Monday
morning from New York and ot
her places where she has been vis
iting for some time past . .Misses
Mary Howe and Genevieve Hem
ingway went to O'Neill Wed.
evening to spend Thanksgiving
vacation at home.
The dramatic club held a busi
ness meeting at the school house
Tuesday night; a committee was
appointed to select the next play
and it was voted to give a benefit
play for the Legion. . .Miss Char
lotte Crandall who teaches 1%
miles east of Emmet and the pu
pils of the school put on a pro
gram followed by a pie social. .
Tommy, youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Lambert, had the mis
fortune to have his right hand
quite badly lacerated, Friday, re
quiring ten stitches to close the
wound. . .Romaine Saunders and
“Cap” Addison and family were
in Chambers Friday, on the way
to O’Neill to attend the funeral
of Cap’s father, John Addison.
Mr. and Mrs. Saunders expected
to leave for Lincoln this week
to spend the winter. . .The firm
of Grimes and Grimes are driv
ing a new Plymouth car, Kermit,
having brought it up from Omaha
the fore part of last week.
Atkinson News
Miss Bonnie Gokie, Bobby Go
kie and Ray Schaffer drove to
Omaha last Tuesday on business
and returned home Wednesday.
They were accompanied home by
the Misses Ruthie Humpal and
Delores Johnson.
Don Ziska, who has been hos
pitalised for the past several
weeks at Kearney was dismissed
last Tuesday to return home for
the Thanksgiving week. He drove
to Omaha enroute home and was
Fritz Bazeiman
“It’s sort of a ‘SILENT
PARTNER’ arrangement.”
Even with taxes . . . our
prices are RIGHT!
Mobil Service
SINCE 1929
Phone 355
Hi way 20 East
" i ■
H rsv SaL
Wed. Dec. 5
Butte Livestock Mkt.
Horses will be sold immediately
following hog sale
Approximate time 4:00 p.m.
Please consign your horses in
order for us to advertise them
Phone Barn 6431 Home phone 5287
Owner and Operator
Saturday, Dec. 1st
Estimate the total number of persons registering in each of the participat
ing stores and if your guess is the closest, you win the turkey. Each store
has a separate contest and each store will give a turkey.
Each business place that is a chamber member will purchase a $5 ticket
for the purchase of a frozen turkey and will pick a first place winner and
first and second alternates from people making the best estimate of the
total number of people registering for the day in their store.
'• Contestants must be 18 years old or over to 4 No hase ■„ nece
2. No employee may win the turkey given by his 5. Register Saturday, Dec. 1.
store. 6. Winners of turkeys will be notified.
3. Only one turkey to a family. 1
Stores report your winners and alternate winners to Howard Manson Monday, Dec. 3.
Under the auspices of the
O'Neill Chamber of Commerce