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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1962)
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper __ Volume 82—Number 26 _ O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, October 18, 1962 tgV>n Page Newt By Mn. Bee Asher The Rev. and Mrs. Lisle Mew maw, Clem, Paul and Renee, Ne. ligh, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Soren sen. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Anthony and family, Scotia, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs Otto Mat schullat. On Sunday the Dale Matschullat joined the group for dinner. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Harold Heiss were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and boys and Mr and Mrs. Larry Heiss and Nadine to celebrate Mrs Ross Fink's birthday. She has been here for a few days. Mr and Mrs. “Bod" lekes and Alices Beauty Shop 325 E. Dougina Hi. Phone 2*3 Complete Beauty Service __Slimliner_Reducing Machine Paul Shierk IN8ITRANCE AGENCY O'NEILL, NEBR Insurance of All Kinds Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trow bridge and their families visited relatives m Carroll and a cou sin who is visiting from Califor nia. Mrs Finn Landreth, Thayer, la., spent Wednesday and Thurs day visiting her granddaughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon. Friday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. N. D Ickes were Mr and Mrs. Don Malmberg, Gor don, Mrs Soren Sorensen jr., and Kandy, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ickes, Bruce and Lee. The Malmbergs were enroute to Grand Island, then on to Lincoln to attend the football game and visit some friends. They will return to their home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher and family, Marlene DeVon and Di ane Kemper and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and girls were all Sun day supper guests of Mrs. Frieda Asher. After supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher ami family, Atkinson. It was to cele brate Frieda’s 74th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher, Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher, Mr and Mrs. William Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher all of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher, At kinson, were Saturday night sup per guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Cal vin Harvey. Cards were played with prizes going to Bill Sorensen, Don Nissen, Kenneth Asher, Mrs. Bill Sorensen and Mrs. Harold Asher. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harmon and family and Mrs. Finn Landreth, Thayer, la., were Sunday dinner WENTWORTH GOLDEN HEREFORDS Welling Bassett, Nebraska 37 Big Bugged Bulls. Bent Ever. 10 choice open yearling heifers — 23 extra good cows 22 bull and heifer spring calve* Monday, October 22nd, 1962 Sires of yearling hulls and heifers CK CKATO 148: Top of the CK 1957 spring sale. Yellow, good headed, enormous body on short legs and weighs over a ton. His calves have topped our sales for the last 3 years. 13 of his sons selling in this sale. GOLDEN GRAND 4: A thick massive heavy boned son of VVS Pioneer 67 for which we paid Wm. Schudel $4250. His calves are good big yellow and heavy boned. He also has 13 sons selling. WGH LUM 11: He is a son of CK CKATO 148: Has great depth, a beautiful coat golden hair, Very smooth, and weighs over a ton. 7 of his sons sell. /VMtrr* _II:_ _ ■ cAuti guuu «nu neany an yeiiow. l ney are regular breeders and their sons have sold up to $1200. None have ever produced a dwarf & guaranteed not to from present mating. Gilves: From them can be selected choice yellow replacement heifers and bulls for future use. Hannah and Hues of Brewster. Nebraska bought two bulls of us. After using one three summers and the other two summers they sold in their October 1st dispersion sale for $5750 which was $3550 more than they paid for them. We think you too will find our sales a good place to buy bulls. Come have a look. Auctioneer — Robert Scgnell Write for catalogue F. E. and Artice Wentworth, Mills, Nebr. SALE AT BASSETT I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milu Lan dreth. Mr. and Mrs Robert Nissei and family and Mr and Mrs Charles Sorensen, Georgia am Cheri, Grand Island, were Sue day dinner guests of Mr ani Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr The oc casion was the birthday of Mrs Nissen. Afternoon callers weri Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sorensen am family, Creighton, Mr and Mrs William Sorensen and family am Mr. and Mrs. “Jr” Sorensen am family. They all remained foi lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmor tertained Mr. and Mrs. Keitl Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs, Darrel Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Warrei Cronk, Mr. and Mrs, Richarc Heiss and Mr. and Mrs. Kennetl Heiss at an ice cream party oi Tuesday night. NOK club met on Thursday with Mrs. James Stewart. Thi eight members and one guest Mrs. Hester Edmisten spent thi afternoon socially. Mr and Mrs. Duane Finch at tended the 35th wedding anniver sary of her parents, Mr. am Mrs. Henry Gerdes, Osmond. Mmes. Anton Nissen, P. E. Nis sen, H. G. Kennedy, Emma Kem per, Hester Edmisten and Mai Copes and Miss Grace Zeller helped Mrs. Frieda Asher cele brate her birthday on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor am family, Scottsbluff, spent from Thursday to Sunday visiting theii parents, the Raymond Taylor anH thr» .1 W Finrhpc Superintendent Allan Gross announced the following were eligible to take the University of Nebraska regent exams on November 7th. They are Bruce Bowen, Bonnie Heiss, Caroline Max, Connie Nissen and Dick Linder. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Kennetl Heiss and family, Mrs. Ethe Waring and Mrs. Alta Fincl spent Sunday in Omaha visitinj Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Waring. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher ant girls and Marlene DeVon and Di ane Kemper were Sunday dinnei guests of Mrs. Frieda Asher. Cub scouts met on Tuesday with Mrs. Carl Max. The younj. folks and their leaders tourec the fire house and Donald Snydei explained the workings of the fire engine and also what to do ir case of a fire. The theme for Oc tober is “Using the Library’’ Each boy told about the book he took home at the last meet ing under the heading of "H -jes in Books’’. WSCS began the study perioc on Monday of “The Rim of East Asia” with Mrs. Edgar Stauffei as the teacher from 9 to 10:3C every morning, this week. During church services on Sun day, Diane Kemper, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kempei and Sandra Alberts, daughter o: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alberts join ed the Methodist church wit! Rev. Robert Linder, officiating. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. C. E. Walker were Mr and Mrs. John Walker, Norfolk and Mrs. James McNally, Colo KUBIK CLOSING OUT KUBIK Farm Sale At the farm located from O’Neill 11 miles east. 10 north, 3 east and 1 north . . . OR . . . from Red bird 10 south, 4 east and 1 north . . . OR . . . from Verdlgre 15 west, 2 north, (Watch for Farm Sale arrows) on . . . MONDAY. OCT. 22 Sale starts 11:30 a.m. Lunch at Sale 360 ACRES LAND 170 acres under cultivation and in alfalfa. Rest is pasture, hay meadow and buildings. Best rota tion pLuis have been followed. Place is well fenced and cross fenced, water to yards, pasture across road and dwelling. On REA. good phone, only 2 miles from new school. Ed Thorin. O’Neill, licensed real estate broker and auctioneer. LIBERAL TERMS. OWNER WANTS SMALL DOWN PAYMENT AND WILL CARRY BALANCE. 87 HEAD OF CATTLE 17 black milk cows, two heifers coming with 1st and 2nd calves, 17 spring calves, registered Angus bull. Also 50 Angus cows, some purebred, consigned by E. J. Re veil. FULL LINE GOOD MACHINERY This line of machinery is in excellent condition ani is well worth your inspection. See large bill for listing. Also poultry and euipment, S brooder hou-es. hay and grain and household goods as well as a big collection of shop tools and miscellaneous articles. TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until settled for JOE AND ROSE MMm AND GEORGE I%.UBIK Ed Thorin, O'Neill, and Rudloff First National Bank Bros., Verdigre, Auctioneers of O'Neill, Clerk rado. Mr and Mrs. Dale Stauffer ) spent a few days in Grand Is land On Friday they attended the national corn picking contest On Saturday they attended the Nebraska Methodist Layman’s Conference where Mr William Sullivan of the FBI was the prin cipal speaker. They were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hotz, Mrs. Hotz and Mrs Stauf fer are sisters. The Stauffers re turned home on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Jessie Kelly were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. i and Mrs. Bernard Grimes, Cham i bers. I Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith, i Neligh, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Earl i Stevens. In the afternoon they i all visited Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wrede. Mrs. William Baum and Deb ( bie, Lincoln, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George ■ Clasey. Mr. and Mrs. George Hegge meier, Orchard, Mrs. Anna Thompson and A 1/c and Mrs. I Darrell Grass and family were Wednesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Grass. Alter sup per Mr. and Mrs. Lyle French ■ and baby were callers. On Friday the Darrell Grasses left for Mas sachusetts where he will be sta tioned. I Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Riege were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Clasey. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorensen and family, Creighton, were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen. About 515 received their Sabin Oral Polio Vaccine on Sunday cit wie rdg e ivieuiuuisi cnurcn. This was type II, the last in the series of three. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Caster, , Sterling, Colo., Mrs. Anna Smith i and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, | Inman were Sunday dinner guests i of Mr and Mrs. Melvin Smith. Mrs. Edgar Stauffer spent from Tuesday to Friday at Kear ney and attended the State Con vention of the WCTU. Mrs. Stauf fer was re-elected the state re cording secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Fred 9chinck, Brunswick, and Mrs. Ben Asher were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer. Af ter supper Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Ben Asher and Debbi joined the group to help Mr. Swit zer celebrate his 75th birthday. Mrs. Dora Townsend is spend ing a few days with Mrs Sarah Adams, Chambers. The ladies spent one day last week visiting Mrs. Lybolt in Brunswick. Mrs. Townsend, who is over 80, still drives her own car. The ladies also spent a day visiting with Mrs. Allan Haynes, Page. Mr. and Mrs. George Pongratz, O’Neill, and Mr and Mrs. Dan Troshynski, Page, visited Sun day with Miss Martha Johring, O’Neill. A film “Salute to Courage” tell ing of the work of the Good Will Industries was the highlight of the School of Mission study at the Methodist church on Sunday. The film emphasized our mis sion to the physical handicap. The opening devotion was given by the 7th and 8th grades Sunday school class which is taught by Bud Ickes and Kenneth Heiss. Hostesses for the coffee hour were the WSCS. Sunday “Mental Health” will be the main topic. The children of the Inman church will have the de votions. The Page MYF will be coffee hosts. ,_ A surprise birthday card party was given in honor of Mrs Frie da Asher at the tiome of Mrs Ethel Park. Those surprising Mrs Asher were Mmes. Leila Snell, Eva Gray, Ethel Waring. Hester Edmisten, Elsie Cork and Alta Finch. RNA Kensington met Wednes day with Mrs. Esther Waring The afternoon was spent inform ally. The senior class of the IIS held a slave auction Wednesday tught on the bandstand in town The sale of the 15 seniors, 11 girls and four boys realized $124. Bid or Bye Club met Wednes day with Mrs. Frank Cronk Bridge was played with Mrs. Cronk winning high Mrs George Clasey was a guest. Mrs. Lee Fink was hostess to the Neighborhood club when it met with her on Wednesday. Her guests were Mrs. Richard Her nandez and Mrs. Roy Grubbs. A surprise baby shower was giv en to Mrs. Hernandez. Mrs. Lou ise Heese won the special prize Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Fusselman jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ash er and family were Tuesday sup per guests of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman. After supper friends and neighbors charivaried the young Fusselmans. Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss were Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes, Mr. and Mrs. John Gray, Mrs. Mae Copes and Mrs. Icie Snyder. Stuart News By Mrs. Herb HUIa Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heyne, Omaha, returned home Sunday afternoon. Timmy Heyne remain ed for the week with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Van Cleave. Alberta Hoffman spent Wed nesday evening until Saturday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman and girls. Scottie Halligan was a Sunday overnight guest of his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin VanCleave and Patty were Mr. and Mrs. John Maul, Om aha and Mr. and Mrs. Andy An drews, Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heyne and family, Omaha, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Er vin VanCleave and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heyne, Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Windel and daughter, California, a cousin of Mrs. Jim Hoffman, spent Fri day night with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and Danny. They are here visiting Mrs. Wendell’s mother, Mrs. Bertha Foss, who is now in the hospital. Albert Kirstead, Norfolk, was a Monday overnight guest of Mrs. Katie Papke. Mrs. Clayde Brainard was a Friday evening caller of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and Danny. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamik were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schneider, O’ Neill. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Katie Papke were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman, Darlene and Dan ny, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Papke and family, Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson and family, Burke, S. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman and girls. Darlene Hoffman, Lincoln, spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoff Fall Items CORN STORAGE Grain Bins - Sioux Corn Cribs - Sioux Slat Cribbing Wire Cribbing Rough Boards Strongbarn Roofing I Tunnels - Ventilators - Cement Everything to repair that Corn Crib and Granary Lumber - Shingles - Blocks TWO LOCATIONS West Lumber Coal Co. Page, Nebr. Ewing, Nebr. ■9 man and other relative*. Weekend guests in the Ernetf Greenfield home were Mr and Mrs Art Greenfield. Grand Junction, Coki. Mr and Mrs Floyd Young. Elsworth, Kan , were recent Sun day dinner gueat* at the Ernest Greenfield home. They came to get acquainted with their new granddaughter. Mrs Leota Foltz spent Thurs day in Omaha having an eye ex aminatron. Sunday dinner guests al the William Gillispie home were Mr> Mildred McCartney ami Mrs Bes sie Gettert. In the afternoon Mrs Gillispie and daughter and the ladies took a sight seeing drive to Springview. Sunday guests uf Mr. and Mrs Ernest Greenfield, Mrs Leota Foltz, Mrs. Larry Young and family were Mr and Mrs Walt Coulthard, Ainsworth Mrs. Ernest Smith and Mrs Roy Farr of Newport were vis itors one day last week in the Ernest Greenfield home Mr. and Mrs Ward Dyer spent Sunday at the Glen Haugen home, Newport. Timmy and Brenda 9ue, child ren of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Friedel, spent Thursday with their grand parents, Mr and Mrs John Frie del. Mrs. Ida Steinhauser was a Wednesday evening caller of Mr and Mrs. John Friedel. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. John Friedel were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Friedel and fam- \ ily. Mr. and Mrs. John Friedel were Monday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Don Moss. -- ROYAL THEATRE Thurs. Oet. 1H Family Night “MEET ME AT THE FAIR” Fri.-Sat. Oet. 19-20 “JACK THE GIANT KIIJ.EH” Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Oet. 21 22-23 "HEMINGWAY’S ADVENTURE OF A YOUNG MAN” — Wed.-Thurs. Oct. 24-23 Family Night “PRIVATE LIFE OF MAJOR BENSON” " 11 11 1,11 4 II . Mr and Mrs R E Chaney and family. Ainaworth, attended the St. Boniface Baiaar Sunday eve rung Saturday overnight guest of Mrs Elsie Sweet was her son, Dr. Edward Sweet. Burke. S. D , Sunday overnight guesla were Mrs Mildred North and Bill SaferviUe. Kan. and Mrs Arthur Sweet, Newton, Kan They all attended the funeral of Herbert Sweet Sunday Also attending were Clarence Sweet and Dale. Grand Island. Mrs 1 auu* Dnskili and Mrs K<iae Hovey spent a week visit mg Mrs. DnskiU’s daughters, Alice Reliands and family. Stan ton. and Mr. and Mrs Harold Treiber. Mapleton, la They ulso visited in Danbury, la Mrs Huv ey had a checkup by her doc tor in Sioux City. They returned home lost Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bigelow, Pacific Palisades, Calif . have been visiting the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Dana Bigelow and George. They will leave Thurs day for home. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Rose Hovey were Mrs Archie Bright and children and Mrs l.ixiie Uriah ill Afternoon taller* were Mr and Mr* Hit hard Ho vey and Hobby and Archie Hrtgbi of O NeiU lalrr In the afternoon they all trialled the new home being built by Mi and Mrs Wil bur Moon *.>uth of Stuart Weitneaday murmng caller* <4 Mr and Mr* Richard Hovry and Mi nnd Mra Archie Bright were Mr and Mr* Clarence Sandal! and Mr* Nooe Hovry IOOF IXHH.K NO. SI meets every Wednesday ai 8 p m All member* are urged to be present Vl»lting Odd Fallows welcome tf Locksmithing (irnrr*l Hr pul ring of loM-ha o| All Hind* Oar* • llotuen - IlMlBCMn So - Joseph P. Shannor Its Ho «th O’Neill When You Buy That 1963 AUTO Come To Us For A LOW INTEREST BANK LOAN O'NEILL NATIONAL BANK "The Friendly Bank" c DONALD'S J. M. MCDONALD CO. WOMENS WOOL i COATS 1 Spectacular savings as timely fl as they are terrific! m -t" Values to $3095 Shop now! Take advantage of the savings we madr on our Special Purchase of fine coats. Eight smart styles in five of the season s most popular fabrics. Colors are specially selected top fashion shades in both solid color wools and attractive tweeds and plaids. Milium'*; lining is guaranteed for die life of the garment, g-lg.