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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1962)
FOR SALE i'Olt SALE Pontiac, 1953, radio heater, standard shift, excellent condition, Faye K. Pinkerman, 215 N 7tl. O N, ill 30-Slp FOR SALK Good fresh Reef and P.eef Cross calves, any amount, stock on hand, most of the time. Gerald O’Connor, Atkinson, call 2562. 28-31 p FOR SALE X 25-9 00 10 00-11 .00 underslung tires, reasonably priced, litieral guarant<>e; also axles, rims, etc. (Jerald O’Con nor. Atkinson, call 21162. 28-31p FOR SALE Purebred Hampshire t>oars, ready for service, veter inary vaccinated for erysipelas ami cholera, guaranteed breed ers, new blood line for old cus tomers XavierjKalkowski, three miles northwest1 of Lynch sell,M>1, Lynch, Nebr. 29tfc FOR SALK Blooming violets. Nice Christmas gifts. Call 552W > O’Neill after 6 p.m. 30-31p SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25*7 down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Ccntois Motor Co., Neligh. JOtf (JERT’S a gay girl ready for a whirl after cleaning carpets with Blue Lustre. Shampooer For Kent. Coyne Hardware. 30c ■ ■! HI ----- — - - I I AM BACK In my oirice again and can loan money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest. See R. H. Parker. O’Neill. Nebr. 50tf SAVE ON INSURANCE-prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy., O’Neill. lOtfc FOR SALE Purebred Duroc and Landrace Boars, vaccinated. Reasonable prices. F. W Loock, Spencer, Nebr. 30-33c SHORES’ NEW DAIRY CREDIT All the money you want. 36 months at 6%. Buy new cattle, finance entire herd. Shores Wisconsin heifers. "Pay your bills, stop your worries.” SHORES, NEUGH, TU 7-4060 41tfc FOR SALE — Purebred Hamp shire Boars and Open Gilts from Grand Champion sires. John Sojka, Page. 20tfc FOR SALK 800 bushels of new com. Mrs. W. J. Biglin, Phone 129, O’ Neill. 30p FOR SALE—Hereford bulls.— Kieth Abart, O’Neill, Dercy Abart, Emmet. 32tfc Singing Canaries Roller canaries, white, yellow, spotted, also or ange canaries. Guaranteed sing ers $7.00. Mrs. A. J. Lawrence, Atkinson, Nebr. 30-31c FOR SALE—'52 Ford % T 4-speed cut down to full trailer house. Make dandy sweep. Call Harvey Hansen. 482-3259, Amelia. Nebr. , 28-30c MOBILE HOMES New and Used We have on hand at this time the following used units, reconditioned and priced to sell. 50 x10' Champion 3BR with Washer and Dryer 35’x8' Great Lakes 2BR 35’x8' Town & Country 2BR 45’x8’ Star 2BR ’,J’x8’ Mercury Manor 2BR 27’x8' Trailette 1BR 25’x8' Universal 1BR 25'x8‘ Mobile 1BR 29’x8' Sportsman 1BR We also have a nice selection of New Units. VVe Trade—Finance—Deliver DULLER MOBILE HOME SALES Albion. Nebr. Ph. 395-2170 Open Everyday 30tfc FOR SALE: Hampshire boars and gilts, growthy, stretchy, with ex cellent hams, sired by Gold Prince, the 1962 reserve grand champion at the Nebraska State Fair. New bloodlines, double vaccinated. Guaranteed breed ers. John Raster, Clearwater, Nebr. Phone HU 5-3360 23-30p CITY LOANS. See R. H. Parker. 50tf FOR SALE — Purebred spotted Poland China boars. Veterinary vaccinated. Martin Hoffman, Spencer, Nebr. 24-31c FOR SALE — 8 year old house, 28 x 36. All modern on highway 281. To be moved. Eugene Hoerle, Phone IV 2-2642, Cham bers 23-30p FOR SALE—Hay and 300 A. Boyd Co. farm. Priced for quick sale, $22,000. Will consider cash rent ing or renting buildings free to take care of them or taking in cattle. Inquire or write 700 S 13th St., Lot 23. Norfolk, Neb raska. 29-30p LIVE OR DRESSED Turkeys for sale—Lave $4 and $5. Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser, Orchard, Nebr., phone 5R212 on Walnut ex change .2S-31c FOR SALE — Two part Shetland ponies, two years old and broke one Shetland brood mare, Law rence Skrdla, Stuart 27-31j LANDRACE BOARS FOR SALE Ready for service. Veterinarj Vaccinated for Erysipelas. Hoc Cholbra and Lepto; guaranteed breeders. Spencer Feed Service 26tfc _,.r FOR SALE — Angus bull, regis tered, 3% years old — Bob San der, Ph. 933JL TOf( FOR SALE—Purebred Hampshire hoars. Big and rugged. Will de liver Henry and Richard Stell ing, Orchard, Nebr. 12tf< Real Estate for Sale _ FOR SALK OR RENT A reason ably priced 7 room modem home in Ewing, Nebr. It is located across the street east of the Catholic church. Write or call (7a ire Tom jack, 101 West Burt, O’Neill, Nebr. 3<P31c FOR SALE OR RENT 3 Ix'droom dwelling, 521 E. Benton St., O' Neill See George C. Robertson, O’Neill. 30-31c FOR SALE 100 acre combination stock and grain farm 3% miles west of Lake Andes, S. D. on Hwy 50 and south. Place will handle about 50 cows. Good im provements, plenty of dams and running water. W’illiam Soulek, Lake Andes, S. !> 30-32p IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE - 240-acre improved farm for sale one mile south and one mile east of Bartlett. This farm has a one story, five room house, 26 x 32 feet; large cattle bam; double corncrib and granary and other buildings. This farm has approx imately 131 acres in good native grass pasture and 85 acres in cropland. If interested, please write or call: The AUSTIN Com pany, Inc., Columbus, Nebr. 27-32c NO REASONABLE OFFERS re fused wn first house east of Lu theran church and on homos at 321 West Clay. Both properties are good investments if not needed for a home. See Kieth Abart soon. 15tfc FOR SAIJG--One bedroom house, all modern except heat. Natural gas. Located on W. Fremont St. Ray Pease, Atkinson. 13tfc WANTED FOR A CAREER opportunity, look for our large ad on Page 3. Jake Heimbuch. 29-30 WANTED — A hired man to hay cows. F. E. Skrdla, phone 2173 or 2334, Atkinson. 29-30c WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading uays, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf HELP WANTED — Man to learn Maytag Appliance Service, and clean new and used cars. Also general utility work connected with garage. Younger man pre ferred. Apply at Win. Krotter Co., West O’Neill, Nebr., in after noons. 28tf L. GUTHMILLER Half Block East Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, ALL MAKE Also repair parts for Lawson and Clinton engines on hand. 9tf WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St Phone 775-LW. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O'Neill 3 blks. W. & 3V4 blks. N. stoplight. SEED WANTED—We are now in the market for Sweet Clover, Alfalfa, Red Clover and Brome Grass Seed. Highest Market Prices. Great Plains Supply Co., Don O. Lyons, Rep., O'Neill, Nebr., Phone 421. IStfc I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 5°tf MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin | store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc ‘ WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O'Neill 50tf "WE" DON'T WANT “ALL” THE BUSINESS We Just want “TOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN _23 tl NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neil] Phone 14 Nebr. ntfc MONEY TO LOAN On Automobiles, Furniture, Signature. O'Neill Loan Co. Virgil Laursen, Mgr. 38tf ASHBURN MONUMENT OO. P. O. Box 6, Tildes. Nebr. u, Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect, FOrest 8-2220. AD work fully guaranteed. NEIL ASHBURN. Prop. 33p FARM LOANS, See R H. Parker. 50tJ FOR RENT FOR RENT — Modern House, partially furnished, electricity, on school route near Inman — Harvey A. Tompkins, Inman 28tfc LOST & FOUND STRAYED One yearling steer Branded BA on Right Hip, Right Ear marked. Marvin Richter, O’Neill. 30-31p STRAYED — Yearling Hereford steer with J Bar S Brand on left rib — Matt McCabe, Page 27tfc LOST — 700 to 800 pound white face heifer, coming 2-year-old, branded N over L on right hip. Pete Nickolite, Ewing. 30-32 STRAYED- from the Dick Femau pasture, one cow and calf, both branded, bar over O bar I. Carl Hallgrimson, O’Neill, Nebr. 29-31 p MISCELLANEOUS ORGAN LESSONS-Given on the new Lincolnwood Console. $2.00 per lesson. Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke, call 790 for appointment. 30-35p CURTISS BREEDING can service your herd with the highest rated beef bull and the highest plus proven dairy bulls in the nation. Can you do with less than the best? Call 470 Duane Gray O’Neill 14tfc AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207_O’NEILL CARDS OF THANKS [ WISH TO EXPRESS MY sincere thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives for their cards, letters ind visits during my recent stay at St. Anthony’s hospital. Special thanks go to Dr. Carstens and the nurses at St. Anthony’s. Your kind thoughts and visits will always be remembered. 30p Mrs. Andy Johnson WE WISH TO EXPRESS heartfelt thanks to all our friends, neigh bors and relatives for their kind assistance, words of sympathy and the beautiful floral offerings re ceived during the loss of our be loved husband, father, grandfather and brother. Mrs. Nettie Sisson; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer; Mr. Fred Sis son; Mrs. Robert Fisher; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sisson; Mr. Robley Sis son; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rexin; Grandchildren and (sister) Mrs. George Graham. 30c WE WISH TO EXTEND our deep gratitude and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sym pathy and beautiful floral offerings and food received from our kind friends and neighbors in our re cent bereavement in the loss of our beloved husband, father and broth er. Cecil Bogue. We wish to extend a special thanks to Dr. Ramsay, the Atkinson Memorial hospital staff, and the ladies who served the dinner in our home. May God bless you. Mrs. Cecil Bogue, Richard and Dale; Mr. and Mrs. Mike O'Con nor, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Bogue, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bogue, Mrs. Winifred Hupp, Mrs. Mary Ellen wood, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Britz, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schrader. 30p WE WOULD LIKE TO express our deep gratitude and appreciation to our many friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness, the gifts, cards, flowers and the food brought into our home for my family while I was in the hospital Your kindness to us will always be remembered w ith a deep grat itude. 30p Mrs. George Wettlaufer THE FAMILY OF Mrs. Clyde Burge would like to express their appreciation to friends and rela tives for their kind thoughtfulness during the brief illness and death of our loved one. Our special thanks to Dr. Carstens and nurses of St. Anthony's hos pital for their wonderful care. Your acts of kindness and expres sions of sympathy will always be remembered. 30p Clyde Burge and Children THE KINDNESS and Sympathy of neighbors, and friends in our re cent sorrow will always remain with us a precious memory. Oui sincere thanks and gratitude, for all those comforting acts. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Arm Lisa. Jane and Steven 30p The Murray family Ponton Insurance Insurance of AD Binds and Bonds FLORENCE PONTON, Prap. _GoM«*jh£. ^ U' I-Legal Notices (First pub Nov. 15. 1962) Cronin and Hannon, Attorneys Estate No. 4377 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, November 8, 1962. In tlie matter of the Estate of Elizabeth O’Malley, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting* claims against said estate is March 6, 1963, and for the payment of debts is November 8, 1963 and that on December 6, 1962, and on March 7, 1963, at 10 o'clock AM, each day, I will lx? at the County Court Room in said County to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. i COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL i 30-32c (First pul). Nov. 8, 1962) (John R. Gallagher, Attorney) No. 4585 NOTICE FOR HEARING THE STATE OF NEBRASKA: TO ALL PERSONS INTER ESTED IN SAID ESTATE, CREDITORS AND HEIRS TAKE NOTICE: That Cashmere Turay has filed his petition alleging that Frank Turay died intestate in Holt County, Nebraska, on or about September 5, 1945, being a resi dent and inhabitant of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, and died seized and possessed of the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: West Half of Section 33, Town ship 30, North, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named per sons, to-wit: Katie Turay, his widow. Cash mere Turay, Steven Turay, Frank Turay, Joseph Turay, John Tu ray, his sons and Rose Pritchett, his daughter. That the interest of your pe titioner herein in the above des cribed real estate is derived from inheritance, said petitioner being a son and heir at law of said de ceased: and praying for a deter mination of the time of the death, the heirs the degree of kinship and the right of descent of the real property belonging to the said deceased, in the state of Ne braska, which petition will be for hearing in this Court on the 28th day of November, at 10 o’ clock A. M. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 2nd day of November, 1962. (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL) 29-31c Proceedings of The Board of Education O’Neill Public School Office of the Superintendent October 2, 1962 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Education held on October 2; 1962 at 7:30 p.m. at the O’Neil] Public School. Members present — Lohaus, Wil son, Cook, Hammond, Weier. Members absent — Fetrow. Bills were read and discussed. Motion by Harold Weier, second ed by George Hammond that the bills be allowed and the secre tary instructed to issue warrants for same to-wit: Eileen Pribil, secretar ial . 67.50 A. B. Dick Co., supplies 331.00 Kirkham, Michael & As sociates, legal survey 250.00 H. L. McCoy, travel ex pense, Creighton-Norfolk 24.50 Mrs. Betty Watson, substi tute teaching . 19.50 Mrs. Josephine Bright, substitute teaching 24.00 South-Western Publishing Co., textbooks . 77.12 American Book Co., text books & workbooks 97.92 Ginn & Company, text books & workbooks 1,321.03 Marcell us Implement Co., shop supplies . 39.00 Pete's Saw Shop, sharpen saws . 14.50 School Form & Supply Co., supplies . 5.28 Playtime Equipment Co., supplies . 1.15 University Publishing Co., supplies, maps, chalk boards & furniture _ 3,684.24 Zippo Bar-Charts, bar charts . 4.35 Scholastic Magazines, En glish magazines . 107.50 Civic Education Services, Inc., junior review 91.50 Kansas-Nebr. Gas Co., gas service . 39.50 Consumers Pub. Power Dist., electric service 43.31 N. W. Bell Telephone Co., phone serv. 63.79 United Chemical Co., mats & bombs . 56.40 Indnslrial Electronics, lamps . 60.66 ; Dudley’s, cleaners . 1141 James Luft, clock repair 3.50 St. Patrick’s Parish, Pint. cm operating expense 300.00 Consumers P.P. Dist., air conditioner . 242.22 O’Neill Activity Fund, pos tage . 96.50 Motion Carried. After a brief discussion, the matter of board policy on senior sneak day was tabled until next meeting. Consideration was given to Mr. :t EdfPs request far « change of policy in the number of football games to be played by the 7th and 8th grades. After some dis cussion however, it was decided the Board policy will remain the same — only 2 games are to be scheduled as heretofore. Regarding the question of al lowing mileage to substitute teachers who live out of town, it was decided this was not to be done unless absolutely necessary to obtain out of town teachers. Motion by Hammond, seconded by Weier that the meeting ad journ. Motion carried. Morgan Ward Secretary O’Neill Public School Office of the Superintendent November 5, 1962 Regular meeting of the Board of Education held on November 5, 1962 at 7.30 p.m. at the O’Neill Public School. Members present — Lohaus, Wilson, Fetrow, Ham mond, Weier. Members absent — Cook. Meeting called to order by President Lohaus. Motion made and duly second ed that 9chool District No. 7 ac quire a tract of land pursuant to Plat No. 2, as described in sur vey made by Kirkham Michaels and associates, directly north of the present Athletic Field for the sum of $10,000. Motion carried. Bills were read and discussed. Motion made and duly seconded that the bills be allowed and the secretary instructed to issue war rants in payment thereof to-wit. O’Neill Activity Fund, pos rage, mueage, r reignt, milk refund 121.87 The Frontier, printing proceedings . 36.82 H. L. McCoy, travel ex pense-state school bd. meeting . 55.10 Shirley Houston, elemen tary teaching 529.78 Betty Watson, substitute teaching 77.50 Josephine Bright, substitute teaching . 18.00 McKnight & McKnight, textbooks . 11.19 Allyn & Bacon, Inc. test . books 119.27 Wilcox & Follett, text books . 26.05 South-Western Publishing Co. 27.26 Scott Foresman & Co., textbooks & workbooks 171.37 Ginn & Company, text books & workbooks 302.78 Laidlaw Brothers, refer ence books 21.79 McGraw Hill Publishing Co., magazine 8 00 Educators Progress Ser vice, reference materials 48.90 Curtis Circulation Co. ma gazines 109.00 Tom’s Music House, band supplies 8.37 Molzer Music Co., music 152.38 Roger MacNeill, supplies 1.25 Educational Record Sales, Inc., record . 4.08 Safeway Stores, Inc, home Ec. supplies . 8.73 Huntington Labratories, floor machine-supplies 350.10 Midwest Shop Supplies, supplies 68.70 State of Nebr., Surplus Prop., maintenance sup plies . 31.50 University Publishing Co., supplies 308.36 O Neill Transfer, freight 22.15 School Form & Supply pupil data 4.97 Science Research Associ . ates, supplies 54.64 Brickers Inc., supplies 39.21 American Education Pub lications, weekly read ers . 193.50 Modern Talking Pictures Serv., rent & postage 1.80 State Univ. of So. Dak., rent on films 5.75 Univ. of Nebr. Extension Div., rent on films 42.00 Kans. Nebr. Nat’l. Gas Co. Gas 9ervice 59.35 Consumers Pub. Power D, electric serv. 110.01 City of O’Neill - Water Dept., water serv., 48.60 Northwestern Bell Tel. Co., phone 44.59 Gary Brewster, labor 4.50 Gambles, supplies 6.76 S & S Farm Supply, chain & adapters 35.16 Best Universal Lock Co., locks . 175.32 Spelts Lumber Co., sup. 24.71 Coast to Coast Store, sup. 3.27 Laurel Jump, piano tuning 20.00 Dwight Hauff Sorting Goods, play ground equip. U5.79 Remington Rand Off Mach., electric typewri ter 170.00 O’Neill Local Ins , Bd., audit insurance 161.86 St. Patricks Parish, pay ment on operating exp. 300 00 Motion earned. Motion made and duly seconded that there be an addition to the Board Policy regarding Sneak Day. Motion carried. No further business appearing the meeting adjourned Morgan Ward Secretary Inman News By Mm. Jiunen McMahan Bill DeLong, Rock Rapids, la., spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle De Long. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family spent Thursday eve ning visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reynolds, Neligh. Mrs. Don Angel and two child ren, Spencer, visited Thursday and Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family sj>ent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull and Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull and family, Lynch. The group were dinner guests Sunday in the Gay Hull home in honor of Mrs. Rey nold’s birthday anniversary. Mrs. John Conard, Emmet, vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South Saturday. Harlan Cates, Lyons, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs John Mattson Wednesday. Royal News By Mm. R. J. Ileiing Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Curtis of Orchard and Mrs. Fremont Cur is of Royal attended the funeral of Mrs. Frank Masur, Madison, on Saturday. Mrs. K. L. Curtis, formerly of Royal, came from San Diego to attend her mother's funeral. A group of women went to Or chard Wednesday evening to hear an illustrated lecture given by Mrs. Cora Cannenburg, Bas sett on her recent trip abroad. Included in the Royal group were Mmes. Truman Kirby, Edna Johnston, Clarence Weber, An- I drew Jensen, Lottie Wauer. The meeting was held in the Eastern Star Temple. Mrs. Andrew Jensen was hos tess to the BTC club Thursday, j Cards were played. It was agreed to hold the next meeting in three ! weeks instead of two as usual and to make the meeting with Mrs. [ Johnston the annual Christmas party. Arthur Billings, Neligh, was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hall on Wednesday, fol lowing a visit with his wife at the Rest Home in Brunswick. Friends in Royal were advised of the illness of George Voorhies, editor of the Elgin Review. He suffered a heart attack and is being cared for in the Tilden hos pital. Mrs. naroid Dawson served as substitute clerk while Mrs. For est Storm took the place of Post master Stanley Montgomery who was otherwise occupied. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Held, Orchard, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beutler and family, Royal; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Schromberg and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beutler, Pierce, and Mrs. Fred Beutler, Orchard. Mrs. Schromberg is a cousin of Mrs. Held and Walter Beutler. Mrs. W. J. Reefe and Mrs. C. E. Rundquist were Plainview vis itors Wednesday. Mrs. Julia Yelli and Mrs. R. J. Hering and Miss Mary were Ne ligh business visitors Monday. The Highlanders Project club met with Mrs. Harvey Holbrook sr., assisted by Mrs. Holbrook, jr. Roll call was answered by telling “Why I Vote”. Goals and Teen Age : op SAT.. NOV. 17 i ■ American Legion Auditorium O'Neill, Nebraska Music by THE TORNADOES I Admission: 75c . e p'-< v i d ' rt/ plana for the coming year were discussed and several projects will be continued such as main taining the picnic area and vis iting shut-ins. An attempt will be made to secure more prompt at tendance by imposing a fine on late comers. Mrs. Lewis Berry gave the les son on "The Care of Carpet Rags" and was assisted by Mrs. Lionel Gibbs. The next meeting will be Nov. 27 with Mrs Hol brook jr. Mrs. R J, Hering and Mary re turned from Beatrice Friday night after attending the funeral of their son and brother, Joe V Hering who died Monday, Nov. 5, in the Beatrice hospital where he had been taken a few liours earlier. Mr and Mrs. Virgil Stark of Yankton furnished transjorta tion. Mrs Dora Hering. Osmond, accompanied the group and was met by her son S. Hering, Me Cook, who also attended the rites The WSCS met Wednesday with Mrs. Andrew Jensen who was as sisted in serving by Mmes. C E. Rundquul. Perry Ltrhty. John W aimer and Harold Francis There were 15 member* and 17 visitor* present. Plans for form ing a Young Women * Circle were discussed and Nov. 21 was the date set to meet With Mrs Ha rel Muknnaon for that purpose Poems were resd by Mmes Truman Kirby, Bob Rader, M. M Colson.. Mrs Warren Holin was sUbMi tute teaclter for Mra Oscsr Bartsch in Juniur High Monday ami Tuesday ami for Mr* Mar lowe Jansen, Thursday, in the rural school south of town on Hi-way 14 Mr ami Mrs. Lute Thurber came from lows to pick corn for Bob Cari>enter. They accompan ied Mr and Mrs. Henry Hauer, Plainview, former neighbors. The Hauers lw»d visited her sis ter- Mrs Muybell Briggs of Bed ford, la Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays I MILLER PRODUCE IS MOVING! EFFECTIVE MONDAY, NOV. 19 W'e will lake over New Deni Produce and operate from Unit location Vi block north of the New Ileal 011 IV*., and we will be known as— NEW DEAL PRODUCE tl'e hope all our present customers follow us to the new location ;uid we look forward to meeting our new friends Monday. Stub & Ardyce Miller Our new phone 83-W REGULAR SALE MONDAY. NOV. 19 Special Cattle Sale Mon., Nov. 26 We can use a lot more cattle than we have been getting to supply the demand—We have plenty of Buyers for all classes—The catllc market looked a good $1.00 higher Iasi Monday—Hold r»H0 Cattle, 562 Hogs—Top on Butchers at $16.«5—Let us try your next con signment and see what we mean when we say we can net you more dollars for your livestock—For a square deal sell the Auc tion Way at the Fwlng Livestock Market. EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET Phone 10, 70W, 144-1 Terry, Larry and Max Wanser A Nationally Certified Market Save on Food Bills . . . Stop in today and see our complete line of Westinghouse Appliances. MtlKM Only 24 Inches Wide yet holds 333 lbs. Air-Sweep Shelves for tost, efficient freezing. Full-Width Doer Shelves for extra “up front” storage. Food postage Warranty plus Fodory Pro- j tection Plan. -j.', n, Built-in Quality noons you can bo sere... if it's Westinghouso. Fetrows 507 E. Douglas Phone 24, O'Neill