The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 08, 1962, Image 6

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    Atkinson News
Mrs. Homer Smith left for her
borne in Winner, S. D. last Fri
day after spending a few days
in the home of her daughter and
son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John
Beck and family.
Julienne Featherston and Iris
Fundus spent the weekend with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
lie Featherston and family and
Mr. and Mss. Fred Fond us and
family. The young ladies return
ed to their work in Omaha Sun
day afternoon.
Chet Anderson was a Sunday
afternoon caller at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kazda.
Mary Jane Meurrens spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. John Meurrens in At
kinson. Miss Meurrens is em
meets every Wednesday at 8
p.m. All members are urged to
fie present. Visiting Old Fellows
wed come. tf
Body Shop
24 Hr Wrecker Service
; Complete Body Work
Glass Cut & Installed
86 Day - 473 Night
ployed in Omaha.
Mrs. Mary Kanzelmeyer went
to Hastings last Tuesday where
she is spending a few days with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr
and Mrs. Lavem Hamik and fam
ily. She expects to return home
this week.
Brice Braziel and Jerry Sny
der, Lincoln, were Friday after
noon callers in the Allred Kazda
home They were en route to
Ch> rry county where they went
deer hunting.
Mrs. Charles Mulford, Stuart,
called on Mrs. Robert MacLach
lan last Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haas,
Valentine and Mr. and Mrs
Lloyd Haus, Ainsworth, were
Sunday dinner guests in the Har
vey Wahl home. When they re
turned home they were accom
panied by Bryan Haas, small son
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haas.
Bryan had spent the previous
week with his grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wahl and
Rusty came Friday and were
weekend guests in the home of
his sister and brother-in-law. Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Schmuecker and
family. They also visited his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs Harvey Wahi
They returned to their home in
Omaha Sunday evening.
The Atkinson Civic Improve
ment Garden club will meet No
vember 13 at the home of Mrs.
Fred Mack at 7:30 p in. Roil lall
will be, “Gardens That I Would
Like to Tour.” The lesson, “Ho
liday Tables” will be given by
Mrs. Mable Griffin. Election of
officers will be held for the new
year and a Chinese Auction will
follow Plans far a Christmas
party will be decided upon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pacha
and Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickle
went to Grant last Saturday to
spend the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Frickle. Ronnie was re
leased from the hospital there on
Zero Hereford Ranch will sell
Hereford Bulls
14 Registered Heifers
At the Ranch, located I Vi miles North of Our Sign on Highway
92, 11 miles East of Ansley or 12 miles West of
Loup City, Nebraska
THURSDAY, NOV. 15, 1962
Sale to Start at 12:00 Noon Lunch on the Grounds
For Kiiilding a Good Herd, Have a Good Foundation
—For Catalog or Other Information, Write—
LOFP CITY, NEBK. — Phone: Litchfield HI 6-2342
Auctioneer: Bob Schnell, Lemmon, S. D.
Friday after an emergency ap- j
pencectomy the previous wees- J
end. Mr. and Mrs. itonaid trie*
le were in Grant the weekend of
Oct. M where they weie guest* I
of friend* there. Ronnie was sau:
ken while hunting. Mr. and Mr*.
Aivui Forbes of Ft. Collins aiso
came to Grant to spend the day i
with the group hist Saturday.
Mr. and Mis. *..
compamed the Forbes as far as
lienver wnen they leturneu notue |
on Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan
and Mi and Mrs. George Mathis
spent the weekend in Omaha oil
business. j
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parsons went
\.j Niobrara last Thursday where
they visited hi r brothers, Will
iam and Frank Pavaika
C F. Sms . |
fortunate ones in this area who \
succeeded in getting his deer on t
Saturday. i
: >1 an I Mi s Jam* i Ramsay 1
and family attended the Nebras- J
ka-Missouri game in Lincoln last l
Saturday, Mr and Mrs. Wayne i
Galyen were also on hand to wit- 1
ness the defeat of the Nebras- 1
kalis. *
David Ryan and his mother, J
Mrs. Lizzie Ryan, were last Sun-. I
day callers at the Orville Orr j
home north of Atkinson. I
Ken Schultz drove to McCook j
hist Friday where he met his wife I
and spent the weekend in the j
Phil Johnson home there. Mrs I
Ken Schultz and Mrs. W. L. ,
Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. Phil I
Johnson just returned from a ten
days vacation and business trip |
to San Antonio, Tex. Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Schultz returned to Atkinson |
last Monday but Mrs. W. L.
Schultz remained in McCook fo> j
a longer visit.
Mrs. Sophia Brown and Frances 4
Stuart drove to Rushville last ’
Friday where they spent the i
weekend with their brother and '
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- i
bert Wefso. '
Mrs. L. G. Fleming was a Sat- j
urday afternoon caller at the '
home of Mrs. William Wefso.
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Shaw ar
rived last Sunday from Lincoln
where Dr. Shaw was a guest
speaker at the Cental Associa
tion meeting there. They were
guests here at the home of his
mother, Mrs. Harvey Shaw. Be
fore returning to their home in
Martinez, Calif., they also visited 1
a brother, Ned Shaw and family
in Bassett.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hegberg of
Bristow left Monday after spend
ing the past two years in Atkin
son as a companion to Mrs. Ro
bert MacLachlan. Mrs. Mac
Lachlans daughter, Laura Mac
Lachlan, who has completed her
tour of duty as a missionary re
turned home on Wednesday of
last week and plans to be with
her mother. Mrs. Hegberg will be
employed in Lynch.
Mrs. Norbert Uhl, O’Neill,
spent Saturday afternoon in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Kazda. Mrs. Uhl is Alfreds sis
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel
went to Valentine Friday to spend
the weekend with friends and
Carl went deer hunting.
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — It Pays !
-_-. 4
You get it free when you buy a new NORGE Automatic Gas Dryer. (
Now Only ★ Your present Companion Norge Only I
si qq sn istM?-* soqq R(i
I VviVU in trade. with 5 year warranty £ W a W w i
■ - "■ '
■ _
These same appliances are also available at your favorite gas aopliance dealer.
For Dependable GAS Service
8^^ ^SilnlEi
Because I have decided to quit farming and ranching operations I will offer the following described personal property M
to the highest bidder at public auction at the place LOCATED ... 33 miles north of Burwell on Hwy 11 to Hwy 95, then m
east 2Vi miles and 2 miles south . . . OR ... 25 miles south of Atkinson on Hwy 11 to Hwy 95, then 21 a miles east and m
2 south . . . OR ... 9 miles west of Chambers and 2 south (Watch for Farm Sale Arrows) on ... K
Sale starts at 11 a.m, _ Lunch a, Sa|o I
I 1958 Massey Harris 333 tractor, less
| than 500 hours
K Heavy duty winch with new cable
1 WD Allis Chalmers, 1951, good
A New Kosch 7-ft. power mower
Humbolt loader with dozer blade, fork
and dirt scoop
1950 "B" Allis Chalmers tractor with
hay sweep head, very good
1- row cultivator for "B" Allis Chalmers
Plow for "B" Allis Chalmers
3 12-ft. IHC hay rakes and 3-rake hitch
2- row John Deere cultivator
25-V 7-ft. IHC power mower
8-ft. J. D. Disc
No. 9 7-ft. trail mower
No. 10-A J. D. hammermill
Big slide hay stacker with hanging
wire cage
J. D. manure spreader
Little Wonder 2-bottom plow
3 Walking plows
2-row go-dig
Autoguide cable rack with I beams
2 11x24 rims for Case tractor
2-wheel trailer
Rubber-tired gear with box
Steel Wheel wagon gear
Feed bunks, hog troughs
Wood saw with blade, to mount on
14-ft. boat, fiberglassed, and trailer
V8 front axle with wheels and tires
1951 Ford club coupe
Fuel barrels, 30 and 50 gallon
New barrel pump
Mower sickles for both mowers
Anvil and Forge
Sickle sharpener with motor
Grease guns
Lots of new mower and hay rake re
Propane branding iron heater
Good set of taps and dies
Large assortment of shop tools and
many other miscellaneous items too
numerous to mention
Calf dehorning chute
Dehorning clippers
Loading Chute
Big Assortment
Iron Buyers come early
Building 10x16 to be moved
ilO Holstein and black whiteface milk cows
3-6 years old, some fresh, others to freshen
1 Ayrshire milk cow
120 Late summer and fall calves
10 Hereford stock cows, some with calves at side
8 Black whiteface cows, some with calves at side
1 Angus cow 6 Mixed stock cows
All above cows mated to Angus bull
Coming 4-year-old bull from Harry Ita herd, Scotia
There may be more new calves by sale date as some calves have just been
weaned and the cows are to freshen again soon
I 45 Ewes to lamb about Christmas
2 Bucks from 1 to 5 years old
The following cattle are
consigned by Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Cuddy
15 Hereford stock cows, some mated
to Hereford bull, some with calves
at side
5 Black whiteface cows, some mated
■ to Hereford bull, some with calves
at side
Bred cows should freshen in March
2 Coming 2-year-old heifers, open
8-year-old Arabian-Quarterhorse stal
lion, well broke and gentle
Albino stud colt, coming yearling
Bay filly, coming yearling
Good saddle
2 Sets harness
DeLaval 2-unit milking machine, good
IHC G-3 separator, self wash, 2-yrs.-old
Cream can and milk pails
Dinette set with 4 chairs
Complete bed with springs & mattress
Some end tables
Round oak table
2 Rocking chairs
Some fruit jars
TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until settled for
M. H. (Tenus) anc j
Roy Kirwan, Ed Thorin Auction Service, Butte and O'Neill Chambers State Bank, Clerk 3