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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1962)
Rita Ann Boyle Weds Kenneth C. Grosse In St. Patrick's Rite Rita Ann Boyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyle, be came the bride of A/2c Kenneth C. Grosse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grosse, all of O’Neill on November 3 at a 10 a.m. nuptial mass at St. Patrick’s church in O’Neill. The Rev. Robert Duffy officiat ed at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Nick Ramold sang “O Most Holy One”, “Mary, My Mother” and ‘‘Full of Glory” accompan ied by Miss Helen Gokie. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore traditional white, designed in Chantilly lace and nylon organza. The molded lace tsidice was accented by a portrait neckline, outlined in scal loped luce and tiny sleeves. The bouffant floor length skirt of or ganza was high lighted by a lace over skirt that formed deep points on each side. Her elbow length silk illusion veil w as- held by a jewelled crown. The bride wore a single strand of pearls, a gift of the groom, and carried a bouquet of white roses and feathered carnations. Frances Boyle, O’Neill, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Mrs. Robert Burival, O’Neill, was the bridesmaid. Her attendants were attired in sapphire blue vel veteen dress with matching head pieces and shoes, they carried bouquets of white mums with a blue ribbon. Bridget Alice Ramold, O'Neill, and Carolyn Ramold, Ewing, nie ces of the bride and Alan Hil kerneier, Orlando, Fla., nephew of the groom were flower girls and ring bearer. Walter Grosse, O’Neill, brother of the groom was best man. Ro bert Burival, O’Neill, cousin of the bride, was groomsman, ush ers were Delbert Helkemeier and Patrick Boyle. Following the ceremony a din nr was given by the bride’s par ents at the Legion Hall for 80 guests. The dinner was cooked by Mmes. Charles Mahuny, Matt Beha, Ray Tunender, Dorothy Pribil, Hugh Carr, Leo Schneider, Ralph Van Horn, Frank Shefl and Joe Kalina and served by Sandra Grosse, Cindy Brown, Rose Mary Mahony, Carol Goughenbough and Mary Pribil. A reception for 110 guests fol lowed in the afternoon. Mrs. Del bert Hilkemeier, Orlando, Fla., registered the guests, Ann Bar rett, Harrison, Nebr. Mrs. Walter Grosse and Mrs. Robert Hladik poured the punch and coffee. The cake which was baked and de corated by Mrs. Dan Schneider, Inman, sister of the bride, was cut and served by Mrs. Dennis Cunningham, O’Neill and Eileen Serres, Harrison. Mrs. Larry Mat tern, Norfolk, Mrs. Joe Ramold and Mrs. Harold Parks, O’Neill, was in charge of the gift table. The bride is a graduate of St. Mary’s Academy and was em ployed at the O’Neill Photo Co. The groom was a graduate of Creighton high school and Dana college. He is now serving with the U. S. Air Force. After a short wedding trip the couple will leave for Shreveport. La. A Poem From Mrs. Eby .., Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb. 11:1 Faith Faith is so simple and yet we have a tendency to complicate it. Its just trust and believe and all our wills submit. Thus two little girls counting their pennies in hand. One said "I have five" but she couldn't understand when the other girl said, I have ten, 1 can’t see for you have only five like me. But the other girl quickly re plied "1 know” but my daddy said lie would bring me five more tonight so I have ten. Her daddy's words were so real to the child. She could actually count ten and she smiled. She knew she would have them. She accepted the fact, so she counted them now and did not subtract. Oh! This is simple faith just take God's promises as real. No matter how at the time we happen to feel. We know God will do what He says He will. Our part just trust, believe His promises. He’ll fullfill as if it were a reality we know. So let's just count our pennies as we onward go. —Della Stuart Eby Hospital Notes: ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: Nov. 7—Mrs. Ed win Sedlacek of Spencer; John B. O'Sullivan, Rynold Cimfel Mrs. Bernard Schmitz of O’Ni Jesse C. Wills of Emmet and Gary Jerome W’anser of Ewing 8 — Barton Walton and Frank Burival sr. of O'Neill. — Mrs. Amelia Larson and William F. Conner of Ewing. 10 — Mrs. Lawrence Jonas and Ronald C.*■ Partridge of O’Neill. 11 — Ed ward Pavel of O’Neill and Mrs. Douglas Dix of Butte. 12 ■— Era met Stamp of Inman: Mrs. Don Park. Valerie J. Hansen and Sr. M. Wendelin of O’Neill^ Frank Krupicka of Spencer and Mrs. Elroy Anderson of Bristow. 13 — Mrs Dale Fetrow. William Lan gan. Mrs. M. E. Davis, Kathryn Cavanaugh and Mrs. Sue Deaver of O’Neill; David Wayne Cizek of Spencer: Mrs. W. F. Conner of Ewing and Glen Jungbluth of Chambers. 14- — Mrs. Edward Dzwiogo of O’Neill. DISMISSED: Nov. 7 — Dewey Brittell of Chambers; Kevin Lee Hamilton of Orchard; Robert Kim Davidson of Reseta, Calif., and Mrs. R. R. Herley and son of O’Neill. 8 — Barton Walton, Mrs. L. A. Badura, Kathleen Eck hoff, Gary Wettlaufer and Jerome A. Spittler; Mrs. Erwin Sedlacek of Spencer and Eugene Mudloff of Page. 9 — D. F. Murphy, Mrs. John J. Harrington and Mrs. An dy Johnson of O'Neill and Gary Jerome Wanser of Ewing. 12 — Rvnold A. Cimfel, Ronald Part ridge and Mrs. Eugene E. Wolfe of O’Neill and Mrs. Frank Sny der of Page. 13 — William F. Con ner of Ewing; Mrs. Douglas Dix of Butte and Mrs. Don Park and Mrs. Dale Fetrow of O’Neill. 14 — David Wayne Cizek of Spen cer. EXPIRED: Nov. 8 — Mrs. Clyde Burge of Amelia. ATKINSON MBMORIAL ADMITTED: Nov. 7 — Clar ence Van Houten of Naper and Vernon Siebert of Atkinson. 8 — Mrs. Harvey Sobotka of O’Neill. 9 — Eileen McKenney of New port; Donald A Kaplan of Stuart and Mrs. Aaron Lange and Mrs. Donald Dobrovolny of Atkinson. 10 — Charles Winkler of Atkin son; Todd Maurer of Bassett and Frank Bose of Stuart. DISMISSED: Nov. 7 — Frank Patterson of Stuart and Delbert Edwards of Amelia. 9 — Robert Cole of Emmet; Joseph Shanner of O'Neill; Colette Grossman of Stuart; Clarence Van Houten of Naper and Vernon Siebert of At kinson. 10 — Mrs. Daisy Ruf of Chambers; Mrs. Norbert Dobias and baby and Mrs. Aaron Lange of Atkinson; Mrs. Paul H. New tan of Emmet; Eileen McKenney of Newport and Donald A. Kaplan of Stuart. 11 — Mrs. Donald Dob rovolny of Atkinson. 12 — Char les Winkler of Atkinson and Mrs. Harvey Sobotka and baby of O’ Neill. SACRED HEART PRESENT: Mrs. Charley Carr and Mrs. Mamie O’Neill of O’ Neill: Mrs. Herman Janssen, Al bert Ratkovec, John Schommer and Mrs. Beaula Kaul of Spen cer; Floyd Kelly of Bristow. Mrs. Sally Moss of Verdel. Ber nard Reiman, Mrs. Helen Grain ger. Mrs. Theresa Liewer, John Tiefeirthaler and Mrs. Clara Hahn of Butte; William Stauffer of Lynch; James Rehak of An oka; Mrs. Roger Roth of Fair lax. S D. and Mr*. Barbara May of Niobrara. DISMISSED: Nov. 7 — Mrs. Art ilesaert of Redbird and Mrs Hoscoe Cretkmur of Bunesteel, S. D. 8 — Joseph Kubtk of O’ Neill and Mrs. Katherine Cran ford of Lynch. 9 — Mrs. Phyllis Mulhatr and Mrs. Donald Lue ken of Lynch. 11 — Mrs. Jennie Berens erf Spencer 12 — Mrs. Alvin Beriu of Fairfax. S. D. ATKINSON MEMORIAL DOBIAS — Mr. and Mrs. Nor bert Dobias of Atkinson, sun, Carl James, 8 pounds 13 ounces, Nov. 6. SOBOTKA — Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Sobotka of O'Neill, son, Hen ry Joseph, 8 pounds 8 ounces, Nov. 8. ROSENKRANS — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosenkrans of Pomona, Calif., twin sons, Ted Allen and Terry Lee, 7 pounds each, Nov. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Rosenkrans of O'Neill are the great-grand parents. HELD — Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Held of Royal, son, Nov. 6. The family consists of three boys and a girl. HANSON — Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanson of Clearwater, daughter, Nov. 7. The couple now has three daughters and a son. FRENCH — Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French jr. of Page, daughter, Alison Anne, Nov. 9. This is the couple’s fourth daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French of Page are the paternal grandparents. BERRY — Mr. and Mrs. Willis Berry of Waterloo, la., son, Richard James, 8 pounds 2Vi oun ces, Nov. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Berry of Stuart are the grand parents. WEDIGE — Mr. and Mrs. Don Wedige of Omaha, son, 9 pounds, Nov. 13. Charles Cole of O’Neill is the maternal grandfather. Letters to the Editor Ewing, Nebraska November 8, 1962 The Frontier O'Neill, Nebr. Dear Frontier: I hope I am not too late in thanking you for the nice collec tion of groceries that I won at the Cooking School at your “Best of All Days”. I have been busy baking and trying out the products. The first was a batch of old fashioned mo lasses cookies, and when they were baking my thoughts went back to my childhood days, when we came home from school and mother had baked just such cook ies. How good they did smell and taste. I thought of the growing cane in those days, that was made in to molasses each fall when pails, cans and even barels were all filled with the dark, thick syrup that had many uses. Often times it turned in to sugar and we youngsters ate it like candy. Another batch of cookies were made from the cook book that disappeared fast the nijght of Hal loween when 89 goblins, ghosts and “what have you” dropped in for treats. Again I want to thank you and hope to see you next year. Sincerely Mrs. Ella Ziems, Ewing Frontier Office Thank you so much for your paper and all you did to make your “Best of All Days” a happy one for us all. Yours Truly Mrs. M. L. Sageser. O'Neill Locals The Friends of St. Mary will hold a business meeting Monday evening at 8 p.m. in the parish hall. A food shower for the Sisters is also being held. Food gifts may be left earlier in the day. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Embree left today to attend a meeting at Mt. Sequoah, Fayette ville, Ark., on Nov. 16-19. The theme is missions and includes all the bishops and District sup erintendents of the South Cen tral jurisdiction, covering an area of eight states. Mr. and Mrs. 11. G. Kruse went to Roswell, N. M. to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ike Van Every and family. They expect to be gone about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Greene vis ited the last weekend with a niece of Mrs. Green’s and her family, of Des Moines. Mr. and Mrs. L- M. Merriman visited relatives in South Dakota recently. The Merrymix club had des sert bridge at the home of Mrs. John Osenbaugh, Tuesday after noon. Guests were Mrs. C. W. Porter and Mrs. Harry Claus son. Winners at bridge were Mrs. C. W. Porter and Mrs. Harry Clausson. Mrs. John Enke entertained the members of the 9FF bridge club with dinner at the M & M cafe and cards at her home Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Grady, sons John and Jim, and Richard Mc Intosh spent from Saturday to Monday in Fort Dodge. Ia., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Prey, Mrs. Grady's parents. Fatter Robert Duffy was in Omaha Monday and Tuesday Father ODonnell, Emmet, acted as assistant durru.g Father Duf fy's absence. A Day of Recollection far the women of the O'Neill Deanery of NCCW was held Tuesday. Holt, Boyd and Antelope counties are in the Deanery. 'There was a good representation from the various towns in that territory. Bob Hynes, son of Mrs. Loretta Hynes, recently passed the bar examination of the State of Min nesota. Friends of St. Mary's had a card party Sun evening at the parish hall. Refreshments were served after cards. Special prize was won by Mrs. W J. Biglm Winner* at Bridge werr LaVrta Lehn and Mr* Ira Mom, at pitch were Mr* Peter* and Mrs Casper Winkler; at puiochh were John ICaadu and Mrs. John Protovinsky. Motlier* of the sen lor and junior classes were in charge. Meeting of St. Patrick’s Altar Society is Thursday evening at * 00 o'clock at the Parish hail Mrs John Hermsen is chairman «f St Bridget’s Guild which has charge of the arrangements Members of the BBC club met Wednesday evening at the borne of Mr*. Don Kellner. After play ing bridge, refreshments were served. Mrs. Frank Froelich entertained the members of the Delta Dek and Martez clubs Thursday with dinner at the Town House Win tiers at bridge were Mrs. C. J. Gatx, Mrs. P. B. Harty and Mr* F, N Cronin Mn A P Jasakowiak waa ho*, leas to the Jeudi club Thursday. Dinner waa served at the Town House with bridge at her borne Winners were Mrs. Me]vui Husk k.i and Mrs. Max Wansri The Antique club met Monday evening at the Town House for dinner. The Committee in charge were Mrs M J. Golden, Mrs, Esther Harris and Mr*. Floyd Wilson Old jewelry was display ed and discussed by the mem ber*. Mrs K L. Van Voorhirj was hostess to the members of the Wednesday afternoon bridge club Luncheon was served at the Town H»uae Cards were played at her home; Mrs Ira Most entertained the Matter club Wednesday evening with dinner St the Town House Braise was played during the evening. Member* uf the NTTF club hail dinner at the Town House Wed need ay evening, Mrs Wayne Spelts was hostess Bridge was played afterwards at her liome Mr and Mrs Harold Weier went to Kansas City Friday and returned Tuesday. They visited their daughter Kathy who is » student at Providence hospital - Mr and Mrs F N Crontn were In Omaha from Sunday to Toewlay While th. fe they Vtatimf Mu Cnmm * Jttgter 0»*>* t * Superior .it flfeored Heart academy Mr* Vivian Magetadl uf Ain* worth wn a recent vtailor of hee mother, Mr* Owar Newman Kdward Cuddy went to Lincoln thi* week, where he haa accept mi a piatiUon with the Cunt men lat Hakutg company The family will move there aa anon aa twain tng farilitie* can be obtained Home fur the weekend front Wayne State Teacher* college wa* Kathy Brown, viaiting at the home of Mr and Mr* Oat Mar tin. When You Plan A REMEMBER THIS... In One Short Afternoon You're Selling A Lifetime of Work! Play It Safe — Advertise t In The Frontier! 300 FREE BILLS! MORE THAN 3000 BILLS DISTRIBUTED IN THE ADVERTISING COLUMNS OF THE FRONTIER! EXPERT ASSISTANCE IN PREPARING YOUR FARM SALE BILL! k BAD WEATHER GUARANTEE - THE FRONTIER WILL REPRINT YOUR BILLS AND RE-RUN YOUR AD FREE IF WEATHER CAUSES SALE POSTPONEMENT! FREE FARM SALE ARROWS TO HELP BIDDERS LOCATE YOUR FARM!