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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1962)
Emmet And Community I>ulur«M lunnuder All of Henry Kloppenborg'• children and grandchildren call <>d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wayman and family. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Kloppenborg and family, Mr and Mrs. Elwin Kloppen borg, Cozad, Mr. and Mrs. Ai Kloppenborg and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kloppenborg, both of Emmet and Mr. and Mrs. George Pierson and boys, Sinclair, Wyo. South Side Club South Side club met at the home of Mrs. Leon Beckwith, Tuesday, Oct. 9 with eight mem bers present and two guests, Ag nes Gaffney and Mrs. Rex Beck with. Club voted to give $5 to the G<xxi Samaritan home in Atkin son. Harry Garvin, Mitchell, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Beckwith Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Beckwith w re business callers in Minne sota Tuesday and Wednesday. Their boys stayed with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith. Mrs. Kenny Ruggless and Ron nie were supper guests Monday at the home of Mrs. Florence Abart. Kenny and Dercy attended a dinner at the Tropical Gardens. Mrs. Joe Pongratz visited her mother, Mrs. Agnes Heeb at O’ Neill Saturday and also at the home of Mrs. George Babl. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and Dick, Mike Grutsch and Mrs. Jim McNulty, O’Neill spent Sat urday in Lincoln. Dick attended the Nebraska and North Carolina football game and the rest visited John Grutsch at the Veteran* hospital. John was much unprov ed but will be there for some time. Mike Grutsch is his son and Mrs. Pongratz and Mrs. Mc Nulty are his sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Babl, Jeanette and Linda visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Babl Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith took Mr. and Mrs. F. R Young back to their home in Neligh Sunday. Mr ni/1 M.-.- I were Monday night guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Schon. John Tenborg, Wichita, Kan., visited friends and relatives here last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Timmerman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Owi n Parkinson and family, both of O’Neill, were Sunday afternoon guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family. Mrs. John Babl and Colleen, Curtis and Cathy Lynn called at the home of Mis. John Babl sr. Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jansen, Wisconsin, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Timmerman and family, O’Neill, were Wednesday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family. Mrs. Ray Pettinger and Mrs. Joe Pongratz visited Mrs. Earl Houts and Mrs. August Troshyn ski, Atkinson, Thursday after noon. Bernard Pongratz, Charlie Winkler and son, Jerry and De lores Pettinger visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pongratz and Duane on Wednesday. NO TRESPASSING OR HI NTING ON OUR LAND Violators will be prosecuted ED CAVANAUGH Chambers, Nebr. 25-26p Dr. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Ejes Examined—Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Phone 167 — O’Neill. Nebr. Hours 9-5—Mon. thru Saturday Closed Wednesday DR. D. E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Care Contact Lenses Bj Appointment Phone 3101 Si ' Tcer, Nebraska GAS-TOONS —BY— Fritz Bazelman -We have the LATEST EQUIPMENT to service your car” It's not just our equipment. . it's the way we use it that makes happy customers! Bazelman Mobil Service SINCE 1929 Phone S55 Hi way 20 East Mr# John BabI and Luann, Bonnie and Bub Gokie, Atkinson, visited at the home of Mrs. Ag ues H'-eb, O’Neill, Wednesday af ternoon. Dick Pongratz spent Thursday and Friday in Omaha visiting hu biotiier, Morris at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom McVay. Mr. and Mrs W. P. Dailey, O Neill, visited friends in Emmet last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brasee, Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGinnis, Mike and Scott, Win ner, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cole and lamily for the weekend. Mrs. George Shaid, Judy, Pat ty, LuArin and Jerry, Stuart, vis ited Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ed Winkler and Mary Alice, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Babl vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Holz, O’Neill, Thursday. Mrs. James Havranek sr., O’ Neill, spent this last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havra nek. Mrs. Ed Winkler visited her mother, Mrs. Josephine Bruder, Atkinson, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winkler and Mary Alice attended the dinner at St. Boni face parish at Stuart on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcel lus, Nancy and Charlotte were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rentchler, Atkinson. Karen Weller, Atkinson, left Sunday for Omaha, where she will visit her friend, Mary Lou Head. Mary Lewis visited at the home of Mrs. Joe Winkler on Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. John Conard, Mrs. Bud Cole and daughter and Mrs. Georgia McGinnis attended the antique sale at Grand Island Sat urday. Mrs. Elmer Schaaf, Mrs. Al fred 9chaaf and Mrs. Don Klop penborg attended a party at the home of Mrs. Herman Grothe Thursday. Mrs. Elmer Alder’s mother vis ited for the weekend at their - home in Emmet. -— ■■■ 1 Celia News Mrs. Merrill Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer 1 sr. and grandchildren, Barbara and Debra Dobias were in Naper Sunday attending the wedding an- i niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Juracek. Mr. Juracek is a bro ther of Mrs. Meyer. Dorothy Scott was a supper guest Wednesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry. Richard Pallas and Clyde Da vis, Atkinson, were Saturday ~ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. * Victor Frickel and family. Rodney Frickel spent Thursday night with Dick Kilmurry. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson visited Mrs. Anderson’s aunt, Mrs. Hugh Grant. Sunday at the Bassett hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coleman are holding a closing-out sale at their farm this Saturday. They are planning to move to Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer sr. attended the National Corn Picking contest at Grand Island Friday. LeRoy Hoffman attended the FFA Chapter meeting and Green hand initiation Tuesday evening at the Ag shop in Atkinson. Roger j was one of the 22 freshmen in itiated. Mrs. Mark Hendricks and her mother, Mrs. Omer Poynts. re turned home Tuesday from Sioux City following Mrs. Poynts’ re lease from the Methodist hos pital where she had recently un dergone surgery. They were ob liged to return to Sioux City again Thursday to take Mr. Poynts for medical attention. Consultation and medical tests at the Wilson Clinic revealed Mr. Poynts' condition due to a severe trcu miff nun. 1 uc) dii inunifu to Atkinson Friday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and Gary attended the 4-H show and sale at O'Neill Saturday. Gary won a blue ribbon on his lightweight Hereford. Representatives from the Celia 4-H club attending the 4-H leaders banquet at the American Legion Hall in Atkinson Thursday eve ning were Mr. and Mrs. John Schwindt, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence , Focken, Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie, Mrs. Frank Kilmurry and Mr. and Mrs. Thilo Poess necker. Awarded two-year pins were Mrs. Frank Kilmurry. Mrs. Thilo Poessnecker. Mrs. LeRoy ' Hoffman. John Schwindt and Clarence Focken. LeRoy Hoffman of the Celia 4-H club and Mrs. Berl Beck of the Jolly Ramblers each received a 5-year pin for leadership service. Rev. and Mrs. Elmore Blain and sons were Thursday dinner guests at the Leonard Chaffin home. The Staff Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist church Sun day school was held Thursday | evening at the home of Mr and j Mrs. Leonard Chaffin, with the' Rev. Elmore Hlain in charge j Plans were discussed and agreed to conduct a brief devotional period at subsequent conferences Present Thursday evening were the Rev. and Mrs Elmore Hlain, Mme.v Celia Backhaus, Robert Slaymaker. Raymond I»t las, Robert Hendricks, David Ralin. Mr. and Mrs David Adams and Mr. and Mrs Merrill Anderson. The next meeting is scheduled for November 15 with Mr. and Mrs. David Adams. Mr and Mrs. Itaymond Dobias, Calvin and Mike and Beverly Meyer were dinner guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nte rnan and family of Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks, Ft. Collins, Colo., are spending a few days visiting at the Robert and Mark Hendricks homes, and other relatives in the community. Club Notes The Wesleyan Service Guild of the First Methodist church met in the church basement Monday evening for a business meeting. Miss Helen Martens presided. The group agreed to pay $15 toward the expense of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock for their trip to Chicago and $5 each to senior fellowship members attending Camp Comeca Fall Conference. Also to pay the registration fee for Guild members attending the district meeting in Wayne Sun day. Mrs. Esther Harris, Northeast district secretary, Miss Helen Martens, district officer and local Guild president Miss Ramona Waymen and Mrs. Bennett Gil lespie plan to attend the district meeting in Wayne Sunday. The O’Neill Guild will have charge of the pledge service. The Guild attended the mission service in the sanctuary. Dr. Er nest Thomas was the guest speaker. Rev. Robert Peterson, Bassett, had charge of the song service and Rev. Earl O. Hess, Chambers, read the scripture. Too Late to Classify .ANDRACE BOARS FOR SALE — Ready for service, Veterinary Vaccinated for Erysipelas, Hog Cholera and I-epto; guaranteed breeders. Spencer Feed Service. 26tfc ■'OR SALE — 1500 gal. fuel oil tank. Dewain Ulrich, phone 6531, Stuart, Nebr. 26-28c VANTED—Married man with Life Insurance experience for man agers job in Norfolk Large com missions, office, heat and lights furnished. If interested, write or call for appointment. R. F. Gas kill, General Agent, Neligh, Ne braska. 26c 'OR SALE 127 good age Here ford cows; 20 choice young Here ford cows, some with calves; 47 fancy 3 to 5 yr. old Hereford cows; 46 2 & 3 yr. fancy Here ford heifers; 100 choice yearling Hereford bred heifers; 25 fancy 2 & 3 yr. old Angus, bred; 30 choice good age Angus cows; 73 fancy 3 yr. old Angus cows; 42 fancy Hereford bred heifers; 1000 choice Angus bred heifers; 500 choice bred WF heifers; stackers and Feeders, both calves and yearlings. This is only a partial listing. To sell or buy contact. Dayle Hewett, Box 533, Phone 195, O’Neill, Nebr. 26c SELECT USED CARS 957 Ford Fairlane V8, Victoria Hardtop, beautiful black and White color, radio, whitew’alls, this is a sharp car for only $795 955 Chevrolet BelAir 6 cyl., 4 dr., radio, heater, std. transmission, a wonderful school car for $395 950 Chevrolet 34 ton. with 8-ft. comb, box, real good tires, rough tread on rear, a nice size pickup for your farm or ranch for $495 957 Mercury Montclair, 4 dr., se dan, radio, heater, automatic, power steering, power brakes. 2 tone green color, a beautiful to sell for only a fraction of its original cost . $695 THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL L959 Ford Custom 300. V8, 4 dr. sedan, radio, heater, fordomatic, excellent condition, good tires, 2 tone blue, reduced from $1095 for this week's special $895 GONDERINGER MOTOR CO. \tkinson Phone 8311 26p ,VE WISH TO THANK OUR rev ives and friends for the messages )f sympathy we received at the ime of the loss of our baby. Your cindness will always be remem bered. !6p Mr. and Mrs. Tom Langan TO THOSE WHO EXPRESSED :heir sympathy in so many and braetical ways during our recent bereavement, we extend our heart elt thanks. Thank you to our many friends for the sympathy cards, flowers and masses. Your thought fullness will always be remem bered. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shefl jr. 16c and family Paid Political Adv. Paid Political Adv. "Republicans Lose Elections Through Poverty of Workers" "The Republican Party has lost election after election because it has had a poverty of workers,” said Raymond Moley, an editor of News Week Magazine, who spoke in Omaha Tuesday at a luncheon at the Paxton Hotel. The Republican Party doesn’t need to continue to throw elections away, but it can be strong nation ally only if it has vigorous state and local organizations. Many people in this area think Nebraska and Holt County are safely Repub lican, but the facts are that Dem ocrats have been elected governor in the past two elections. Unless Republicans are elected on the local level, there is every likelihood that Nebraska will begin to elect Democrats to the U.S. Senate and House and to cast its electoral votes for Democrats in Presidential elections. The election is less than three weeks away. Your help is needed now to elect Republicans in Holt County and Nebraska. Money is also badly needed by the party. Please fill out the coupon belo%v and send with a dollar or five dollars, or any amount you will, to the Holt County Republican Cen tral Committee. C. E. Spence, Fi nance Chairman. Atkinson. Nebr. Holt Co. Republican Central Com. C. E. Spence, Finance Chm. Atkinson. Nebraska To help elect Republicans to office, I am enclosing mv contribution of $. Name .... Address ... This ad paid for by Bolt County Republican Central Committee, C. E. Spence, Finance Chairman. IIY UKADE «IJ<*ED p||, m DRIED BEEF.3 for $1 C EMM AMD TIECaW ■ BACON.5 lb. Dk. $1 I KKKHH 1 BEEF LIVER.Lb. 39c 1 K|4r*4 iMrbraa M < MjI ■ Loaf . Lb. 49c Pork Chops .. Lb. 39c 1 SHANK PORTION I HAMS Lb. Only I Small Young Tender TURKEYS LB. Tender Juicy U. S. Choice or Armour Star Butt Portion LB. CENTER SLICES I BORDEN'S PHLSBURY BI5IIII1 Kraft 30-ox. pkg. Treats & Carmels . 69c All Flavors Reg- Pkgs. JELLO.11 for $1 Betty Crocker Fkg. ANGEL FOOD ... 49c Zestee lH-ox. jar Peanut Butter ... 29c Blue Bunny Half gallon ICE MILK.49c Zestee Pint jar SALAD DRESSING 25c Premium Pineapple, Apricot 46-ox. cans DRINK.4 for $1 Red Dart 6-ox. can LIMA BEANS.9c VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS Jumbo 2J/2 cans 3 for 69c HEINZ Chicken Noodle Cr. of Mushroom Vegetable Beef *%. m Regular cans 6 $ 1 # STOCKTON CATSUP "J 12-oz. bottles CRISP CARROTS ! CABBAGE cello pkg. j S* $198 J | U>ah Jo"*">an Ij APPLES "• — *•*.$ -- j $PUOs ,00'lb saek I FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 40c Jonathan - Romes Delicious APPLES “*• 15* BLUE BONNET ff OLEO I 4 lbs. $£ 1 ADAMS # ORANGE 5100 | JUICE “ns | I pot ST 10-oz. 00 B PIES Q pkgs- | STRAWBERRIES j 5 10-oz. pkgs. 39c ( We Give 1 TOP VALUE 1 STAMPS ^