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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1962)
Ewing News By Mm. Harold Harris Mr ami Mrs Gall Boies spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ray Boies at Plain view Catherine Bauer and her room mate, Janell KucheJ, Fremont, were weekend guests at the home of Mrs Rose Bauer Mr. and Mrs Merle .Sehi, both teaebers of a rural school, at tended the teachers convention in Norfolk Friday. The Sehi fam ily visited Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs, Norman Saitz, Page. Mrs Albert Kallhoff. O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Boh Sum merer and family, Atkinson, were guests at the home of Mrs Joe Tom jack Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Jacob sen and family and Bonnie Sned igner stopped to spend a week at the home of Mrs. Amy Jacob sen and other relatives before continuing on their way to their home at Intercession, Fla They hail s|H>nt the summer in Oregon. Mrs. Thomas Jacobsen. Mrs. Alta Meyer*. Laura Jacoh*en, Bonnie Snedlgner. Arlene Pelle tier and Rev. M. E Ooombs went to NeJlgh Monday evening where they attended a service at the Wesleyan Methodist church when a missionary from India was the guest speak*T. A no-host dinner was served at the home of Mrs Amy Jacobsen Sunday. Guests were Mr and Mrs Ernest Norwood and Arlene Pelletier and Mrs. Alta Meyer, all of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs Tho mas Jacobsen and family and Ronnie Snodigner, Intercession City. Fla Vaulda Welke and Mr. and Mrs Roland Wilcox, Newman Grove were dinner guests Wed nesday evening at the R. H. Shain home They also attended the Ewing-Newman Grove foot ball game. Mr and Mrs James Mlnarik and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schro der anil family went to Elgin Sunday to assist Mr. and Mrs. Don Mackel move into their new home which has lieen under con struction all summer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker ac companied Mr ami Mrs. Otto Sprague to Valentine Sunday to attend the VFW meeting. Mrs. Rex Johnson, Newcastle, Wyo , is spending a two week vacation with her sister and bro ther-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Aub rey Wood. Sunday guests at the Aubrey Wood home were Mr. and Mrs Gordon L*en and family. Grant! Island, and Mrs Rex Johnson, Newcastle. Wyo. Mr. and Mrs LJoyd Hixson, Clearwater, were dinner guests Tuesday evening at the Aubrey Wood home. Mrs Hixson is an aunt of Mrs Wood and her sister, Mrs Rex Johnson. Mrs Aubrey Wood and Mrs. Rex Johnson, Newcastle. Wyo.. visited their aunt. Mrs Virginia Deuel at Sioux City. Ia. Thurs day and Mrs. Louis Braun, an other aunt at Meadow Grove, Sat urday afternoon Mr. ami Mrs Claus Sievers, guests at the home of Mrs. Josie Versaw and other relatives left Friday to return to their home at Gillette, Wyo. Other guests during the weekend at the Ver saw home were Billie Sievers, Gillette, Wyo., and Louie Storm, Sturgis, S. D. In addition to the names of the Happy Hollow 1 11 club who re ceived awards at the 4-H Family Fun Night in O’Neill recently, is the name of Bonnie Welke, who has received many honor* in her 4-H work at a member of the club. Fay Scheer also a long time member of the Happy Hol low 4-H club, was mistress of ceremonies for Family Fun Night. Cub Scout lien II had perfect attendance when they met Wed nesday after school at the home of their den mother. Mrs Vance Anson. During the recreation hour holiday turkeys were made and painted from pine cones. Bobbie Pruden furnished treats Mrs Vernon McCloud. Rush ville, was a guest Thursday at the home of Mr and Mrs Char les Krontorad. Mrs McCloud is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Kruntorad Guests Sundaj evening at tl»o home of Mr. an i Mrs. Vance Anson were Mr. and Mrs. Charjes Pexton. Neligh. Curtis Roberts jr. was a sup per and evening guest of Terry Anson at the home of his par ents, Mr and Mrs Vance Anson, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Joe Sturbaum, Mrs. Anna Bollwitt and her bro ther, George Roesch. left Friday to spend a few days at Snyder visiting relatives. Marie Davis is now employed at the office of the Northwestern Bell Telephone company in O' Neill as operator. The Jephthah Chapter No. 85 Order of the Eastern Star held their regular meeting Tuesday evening. Mrs. Keith Biddlecome, worthy matron, presided. She gave a review on the talks given at a recent district meeting held in Norfolk. The Chapter is spon soring an orphanage in Pusan. Mrs. Waldo Davis and Marie were refreshment hostesses. The Methodist Youth Fellow ship of the First Methodist church in Ewing had a roller skating party Friday evening at the Ne ligh Roller Rink. Sponsors of the group are Mrs. James Tinsley. Mrs. Curtis Roberts and Mrs. Jerald Snyder. A family gathering is being planned for Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis for Thanksgiving dinner. Expected guests are Mrs. Louise Beal, Mrs. Gertrude Davis, Mrs. Lulu Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Ho mer Barton, all of Orchard, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Austin, Plainview Mrs. Althea Peterson, Hazel Ruby and Elsie Chase were Ne ligh visitors Wednesday. Guests Tuesday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Milan Welke were her brother, Tom Scott, and Nila Mitt, Alva, Okla., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott. Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Alexand er and children drove to Plain view Thursday evening to join -I the family in celebrating the birthday of her mother, Mrs George White Mr* Grace Briggs was hostess at tlie gathering of the member* of the Hast Matrons club and Star Kensington at tier home Friday altemoon After the business ses sion of routine affairs the hours were spent visiting A pot luck lunch was served. Expected guests Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Anderson are their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oltjenbruns. Lyons, and Mr and Mrs. Clif ton Anderson. Tekamah, also Mr. and Mrs Robert Warren, Teka mah. Mr and Mrs. Weldon Alexand er anil family are making plans to celebrate Thanksgiving Day at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Ella Johnson, Platnview Mr and Mrs. George Keller and children expect to spend Thanksgiving Day at Valentine with her parents and the week end at Gregory, s. D., at the home of his parents. The Thursday Night Pitch club, beginning its eighth year of win ter entertainment, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis the evening of Novemlier 15 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berg strom were guests Score winners were Elmer Bergstrom and Mrs Archie Tuttle, William Spence and Mrs. Charles Rotherham Lunch was served by the hosts Family Night was held Wed nesday evening at the annex of the United Presbyterian church. A film on "Uranium" was shown which featured its discovery This was followed by an informal hour and refreshments. Scott and Debbie Davis were guests from four to five W’ednes day afternoon at the Weldon Al exander home to join in celebrat ing Randy Alexander's second birthday. His mother, Mrs. Wel don Alexander served lunch. The Try and Do Home Exten sion club met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Merlyn Meyer with Mrs. Dean Pofahl, co-hostess. Eight members an s red to roll call Guests were Mrs. Ken Rethmier, Mrs. Melvin Chamlx'rs and Miss DeLosh. Mrs. Stanley Davis gave a demonstra tion on "Christmas Decorations". At the business meeting a re[iort was given on their recent bake and rummage sale. A group dis cussion was held on using some of the funds to obtain something needed for the public rest room in Ewing. Mrs. Don Ruroede, Mrs. Meyer, and Mrs. John Pru den were appointed as a commit tee to make some investigations on what may be useful and need ed. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Willis Rockey's home when the club will have their Christ mas party. Mr and Mrs. Alexander were hosts at a family dinner party at their home Saturday evening, honoring the birthdays of Mr. Al exander and his little two-year old son, Randy. The evening was spent visiting. Present were Mr. and Mrs. George White and Du ane, Mr. and Mrs. Donald White and Steve, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Alexander, all of Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Alexander, Kansas City, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Moser, Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris and Bertha made a combined business and pleasure trip to O’ Neill and Spencer Tuesday. Week News By Mrs. Fred Lindberg Senator and Mrs. Frank Nelson left Sunday afternoon. Lena plans to remain at Fort Calhoun with relatives while Frank will attend the Legislative council at Lincoln. Martha Johring spent Wednes day at the Fred Ernst home help ing dress ducks for the holidays. Mrs. Edwin Wabs and Charles and Mrs. Bennett DeVall and Ste vie called at the Delia Harrison home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Delbert Rouse and child ren and Mrs . Howard Rouse spent Tuesday afternoon with Mm Carrie liurg, O'Neill. Mary Eden wood. AUunaon and Mrs Dave Jcoscn mode a num ber ol calls in this commuiuly Wednesday. Mrs Cecil MiUei won a prue at open house Thursday at lie! en t Fiow r and Gut shop It was a (lower arrangement Mrs Mariha Ross came Thurs day to spend a lew days with her daughter and lamUy, Sir and Mrs. .ecil Miller Mr. and Mr* Mamed y tluOOy. Cedar Rapids, la., plan to come Monday to spend 1 hanhsgiving vacaUon with their relatives here and at the A. W. Marts home. Long Pine. Mr. and Mrs Virgil Hubby call ed at the Roman Fidp home Tuesday evening and Mr and Mrs. Paul Nelson were Friday rngnt callers at the Virgil Hull by home. Cm Me Hood, Mi. and Mrs. Fred Lmdberg and Mr and Mrs. Henry Wallers attcndi d Uie adult Sunday School class party at the Assembly ol God church parlors Tuesday evening Mrs. Bennie Jolinng and Craig and Mrs. Henry Wallet* were Wednesday callers at the Allen Walters home. Mr. and Mrs. Austui Searles and girls and Miss Velda Ernst, Lincoln, were Sunday dinner guests at the Clarence Ernst home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woidneck returned Saturday alter stand ing a week visiting in Omalia, Lincoln, Beatrice and Battle Creek. Paddock Missionary society met at the home of Lena Nelson Friday with 14 ladies present Lorraine Eras; gave an inter esting lecture and slides were enjoyed by those present. Plans were made to pack community boxes at the next meeting Dec. 14 at the home of Grace Borg Lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Clint McMillan. Saco, Mont., came Saturday for a visit here with friends and re latives. They were dinner guests at the Christine Johnson home Saturday and overnight guests at the George Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Libby and son, Omaha, surprised their par ents Saturday when they arrived to spend the weekend at the Hen ry Walters and Loran Libby homes. Mrs. Henry Walters re turned home with them Monday and remained until Thursday. Carrie Hood, Arlene and Mar lene Fox were Saturday dinner guests at Martha Johrings. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitz were Omaha visitors Tuesday and Thursday the family attend ed the funeral of Marlene Schmitz, Bonesteel, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Huston left their children at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitz over the weekend while they made a trip to North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham, Leslie and Marlyn surprised Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller Friday eve ning when they arrived with their lunch basket. The occasion mark ed Cecil's and Mattie's 25th wed ding anniversary. Mr. Gerald Harding, Garold Riser, Dewayne Anson, Austin Searles and Cecil Miller were working at school District 1 last week making preparation to set up some new playground equip ment. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wyatt, O' Neill, kept Nancy Kamphaus the six month old baby of Mr. and Alice's Beauty Shop 325 E. Doug lan H«~ Phone 2«3 Complete Beauty Service Slimliner Reducing Machine • Mr* Joe Kamphaua, while hu mother was helping With the com harvest last week. The Rev Chrutolferien lielja*! with the com harvest at Carl Krogh • Monday and Tuesday Mr amt Mr* A*el Borg were Saturday evening callers at the Sam Ri-heitaon home Karnrtt H. arnk: an* and hi* la tb#r U*ft lor Pan. lor Finlay Th#y plan to incwt Mr* II V It tar* kran* in City Mr* lUmrn kraru u returning from Pin# la land. Minn . •her# alw> ha* t>##n Vikttmg at thr hum* of h#r daughter and atm in law. Mr and Mr* Milton Edward* I J. J. Jelinek & Sons 17th Annual Sale REGISTERED Sale starts at 1:00 p.m. SELLING SO HEAD CREIGHTON LIVESTOCK PAVILION Creighton, Nebraska 35 COMING 2-YEAR-OLD BULLS This is a top set of well developed Bulls. They carry size for age, conform ation and with desirable color. Sired by three sons of Golden Aster, Gold en Aster 134, 138, 160, CK Zadar 51, and Fair Way Aster J 127. This is the strongest set of bulls we have evar offered. 15 YEARLING FEMALES The Females are a light colored group of individuals selling open. Sired mainly by CK Zadar 51 and Fair Way Aster J 127. Charles Corkb, Auctioneer For Catalogs and Information Write Joe J. Jelinek & Sons Verdigre, Nebraska This is a general view, looking north, of the Sheldon Station area In the foreground is the Exhibit Building, with a group of visitors leaving for the parking lot to the south. Behind the Exhibit Building —actually some 200 yards to the north —is the Nuclear Reactor wing of the station. The tall structure at the left is the fuel loading building. In the far background (center left) are the water cooling towers for the conventional steam power facilitv. I I « In the Exhibit Building, visitors first see a jg complete cut-away scale model ot the M entire Sheldon Station, showing both the |L nuclear and conventional facilities. 1 Other exhibits are alse viewed here. Nebraska’s New Source of Electricity Now Ready for Your “Inspection” The Hallam Nuclear Power Facility, part of Consumers Public Power District’s Sheldon Station, is now ready for visitors. An Exhibit Building will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday; 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sundays. Organized tours of the Facility will be con ducted daily at 10:00 a.m. (except Sundays), 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Only adults and students in the 7th grade and above may visit the plant. Organized groups of 10 or more may make advance reservations. Individuals or groups of less than 10 may visit the Exhibit Building at any time during the open hours; such visitors will be com bined with larger groups for the conducted tours of the plant. Full information may be obtained by writing or calling Tour Coordinator, CPPD, Box 88 (phone 787-2555), Hallam. Visitors are able to see the huge reactor bay area through large plate glass windows. From here, they go to the second floor for a view of the large control , room filled with dials and flashing panels, and the turbine-generator that will produce 75^)00 net kilo watts of electric power. _ CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT GAS-TOONS —BY— Fritz Bazelman "Don’t tell me your car won’t start . . . after that tune-up I did.” Our customers always come back!!! Bazelman Mobil Service SINCE 1929 Phone 355 Hi way 20 East CHARGE IT at GAMBLES! o-neiu llii H Take icy walks in stridel Fleece lined non skid rubber boots. Dynel ' modacrylic pile cuffs. Talon lipper. Wontftlt ft SlZAft Girls’ women’s black. 5tO 10... ^ DRESS OVERSHOES Boy.’ m ^ 4 Deep snowdrifts can't stop you in these rubber boots fastened high with four pullproof welded buckles* Non-skid soles. Black. 109*1*5/64, 109 *114/15, 109 **49/ 44 Boys’ 3-6_4.89 Men's 7-12 .. 4.98 l WORK OVERSHOES Four T S 0 Buckle Jf Style Fleece lined heavy weight rubber arctic closes with tour strong buck les and full gusset front. Black. Non-skid soles. Sizes 7-11'. 1 OS-9661, 65 5-Buckle Style as above.8.50 ■ ^ Work Rubbers Men’s Rubbers Work Rubbers ' 98 249 79 Hr^ dff,yr*ch 00 “*d'um -e'3hV,!™‘ Heavy duty Nro-W. rubber with high vomp storm rubber,. Cleat- |#(J ^ tor extra protection, ed soles. No-rip rolled , . A *.A Non-skid ,ole. 6-12. edge. Nock. 6-12 'l,*0!",? ? 7*1iv to*-»*ii 1M-W24 totes! stock. l tot-*m ■KbM. vvaifcfew,.. . . «r Shoe Boots Girls’ Boots Men’s Zip-Ups 1 ; ! £35 jj49 598 "Fur looking" nylon High, fleeced boots Speedy and smooth collar ond pile lining! keep feet warm! slide front! Block rub* Foam cushion sole. Shearling cuff inside. ber on the outside; Black leather. 5.9 Girls’ 13-3 . . 3.99 fleecy inside! 7.15 105-9762,4 9510,9610 10S-9*JO. 9*SI •00*9 *3 08 Go— !>*« - owned Oortt « MOO D*Si«f store* *_