The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 01, 1962, Image 2
Inman News By .Mr». .)itim-M .Mc.MiUuuj Keith Kivett, Wayne college student, spent the weekend vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Kivett. Mrs. Clarence Juracek and family, Norfolk, spent Saturday and Sunday morning visiting Mrs. Juracek's mother, Mrs. Ray Siders. Inman Workers Project club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Lewis F. Kopecky. A lesson on Kitchen Cabinets was given by Mrs. Kenneth Coventry and Mrs. Leo Harte. Mrs. Howard Clark, Mrs. Norbert Clark and Mrs. Helmer Wkltfeldt joined the club at this time. Mrs. Kopecky served ‘lunch at the close of the afternoon. Mrs. Ray Siders accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder, O’Neill visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miner, Laurel, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wrede and family, O’Neill, were Inman vis itors Sunday afternoon. Pack 283 of Inman went to O’ Neill after school Friday to tour the O'Neill public library. The theme this month is “Heroes in Books”. Miss Bernadette Brennan had a most interesting display for the scouts featuring books about heros. Mrs. Tompkins and Mrs. Keil each read a story to the scouts and all were encour aged to t«Jfe books home. Thir teen boys were present. Dens I and held their regular meeting Monday afternoon at the Helmer Widtfeldt home, l^en I members talked over their achievement program and Den II members studied material to earn Bobcat badges. Cub Scout pack leaders meet ing was held at the Harvey A. Tompkins home Tuesday evening. Present were Scout committee, den mothers and other leaders of cub scout program for Inman community. The Inman Boy Scout troop held a pancake supper Monday evening, Oct. 29th at the school house. This money realized, will ELECT CHARLES R. (Chuck) FOX Republican Candidate for HOLT COUNTY ASSESSOR Your vote appreciated at the General Election, Tuesday, Nov. 6 **★**★★*★*** He is FOR it Balanced Federal budget M .. * Reduced National debt D°Ve Mart,n it Unmuzzled military tl • Af* AlklCT it Realistic eg program that will lie IS AU7/t//)lO/ WOrlt , if Socialized Medicine it Monroe Doctrine it End monopoly in labor unions ★ B,» c#n,ri1 Government it Elimination of foreign economic ★ Government in business give-aways * Scheme, of socialistic I if Elimination 09 Communism planners who would re* from Cube due* U.S. to welfare state* CxperJeoee Counts SSAETTN-for-Confress COMM, W. D. Richardson, Treasurer, KssRuy, Itstm ★★★★★★★★★★★★ See the Newest in Stylish FALL SHOE FASHION NATURALIZE!? New Cornell style featuring the new Bruno Brown or Black stylish walking heel A & M Shoe Store 421 East Douglas Phone 139 be used to carry on the scout pro gram. An attentive audience of about 40 members and friends heard Senator Frank Nelson, O’Neill, explain the 7 proposed amedn menu to the state constitution at the regular meeting of the In man Community club Monday evening at the Inman school house. woCS of the Inman Methodist church held their regular meet ing Thursday afternoon at the church annex. Mrs. Wilbur Brown gave the devotions. Puns were made to serve pie and cof fee on Friday, Nov. 2 at the Loren Libby sale east of Inman. Plans were also made for the an nual bazaar nd dinner to be held at the annex on Saturday, Nov. 10. Florence Malone, Aitadena, Calif., spent the weekend visiting Mildred Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and family visited Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rickard, Chambers. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Slides and sons, North Platte, spent the weekend visiting Mrs Sholes’ mo ther, Mrs. Amelia Moore. Lynch News By Mrs. Fred King CUB SOt)UTS On October 24 dens I and II of pack 284 held their monthly I pack meeting at the new gymna- J sium. The October theme is “Her oes in Bodes’’. The meeting was opened by a parade of cubs with masks made from paper bags. Many were us ed on Halloween. Cubs and all present sang the Star Spangled Banner. Each cub from Den I acted out a pantomine of their story book heroes and the audience guessed j their identity. Den 2 acted out a skit on heroes in books and had two puppet acts. The following cubs received awards which were given to them by their parents. William Muller, David, Ralph and Roger Lee, Ro ger and Robert Hill, Robert Dahl- j berg, David Barnes, Bruce Coy ine, Tommy Thomson and Tim- j my Davy. Miss Stenger Wed Kathleen Stenger, Omaha, was united in marriage to Gary Boet tcher, Omaha, Saturday, Oct. 27 at 10 a.m. at the Holy Family Catholic church, Lindsay. Father G. Miergard preformed the dou ble ring ceremony. Kathleen is a sister of Mary Jo Stenger. Mary Jo left Friday morning to spend the weekend at the William Stenger home and attend the wedding. Mrs. Mary Volquardsen and Johnny and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Podany and Dick, all of Verdigre were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reno Boelter. Janice Crawford, Omaha, spent the weekend at home. Steven Crawford is sick with the mumpsi. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coleman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Crawford, 9teven and Janice on Sunday. Mrs. Edith Rutledge, O’Neill, was a inner guest of Mrs. Fred King and boys Sunday. Mrs. Rut ledge and Mrs. King visited Sun day afternoon with Mrs. Jerry Sixta and other relatives at the Willard Teadke home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Huber and family came Saturday morning from Rapid City for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le man Huber. They returned home on Sunday. Mrs. Elsie Tuch and Mrs. Joe Vitema called at the Jim Svatus home Monday. Mrs. Dale Pierce, Mrs. Ora i Barnes. Mrs. Walter Bond accom The Frontier On Sale each Thursday morning at Safeway Store — O'Neill Golden Hotel — O’Neill Stannard’s Superette — O’NeiH O'Neill Drug — O’Neill Devoy Drug — O’Neill Johnson Drug — O’Neill Wilson Drug — Atkinson Munn’s Store — Ewing McGraw’s Store — Inman Nrwhouse Sundries—Chamoers Miller Bros. — Orchard . INSURE HONESTY AND INTEGRITY IN STATE GOVERNMENT RAY C JOHNSON STATE AUDITOR j REPUBLICAN 3om in Ockland, Nebraska, of Swedish parents Roy C. Johnson bos mode a dis tinguished career as Auditor of Public Accounts. In the past 23 years he has; • Installed a uniform accounting system. • Adopted modem methods of regis tering and canceling public bonds • Recruited and trained an efficient staff of accountants bcsed solely on obility. • Worked constantly for modem and efficient financial records for all State ogencies. • For mcny years Ray Johnson has audited the books of State and County officials including the Uni versity of Nebraska and the Nor mal schools with efficiency and ability. • Public officials, newspapers, busi nessmen have commented that, "In Ray Johnson's office, efficiency is not just a slogan - but a reality." pan led Mrs Jerry Sixta home to Minnesota for a visit this week. Mr. and Mrs Alvin Higgins left for their home Monday morning Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mueller, Mike and John. Ottowa, Kan., came Friday to attend the funer al of Mrs. Wallace Courtney and visit at the Thomas J. Courtney and the Thomas H. Courtney homes. They returned home Mon day morning. Doctor John Gaskill, Omaha, Nebr., is substituting this year for Dr. David while he and Mrs. David are attending the Omaha Midwest Clinical 9ociety meeting. Mrs. Jerry Sixta, Minnesota, came for the funeral of her sis ter, Mrs. Wallace Courtney which was held on Saturday. Mrs. Dale Pierce, Mrs. Ora Barnes, Mrs. Walter Bond, ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Higgins here Friday from the west coast to attend their sisters, Another Colorama Adventure with I):titny Usku “Nebr. to Alaska and back” ASH GROVE HALL Sun., Nov. 4—8 p.m. Adm. SI- 50c—25c Also: Drawing for Ash Grove Auxiliary QuiH 1 Mrs. Wallace Courtney, funeral Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Alvin Higgins were house guests of Mr and Mrs. E. K Darnell over the weekend They were here from Washington to attend the funeral of Mr. Higgtn^ sister, Mrs Wal lace Courtney Holds Parish Mission From Nov. 4 to 11 a parish mis sion will be held at the Lynch BVM Assumption church. Father John McNally, pastor of St. Wil liam’s Parish of Niobrara will be the guest speaker. Evening ser vices will start at 8 There will be an evening High Mass from Mon day to Saturday The sr. Methodist Youth Fel lowship held their regular meet | ing at the church last Sunday evening. The tenon was given by Jean Mulhair and Sharon Chruk tensen. Teenage problems were discussed A surprise birthday lunch was served. A surprise birthday lunch was served by Connie Bowlby. Jean Mulhair,1 Shlene Johnson and Sharon Chris-j tensen in honor of Mrs Bill Blacks birthday. Iro and Lillian Clark, Administrators, Announce the opening of JJlanor f?all Tilden, Nebr. NURSING AND CONVALESCENT HOME Ground level—no steps. Fire-resistive construction. Private and two bedrooms. Every room with toilet i and lavatory. Spacious grounds. 52 Beds. State approved. Non-sectarian. Occupancy Nov. 15, 1962. Write Manor Hall, P.O. Box 278, Tilden, Nebr. I I Jack I Elliott Candidate for Re-election BOARD of REGENTS University of Nebraska Non-Partisan Ballot Has served on the Board of Regents during the pas' I six years in which the University has made outstand ing progress. Now President of the Board. YOUR VOTE WILL BE APPRECIATED MEYERS MIDWEST CONTINUE THEIR . . . You still have time to get in on the bargains offered during our Fall Bonus Days event and reap a harvest of values for your home. Here are only a few of the many items listed at starting prices for the thrifty homemaker. Come in today and see how well we can serve you. CARPETS View Our Most Complete Lines in this area and 'Compare' Hundreds of samples and rolls to choose from 103% Viscose-Rayon Tweed Pile with foam rubber back . 3®® sq. yd* 100% Filament Nylon — Long wearing Special Purchase — Compare at 9.95 sq. yd. 588 sq. yd. *00% All Wool — Heavy weight — Long wearing, rich looking. Was 11.75 . 888 For a square deal have us figure your Ca-pet Needs today — We'll save you money GUARANTEED INSTALLATION LIVING ROOM FEATURING FAMOUS MASTERCRAFT 2- Pc. Sofa and Chair Set_ 11988 Nylon cover foam cushions BEDROOM BY AMERICA'S FINEST MANUFACTURERS 3- pc. Suite. Double Dresser, ... 8988 Mirror, Chest, Bookcase Bed, Walnut finish MATTRESS & BOX SPRINGS Guaranteed by Meyers Midwest and Makers SERTA ALL STAR. 2995 INNERSPRING MATTRESS OR BOX SPRING WE GIVE TOP VALUE STAMPS Dinette Chairs Heavy Chrome Chairs yf 88 ea. Limit 4 to a customer Step Tables Walnut Finished /y 88 ea. Reg. 7.95 Bumper Sofa Nylon Cover Brown — Beige — Turq. 8988 TV Trays Set Of 4 Trays And Storage Rack 588 Bissefl Upholstery Shampoo Kit Reg. 2.98 £88 DINETTES By Brody - And Others FORMICA TOP TABLES - PLASTIC COVERED CHAIRS - MANY SIZES TABLE with 4 chairs .only 39.88 TABLE with 6 chairs .only 69.88 CRIBS 6 Yr. Old — Hardwood Crib And Spring — Drop Side .only 14.88 6 Yr. Old — Wet Proof Mattress .... 5.88 Cosco Folding Hi-Chairs Reg. 17.95 .now 12®® Headquarters for HOOVER SWEEPERS and DISPOSAL BAGS for all makes I CHAIRS And ROCKERS By Mastercraft - Berkline - And Others OCCASIONAL CHAIRS ia# Walnut Arms - Plastic Cover .. 1988 W* ,OFfer A F,ne Selec,,on <* Reel,ner* With Extra Fine Covers. OCCASIONAL CHAIRS CTADTI1U^ at ^qo Barrel Style . 2788 STARTING AT . 3988 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE Meyer’s Midwest FURNITURE & FLOOR COVERING West O'Neill FREE DELIVERY Phone 526