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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1962)
Neighbors Help Pick 200 Acres For T. Holliday ORCHARD — Neighbor* of the Thomas Hoiliday family gather ed at the farm Wednesday at 7:30 a m. to pick the corn. They finished at 5 pin. having picked 200 acres with a yield of about 10,000 bushels. Dinner at noon and an afternoon lunch were served. Eighteen pickers were used. The 62 men who worked were Bill Waterman, Henry Raff, Ray Hoxsie, Glenri Waring, Alfred Conner, Larry Williamson, Du ane Allen, Pat Lambert sr., Lou ie and Willie Shrader, Joe Au man, Norman Saltz, George Bon ge, Tom Twibell, A. M. Beelaert, Merle El.sherry, Marvin Howard, Darrell Schleusener, Lei and Fin ley. Bill Grubbs, Orval Auman, Jim Reuther, Duane, Chris, Rich ard and Leland Stolling, H. O. Hill, Ed Eggen, Ray Reed, Don Volquardsen, Lloyd Holliday, F. I. Henderson, Delbert and Ray Hill, Harold and Lanny Billings, Joe Wiese. George Hall, Don Cleveland, Williard Sherer, Harold Tyler, George Rang, Bob Reed, Percy Brookbouier, Ranold Wehenkei i ■ ■ i Bill Hill, Gordon and Carol Lied Lng, Ed Shaw, Bernard Mosel, John Aumann, Bernard and El don Schacht, Allred Cleveland, Homer Rutherford, Harry But terfield, Ed Beutler, Mike Wil liamson, Ralph Howard, Delbert Alder. Women who prepared and served the noon meal and lunch were Mesdames Percy Brook houser, Don Volquardsen, Ran old Wehenkel, Lloyd Holliday, Larmy and Harold Billings, Le land and Chris Stelling, Forrest Henderson and Duane Stelling. Others also furnished food. Mr. Holliday is confined to the sanitarium in Kearney. A daugh ter, Beverly, who became ill at the same time as her father is now at home. Work of Vandals Could Cause Tragedy VERDIGRE — Otto J. Jedhcka, owner of the Gambles store, dis covered that vandals had let the gas out of four bottles of Pro pane gas, on Friday night. The bottles are kept in the rear of the store. Mr. Jedlicka said that this kind of work could cause thousands of dollars of damage of property and loss of lives. Be ing heavier than air, free pro pane gas tends to flow like wa ter, seeking lower levels, and if ignited could cause damage whereever it settled. Knox county sheriff, Pat Ryan, is investigating. He obtained two caps from the cylinders for fin ger prints. Chambers News By Mrx. E. K. Carpenter The Junior class of the Cham bers High school is presenting a three act comedy, “The Groom said No,” November 30 at 8:00 p.m. at the high school auditori um. The schools m the Chambers district 137 closed at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, for the Thanksgiving vacation. Fourteen members of the Val ley Center Extension club met Friday at the home of Mrs. Bruce Grimes. Mrs. Melvin Bell presided. The music period was directed by Mrs. C. V. Robertson. Roll call was answered by each telling of their plans for Thanks giving or what they were espec ially thankful for the past year. Mrs. C. V. Robertson and Mrs. Lloyd Winter mote were elected as handicraft chairmen. Several ideas for Christmas gifts were shown and a discussion of the Christmas Fair was held. The Fair will be in O’Neill Nov. 26. The meeting adjourned and re freshmen u were served by the tiostess assisted by Mrs. Paul Lidgett. The neat meeting, which is the Christmas party, will be at the home of Mrs. Alfred Maas. Attending a district meeting at the Neligh Methodist church Tuesday were the Rev. and Mrs. Earl Hess, Mrs J. E. Grimes and Mrs. Raymond Beed. Nellie Smnh, who has spent months with her sister, Mrs. Cliff Marquis, Bend, Ore., arriv ed home the first part of last week. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service met Thursday at the Methodist church with 15 mem bers present. The second session of the study “ The Rim of East Asia’’ was presented by Mrs. J. E. Grimes and Mrs T. E Newhouse. At the business ses sion the group decided to pur chase a book for the library as a result of their previous study. Other business was routine. Lunch was served by Mrs. Steve Shavlik and Mrs. Edwin Hub bard. Friday Mrs. Ray Sanderson moved a house she purchased of J. H. Gibsons to her ranch south of Chambers for her son and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence San derson who are helping with the work of the ranch. The house on the former Isaac Taylor place southeast of Cham bers, now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Koci, was recently sold to Freeman Rowse and moved on Highway 11 near the Rowse place. Another house moved recently is the one from the Loy Fluckey place south of town to the Kel ly Bilsteen place, near the store at 9wan Lake. l ne noiiie uiuc v^iuu iuei *u the home of Mrs. Ralph Blair Wednesday with 11 members and one visitor present. Games were played in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Blair’s mo ther, Grandma Whidden. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hanna en tertained at supper Friday eve ning the following friends, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Retzlaff, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haake and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wilkinson. These friends had all assisted the Hannas while building their new barn. Floyd Cooper left Thursday for Riverton, Wyo., to visit his bro ther and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cooper, enroute to his home at Yakima, Wash. Mr. Cooper has spent several weeks in the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper and visiting old friends. Visiting last Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald May and family were her mo ther, Mrs. Jim Chubb and her sister, Mrs. Mildred Gates and son, Cody. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibson left Sunday, Nov. 19, for Phoenix, Ariz., to visit their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Walling and fam ily Visiting last Sunday and Mon day in the Andrew Gilbert home were Mrs. Gilbert’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogge, Sioux Falls, S. D., and another sister, Mrs. Phoebe Bar to, Butte. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robertson and his mother, Mrs. Jane Spann, left Monday for Laffette, Indiana to visit and spend Thanksgiving with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George DeKay and other rela tives. The 160 acres of the Floyd Whitaker estate was sold at pub lic auction at the place north of Chambers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon WThtaker purchased it at $112 per acre. The Rev. and Mrs. Earl Hese left Monday for Wichita, Kan., to spend the Thanksgiving holi days with their son and family and also their younger son, Bob. A group of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. A. B. Hubbard Thursday evening in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. Hubbard and Mrs. Steve Shavlik. Present were Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adams, Mrs. H.W. Hubbard, Mrs. Anna Albers, Mrs. ■ Paul Roth. Mrs. Edwin Hubbard and Jihn Honeywell. Mr and Mrs. Marlin Ham mond and four children, Wood burn, Ore., came Saturday bo spend Thanksgiving with her aunt, Mrs. A. B. Hubbard and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs E. R. Carpenter visited Saturday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, Cherilyn and Terry, Atkinson. Sunday dinner guests in the G. H. Grimes home were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. Eiwyn Rubeck were weekend guests in the Floyd Lenz home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Star man and daughter. Connie. Nor folk, were Sunday guests of her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Win termote and girls. Dinner guests Monday in the Del lie Fauquier home were Mr and Mrs. Charles Fauquier, Mrs. A. B. Hubbard and Mrs. Anna Al bers, Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Hammond and child ren, Wovidburn, Ore. The latter is a niece of the Fauquiers and Mrs. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Lsekr and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bartak had Sunday dinner in the Emil Pavlis home. Visitors in the Emerson Loske home, Friday evening were, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hertel, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bartak and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sunderman and children. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Holcomb, Aurora, were weekend guests in the L. V Cooper home. Inman News llj Mr*. .lunrit McMahan Den 2 and 3 of Inman met Monday after school. The boys showed the articles they had made for their pioneer village. The scouts sang songs and elect ed new denners. Kenny Kesten holtz was elected denner for Den 1 and Arlie Sholes for Den 2. Den 2 finished their tests for Bobcat requirements. Den 1 prac ticed making their “living cir cle”. Lynn Widtfeldt served re freshments. Den 1 reported on their trip to the polls, election day. The meeting was closed by singing “Goodnight Cub Scouts'’. Cub Scout pack 283 of Inman held their monthly pack meeting Tuesday evening, Nov. 13 in the high school assembly. Helper par ents for November were Mr. and Mrs. John Alder and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Keil. The Novem ber theme is “Buckskin Pioneer”. | At the past two den meetings; the boys have worked on articles for a pioneer village which they displayed for their parents. Mrs. Charles Myer and Mrs. Helmer Widtfeldt introduced the display. The following received awards, Billy Jackson, Timmy Gallagher, Arlie Butterfield, Morris Widt- j feldt, Niki Keil Wesley Myer, Neil Tompkins, Ricky and Rod ney Alder, Bob Myer, Tommy Harte, Kenny Kestenholtz, Eu gene Clark, Ricky and Rodney Alder and Eugene Clark. Helmer Widtfeldt showed a new film, “A Boy from Hickory Street”. Den 1 f had the largest number of par ents present. The meeting was closed by singing “God Bless America”. The December pack meeting will be held Dec. 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the Assembly room at the schoolhouse. Helper par ents for December will be Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Widtfeldt and Mrs. Howard Clark. Mrs. Dorothy Alexander, who' has been employed at Dakota City for several months, returned to her home here on Friday. Mrs. Dick Clark, O’Neill, vis-' ited her mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes Wednesday evening. Roger Tompkins, son of Mr.1 and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins, flew i to O’Neill on Tuesday, Nov. 12 on] a solo cross country flight as part of his training as a member | of the Flying Plainsman of Wes- j 1 icy an University He started tak ing bis student lessons at Ariuw Airport, LmcOiii, last year aiw i u ned taking his students li cense. He has made two dual cross country iUgtns this tall, one mho trip from Lincoln to York and Columbus and back and Uien on Tuesday he was a dinner guest of his parents on their farm south of Inman. He flew on to Grand Island before returning to Lincoln. After lugging his requir ed number of hours he will take an examination for his Commer cial Pilots license. Mr. and Mrs Janus Sholes and Snellen and Mrs. Dick Clark vis ited Mrs. Sarah Sholes at the El gin Rest Home Wednesday eve ning. A bridal shower was given Fn day evening in the Methodist church annex for Garnet GUlogly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn GUlogly. The entertainment in cluded a skit given by Mrs James Kelley, Mrs. George Fick and Mrs. Woodrow Gaughcn baugh and two songs by a group of high school girls. Garnett was assisted in opening her gifts by Mrs. Lotime Bremer, Kay Kelley, Carol Gaughenbaugh and Patsy GUlogly. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. Garnett will be married November 24 at St Peter's Catholic church, Ewing, to Clifford Juracek Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reimers have returned to their home af ter spending a few months in Iowa where Mr. Reimers was em ployed on construction work. Mrs Frances Clark and Keith De Lashmutt, Burwell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Clark and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark, Thursday Jeannie Simmons, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Lloyd Simmons, Hasting*, and a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim- SotMitka, O’Neill, has recently been given credit lor IM-Ing Instrumental in saving the life of one of her friends. Jeannie and three of her girl friends mude use of first aid Instruction they had received In a Y-Teen first aid course this past summer to save the life of a friend when she received a severe cut which apparently sev ered an artery. Jeannie and tier friends applied a tourniquet to the injured girl’s leg and slltn moned help to take tier to a doctor. O'Neill Locals ^ ■■■■ ■ ■■ .. Jb?t. and Mrs Norman Paulv «jcf Mike, Atlantic. !•., spent the weekend with her parent*. Mr and Mrs. Francis Curran Mary Jo Curran ami three friends, all students at Dana College, HI air, accompanied theme here Mrs Fannie Meaaacar, Low Angeles, was recently a guest of Mi and Mrs Pete Hertford Slu* was formerly Fannie Millard, daughter of Charles Millard, whose family were reaidenta of O'Neill a number of year* ago Mr and Mrs Paul Blumstrom of W.nner, S D . her mother, Mrs. Simon Bosn. Don Bo«n and Ray Bosn. attended the tuner d of John Januuaek in Braiuerd Monday. Mr. Janousek is a bro ther-ui-law of Mrs. Simon Bosn Mr and Mrs Frank Free lie h left Sunday for Sioux City, to be with their daughter, Mrs B Wan ser and family, over Thankagiv ing. Mrs Austin Hynes and grand son, Terry Brown, spent Satur day night with Mrs. Kenneth Young, daughter of Mrs Hynes, in Ravenna. Sunday they went to Superior to attend the funeral ot Mrs. Joe Boyd, an aunt of Mrs Hynes. Dr him! Mr* Richard Owen* and family of Kotuu City ii* expected to xptnd 1 hunkagivtng weekend with Mr and Mr* M J Golden Mr. xml Mr* L A. Becker went to SedallM, Mo , to Vlalt their daughter, Mr* J<»hri Curry and family. Their granddaughter, Barbara Curry, who haa been with them for a couple of week*, returned to Iter home with them Mrs. If J Birmingham went to Omaha Tuesday to tmd Umi and Barbara Birmingham of Chi cago Tliey went to Falrbury to la* guest* of Mr and Mr*. Will tain Hi ley over Thanksgiving Sadie Harte arrived from Om aha Tuesday and will lie a gu«-*t of Mrs H J lfarie, for a couple of week* Mr* Ernest Heed of Sioux City w*a in O’Neill last w<ekend visit mg relative*. Mr* Catherine Craig and E H Carney, Mr* P J Don. hoe of Bone steel, .S D la in O’Neill visiting her daughter*, Mr* Robert 1 w voy and Mt* Edward tileraon Mrs 11 J Harte and Mr* H J Hammond were dinner guest* Thursday of Mr* I’at M. Omni* of Emiuet. Mr and Mr* W. J Kroelich left tin* week from Washington D C to attend Thanksgiving with their ion*. Jim and Chuck and daughter. Mi* .lame* Vetter and husband I Dollar For Dollar I Jewel For Jewel 21 JEWELS Bolt from Evory VANTAGE Point: -.^g J HC VlTMIUmk B1 nHj V BkMk'ftMlattnt ' 1 V A»lt-M«gn*Oo I MV V Ufstlm* M*lft»f»rlng | | V A llyta for Kvoryorto 17 Jowels from $11.99 Roger's Jewelry 413 E. noughts O’Neill ■ 1 ' .. WINTER IS ON THE WAY See our complete selection of SNOW BOOTS All Sizes — All Styles — Stop in Today A & M Shoe Store 421 East Douglas Phone 139 Thanksgiving Special 800 to 1000 Cattle this Friday, Nov. 23rd in Verdigre — 11:00 a.m. VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET Offering includes 400 to 500 FANCY CALVES FROM THE LYNCH AREA. Early listings include: Kalkowski 65 Angus Calves Mulhair 40 Angus Calves Kalkowski 25 WF Calves Weber 50 W'F Calves Also 6 listings of from 15 to 25 each of both .Angus and Hereford Calves From the Verdigre area: 60 W'F Reputation Calves 32 W'F Steer Calves 10 Angus Shorthorn Steer Calves 10 Shorthorn Calves 14 Medium Steers 800 lbs. 10 Angus Yearling Steers 42 Mixed Crossbred Steers 60 Mixed Steers 550 to 700 lbs. ’00 Featherweight calves from Montana (These are long-haired kind that really do good for feeders) Special Listing: 15 Purebred Duroc Open Gilts 250 lbs. from the Lawrence Frisch herd. Remember the Boar Sale, Friday, November 30 (Make your listings now so they can be properly advertised — This will be held along with the regular FRIDAY CATTLE SALE) Hsd one of the largest Hog Runs of the season last Monday . . . CONSIGN THAT NEXT SHIPMENT OF HOGS TO OCR MON DAY AUCTION—ACTIVE BIDDING BY REAL COMPETENT ORDER BUYERS. Hog Auction every Monday — 11:00 A.M. Cattle Sales every Friday — 11:00 A.M. Have a "Joyful and Happy Thanksgiving" Thursday VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET Don Jensen, Mgr. Phone 4861 in Verdigre DANCE 6 FAT DUTCHMEN TUESDAY, NOV. 27 O'Neill American Legion Hall The Nation's No. 1 Polka Band for the 6th Consecutive Year RCA and Dot Recording Artists Admission $1.00 _ ■■ Watch Next Week for an ANNOUNCEMENT OF AMANA HOLIDAY SPECIAL . AT j Dankerts Service O'NEILL CHAMBERS 1 Teen Age HOP SAT.. NOV. 24 American Legion Auditorium O'Neill, Nebraska Music by LITTLE JOE AND THE RAMRODS Admission: 75c ' ' ^ T SWEAT SHIRTS WITH HOODS 2.69 Top value! Thick, absorbent cotton with double tbi/»V draw-* •tring hood. Rib knit cuffs, waist. Grey, navy and yarlet. Small, XL sizes. i < i CHRISTMAS CARDS Others — $1 Assorted groups include “glitter' trims, french-folds, religious Brighten your holidays! .; See Mohawk Carpet Mills' ’ • spectacular musical ; * entertainment, The ... ! I PAT BOONE THANKSGIVING SPECIAL starring PATTI PAGE plus - : special guest PHIL HARRIS • • and AN ALL STAR SUPPORT- I • ING CAST. t KTIV - CHANNEL 4 - 4:30 p.m. ON NBC-TV IN BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR. Li_ DELUXE ROAD RACE WITH 3v. POWER PACK 14.44 2x4' figure “8” track with overpass; 2 Ferrari-type cars with motor*. 2 switches with control buttons. 18-pc. track and rail. Snap together. FLANNEL PAJAMAS For Ladies and Girls 1.99 °"d 2.68 8 ROLLS GIFT WRAP ALL ARE EXTRA WIDE 99c Gala glamour for yonr big Christmas packages. 8 rolls in diflerent gay holiday designs. Paper is 26 inches wide. Rolls come in compact box* Other CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAP See our complete se lection of toys and games, just the thing for Christmas giving. MONOPOLY Complete Set ^ USE OUR LAYAWAY PIMM : [ f Maf^ak*, ■&*&■* J; j Shop Now for Christmas