Clearwater New. Mrs. Charles Uirtrl|ht HUnter ft-SZM The American Legion Auxiliary Post 267 held a baked goods food sale at the Legion hall Saturday afternoon and report a good re turn. The Senior class have chosen their class play “Oh Man” a three act comedy, which will be directed by principal ] > nald Duf jihey and Mrs Earl Dash r. The date of the play at this writing has not been set The grade schiol Operetta is taking form and characters have pr-r^wv ~ The Valiant Years TELEVISION AT ITS BEST CHANNEL. 4 — K IT V Sioux City, Iowa Every Saturday at 5:30 p.m. Presented byKX%i James Davrisoj! & Soinir. O’NEILL, NEBK. I oEHt^^iED LENNOX dealer been chosen, the program will be presented in the near future a date to be announced later. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Herley, Cahiornia, are viaitmg friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Luben and Danny Lee, Wieping Water, spent t..e weekend with Uie Howard Lu uen and F. Brandi families. a rural Clearwater man, Fred Mubin, has been named vice president of the Antelope county lair board at a recent meeting Mrs. J. W. Bennie ha| been named chairman of the Red Cross drive for Clearwater. Vo lunteers will call at homes this wiek. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sanks re turned to North Platte Thursday alter a few days visit in the Will iam Luben home. Dewey Brittell was released from the O'Neill hospital Wednes day after a few days stay. He is recupi rating at home. Julie Holfman, one year old daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hoilman, was taken to a doctor Saturday, suffering from infec tion from a bad cold, and one of GAS —TOONSI I I Fritz Bazelman “The other station gladly extended me eredit . . . right up to the day they "WENT BROKE.” We enjoy our work . . . prompt payment keeps us here! Bazelman Mobil Service SINCE 1929 Phone 355 Iliway 20 East her legs had become affected. Karen Wrenhoit was tne honor guest Wednesday evening at a pre-nuptial shower in the Metho dist church parlors. Hos leases were lormer classmates assisted by then mothers. 'Ihe room was decorated m colors of lavender ana white. The gift taole was centered in coiors of lavender and white. The gift taole was centered with a iloral arrange ment in shaded colors of laven der. Mrs. Allen Peterson was in cliarge of the gilt book, Mrs. Ar nold Oltjenbruns and Shirley Tins ley assisted the bride in opening her gilts Mrs Oitejenbruns and Mrs. Peterson were also in charge of entertainment. Miss Wrenhoit was married Sunday, Nov. 11th to Airman lc Fred Temple, son of Mr. and Mrs Her bert Temple. '1 he couple will re side in Lincoln where he is sta tioned. Refreshments were served to the fifty guests present. Chambers News It) Mr*. K. R. Carpenter "My Evaluation of County Government" was the theme of the essay contest in the Cham liers High School. Winning $5 for 1st place was Debbie Eisenhauer, 53 Susan Da Rue and $2 Peggy Gerkie. The awards will lie presented by Merlin Grossnicklaus, com mander of the American Legion Post No. 320. A large gathering of friends and relatives were present at the Methixiisl church parlors Satur day evening to honor Judy Thom son at a miscellaneous shower. The program under the direction of Mrs. Louis Harley and Mrs. J. W. Walter consisted of a skit built around the theme of "Judy’s Beauty Shop” and songs appro priate for the occasion. Partici pating were Mrs. Vernon Smith, Mrs. Zane Rowse, Mrs. Wayne Rowse, Mrs. Earl David, Mrs. Donald Hoffman and Mrs. Wil liam Crawford. Assisting with the gifts were Mrs. Duane Mc Kay, Ellen McKay, O’Neill, Mrs. Richard Grimes and Judy Smith, Cham tiers. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Young and children drove to Laurel Sunday where they visited her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Madsen. Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear, Amelia, were Sunday dinner guests in the Ernest Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Carpenter were callers. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Graves, ■ UP UP DOWN DOWN WASHDAY NIGHTMARE STOOP AND STRETCH... BH Electric d-yers put an end to the back-breaking muscle 'wSWjf# marathon called "hanging out the wash." It takes 220 bends and lifts to hang up wi an average wash load. In a year the dryer-less house- HmH wife lifts 5,000 pounds and || 25,000 clothes pins. ! CANT WASH IN BAD M WEATHER... H| Rainy, cloudy, and cold days i are bad . . . and even sunny - days are net ideal for out | door drying because sun STS dried often means sun-faded. I Thanks to modem ELECTRIC I dryers, "indoor" clothesline I clutter is fast becoming a 8wB | thing of the past. SHH WHY PUT UP WITH WASHDAY DRUDGERY? choose u ELECTRIC DRYER • COSTS LESS to BUY • COSTS LESS to INSTALL • ONE UTILITY BILL • NO FLAME (SAFE) • LESS PARTS SEE YOUR ELECTRIC DEALER . . . TODAY! Ferndale. Wash., came to attend the funeral of his brother Leonard Graves at Burnell. Mrs, Graves came to Chambers Tuesday and visited until Wednesday with her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. T. E. New house and other rela tives and friends Thomas Doherty. Dm Angeles, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs Floyd Anderson, Lincoln, were dinner guests in the L. V Cooper home Monday. Mr. Doherty and Mrs. Anderson are cousins of Mr. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reed, Mr and Mrs. Glen Grimes and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heed and fam ily visited relatives at Long Pine Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs Loy Fluckey and family moved the first of the week into the house they pur chased from Mr and Mrs Ken neth Weller, known as the Gene vieve Bell house in the north part of town. Mr. and Mrs Robert Klabenes and Todd, Albion, spent the past weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Emil Klabenes and Mr and Mrs. Ed Coday and Dan. Erwin Carpenter, La Mont Mil ler and Gerald Grimes went to Gregory, S. D. Tuesday to attend the Thiede and Sons Purebred Shorthorn bull sale. Mrs. H. W. Hubbard spent a few days last week in Omaha. She accompanied her daughter, Mrs. C. M Eason, O’Neill Mrs. Chauncey Porter, O'Neill, stayed with her brother, H. W. Hubbard while Mrs Hubbard was gone. A Bible Study class was started at the Methodist church Sunday evening, the Rev. Earl Hess is the instructor. St. Paul’s Ladies Aid met Thursday. Nov. 8 with 14 mem bers and two visitors present. Roll call was answered by tell ing where confirmed and by what pastor. The following officers were elected for next year. Vice president, Mrs. J. W. Walter and secretary, Mrs. Donald Hoffman. The group voted to set November 15 for church cleaning day; also instead of a gift exchange to send the money to the Lutheran Children’s Service Society. Used clothing may still be brought as the date of shipping has not been set. The pastor showed a film strip from the "Martin Luther" show. Chrisimas guts are to lie sent to Roger Harley and David Hoer le, who are In service. The meet ing closed with prayer and lunch was served by Mrs. Leo Hoerie, Mrs. Elmer Oetter and Mrs Richard Sunder man. The senior class of the Cham bers high Sclmol attended col lege career day at the O'Neill high school, Monday. The annual bazaar and dinner held at the Methodist church Tuesday was well attended. The ladies of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service who sponsor the affair consider it a success There were 204 dinners served and $430 was realized. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper and their guest, Floyd Cooper. Yak ima, Wash., were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ad ams, Atkinson. Mrs. Ed Burke and three chil dren, Gordon, visited recently with her sister and brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Walter and Ronald and other relatives in O'Neill. They spent a week, returning home Friday. Mr. and Mrs Steve Shavlik and daughter, Pam, and Mrs. Edwin Hubbard and Sharon at tended a family gathering at the home of Mrs. 9havlik’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Gunter, Creighton. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hurtig, Robbie, Roland and Richard, moved recently from Creighton to Chambers. They are living in the house in the east part of town lately vacated by the Inng necker family. Mr. Hurtig is em ployed at the Wintermote Black smith Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lynch, Woonsocket, S. D. were overnight guests Friday in the E. H. Med calf home. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik drove to Lincoln Thursday where Mrs. Shavlik had a medical checkup. They also visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gisch and family. Floyd Cooper, Yakima, Wash., was a supper guest in the E. R. | Carpenter home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson drove to Grand Island Wednes day where they spent the night with fnends going on to Omaha Thursday. Mr. and Mr*. Hell, mission arira to the Far Fast, the Philippines and Thailand, were at the Bethany Presbyterian church Friday evening. There was a good attendance. Slides were shown of both countries and the missionaries told of their work and also their ei perieoces during the war In the Philippines. Refreshments were serv«-d by the ladies of the church following the pro gram. Darrel Wedgewood and Lyle Clemens returned last Sunday from a hunting trip around Rush ville. Tliey each got their deer. Keller cluh met Wednesday at the home of Mrs Alfred Maas with Mrs Ralph Maas co-hostess. Fourteen memliers and six chil dren were present Roll w as an swered by naming a favorite “funny". Mrs Maas won the special prize. The next meeting will be Novemlier 21 at the home of Mrs. Duke Read Mr and Mrs W H. Crawford and family drove to Lynch, Fri day evening and were supjier guests of his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Crawford. Mrs. Stella Sparks has moved to the George Porter cabin. Mr and Mrs Tim Read plan to move from their farm to the Read house in town and the Dick Read family from Lincoln to the farm The Good News club sponsored by the Child Evangelism Fellow ship met Wednesday after school at the home of Mrs. Letha Cooke. The teachers are Mrs Ralph Garwood, Mrs. Stan Guerney, Carolyn Rowse and Judy Gar wood. The cluh meets each Wednesday Dr. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined—Classen Fitted Contact Lenses Phone 167 — O’Neill, Nel.r Hours 9-5—Mon. thru Saturday Closed Wednesday Sieve. Mardie and Carmen Cuddy, O Neill, spent last week with their uncle and aunt. Mr and Mr*. Edwin Walter*, The lieauuful Valley Carden club met Tuesday, Nov. 6 at the home of Mrs. Wayne Stevens Kk*\en member* answered roll call by telling of some garden trick they had learned this year The president, Mrs Donald Hoff man read the minutes of the dist rict work shop meeting held in Atkm.on Mrs George Smith ami Mrs C V. Koheitaon gave a re port on the State Convention held at Kearney, included was the showing of some slides taken by Mrs Smith of some of the ar rangements The group voted to buy an edging for the tulip beds at tlie park. All members reported on their group projects The special prize went to Mrs Stevens. A Chinese auction was held after which lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will he the Christmas party at the home of Mrs James Platt. -- c Deloit News By Mr*. H Kolinw Mi and Mrs K. M. Tom jack went to Neligh on Friday and took Florence Butler to her home in Ewing. She had been hospit alized in Neligh for over three weeks Mrs. Lofrey, Norfolk, is staying at Uw Butler home. Mr and Mrs L. L. Bar Uk were supper gueaU at U* VotuUe Paul haute in Elgin on Sunday. Mr. Paul and Larry ncctunpan led Uwm to the Cliff l>o»lge borne lor the evening. Mr. and Mrs H. Heimar wer. .upper gurats on Sunday at the R M Tomjack home. Tne HEO club met at the R M Tomjack home on 'Itiuradny Homemade Chrtatmaa gifta were exhibited Kwald Spahn waa in Omaha last week (or a checkup. There waa a large turn out fur election at Deluit Tuesday at (lie L L. Bartak residence. L. L. Barutk served on the election board for Earl Schrunk wlio lust the end of a finger while workuig in the field on Monday. He was hoaplUlixed in Neligh Mr and Mr*. Glenn Harpater and boys were sup{ier guest. Sunday at the Alfred Napier hiwne The Frontier n Sale each Thursday morning at Safeway Store — O'Neill Golden Hotel — O'Neill Stannard'a Superette — O'Nail) O'Neill Drug — O Neill Devoy Drug — O’Neill Johnson Drug O'Neill WiUsai Drug — Atkinson Munn'a Store — lowing McGraw a Store — Inman Newhouaa Sundries Chambers Miller line — Orchard James Davidson & Sons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Since 1901 ■ ne A | ^ ■ en n# Winter & Hummer LENNOX American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Youngstown Kitchens Sheet Metal Work 513 E. Dougin* Phone tM O'Neill, Nebr. All roads lead to Top Value Redemption Stores Top Value is the better route to: ...QUALITY GIFTS More famous name brands to cbooee fromi - . ~ GUARANTEED SATISFACTION Top Value Stamp Every gift carries Top Value Stamps’ Golden Guarantee: RArlomrvtirwn Qtnra* you must be satisfied at you may return it for replacement pwin or exchange! WIDE SELECTION More gifts to Choose from-ower 2700! 232 Norfolk Ave. ...BEST VALUES Every store is filled with the best values—from wall to wall! .. . ••. COURTEOUS SERVICE Norfolk, Nebr. You’ll like the friendly, courteous people who serve you! So why detour? Go direct-to Tops in Value! Top alue Stamp jHH I Klein . HAVE A G,FT F0R MAKING people happy NEW OUTLAW MEYER'S MIDWEST FURNITURE NEW DEAL PRODUCE