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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1962)
Clearwater News Mr*. MistIm Oartrtght Hllnter S-CtM A reception was held Wednes day evening in the school recrea tion room for all teachers in the Cjearwater school. Seventy-five persons were in attendance. Mrs Harold Beringer gave the wel come. Billy Michael and Bonme Rutledge sang a duet, as did Janet Bemnger ami Pamela Rice. Dennis Sanne played an ac cordion solo and the girls quar tet, Chellic Nolze, Cathy Wicgand, Elaine Tinsley and Cheryl Rice sang two selections. Connie Swit zer was accompanist for the girls Group singing was enjoyed Mrs Edward Moser gave two readings, concerning school days of long ago. Alvin Tinsley, pres ident of the school board intro duced Supt. Earl Dasher, who in turn introduced the rest of the school faculty. The Band Spon sors group were in charge of the affair, lunch and a social hour PECANS Per lb. $1.60 For Sale Ity WSCS Ladies Phone >511 or 2H7W_ followed. Mr. and Mr* Charles Curt right sp< nt several days In North Platte visiting Mr and Mrs. Ray Hanks. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ahlers and Mr and Mrs Douglas Hem enway entertained the first meet ing of the YML club in the Ahlers home Monday evening. Five ta bles of ten point pitch was play ed. High scores went to Mrs. Erick Minerich anil Charles Curt right. Low went to Mrs. Claude Schrage, and Mrs. Wallice Twiss was awarded traveling prize. Lunch was served by the hos tesses. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kester are the parents of a daughter born Oct. 9 in the Antelope Memorial hospital at Neligh Sine weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. Amos Switzer arrived home Wednesday after undergoing sur gery in an Omaha hospital Royal News By Mrs. R. J. Bering ROYAL — Mrs. Carrie Abdalla, 84, who sustained a broken left hip when she fell in her home earlier in the week, underwent surgery at the Plainview hospital Saturday morning. The attending surgeon stated she would be on the critical list for several days. Vote For CHRIS McGIMN Republican Candidate FOR SHERIFF OF HOLT COUNTY Your Vote Appreciated At The General Election, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1962 9 O'Neill Chief of Police for 5 years • Holt County Taxpayer 25 years • Holt County Resident 19 years 26-28 /f=\ AGE LIMIT! W' HEALTH EXAM! Write, telephone or visit your Mutual of Omaha Good Neighbor for all the facts about the famous Senior Security plan you’ve heard and read so much aboutl HELPS PAY HOSPITAL - SURGICAL - NURSING HOME EXPENSES! It doesn’t matter about your past or present health—in fact, Senior Security even provides benefits for past ailments that recur after the policy lias been in force just six months! No aee limit, either! Enrollment ends November 15th. Cootact Your Good Neighbor right uom—• Oscar Spitzenberger Phone 623 or 888 O'Neill, Nebraska I | Oscar Spitzenberger I | I on 65 or over, please rvsh details of the j Senior Security plan available In my elate. i Name...... Mutual of Omaha | AAfreee...... Inturance Company j HOME Off ICE | Oy.Zoee.., . ITtltAH^. ...... Mrs. Ahdalla said she had call ed and shouted for three days in an effort to attract attention and during that tune was without food or drink and unable to move When her absence from the yard was noticed by neighbors and nearby relatives, her bro ther Frank Storm, went to the house to investigate She was ta ken to the hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ingram. Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting relatives and friends ui Neligh Orchard, Brunswick and Royal following several years absence At Neligh they were guests of Mr and Mrs. Carl H< menway and Mrs. Guy Richardson, Mrs Justin Richardson, Orchard, who is in her noth year welcomed their visit. Riverside News By Mrs. Lionel Gunter Mrs. Don Larson. Mrs. Lor raine Montgomery, Mrs. Melvin Napier, Mrs. Lynn Fry, Mrs Dade Napier and Mrs. Dave An son, members of the Seek and Share project club, attended the Home Extension Achievement day, Tuesday afternoon in the Ne ligh high school auditorium. Seek and Share Club Mrs. Wayne Fry’ entertained the Seek and Share club at her home Wednesday evening. Mrs . Dale Napier served the lunch. Mrs. Melvin Napier and Mrs. Richard Napier gave the Lesson on care and cleaning of carpets. There were eight members present and one visitor, Mrs. John Pruden. Mrs. Lyle Switzer entertained the Jolly Workers club Ihursday afternoon. Eleven members and three visitors, Mrs. Doug Hem enway, Mrs. Carrie Gibbs and Mrs. Middleton, were present. The ladies quilted and did em broidery work for the hostess. Gordon Shrader called at the Dewitt Hoke home last Sunday afternoon. Phillip, Pat and Robin Mont gomery stayed Monday and Tues day nights with their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery, while their parents were in Lincoln with their daughter, Roberta, who underwent surgery in the orthopedic hospital. Ro berta has been a patient in the hospital since July 3. Clayton Hoke was taken sick last Saturday evening and en tered the Antelope memorial hos pital on Sunday morning. He is under observation. Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Lynn Fry visited Clayton Hoke in Ne ligh hospital Friday afternoon. Lynn and Jack Fry called on him in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McClanna han and family, O'Neill, Mrs. Sturgeon, Council Bluffs, la., Mrs. Norma Woeppel, Cedar Rap ids, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Woep pel, Ericson, Mr. and Mrs. Art Fleming, Minneapolis, Minn., Wal ter Snider, Walter Woeppel, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Woeppel and family, Mrs. Marilyn Burk and children and Marcus Pierson were dinner guests Thursday at the Earl Pierson home. Sherry Switzer was an over night guest of Joan Miller Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier vis ited in Neligh Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Mrs. Kitty Fry and Mrs. Jessie An gus attended graveside rites for Mrs. Kate Smith at the Ewing cemetery Friday afternoon. The Lynn Fry family called on Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier last Sunday afternoon. Eddy and Alice Shrader were supper guests Tuesday at the Verl Gunter home at Creighton. Alice spent the night there. The Verl Gunter family brought her home Wednesday evening and visited at the Lionel Gunter home. Mrs. Millie Mahood, Orchard, and Mrs. Frank Liele, Dixon, vis ited at the Z. H. Fry home Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson vis ited in Neligh Friday afternoon. Mrs. Pierson called on Mrs. Lau ra Shober. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hadduck. Cannon City, Colo., were dinner guests last Monday at the Ho ward Miller home. The Robert Ahlers family, WTis ner. were supper guests last Sat urday at the Rudy Ahlers home. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and Mr. i and Mrs. John Miller attended | the 4-H Leaders Banquet Thurs day evening, Mrs. Mott received | her two year pin. DISCOUNT ,'vvYxxyyvvvvwwT’r' SPECIAL! O'Neill, Nebraska Boys 133/4 oz* western ONiy! JEANS I Heaviest Denim Made! Sanforized Blue Denim. Boys Size 6-16 — Why Pay 2.49? Charge It at Gambles! Dale Napier, Wayne Fry and Vera Bust he amp attended the national corn picking contest near G'an<l I 1 «d Friday. Mrs Ronnie Mott is a patient in the Antelope Memorial hospital. Mr, and Mrs Grant Mott, Shar on and Tammy visited her Fri day evening Mr. and il'8 F’oyd Napier, Mrs Dale Napier and Mrs Ralph Murai wer - in Omaha Fn day Floyd Napier and Mrs Dale Napier each had a check up. Mm Rudy Ahlera accompanied Mm. Ralph E acker to the achieve ment day program in O'Neill last Thursday, Mrs John Miller and Mm Al fred Napier attended the Hallo ween Tea at the Ewing high school Friday afternoon given by the seventh an! eighth grid • home eocnumic girl* Mr and Mr* John Napier. Tom. Barbara. Bob and Anne went to Lincoln Wednesday Anne had a dratal appointment Mr* Richard Napier took care of Jane Mr and Mr* George M mtgom ery were O'Neill visitors last Monday and also called on Mrs Robert McGinn Mrs Ed Waiters. Chambers. and Mm William Finch. O'Net!], vuuted Mm John Napier Friday afternoon Slrve Napier atayad Tburaday afternoon at the George Keller home Mr and Mm Ijmn Fry and family were dinner gueau Sun day at the Floyd Najaer home Mr amt Mr* Alftrd Napter And f#m ly •«-r«* dinw- curate Sunday at tit# Kannath I fill ham* naar fa*# Mr and Mr* Barnard Traaot and family | - and Mr* Ralph Kackrr war# nuppvr guasia Sunday at tha Hmfy Ah lam h< me i BL'iw -twaFiW' ■ i m Ni », fashion length wool Melton. HH Mattering A-line, fre-e ’n easy H (ark. (Jnilt lining. Black. 8-16. fabulous ^05 Values! 100°. Virgin I Orion' ilardigans our ■ Stripes! Whites! ■ ■ Hit; st>l«» mH<m'Uoii ! Hulk> u 1111«-■** 9 ^9 nr sill.lit trord.-r stri|»< s si/«- M I, H r -. ii! ... i ■iiihiiiu i [ GIRLS' SLACKS I Regularly 298 Corduroy Sports Cotton I iprml M>lr* iii Ki%> print* L mi MiiikU lixi \ •* i litHUr lm<kw 7-14 ^B SMART WOOL COAT Black 'n White Domino Check Ties! Slip-ons! Novelty Styles! » BOYS & GIRLS SHOES I IjourChoice I ^2 H r. Krouji lor mIkhjI |£ Sr "r <lrclH. Trinr IiIim k 51 Irailirr, «-»iii|*o *«»I«**. 12" INSULATED PAC j lbvVAtU?!\ I Cotton Poplin I I BOYS PARKA I Knit Traps Body Heat Sanforized Flannel SPORT SHIRTS f >; I Huge choice of patterns, plaids. Spread collars, permanent stays. Tsrrific Values 1 Flannel or Broadcloth I SPORT SHIRTS I Wash-wear cottons or sanforized ■ cotton flannels. New fall prints. I H/df/fl a wilf Lined 1 Washable cotton poplin with heavy I front zipper, zip-off hood. Hnujc ^R Sherpa pile collar. Special value! ■§ Boys' Sizes 6-16 fl I Reg. 1.98—Save now! White unbleached --'tton, both sides napped. I 70 x 90" COTTON SHEET BLANKETS | I MEN'S 1 WORK I SHIRTS I SIZES \ -4 r PINK BLUE * 2-pc. Cotton Knit 3 i