Ewing News H) Mr*. Harold Han't* Mrs Theodore Schueth has closed her home in Ewing and hits gone to Humphrey to stay with tier son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs l>?o Schueth. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen sjient Sunday at Bloomfield vis iting with relatives. Mr and Mrs Charles Rother ham and family went to Tilden Sunday to be guests for dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter l’eterson. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and family and Mr. ami Mrs. Wil liam Hobbs, Becky anti Teena attended the dinner sponsored by St Patrick’s church at O'Neill Sunday evening. Ten little friends arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs, Sam Re gan Thursday afternoon after school and surprised Mike on tiis ninth birthday. The candlelighted birthday cake was served as a l>art of die refreshments Mrs. Vance Anson was also a guest. Mrs Kittle Fry spent the week end visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hemenway and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Flowers at Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pofahl and family were dinner and evening guests Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II R. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirsch mer went to Pilger Tuesday to s[M‘nd the day with his mother, Mrs. I>ena Kirsehmer. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirsch mer, Cathy and Shirley Funk were guests Sunday afternoon at tlie home of Mr and Mrs. Harley Miller at Neligh. Mrs. Fern Pollock and Mrs. Edna Difquest were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Bert Fink who recently re turned home from a visit in California. A group of students from the Free Methodist College at Mc Pherson. Kan were in charge of a service at the Riverside Free Methodist church Thursday evening. A large crowd was pres ent for the occasion. A trio, Mary Wagner, Arlene Byers and Shar on Buckley with Iieloris Smith, accompanist, sang special num bers. A talk was given by one of the young men Refreshments were served by the ladies of the church Mrs. Edna Ijofquost and Mrs Alfred I loud went to Neligh Thursday where Mrs. Doud had a checkup. Mr and Mrs. Ray Tucker had as their guests Sunday Mr and Mrs. Boh Jones and a son and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tucker, all of Ewing. Mrs. Milan Welke and Pamela Kay were dismissed Sunday from St. Anthony's hospital, O' Neill Mr and Mrs Harold Rodgers, O'Neill, visited Saturday evening at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Iceland Welke. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams sr., Janell and Donna, Battle Creek, were recent dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ered Tams. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Jacob sen and family left Monday for their home at Intercession City, Fla., after a visit with his moth er. Mrs. Amy Jacobsen and other relatives the past ten days. Mr and Mrs L A Hobbs had as their dinner and evening Sun day guests Boh Hobbs of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Iiwaine Hobbs and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mick Hobbs and family, and Peter Roudy hush. Ewing. Mr. Hobbs and his sons had spent the day hunting _ - ~ HENRECY'S ALL GOLDEN DOMINOS SALE Hereford Friends, Fellow- Stockmen, we warmly welcome you to our annual fall production sale at the ranch Monday, November 12, 1 Vz miles cast of Gregory, S. I>. We are offering for sale 10 coining two-year-old Herd Sires, By our Great, over a ton, Domino Herd Sires I'M Domino Xth and H Domino 50th and 10 large o|*en ;ind bred heifers. The Bulls are tops “THE BEST VET” in our many years we have produced Hereford*. The heifers are large and rugged and will make select cows. The entire sail* offering Is guaranteed in every way, the animals were summer)si on grass and raised in a practical manner, so as to not impair their future usefulness for their new owners. Sale will be held in our new heated sale pavilion at the ranch lVi miles east of Gregory, S. D. Monday, Nov. 12 Sale will start at 1 p.m. Write for Catalog We invite our friends and all stockmen to be our guests for dinner at the ranch, starting at 11 a.m. 40 Coming 2-year-old, Rugged, Yellow Coated Bulls 10 Open and Bred Heifers Plan now to see this production and be with us on sale day Be our guest at dinner Consistently producing the type and kind in demand today HENRECY’S HEREFORD RANCH John Leibel, Auctioneer Northwest Security National Bank, Gregory, S. D., Clerk in local territory. Mr and Mrs Lyle Dierk* and Dr. and Mr* Merton Dierk* and Jon attended the annual dinner of St. Patrick's church in O'Neill Sunday evening. Mr, and Mr*. Roland Hord went to Creighton Sunday to at tend a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs Verl Gunter. Saturday evening guest* at the Roland Hord home were Mr and Mrs George Montgomery. Mrs Cora Johnson, who ha* spent a two week* vacation at the liome of her sister and broth er-in-law, Mr and Mrs Aubrey Wood, left Friday to return to her home at Newcastle, Wyo. Mrs Aubrey Wood returned home Friday after spending from Wednesday to Friday at the An telope Memorial hospital. Mrs. Frank Belmer entered St. Anthony's hospital at O'Neill Thursday, suffering from pneu monia Her children are being cared for at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry Fleming. A family gathering was held Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Frank Noffke. A one o'clock dinner was served and the after noon hours were spent visiting. In attendance were his mother, Mrs. Pauline Noffke, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Koenig, Ewing, and Mrs. Vernon Cronin and son, Gail, F/>rt Thompson, S. D. Mrs. Vera Anson returuned home Friday from Omaha where she had spent several days at the home of relatives. Archie Tuttle took his brother in-law, Vance Anson, to Minneap olis, Minn Thursday for a check up. They returned to Ewing Fri day. Mrs. Richard Spittler and sons, Valentine, were overnight guests Thursday at the home of Mrs Laura Spittler. Mrs. Richard Spittler had dental work done in O'Neill before returning home on Friday. Mrs. Laura Spittler drove to Norfolk Sunday to spend the day with l)r. and Mrs. Leo Spittler and family. Richard Spittler, who had at tended a bar convention in Oma ha, stopped for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Laura Spittler on his way back to Valentine Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs and family, Omaha, are spending a three day vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walnofer were hosts at a family dinner party Sunday in honor of the November birthdays. Present wore Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thram er and family, Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Walnofer, Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. James Walnofer and family, Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hupp and family, Norfolk. Friday evening guests at the Mark Thramer home were Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Thramer and family. Thelma Spangler, Norfolk, was a weekend guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil son Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. WDson Spangler entertained the following guests at a dinner party Sunday honor ing the birthday anniversaries of their daughter, Thelma, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler, Earl Milleck, Wayne, Joan, Judy and Leon Spangler and the honored guests. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies ac companied by Catherine Bauer, FYemont, spent the weekend in Lincoln, guests of Geraldine and Mary Ann Bauer. They also at tended the Nebraska-Missouri football game. Mr. and Mrs. Van Creager. Meadow Grove, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis Sun day. Mrs. Vernon Cronin and Gail, Fort Thompson, S. D., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Pauline Noffke. The faculty of the Ewing pub lic school entertained the mem bers of the Board of Education at a 6:30 dinner Thursday eve ning at the school house. Hallo ween decorations were carried out in table decorations. Card games provided amusement for the evening hours. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother ham. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Na pier, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle were un able to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and children spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ev erett Taylor at Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thramer, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Thramer, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thramer and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack at tended the chicken and ham din ner at the Catholic church at — fimmumuimmimif —BY— Dick Tomlinson I "THoy orwl Mi IlM y*t, b«t I wbh they w«r« gono.~ If your guests linger too long, why not serve them sherry with gin chasers? This is the nearest thing to hospital shock treatment. This leaves the scotch for the family. Dick's for the best. Dick's Bar Off and On Liquor Sales Let Dick keep you in the Best of Spirits Phone 356 O’Neill. Nebr. Plain view Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rotherham and family spent the weekend of October 26 visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jim Rotherham at Lander. Wyo. Other guests at the Jim Rotherham tome at the same time were Mr and Mrs Ivan Wright and Mr anti Mrs. Leo O'Malley Mr. and Mrs Jerry Rotherham ami Mr and Mrs. Leo O Mailey spent the weekend In Lincoln, guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Lester Wood All attended the Ne! raska-M.ssouri tool ball game Saturday Mr and Mis Vincent Rother ham and family of Niobrara were Wednesday evening guests at the Jerry Rotherham home Ina liennet* anti Mr and Mrs Wilbur Bennett were dinner guest* at the* home of Kddie atvl Alice Shrader Sunday. Mr and Mr* Floyd Lee had a* their guest* for a few day*, Mr* Catherine Sjie*. Mr* Novtca Martin and son. Louie, all of Omaha, and Mr and Mr* 1-ro Spes Fremont lna Bennett and Mr* Klt/aheth 1 Msmi were O'Neill visitor* Sat urday. They are teacher* in the Clearwater public aehool The morning service at the United Presbyterian church Sun day was conducted by James Armstrong. Klgin. and the Youth Group were In charge ot the eve ning service Nest Sunday. N»n 11 Mr and Mrs It Kay HeU. retired missKmaries trom the Philippine* will l«e in merge the erv ire Mrs N* rl» Uhl, O'Neill. and Mm J< Ellk>t and Saivly Th« frontidr _ UK ... puP: yE Style right fashion for the | i half size figure. Smart ’n | warm gray wool, flecked |n j J white. Hounded hack Is gatli | B ered to high yoke. Cowl col lar buttons snug. Ili'/j itVj. j BUY ON *LAY-AWAY OUTFIT THE FAMILY FOR LESS! MISSES WOOL-NYLON I FULLY LINED SLACKS IUioow smart solid* *4 r rich plaid* in a host of colont. ■ 'clilnR belts; concealed side zip ® |H“r*. Buy! M| ■ | Sizes 10-18 mjn 1 . i v_j[ GIRLS SLACKS | I ferjjjA I WARMLY LINED ■ Ulj1 i!,l m qq P TERRIFIC BUY! | WW&W ■ f ORLON-TRIMMED I ||#| V I P GIRLS' JACKETS I Jjjjf f| ..... ■ ■ I ■ // t tl ••> washable corduroy or J Up |l^«1.i,li;l,,)„ \ * G,RLS 7-14 P Orlon(H) acrylic pile trims m ffiw'f TlT n this washable cotton poplin. B SLACK BUYS I Juilt lined. Ked. aqua. 7-14. « jm tj-A ■t J%vS ■ t 49 KJanpS ■ ^5ZES 4-6X, Our Low Price . 3^7^ J * m GIRLS & LADIES |f/ YU s<> many styles! Cotton Jtfl lAJ Gloves & Mittens corduroy prints or sol- fftff KV* ggfjg_ id tones. Itavon and wool fjfJ 1|{*I 7Qt to D 69 plaids wit! warm cotton Inf/ WrA ‘i %uV Jn x lining. Hl-fashion! ft^jf WA Fancy knits in wool or Orlon(K) acrylics. in ft-'J sizes for xv>m?nt gill. and tots. Many styles! / \ ' — ^ REG. 7.95 1 •MSULATEO 1 SOOTS I 577 SAVE I OVER I Built for rugged wear! No-slip I L rubber sole. Olive. Size 7-11 1 ad ■ BOYS' SWEAT SHIRTS QC»r . ■ -back cotton knits in black, green, white or red. 6-16. I BOYS' BULKY SWEATERS Aid 1 Tyrolean cardigan with full front zipper. Sizes S-M-L. I Am _ * -- * Men's SURCOAT B°/s' JAcKir BOYS' FLANNEL SHIRTS 147 • - Ktf Sueded cotton flannel in many new prints. Sanforized. 6-16. £ m WU WA C - MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS 19t I I L 1 [J ! •laadsome plaids in bright colors. Long sleeves. S-M-L-XL. A „ ■ ■ ■ m trt st>iing in V)ft " W MEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS 049 '""" *“•— -- J Coat or pull-over styles in neat prints. Sanforized. A to D. ***** 0r blue, ^ ^ ' I P I THERMAL 049 J Underwear & V ^ Men's Shirts & Drawers ^ | Special knit traps body heat—shuts out | VlNYl a eold! Lightweight warmth. CAPS ■ Sizes S-M-L-XL. Mm , BOYS-DRAWERS, S-M-t . 1.29 . 1 D“I? Jf1" 1 ^Boys' Rib Cotton Drawers, Sizes 4-16 I f 39 • ■■■■■ I . JUMBO BLANKET •— even JuT ^ ^ wet.’ I • - _ Elastic wrMlef*