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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1962)
Amelia News By Minn Florence liudiey Don’t forget the chicken sapper and bazaar Monday evening, No vember 5th at the annex in Ame lia The WSCS are sponsors. The cheer club are also having a ba zaar ami lunch at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Dexter Saturday af ternoon, Nov. 3. These articles are auctioned and proceeds go to a crippled childrens home. Mrs. Vern Sageser and Mrs. May Sageser attended a party at the Weigel home last Tuesday. Richard Wehland, Holdrege, was a weekend guest with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. iB. W. Waldo re ceived word last weekend of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Everett Smith, Maxwell. The Waldos went to Maxwell to be with her. She underwent major surgery. Hamp Smith, Chambers, is her son. Mrs. Lloyd Waldo, Bruce and Larry sjient the weekend at Ar vada, Colo., visiting her mother, Mrs. Frank Searles and Mr. Sea rles and brother, Douglas Fried rich. Mrs. Bernard Blackmore vis ited her daughter, Mrs. Vernon Bi'ckwith and family, Emmett Friday. The Beckwiths moved to Emmet recently so Mr. Beck with could be nearer his work. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brau, Om aha, came Saturday night and visited until Monday morning with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams and daughter, Adams, were weekend guests with their uncle and„aunt, Mr and Mrs. S. C. Barnett. Mrs. Sylvester Snover, North. Bend, was an overnight guest | Tuesday with Mrs. Vern Sageser. Mr. ami Mrs. Floyd 9ageser, Susie, Sally and Mark, Prairie Village, Kan., were expected to arrive here Thursday (today) to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Vern Sageser. Wayne Burgett, Robert Burge and Roger Waldo hunted phea- j sants near Burwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard iPribil and family visited her parents, Mr and Mrs. Levi Clemens Sun day. ; Mrs. Emmett Carr left Friday J evening to return to her h|>me in Santa Monica, Calif., bavin? been here to visit her aunt. Mils. De lia Ernst, who has been ill. Among those attending the cooking school in O’Neill Thurs day were Mrs. Ralph Rees, Mrs. George Fullerton, Mrs. Marvin (Doolittle, Mrs. Verne Sageser, Mrs. May Sageser and Mrs. El mer Coolidge. Mrs. Mae Sageser won a corsage for the oldest lady present. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Krutz, Linda, Darla, David and John, Pilger, were overnight guests Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Hie nie Frahm and family. They all went to the home of their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Shellhase, Marjorie and . Shirley near Atkinson. The din- j ner was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Shellhases wedding anniversary. Their father, Peter Frahm was * also present. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Reese at tended the McNulty Groose wed ding and reception Saturday at the Catholic church in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees at tended the McN'ulty-Groase wed ding and reception Saturday at the Catholic church in O’Neill. Mrs Elmer Fix accompanied her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Walter Slay maker, Don and Rickie to Scottsblulf to visit her son, Gale Fix and family ov er the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black more, Mrs Lindsey and Florence were Friday evening supper guests with Mr and Mrs. Lew Backhaus. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lull and her brother, Englewood, Cok>., called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce, Thursday af ternoon. Mr. Lull was born and lived in his boyho<xi in the Am elia vicinity. Mr. and Mrs Tenus Madsen and Neal spent Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Collier at Arcadia. A birthday dinner for Martin Collier, who was celebrat ing his fifth birthday, was served. Mrs. Lester Graham and 3 children, Oakridge, Ore., are vis iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Madsen and her un cle, Tenus Madsen and family, Mrs. Graham is the former Lola Mae Rodgers. Mr. Chris Madsen is some improved from his re cent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson and Mrs. Gertie Adair attended the card party at St. Joseph’s Hall in Emmet Sunday evening. Glenn White and Harvey Han sen helped stucco the milk house at Louis Burgetts Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilman and Sherry, Omaha, spent the week on vacation here with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman. Mrs Harold Fullerton and Mrs Orland Fryrear, Amelia teachers, attended teachers insti tute at Norfolk Friday. Irvin Forbes was in Montana several days last week to buy cattle Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Burgett were visiting their daughter. Mrs. Jerry Cuddy and family in O'Neil! Tuesday. Mrs Maude Forbes went home with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs and family. Rose. Sunday evening Mrs. Forbes son, Roy Forbes, has been a patient in Grand Is land Veterans hospital and they planned to visit him there. Mr nd Mrs. Ernest Johnston, Richard Wehland and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry visited Mr. and Mrs Howard Berry at their home in O'Neill Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson. Shenandoah, la., spent the week end with his brother and sister in-law, Mr and Mrs. Oscar Pet erson The men folks went to 9argeant early Sunday morning to hunt and the ladies went in the afternoon and visited her brother Emil Wolfe. Mrs. Edith Andersen was a Sunday dinner guest with Mrs. Gertie Adair. Dorsey News Ity Mrs. Harold Osborn Mrs. R. L. Hughes and Mrs. Harold Oslxjm were callers at the Harold Hansen home Wed nesday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Phil Doty, Ind ianola, la., Mr. and Mrs. Loren Oldaker were guests at the Anna Carson home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Knaub and daughter, Norfolk, visited in the home* of Mr and Mrs Orton Young* and Mr and Mrs Roger Rosenkrans. Mrs Claude Pickering and Va laura, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Doty and Mr. and Mrs lxiren Okiaker were Thursday overnight guests at the Edwin Tuche home They drove to Lynch Friday to at tend homecoming. Mrs. Elizabeth Hoolc, Omaha, aunt of Thomas Hiscocks, passed away Friday. Hurial was Monday at Omaha Mrs R. L. Hughes called at the Oslorn home Monday afternoon to visit Mrs. Vernon Oleaon and Mrs Harold Osborn. Sgt and Mrs. Vernon Olesoo and son. Walter Johnson, Waynes ville, Mo., arrived Friday eve ning. Enroute they picked up Rutii Osliom at Wayne so they could get to visit with tier a few hours. Mr. and Mrs Don Puckett, Da vid Ray and Mrs. I^eta Miles. Lincoln, were Sunday dinner guests at the John Derickson home. Harold Osborn took Ruth back to Wayne Sunday afternoon. > E Bankefslifemcm — I Ernie Brinkman IV *TKIV«*OV Alx>ut a Hired Man Insurance Policy •AHKIHic^COMNWY Discount Special! MEN'S Briefs | "T" Shirts NOW! Men's size 30-40 Briefs — S-M-L "T" Shirts Mylon reinforced necks on "T" Shirts. Reg. 69c ea. Save at GAMBLES in O'Neill ___ _ i A RECORD OF PROGRESS.... . . the issue in this gubernatorial campaign is whether or not our PROGRAM FOR PROGRESS will be allowed to be completed. The practical answer is on the side of con tinuing the present administration which has now accomplished so much for Nebraska . . . all within the framework of a REDUCED OVER ALL STATE TAX MILL LEVY.” • HIGHWAYS During the past two years, the greatest highway construc tion program in state history has started—a 20 per ^ent increase in actual miles under construction. • INDUSTRY 44 new industries during the past 18 months—the start of a program to materially assist in the state’s attracting even more new payrolls, providing more employment opportunities. • AGRICULTURE Nebraska’s research program has placed the state in the unchallenged lead in the nation in industrial uses of farm products—19 more programs are in various stages of development. • TOURISM Millions of new dollars have come into Nebraska through its tourist development program. NEBRASKAland as a vacation-land has been opened to all of America to enjoy. **. . . among the most outstanding contributions of the Morrison Administration to state progress is the alerting of thousands of Nebraskans to two intangible requirements for progress— 1. RE-AWAKENED STATE PRIDE IN NEBRASKA, f. BELIEF IN NEBRASKA’S CAPACITY FOR GREATNESS ” J Sgt and Mrs Vernon Oicaon and Neil and Walter Johnson, Waynesville, Mo. were Sunday dinner guests at the Charley Ole son home at Geddes. S. D Com picking ts progressing in this community, some field- are turning out pretty well wrttiU* others are finding some soft or wet com Mr and Mrs Leman Huber were Thursday evening callers at the Harold Osborn nome Sgt arul Mr* Vermin Olewm and Nell, Walter Johnson and Mrs Harold Os lorn were Wed nesday evening »up{M-r guests at the T J and Howard Graham iHJtne Mr* H L. Hughes drove to O'NeiU Thursday to met-i her grandson. 1 >onakj Stauffer who arrived to spend a few day* at their home during teachers con vention. Mr and Mr* (Jordon Barta were O'Neill show**™ Thursday Mrs Lrla Miles and Linda Mere visiting In Hus community this weekend Mr. ami Mrs Marvin tirobny and family were lynch shopper* Saturday Mm Howard Graham attend ed a party at the* lule Hessen home Thursday evening Sgt and Mrs Verts n Oleann ami Nell ami Walter JuhnaMt, Wiyimy tile. Mo departed tiar honw Thursday morning after •tatiling several days vUltine turd hunting In South I >*kota Mr and Mrs Otto Hiutrko vuutod at tire lonnard Itiuirtui Itome Sunday Mr and Mm Holland Hiighmi amt family, Norfolk, visited at the ft l. Hughe* home Sunday Charge It at Gambles! ] O'Nnill, Nebraska Blanket Bargain t Regular Price 4.98 r M36 ( 3 ladies Vinyl SNO BOOTS q SIZES 5-9 277 BUY! Leather-look vinyl. Pile ‘■•iff. flannel line*!, i; j am -~Y Misses Smart Plaid I COATS Buy on Lay-Away 19” : SIZES 8-18 ’ ! 'tcring A-line style with - -up chin collar. Inter " ^ned. or Kreen M<M»I plaid ^ r'5% Wool-5% Rayon "LACKS Cute & Cozy Warm E 198 I sizes tr 8-14 E Cotton flannels in dainty flor 1 or novelty prints. Big boys! Ijjjj m 0M *- Soft vinyl wipe* clean. ■M| " Sbcrjm pile lining. Buy: j^Boy*' Vinyl Caps ... 1.49 I Boys' Flannel Pajamas E Assorted Patterns F 279 t SIZES I 8-16 I Sizes 4-10 . 1.98 I I*uHover styles. Sanforized. j