The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 22, 1962, Image 7
1 ■ .... . ■■■ ..— Page News By Mr* He* Alto Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher re ceived word that their son, Ben, who is in the army, left by jet Thursday f or France. Anyone who cares to write to him can do bo by writing Pvt Ben F. Asher-KA 17 «>z3.6 2d 77th AUG MD Depot, APO 323, New York, NY. Mrs Jim Finley, Bronson, la., brought Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fin ley to their home in Page on Wednesday. The Finleys had been gone for about three weeks while Mrs Finley had surgery on her knee in a Sioux City hospital. Bert stayed at Jim's. William E. Gailbralih, Beemer, was a Thursday night supper guest of Mr. and Mrs George Wettlaufer. GGO and G met on Friday with Mrs. Clarence Stevens. Cards was played with prizes going to Mines. Otto Matschullat, Anton Nissen and I O. Woods. WSCS met on Thursday in tin; W< sieyari room of the Methodist church. The lesson and devotion was given by Mrs. O. A. Weber and Mrs. boren Sorensen sr. Their topic was "You Are A Missionary Too." A question and answer period followed the les son on various phases of the mis sion work in our lives and com munity. Mrs. Edgar Stauffer gave a short talk on her trip to the United Nations A report was read by Mrs. Jessie Kelly on the executive meeting held at the Merwyn French sr. home Friday A certificate of appreciation was read from UNICEF*, thank ing all who took part in the Halloween canvassing G< t well cards were sent to Mrs. Roy Brownell, California Mrs Evelyn Gray and Mrs Ro bert Gray were hostesses. Neighborhood club met on Wed n sday with Mrs. J W F'inch. As this ihe first meeting of the new club year, election of officers was held with Mrs. George Wett lauer the new president. Other officers are Mrs. Leslie Sum mers, vice-president, Mrs. Finch, secretary-treasurer. Four ladies joined the club, Mines Richard Hernandez, Ed Eggan, Kenneth Wettlaufer and Pete Sojka Mrs. Her nandez won tne special prize Mrs. Ray Grubbs was a guest Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss en tertained the following at their home on Tuesday night for an ice cream party Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. War ren Cronk, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs Darrell liciss and Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss. Mr. and Mrs. “Bud Codei” were Sunday night supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Ray Harmon in honor of Melainie Harmon’s 5th birthday. Town and Country club met on Tuesday with Mr and Mrs. Cal vin Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome AlLn were guests Bridge was played with Mr. and Mrs. Gailen Miller and Mr and Mrs. Allen winning prizes. Mrs. Evelyn Gray entertained 9 members and two guests, Mrs. Dora Townsend and Mrs. Sarah Adams, Chambers, when R. N. A Kensington met with her on Wed nesday afternoon. The afternoon was spent informally. Bid or Bye bridge club met on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Gailen Miller. Mrs. Harold Ash er won high score honors. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs h Id a covered dish supper at the IOOF Hall on Tuesday night with over 50 in attendance. Carolyn Max was given a pin in com meneration of her United Nation trip sponsored by the two lodges. After supper a separate meeting was held. The American Legion Auxiliary met on Monday night at the Le gion hall. It was voted to send $10 to the Little Red schoolhouse fund and $5 for the Yanks Who Gave. The annual Christmas par ty will be held on December 10 — with a covered dial) aupper at 6 30 and a 59c gift exchange. Hostesses were Mines. Arnold Tikalaky, Lyndley Crumly and Robert Harvey. Mrs. Lee Fink won the special pruc Get Together ctub met on Wed nesday with Mrs Jim Ruther AH members were present. Tiie club planned to visit Mrs. Ver non Beckwith at Emmet on De cember 12. Mrs. Beckwith was a member of the club and recently moved away. Mrs Alma Tegeler and Mr and Mrs. Harry Tegeler were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill. The class mothers of 1955 will sponger a pre-nuptial shower on Saturday alter noon at the Meth odist church for Rose Mary John son, fiance of Martin Frahm Con sider this your invitation. Mrs. Harold Heisa left Sunday morning for Broomfield. Colo , to visit her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fink Mr. and Mrs Perry Schwasin ger, Ogallala, accompanied Mi. and Mrs. Claude Rhodes, Big Springs, to the home of their couain, Mr and Mrs. N. D. Ickes, where they visited Thursday to Saturday. On Friday the group attended the sale of the Whittaker estate and were callers in he hom of Mr and Mrs. Dan Tro shynski Enroute they visited in Kearney and Ravena. Mr. and Mrs. E E Copes and Nancy, Ainsworth, were Thurs day overnight guests in the home of Mrs Mae Copes. On Friday they went to Lincoln where Mrs. Mae Copes visited relatives. The others attended the Nebraska football game. They all returned home on Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mr*. Arnold Stewart spent their vacation vtailing rela tives in Tecumseh. In Grand Is land they visited their son, Loren and his wile. They also called -it Mr. and Mrs Ralph Brostrum and lanuiy and Mr and Mrs. H. brummeti and girls, Grand Ls luiw, oeiore returning home Mr and Mrs. Siren Sorensen jr. and famiiy were Sunday af ternoon callers in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ick es. Mr. and Mrs Russell Johnson. Fremont, came Sunday to take her mo her, Mrs Emma Morris, who had been a patient in the hospital for several days, to their home for the winter. Mrs Merwyn French jr. and new daughter, Alison, are spend ing a few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Orville Olson in Oakland, before coming home. Mr and Mrs Gregg Kemper and family, Osage, Kan., are here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs Herbert Kemper. On Sunday, Mrs. Frieda Asher joined the group for dinner. Eight second grade girls were overnight guests of Stephanie French Monday in the home of her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Merwyn French sr. ‘Grandma" French served supper and fur nished the entertainment. Her guests were Lee Ann Cronk, Deb bie Heiss, Patty McCabe, Joan Matschullat, Sally O’Brein and Bebbi Sorensen. HOA met with Mrs. Harold Heiss last Tuesday. The ladies did their own needlework. They will meet next with Mrs. Harry Lampert. Mr. and Mr* Dan Troshynaki were Sunuay owner gue*u w We home u< uer parent*, Mr. and Mr*. George PomgraU, 0 Neill Tne att' »uo-ui*tnct rally wa* heU at O -vein on Sunuay at tne Mctixxlist church. The Kev John banner, Wauaa, district youth director, was the mam speaxer. ‘ihu*e attending from rage were Caroline Max, Roberta .-vsuer, Winnie lie is*, Juanita Rag,and. Dick Lwoer and John Crumiy and the Rev. Robert Lin der. rage unit had the opening devotion. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max and Dale Matschullat went to Lincoln Saturday where the men attended ibe Nebraska-Oklahoma state foot ball game Mrs. Max visited l»er aunts. Mis* Minnie Farnsworth and Mrs Selma Malmsten, both patients in the hospital. Couples club met on Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs Melvin Carson. Bridge was played with wmners bemg Mr*. Dan Troshyn ski and C. E. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heese and boys, Randolph, were Sunday afternoon callers at the George W/ettiaufer home. Mr and Mrs. Wdliam Sorensen and family, Rita Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen jr., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorensen, Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Soiensen and family, Omaha, were all Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr., Mrs Ro bert Sorensen, the former Nina Burvial, was here for the week visiting her parents in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ruther, Page attended the wedding of Sharon Kropp on Saturday morn ing at St. Peter’s church, Ewing Mr and Mrs. Alum Trowbridge. Saratoga, Wyo., lwoeat Trow dr urge and Mr a Ann* smith. In man, Mr. and Mrs Howard Mil ler. hwuig. Jeaa.e Iron*. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Meivin Smith, ail ot Page, lieu) a no-host uinner no Sunday at the Eitucr T:owbridge !ionic this is the iirst tune in several year* that the Trow oridgc iatnn> ha* had a get to gether Mrs. Eva William*. Sa lem, ore., the only member* of tlie family not present, was call ed by the group via the tele phone to wish her a "happy birth day*. The Rev Robert Linder, Junita Ragland, Connie Ntasen, Caroline Max, Karen Harris, Bonnie Heis* and Dick Limler, all Page ten. airs, met with the Rev Johnson and four PLainview senior* on Friday night and continued on to Grand Island where they remain ed overnight On Saturday the group toured the following col leges, Kearney State teachers college, Kearney, Hastings Col lege, Hastings, Wesleyan Metho dist, Lincoln and Midland Col- , lege. Fremont. The group return ed home on Saturday night Cub scouts den No 1 met on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Carl Max The theme for November is ‘Buckskin Pioneers' and how they lived, etc The IOOF UlIHiE NO. 67 meets every Wednesday at 8 pm All members are urgt*d to lie present. V*isiting Old Fellows welcome. tf group started u> make a covered wagon There will be e pack meeting on Friday night at the Methodist church with the pai nils <4 the cub scout* especially invited Bobcat swards will be given A pre Thanksgiving dinner w*a field on Sunday at the Calvin Harvey home, with the following guests Mr and Mrs Kenneth Asher ami lamily, Atkinaon, Mr aid Mrs Edgar Woods. Lincoln and Mrs. Hester Kdmisten, Page Mrs Ed Eggan left Saturday by bus lor Portland, Ore., where sue will spend Thanksgiving with sister and brother She will spend Christmas with relative* in Los Angeles and Puente. Cali! Mr an i Mrs Hubert Niasen and family visited tier brother Robert and hi* family from Lin coin at the home of Mr and Mis Suren Sorensen sr. Mr and Mrs Harry Harper, accompanied Mr and Mrs Frank Jlerlarrt to Oklahoma CAy, frl day to apmd a Jr* day* with Mr and Mr* Gordon Harper Mr and Mrs U«rnm Itaynr* and family called on hi* parent* Mr and Mrs Allan llaynrs on Tuesday Tho Frontier FRITZ'S Body Shop 24 Hr, Wrecker Service Complete Body Work Glatt Cut & Installed - PHONE - 86 Day — 473 Night 30tlr O'NBnX. A K1U1. FOR SALE Our 160 acre farm located Vi mile east and 2Va miles south of Stuart, Nebraska. Vrry writ imprmnd. fully iitmlrm borne, uuUinlMbHpi In <**orllrnt roiiilMldfi Mill >wll now wtlli imwmliw >l<i»rh I. INJ Terms if desired. ART and ALDA GIVENS Stuart, Nebraska __31-32c Paul Shierk INSU RANCE AOKNOT ONEITX. NEBR Imunuuw of AH Klftd* Locksmithing Oi-in-rul It**imlrinx of Lock* of Ail Kindn Cam • llomt'H - Rui(in«HM«M —See - Joseph P. Shanner M Ho. 4th O’Neill — Free Wedding DANCE Leon Rentschier and Sharon Seger Dance to Jack Duke's Westerners Vocalist Bill Rentschier STUART AUDITORIUM Sat., Nov. 24 8:30 p.m. .. . I YOU ARE INVITED TO BE OUR GUEST We are holding our Annual "Family Night" for our employees, their families and friends on Tuesday, November 27 between 6 & 9:30 p.m. I am cordially inviting you to be my guest on this occasion. As my guest you will be en titled to a 10% discount during this one eve ning only. Sincerely, Please accept this as your personal invitation. Due to your re sp .se in previous years, we are staying open until 9:30 p.m. tliis year so EVERYONE will be able to take advantage of this event. LAY-AWAY Christmas Gifts now — it's so easy ^^__^^mmm^________ i Low, tow everyooy prices plus Gold Bond Stamps oi... SBS I \ MEAT LOAF RECIPE... rl4 l«f 1 CWf mdk Vl »k Ground f#cti »/l «* mimtd m*m 7 *§9*. slightly fcsafan 1 ttaipw pappw V} CUP ‘*ft br»od (rvmh >/1 t—*p—a flj Combine all ingredient* and pack lightly into meat jv loaf pan. Hake in moderate oven (350° F) foe 1 I hour. Serve with tomato sauce, mushroom sauce or I white sauce with vegetable* added. Serves 4-f>. Safeway’s famous quality Ground Beef Holds volume well f while cooking f Meaty Spareribs^sL u. 3 9c 1 Chopped Beef creamed on toast .. Pkg. 29c J Chunk Bologna Piece, Lb. 39c .. . .Lb! 49c Juicy... FRESH TOMATOES Choose your favorite or Mix 'em ... RED " 1 " "" """" 0 Ml Pink"meated”, fresh 3 ibs. 49c 79* Hamburger Buns s!9« Mrs. \Y right’s — save 4c on each package purchased. Campbeirs Soup ^10 TOMA TO; perfect for making tomato sauce, — "America’s best^loved soup" Refrig. Biscuits... & c kfa.» „ghf. _ Sw<*amlk « B.«mUk... N„ mil( „ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Carnation Milk 7 r,$1°° Evapor; ted — .deal for formula, and in preparing holiday delicacies. Baked Beans.3^49* Morton House — Oven-Baked, filled with luscious flavor. Toilet Tissue 10 79< i 'V aUorf Ussue — ** *>(**, strongest, nicest tissue of its kind. ' I *-- I I No Coupon Required tiuy as much as you like fDAflfEDC GOLD BOND amps VlmAVImEK9 — with purchase of £ 4 a 20-ox. Loaf Skylark (* • $1 SANDWICH BREAD % ■ Oh E |pj Offer good thru November 24 1-lb Pkg. Busy Baker Soda or Oyster ; f.CCCCC-f CW*iTlWWWlt Crackers, Morton House Chili with Beans ... No. 300 Can lg Lmbbt1 GOLD BOND ^ I — with purchase at Brownie Mix ££££*.l£37e 25-ib.nog % leg-ill Vegetables 2”^T38* «*» POTATOES % Cake Mixes neg. layer rartetj ....Pkg. 41c Offer good thru November 24 J^| Pie Crust Mix PlUafavry.Pkg. 23c -?-*Ti”^rrrr*'*TrATiTrrr* * Pie Crest Sticks 38c i Browiie Mix S .*5c GOLD BOND s,amPs % Boasted Peanuts ^ Be Ux/J-U UUWU g Bbuk Tub* Mr - purchase <rf g Harahmallovs ££ATV^. "tS 29c ... . > laisal Crackefa S7?r:.....,m9c i> Allsweet Margarine g lenkei’t Cocoa Jsr*..£59c § K”mb°24_| Potato Ckiat ^ _-.. **«. 69c Crisco Liquid Joy , Tide Dash Comet Shortening Detergent j Detergent Detergent Cleanser Cm 38c BotUe 39c Package 35c Package *2-25 | 2 is 33c "30c cfT* pack Liquid Liquid Ivory j Blue Cheer Diaper SeofTissne Mr. Clean Detergent ] Detergent Sweet Assarted Colon ££4le its 39c j *2535e ,££59c 2Sr2fc 5(1 ^ ' n . - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ »ci .wi.w » ,»a ,>■ ■ - — ,—■ «!■ ■■ ■ ■ « n «■ r Powdered j Downy Fabric ; Oxydof Premium Dez Spic & Span I Softener Detergent Detergent 1'Ib* 15a 5 17-°r AO* \ **-<*. 2S-ax. Package ww% Bottle *Ww Package Ww Package wvC t Clorox Bleach.p£K*Ic Patty Shells FAjSs- froim ...^PV* 49. GOLD BOND stomps —or Apple Dnmpai^ Cherry Rohe. Apple StrwJel _ wjlh a I . r . |# 44-or. Jar Shasta Brand S ^ Golden Encyclopedia strawberry Pr.,.n., I ‘' tdy *V53 ^ Offer goal thru November 24 t> Beauty Pori or Tov P Vefcee ideal ChristmL preaect... |IU« Rifh*. Rcjerred to Limit Quantities _ GOLD BOND stomps % ”"— — — with . .-rjiuae of jgl 1 -lb. Plcg. Safeway Brand ^ BRICK CHILI __ Offer good thru November 24 I AC prices effective thru Saturday, November 24, "" ** O'Neill, Nebraska ?&&&&&&&&&&