The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 15, 1962, Image 9
Ewing News By Mm. Harold IU/tU The November theme for the WSCS of the First Methodist church in Ewing was the work of “The Missionary and the Dea coness”. Mrs Henry Fleming had the devotions and the lesson which followed at tlie Wednesday after noon meeting at the church par lors, with IK present. At the business meeting reports were given by Mrs. Ray Sedivy, Mrs. Earl VanOstrand, Mrs. Les ter Spragg and Mrs. Willis Rock ey Miss Hazel Ruby gave a fi nancial report on the election day chicken dinner and Mrs. Tinsley on the visiting committee. A general discussion was held on their annual bazaar to be held December 12 with a covered dish luncheon and an exchange of fifty cent gilts. Caros were sent to Mrs Frank Belmer, Mrs. Florence Hutler, Mrs. Fred Boll wilt, Dr. Win. H Ross and Mrs. Aubrey Wuxi. Hostesses were Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Spragg. A Thanksgiving motif was carried out in table decorations. Iiu- I. wing lire IMpartment hart completed a six week course on advuiu*ed training in lire lighting and op«-ralion of lire fighting equipment. Jim lioyie, Mate instruc tor, conduct ed tin- meetings throughout the serh*s. John Berigun, music instructor, of tilt- Ewing Public school has announced tnat Joan and Judy Spangler will represent the school at the annual music clinic to be held in Norlolk, Nov. 15-17 Mr Bengali will accompany them. The American Legion and Aux iliary ol Sanders Post No. 214 met Thursday evening at the Le gion club. Jerry Rotherham, commander, presided at the joint session, Monday, Nov. 26 will be the first bingo to be held at the club beginning at 8 30. There will be cash prizes and a jack pot. Monday, Nov. 19, the regular county meeting will be held in Ewing. At this time the three top winners, on the county govern ment Day essay contest will be announced. Awards will be made at this time. The winners are Florence Black, first; Karen Woeppel, second and “Duke” Hobbs, third. The Post now has 99 members and was classed as a 3-star post at the last county meeting. Mrs. H. R. Shain, president, conducted the business meeting of the Auxiliary, Tarlatan dolls will be made by Mrs. Eula Ep penbach, Mrs. Robert Kreitziger and Mrs. Frank Hawk. Five dol lars was sent to “The Yanks Who Gave’\ Plans were made for the Christ mas party with an exchange of fifty cent gifts. The Legion join ed the Auxiliary for a social hour and lunch served by Mrs. Shain and Mrs. Jerry Rotherham. The birthday anniversary cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Frank Hawk. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus and daughter, Myra Lee, Lincoln, were weekend guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Angus. A social afternoon was held by the Facts and Fun Home Exten sion club Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ralph Eacker. Ten mem bers answered roll call with ‘‘Something to be thankful in the year 1962”. Mrs. Chester Taylor, health chairman, gave a report on how many more vitamins may be obtained from vegetables anil fruits cooked with the peelings. Mrs. Ella Ziems and Mrs. C. ^dyuyjy R. Alhers were appointed ss a committee on the Christmas Fair to be held in O’Neill November 26. The next meeting will be held at the J. L. Pruden home for the Christmas party There will be a one o'clock covered dish dinner and exchange of gifts not to ex ceed one dollar in value. Mrs. Waldo Davis and Mrs. Eacker were appointed as entertainment committee. Guests were Mrs. Jerry Meyer and Johnnie, Mrs Anna Pollock, Mrs. Thomas Eacker, Laurie Jo and Ricky Lunch was served by the hos teas. Mr and Mrs S M Burtwistle and JM were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs R W Burtwistle, Friday. Mrs. Duane Grossmcklaus and Sally, Bartlett, visited at the home of Mrs. S. M Burtwistle Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle took her — ■on, JM, to the doctor in O’Netli Wednesday afternoon, then went on to Ewing where the attended the meeting of the "No Thank You" Topa club b« kl at the home of Mrs C. C. Hahlbeck. Mias Judy 'luisiey, Lincoln, came home Friday to spend the weekend at the home of tier pat ents, Mr and Mr*. Jamea Tuis Miss Sharon Kropp was honor ed Wednesday evening at a mis cellaneous shower at St. Domi nic’s Hall, attended by sixty friends and relatives from Elgin, O’Neill, Page, Inman and Or chard. Quiz games and travelogues provided entertainment. The gift table was decorated in the bride to-be chosen colors of bronze and gold centered with a matching bouquet. Miss Bonnie Kaczor pre sided at the gift book, Miss Kay Jeffers, O’Neill, assisted Miss Kropp in opening the gifts Hostesses were Mmes. Charles Rotherham. Archie Tuttle, James Tinsley. Ralph Munn. Robert Pru den. Elmer Bergstrom and Thomas E acker Mum Kropp, student at the Wayne State Teachers college, will be married Saturday, Nov 17, at St Peters church. Ewing, to Jim Araji, student at the Uni versity of Nebraska Miss Kropp is Uie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp, Ew ing. Mr and Mrs. Earl Wright at tended the funeral of E. L. Sis son held Sunday afternoon at the chapel of the Snider Funeral home. Mrs. Loyd Angus attended the funeral of Mrs. Edna Walton in Orchard Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dorrence Hobbs and family went to Central City, Sunday, Nov. 4 where they spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Snyder and family. Friends and relatives gathered at the parlors of the First Metho dist church in Ewing Thursday evening, Nov 8, honoring Uiu Bertha Harm at a bridal thower Games provided entertainment, m charge of Mrs Ralph Eacker and Mrs Archie Tuttle. Mrs. Ray Hurug received the special prize. The gift table centered beneath a large white wedding bell with blue and white streamers extend mg to each corner and continuing to drape the sides and ends of Uie table, Miss Sherry Daniels, O' Neill was m charge of the gift book while Miss Mane Davis and Karen Woeppel assisted with op ening ot packages. The whit* linen covered lunch eon table was centered with a bouquet of blue and white flow ers in a crystal basket, flanked by candles of blue in golden hold ers. Hostesses were Mines James Tinsley, William Hobbs, Waldo Davis, James Mlnarik, Archie Tuttle, Earl Pierson, Rose Bauer and Roy Blunt. Out-of-town guest* were Mrs Esther Neittke and Star la. Mr* Clarence Lubhe, Donna Mae and Lyle, Mrs, Elsie Frednecb, Plain view, Mrs Archie Jotmatun. Clearwater and Mr* Ray Hut Ug and Kevin of O Neill Mr ami Mr* James Minardi had aa their lunclieoo guests af ter the junior class play Friday evening, Mr and Mr* tied Serr Clearwater. Mr and Mr* Dun Mackei and family, Elgin and Mr and Mr* 1 might Sc hr order and family, Ewing A good crowd was in alien dance at the presentation of Uie Junior claa* play Friday evening at the auditorium of the Ewtng public school In the cast of the three act comedy. "Have A Date" were Judy Spangler, Gleneilen M< Dan iels, Bill Hobbs, Karen Woeppel, Joan Spangler, Samira Tellander, Larry Mlnarik, Ken Hr ion and Eddie Rotherham M s Schlotinan, the director, will presented • gill In behalf of the class by Sandra The U antler Entertainment between wets were aeiectams by the U», Faye Sc fieer, Kay Bergstrom and Joan Spangler with Judy Spangler acc. mpaiuat, and the sestet,, Sherri Swttaer, Glrnellen Mol>an iris, Judy Spangler, Barbara Er i.i-sii, Joan Miller ami Juan Will iamson with Joan Spangler, ar compatust Mr. and Mr* Dorrence Ifcbbs and daughter, Natalie, accompan ied by her mother, Mrs Manus Snytler, went to Omaha Wadne* day Natalie, about two years old, was taken for a checkup lor a firart condition and Mrs Snyder, medical care Loyd Angus made a busiwrss trip to Omaha Thursday Guests Tuesday at the Loyd An go* borne were her slater and husband, Mr and Mrs Leonard Samuel*..n of Me in km Grunt Mr and Mr* Jerome Fuller and sons. Grand Island, spent Friday night with her parents, Mr and Mra Ralph Rocker, Mr amt Mr* Ralph Rocker ami the Jorum* Fuller family of Grand Island wen Saturday din ner guest* of Tam Rorker* in cfc sortanc* at llieir um, Garry * twenty first bit Delay anniversary fha Fullers returned to their home in Grand Island Saturday evening Mr and Mr* L A Ik.hha, Mr* R*»y Raherharn. Mr anti Mr* James Rotherham. Mr and Mr* Ralph Cocker, Mr* Harriet Wei kr. Mr and Mrs Elmer Her* strom, Mr* Keith Ulddlecomr were among >j***e from Ewing wh > attended Die funeral mrtrtce for E Leon Stsoun at Clearwater Sunday after main ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Right Reserved to Limit Quantities i 50c | i §| — on the purchase of one B I ' i 18Vi’ x 1214' x 8" ■ , 1 §Oval Roaster! ; U Coupon expires November 21 H | ^P^ Cash rtluc 1/10 cent • I...J CffTHER FOR THE FT" I HOW TO THAW A FROZEN TURKEY Allow 2 or 3 days in the refrigerator for a large turkey, 1 day for a small one. To speed the thawing, the turkey may be thawed partially in the refrigerator then placed under COLD RUNNING water until completely I thawed. Never thaw a turkey at room temperature or in warm water — never let the bird stand in cold or warm water. Do not thaw a frozen stuffed turkey before cooking. I ,★★★★★ * TURKEYS.. U.S.D.A. Grade-A, U.S. Inspected, Manor House.. Il I# • ’ Boneless Hams Hormel Buffet, whole or half... i ■ . . 41 I GOLD BOND stamps |g — with purchase of g< 10-oz. Pkg. |J + Captain’s Choice—Frozen gj | BREADED SHRIMP I jg Offer good thru November 21 §1 GOLD BOND stamps jj — with purchase of 16-oz. Pkg. Griffin i I SHREDDED COCOANUT | ^g Offer good thru November 21 ^ GOLD BOND stamps ^ — with purchase of §1 16-oz. Pkg. Dromedary I FRUITS & PEELS | ■Ik Offer good thru November 21 gj GOLD BOND stamps if — with purchase of |3( 16-cz. Pkg. Mrs. Wright’s || | Angel Food Cake Mix | «< Offer good thru November 21 §( , ■» .>• GOLD BOND stamps p — with purchase of & 3-lb. Cannister Pack §" I BUTTER-NUT COFFEE | jg Offer good thru November 21 § GOLD BOND stamps ;|j — with purchase of G. 2-lb. Pkg. Thick-sliced ^ ^ Safeway Brand Bacon I Offer good thru November 21 |jj I rmilll A Tli*lrahlfCManorHous€;freshfrozen’ 3Or Cranberry Sauce oc*™ Bpr.y *°: Can 26e iiroae-M i Ur ncy»iotoi«b.siie.Lb. cptc », Braunschweigernd.a39t * BUTTER Frankfurters Tower Brand; skinless.Bag 79c | "1 Pork link Sausage Safeway Brand . .Pkg. 45c Shady Lane; quartered, lightly ultcd I Fresh Cranberries cheese 1-lb. Bags Libby’s Tomato Juiee.^ 3 79c Ocean Spray, juicy and full flavored Tropical Fmit Salad ££h*nt* 33c mi I . .. Cottage Cheese ^STT cJ£ 39c plMticeIBI“'S’l»;Srs 29e Golden Yams 3 ibS.29c Brapew”^£irSI„3 ^2$i Precrnnl Rnll« PUtabuj7: c-o*. 9Q. Fragrant, leaves ■i? t I Celery Hearts.....?&° 23c i«* cream ikpsjsk && 79« ■ umpuIII r IB Bel-alr; froaten ... » Pie* DSC Powdered Vel 30c G 1*0DCS r P * 2 29( Stokely’s Asparagus 37e Detergent, ideal for heavy washes WBR Emperor Brand. • Ui lbs. ^1 Coff66 MsksP We,t Bend' ^g MEMmiMBHEMMi —with $25 In Safeway1* cash register tape* dated Cake Mixes ^ 41 c Coffee House .....Can 69c Pie Filling Raisin.Can 29c Margarine quartered 2 etna. 79c Tuna light chunk.. Can 38c Fruit Cake Wright’a ...Cake 97c Buster Mixed Nuts 89c Orange Juice S' 2 S 39c Vienna Bread SS 19c Napkins Family ... 2 o?w 29c Frozen Peas S 2 ££ 39c Donuts CAKE^resh’ 2%% 49c Kleenex Napkins ...5£ 27c Tuna Sea; (“3c off” pack) Can 35c Bread Mrs. Wright s’.Loaf 25c Encyclopedia VoL No. 9 $1.29 Cauliflower frozen 2 Pkga. 49c Coffee Cake LMsS.^Cake 79c Jimmy Jet Toy.. &. 512.88 Oyster Stew S5r«..?c»i Me Rolls .”S I9e Gift Certificates _ Grocer* prices effective thru Wednesday, November 21, tit — in $5, $10, $15 and $25 denominations. II rS3St i Be W V JE? . Gold Bond Stamps — free with purchases at Safeway' © ooFTsaas ins.sattwas ema.zsaaytawHD wwiroa vi Mivci, Margarine £ Pitted Dates Good Luck, Oft- Dromedary, JQ. 1-Ib. Carton wW % 1-Ib. Package WC Lucky Whip | M 8«l®r6*ul Topping, C% f Giar.t uize 85c #>-i-oz. Car. WC <s _ / Jumbo size *2.45 I Liquid Ajax $ “Soaky” Cleaner I jwfSS4le | ,^££690 H 2S-OZ. Bottle 7*e * Kid* love to uae “Soaxy ’