The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 08, 1962, Image 2
Page Newt By Mrs. Baa Asher Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gross and family, Omaha, wore weekend guests of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gross. Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, Raymond 1 buss and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer left by bus from Norfolk Satur day for Lincoln where they will join a group who are attending the Until'd Nations tour. This is sponsored by the Methodist church. The memlM-rs of tin.* East Side Kountry Klub entertained their husbands at a party at the IOOF Hall on Saturday night with ten couples present. Cards were play ed with Allan Gross, Norman Trowbridge, Merwyn French jr., Mrs. Robert Beolaert and Mrs. Darrell Ileiss winning prizes. A farewell supfier was held on Saturday night for Mr and Mrs. Vernon Beckwith at the improve ment dull sponsored by the mem tiers of the Get To Gether clut with all members present. Th< Beckwiths have moved to Em mi< The club presented Mrs Beckwith with a gift. In honor of her parents’ 2Sti wedding anniversary, Vtviai Ragland entertained Mr. am Mrs. William Ragland at a sup |xt at Oakdale. Also there wen Juanita and Roy van Ragland Vivian, who works in Neligh, re turned to Page with her parents and remained as an overnigti guest. Mrs R F. Park was hostess ti 10 memtxTs of the Chatter Sev club when they met with her 01 Saturday afternoon. The Christ mas party will lx? held at th< December meeting with Mrs John Sorensen. It will also tx revealing day. The American Legion Auxiliary will entertain veterans at a sup per party on Sunday evening a the Legion hall. Supjx-r will begir at 6:30 All veterans and hus bands of auxiliary members an welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaer and Becky were Sunday dinnei guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fran! f SALESMEN Make This Job Comparison! • Immediate earnings upwards of $500 a month • First-year bonus of $2040 • Complete classroom and field training, includ ing expense paid trip to National Sales Train ing School • Continuous advanced training to help you in crease your earnings • Plenty of prospects • No slack seasons • Over $2|/2 million a year of national adver tising • Internationally known company, leader in its field, multi-million dollars in assets • Lifetime career opportunity • Take life easy at the end of twenty to thirty years with a retirement fund of $401.00 to $802.00 a month • Advancement to sales management available to the go-getter How Does Your Job Compare? Call us and we will tell you immediately if you can meet our simple qualifications. For confiden tial interview appointment call Jake Heimbuch at Grand Island, 382-7913, collect. Bohn, Deloit. Also there was 'Grandma' Marie Beelaert, Ew ing, who is spending a few days 1 at the Bohn home. The Band mothers will sponsor a fish fry on Friday, Nov. 16 at i the Page school. At a recent meeting of the band mothers the i following officers were elected i for the coming year. Mrs. Carl 1 Max. president; Mrs. Ivan Heiss, vice president, and Mrs. Frank Beelaert, secretary and treasur er. A pitch party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs Frank Beelaert in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Ragland's 25th » wedding anniversary. Prizes were ' won by William Ragland, Harold 1 Freemeyer, Mrs. R. V. Crumly and Mrs. George Clasey. Mr and Mrs. Robert Erisman arrived here Thursday to stay ' until Sunday visiting her par ents. Mr and Mrs. Robert Nis sen. Boh has recently been dis charged from the Air Force and they were enroute to Gainesville, i Fla., where the young couple will live. Kay Nissen, a student of WSTC was home for the weekend to see her sister, Mrs. Erisman. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen • sr., Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Nissen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erisman and Kay Nissen were all Sunday I dinner guests Of Mr. and Mrs. I Robert Nissen. Mr, ana mis. wunam nagtana and family. Gene Harvey, Vivian Ragland, Neligh, Mrs. Calvin Coolidge and children, O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge, Chambers, were all Sunday din ner guests of Mr and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge. The occasion was the 25t hwedding anniversary of the Raglands. In the afternoon about 35 fieople called to wish the Rag lands well. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and Debbi were Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Frieda Asher. Mrs. Mae Copes and Mrs. Frieda Asher were Sunday din ner guests of Mrs. Hester Ed I misten In the afternoon Grace Zellers joined the ladies and cards were played. MYF met Sunday night with 13 present. Juanita Ragland had the devotion and lesson on “Love and Marriage”. A pot luck sup per whs discussed to be held in the near future. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Inman, were Sunday callers at the Melvin Smith home L>r. anti Mrs George Clinton. Los Angeles, Calif, were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs. John Sorensen The members of the Help-U club entertained their husbands at a pot luck masquerade party Tuesday night at the Improve ment club. Nine couples were present Mrs William Buxton and Gary Caskey won prizes for their costumes. Cards were played with prizes going to Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. William Buxton, Clarence Finch sr.. Otto Mat schullat and Kenneth Waring. A special prize went to Sidney Faul haber. Cub scout den 1 pack No. 187 met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs Carl Max. They opened the meeting with everyone giving the flag salute The scouts made wiener sticks out of coat hangers and spools. They also made jack o-lantems They practiced the promise and the law of the pack in order to lx* eligible to become a bobcat. As it was Gene Kelly's birthday he was honored with a cake and he furnished treats for the group They are making plans for a pack meeting. Mrs. Jerome Allen and Ric took her parents, Mr and Mrs. Bert Finley to Bronson, la., the latter part of last week Last Monday Mrs. Finley had surgery on her knee at the Methodist hospital. GGG and G club met on Fri day afternoon with Mrs Anton Nissen Cards were played with prizes going to Mrs. Hester Ed misten, Mrs. Mae Copes and (7nllarc A UNICEF party was held on Wednesday night at the Methodist church with over 65 young folks attending. Caroline Max showed her slides and talked on the U.N. Over $45 was realized from the door to door canvass. On their return to the church the young sters received their treats and also saw a film on "More Than One Friend". King's Daughter’s met Tuesday evening. Mrs. Carl Max had the devotion and lesson. Mrs. Max explained aliout UNICEF. Mrs. Carl Lucas and Mrs. Emmitt Thompson were guests. Hostesses were Mrs. Tom Kelly and Mrs. Jerry Summers. Boy Scout troop 187 met Tues day night at the Methodist church with 13 attending. Their lesson was on Tenderfoot. Carl Max and Elmer Trowbridge are the lead ers. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski and Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes spent Friday in Sioux City. En route home they stopped at Brunswick and visited wilh Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Goldfuss. Mrs. Goldfuss who recently had her leg amputated is reported coming along just fine. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher, Ro berta and Debra were Sunday dinner and lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer, O’Neill, to celebrate the birthdays of Ben and Mrs. Switzer. Mrs. Alma Tegeler ate dinner Sunday with Mrs. Celia Terrill. WSCS met on Thursday after noon in the Wesleyan room of the Methodist church with 18 present. Mrs. Merwyn French sr. had the devotion and lesson. As she is the secretary of missions ! her lesson on “Missions” has to do with the Great Commission. Mrs. Harold Kelly pianist. It w’as announced that the executive committee will meet Novemlier 9 in the afternoon at the home of Mrs. French. Cheer cards were sent to Mmes. Alta Finch, George Wettlaufer. Bert Finley, Frank Snyder and Mr. Robert Van Horn. A sympathy card wras sign ed for Mrs. Clarence Dobbin. Hr \ T M n rV-. ANNIVERSARY PRICED PENNEY S for A lim!te° tw.e 60"- ANNIVERSARY i Christmastime .. anytime. COUNT ON PENNEY'S TO CHARGE IT the fairest. ™°st flexibla way for you. HQVv _ GOLDENDAWN' SUPERSUEDE ELECTRIC BLANKET WITH 2-YEAR REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE GOLDEN DAWN SUPERSUEDE. USED BY OVER A MILLION HAPPY SLEEPERS, SOLD AT PENNEY’S ONLY! The blanket that gives over a million people the best night s sleep they ever had! Join them now and save! Dial the warmth that’s meant for you (9 settingsi sleep relaxed, wake up refreshed! One blanket keeps you warm in any weather! Luxurious ray on, acrylic, cotton blanketing. Nylon binding. Machine washable.* PEACOCK, RED. BEIGE, PINK. BLUE, GREEN, LILAC. S3”xS4” single control, twin size. 'regularly $14 NOW |Q6« 80”xS4” dual control, double bed size, regularly $19 NOW ^ SPECIALS MONDAY, NOV. 12 Womens Nylons 2 pr. 88c 100 pairs only Womens Panties 20c 48 pairs only Mens Cotton Flannel Shirts 1.33 30 only Boys Cotton Flannel Shirts 1.19 48 only Boys Vinyl Coats 5.19 6 only Boys Wool Sport Coats $2 5 only size 4 Infants Sleepers $1 60 only 3!4 pound Blankets 3.33 12 only 72x90 size Print Cotton Flannel 3 yds. $1 180 yards only Waffle-weave Towels 2 for $1 Girls Panties 10c 36 only . . . limit 2 pair These 11 Specials Go on Sale 9 a.m. Rirthday cards were sent to Mrs Allan Haynes and Mrs. Dagm Jensen. Denmark Hostesses were Mrs. Glen Stewart and Mrs Ray mond Heiss Mr and Mrs Gene Mudioff were Friday evening guests in the Ben Asher home. King’s Daughters entertained the WSCS at a brunch Saturday morning at the Methodist church. Mrs. Frank Beelaert had the de votions. Caroline Max showed her slides and gave her talk on her U. N. trip she took this sum mer. A musical selection by Gary Stauffer closed out the program Amelia News By MImm Florence I Jndsey Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harlan, Allen, Warren and Rita were din ner and supper guests Sunday with his sister and brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and Mrs. Bessie Burge, O’Neill, took Mrs. Burge’s cousin to her home in Missouri last week. They left Wednesday and visited the Clyde Burge’s daughter and family. Mr and Mrs. Jerry Dickerson and Floyd at Tulsa, Okla., enroute, returning home Monday by way of Omaha where they visited an other daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielsen, Bradley and Rodney. A girls trio, a solist, a student pastor and their sensor, Rev. James from Central College, Mc Pherson, Kan., were dinner guests Friday at the Glenn White home. Rev. Andre, Pastor of the Amelia Free Methodist church and the college group appeared before the Chambers high school Friday morning presenting a musical program. Clarence Hansen, Ceresco, vis ited over the weekend with his son, Harvey Hansen and family. Mr. Hansen is an avid gun col lector. He called on Grandpa White Monday morning to show him some of his guns. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cohen and two fnends, Columbus, were or e might visitors Friday with Mr and Mrs. t'unk Peterson They were among the deer huntera in the area. Mr Cohen is a cou sin of Mr. Peterson. A hobo party was enjoyed Fri day evening in the basement at the Free Methodist church. Venita White, a student at Me Pherson, Kan., spent the week end visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White A nice crowd of children were present to enjoy the Umcef party at the Methodist church Wednes day evening. Two films were shown and the children were giv en prizes for their costumes. Mrs. Blake Ott and Mrs. George Fullerton judged the costumes. Mrs Hienie Frahm, Mrs. Stan ley Thompson, Mrs. George Ful lerton, Mrs. Dick Doolittle, Mrs. Marvin Doolittle, Mrs. Lew Back haus and Mrs. Edith Andersen furnished cars to take the child ren out to make their calls. Twen ty seven dollars was collected. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sybrant and his mother, Mrs. Oscar Sy brant. Casper, Wyo., visited the Oscar and Edgar Petersons ar riving here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett vis ited at Glenn Whites Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B W. Waldo and John Zinkon were called to North Platte Sunday by the serious ill- j ness of their sister, Mrs. Ever ett <Iva) Smith. Mrs. Ron Rowse went to North ■ Platte to see her grandmother, Mrs. Everett Smith who was ser iously ill. Mr. Rouse went to bring her home 9unday and re ported that Mrs. Smith had ral lied and was a little better Mrs. Gerald Tesch is recuper ating from major surgery she un derwent last Thursday at a Lin coln hospital. Mrs. Tesch is the former Ramona Doolittle, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Doo little. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman, Mr .and Mrs. Earnie Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sageser and children were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sag VETERAN S DAY DINNER at American Legion Hall SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 ' Serving from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Admission—Adults $1.25, children up to 12, 75c eser Friday night. Mr and Mrs. Andy Rt&ak and family. Homer, were overnight visitors Saturday wuh her bro ther, William Sammons and fam ily. Mr and Mrs Charlie Bligh, Alliance, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr and Mrs Frank Pierce Mr Bligh Imd surgery last week at an Omaha hospital Mm. Lindsey and Florence »c companies! Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kenny and Debra to Omaha Fri day of last week and returned home Sunday evening. The Ken nys visited her sisters. Mrs. Bill Gladfelter and Mrs Leonard Fin tgan and families and the Lind seys visited the P L. Strengers. Mrs. Vern Sageser received word Sunday that her mother. Mrs Agnes Minter, fell that morning and broke tier collar bone. Mrs Sageser left Monday morning to be with her mother Mr and Mrs. Edgar Petersen attended the Smorgasbord and bazaar at O'Neill Sunday altar noon. Mr* Leu ItacJthau* helped do some painting at Tom ilaker'a lant week Mr* Milton Clemena to«4i Mr. and V!r» I.rvi Clemcna to O' Neill Friday. Richard Ponplchal received a fractured Jaw bune In a baler ac cident last Monday. He waa able to resume hta school dutlea at St Joseph‘a achool, Atkinson Mr Posplchal (Ous) waa alao injured Tuesday when his horse fell with him <iis foot waa hurt. ! Paul Shierk IMHKA.NCE AIIENOT OTflCUL. NEI1R laaursthe of All Klada | Rear Tractor Tire* Eft Save imjiortunt dollar#, get longer service with (Y)OP firm line nylon Seoul tire# And there'# the <YM)P ray<#i cord tire# tor lighU*r duty! Pick your price l#>th give you hlg, rugged lug# to a self-cleaning tread. Heavy Duty Truck Tire* f'’ R"* Made especially for mg Ml ged farm service! A tread jB that keeps you going In m the field yet offer# low friction on pavement, with K built-in protection from IL lieui blowouts Available H in wide price selection ■ Mud and Snow Tire* An entirely new con struction make# low profile (Y)-OP Coun try Squire tire# run whisper (|iiiet on dry roads while 3-way tread action give# s ire footed go power in mud and snow 2fl 30 Holt County Co-op O'Neill Phone 51 Chambers Phone 2332 USE OUR LAY A WAY PLAN BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS ... ««•:« mwnwiiYwi?'" teM&ixxql “ODD OGG” GAME New fun game! Motor ized plastic frog 7x14" H. and 4 plastic balls. GAYLORD THE PUP Battery operated; walks, barks, catches and holds a bone. 23 inches long. 7 inches high. — M M 14" Wicker type sewing basket with carry handle. 10x7x4)4* *.I00 1.98-2.98 “CHIEF PRANCER1* HOBBY HORSE 14.77 Ivory body with 3-tone trim, red enamel base. 37JAx 22x26* high. i IORD NEWPORT JEWELRY SETS 295* Men’s cufflink and tie afids sets in gift box with foam rubber top. Stone set, gold or silver oolor. For gifts! MARX ELECTRIC 20-PIECE TRAIN 1188 Others 4.98-3.98 Automatic switching! Set has locomotive, gondola, battery run switch (battery extra). 108* oval track. 8-PC. CRYSTAL SET Snack set consists of 4 cap*, 4 serving trays all in sparkling crystal! PYREX SERVER 2-cup' honey- 1 95 moon ’ coffee Jy and beverage aerver. Fire- *_ proof Pyrex, * ” "gold” trim. 695 SEE OUR BIG ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTY PUNTERS 29c _■__■_