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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1962)
Chambers News By Mm. K. K Carpenter St. Paul ladles Aid St. Paul todies Aid met in the church CMotor 11. Fifteen mem hers were present. Pastor Uraun erareuther led devotions and stowed a film entitled "All A tounding". Nominating commit tee was elected. They are to Vern llarley, Ann Retzlaff and Erna Oetter. A Lutheran toyman League Seminur will to held in Clear water church November 9. All members are urged to attend. j SEE Bonkerslifeman — Ernie Brinkman IN ATKINSON About A Guaranteed Investment Program. ■AMMIRI. VyrecOM NWV Those doing sewing for World Relief are please asked to ri*um finished items as soon as pos sible. The deadline for used cloth ing for World Relief is November K Clothes will lie packed at that time Bring canned food (not home canned) or fresh food to i e donated to the Norfolk Luth eran hospital. Deadline for this is also November 8 Honored at Shower A group of friends gathered at the Methodist church Saturday evening for a shower honoring Mrs. Charles Strelow, the for mer Madeline Cook. The theme of the program was a comedy fashion show. The bride was pre sented a corsage In charge of the program and lunch were Mrs Harry Peters, Mrs. John Peters, Mrs. Ronald Harvey, Mrs. Aud rey McConnell, Mrs. Rose Held, Mrs. Kugene Halsey and Mrs. Art Miller. Bethany Women The Bethany Women's associa tion met at the church Wednes day, Oct. 10. Mrs. Mark Gribble conducted the worship service which opened with prayer and song. She also presented the les son, ‘Salvation of the Jews’ from Romans. Plans were discussed for the annual smorgasbord which will he at the church Thursday, Nov. 1. The goal sheet for work in 1963 was filled out and the amount increased $25 over last years giving The next meeting will be October 24. FARM SALE A* tlx- place ha* been wold, we will Hell all personal property at Public Auction at the place 4 miles South of Chambers, on SATURDAY, OCT. 20 Sale mtarts 12:30 p.m. I.uneh served by Bethany I Julies Aid 57 - HEAD OF CATTLE - 57 4 Guernseys, 4 years old; 2 Ayrshires, 4years old; 4 Holsteins, 4 to 6 years old; 2 Part Ayrshire, Brown Swiss cross, 7 years old; 2 Holstein Heifers, 18 mo. old, from the Seward Dairy, to freshen in spring; 9 Registered Herefords with second calf, 3 and 4 years old; 9 Black and Black Whiteface cows, 5 to 7 years old, some to freshen hy sale date or soon after; 1 Registered Hereford Bull, 7 years old; 15 Spring Calves, 300 to 400 lbs.; 1 Black Whiteface heifer, 18 mo. old, to freshen in spring; 8 Bucket Calves. FARM MACHINERY 42 IHC H tractor; 44 IHC H tractor; 48 C Allis Chalmers tractor; Short stinger winch, for H or M; Heavy H beam cable rack; Duncan loader, manure scoop, snow hlade, hay fork; Mounted Buzz Saw, 36” to fit H or regular; Haystacker with cage; Car sweep; No. 24 IHC power mower; 2 12-ft. THC rakes; 2-rake hitch; 2 No. 7 trail mowers; IHC manure spreader; 2 hay racks, one on rubber; Gang plow; 10-ft. disc; 3-section harrow; Harvey I hammermill; 7-ft. grain drill; Hand corn sheller; 2 pump jacks; 300-gal oil tank; Branding chute; 25-ft. boom tower; DeLaval cream separator; Old iron, Tools and many miscellaneous items. BUILDINGS TO BE MOVED 5-room Dwelling House; Brooder House, 12' x 16’; Calf Shed, 8’ x 12’; Garage, 10’ x 20'; 8-room House, modern. Some Household Goods and ('sinned Goods TERMS: CASH. No property to he removed until settled for LOY & ELVERA FLUCKEY Wally O'Connell & Troxel Green, auctioneers Chambers State Bank. Clerk Ben Franklin* A Haunting We Will Go_ What fun they'll have trying to identify each other. Complete selection of costumes from witches to TV characters. All brightly colored. Flame retardent Let them select the one they like best $£59 fo $J98 Whoooooooo’s That? Funny, scary, TV charac- / ters . . all styles for the £ Halloween party. For kids £ or adults. p 10c to 98c Assorted styles and col ors in wigs and beards to help your Halloween cos tume. 10c to 49c Colorful black and or ange Trick or Treat plas tic pumpkin. Big enough to hold all the loot. 59c PATTONS O'Neill, Nebr. Mr. and Mr* Albert Harkins and John Isaacson spent several day* recently with Mr. and Mr*. Herbert Neilaon. Gillette. Wyo. They returned by way of the "Devils Tower" in Wyoming and the Black Hill* in South Dakota Dinner guests last Tuesday in the Bill Jutte home were Mrs John Wintermote, Mrs. Will Leh man, Mrs Jake Hoerle, Mrs Charlotte Honeywell and Mr* Ema Tucker. Mr and Mr* Ray Coolidge left last Tuesday for a visit with their daughter in Seattle. Wash. Mr and Mrs Clair H. Kerr, Edgemont, S. D , were in Cham tiers last Wednesday. Mrs Kerr is a cousin of Mrs. Louis Neilson. Mrs. Gene Van Gerpen and daughter left Wednesday for their home at Fremont after a visit wi*h her parents, Mr and Mrs. Edgar DeHart. Mr. DeHart accompanied her home and on to Omaha to consult an eye special ist. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Peltzer and Mrs. A. A. Walter went to Snyder Wednesday to attend the funeral of a cousin. The Rev. and Mrs. Earl Schwenk and son, Andy, and Mrs. Les Miles left last Tuesday to attend a national Sunday school convention in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schmidt and family, Columbus, are visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmidt, and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Er mer, and other relatives. Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell was a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. R. K Platt. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grimes were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gartner were after noon callers Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coday, ac companied by Mr. Liveringhouse, Roger Waldo and Don Swanson went to Lincoln Saturday to at tend the Nebraska-North Carolina game. Mr art/1 Mrc T Inin Wn/vl loft Saturday to visit his sister and family, the Emerson Smocks, Boise, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes and Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Adams enjoyed dinner together in O’ Neill recently. The occasion being a belated birthday observance for Mrs. Grimes. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Fry left Saturday for a short visit with relatives in South Dakota then to Twin Falls, Idaho to visit before going on to Woodburn, Ore. to his brother’s where they plan to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lambert and children visited Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bowman, Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith spent the weekend with the Ver non Carpenters at Wayne. Friends report that Ladean Weller has been elected president of the Craig school band. Mrs. Sarah Adams and Mrs. Dora Townsend returned Thurs day from Page and plan to spend some time around Chambers be fore returning to Page. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Miller, Lincoln, were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Damme and family. The Youth Fellowship group of Bethany church enjoyed a roller skating party at Neligh Sunday evening. It w-as sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Summerer. Lanny LaRue came up from Omaha Monday to spend a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gillette spent Sunday with relatives at Stuart. Complete Dairy and Hog Feed Creep Feed TOMPKINS LIVESTOCK HEADQUARTERS Harvey Tompkins and Clarence (Bud) Haaisen Inman, Nebraska Phone 34, 225 or 11 W A large crowd charivaried Mr and Mr*. Dale Wood Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs Erwin Carpenter called at the Lyle Watson ranch south of Chambers Friday to see the Shorthorn heifers they had purchased at the Thiede and Sons purebred sale at Gregory, S- D. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rudolph. Spalding, entertained the follow ing relatives for dinner Sunday: Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Gibson and Mr and Mrs. Wayne Hoffman. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman, Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Gil lette and Darrel Lee, Jerry Ro bertson and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibson, Chambers. Mrs. Anna Thompson, Chad ron, formerly of the Martha com munity near Chambers, came to attend the observance of the 75th anniversary of the Bethany Pres byterian church and to remain longer visiting in several homes. She returned home Saturday Mr and Mrs. Kenneth La Rue and Mrs. Ida Lambert took her to Valentine from where she left by bus. Frederick DeHart and brother. Max DeHart and son, Steve, Council Bluffs, la. spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeHart and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ilerstedt, North Platte, came Friday and visited until Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Paul Roth. Mrs. Her stedt and Mrs. Roth drove to Sioux City Saturday. Inman News By Mrn. James McMahan Mrs. James Coventry left Sat urday morning lor Seattle, Wash., where she will spend ten days visiting her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. William Me Elvain and sons. Robert Harte left Friday morn ing for his home in California alter spending three weeks here visiting his mother, Mrs. Mayme Harte and also Mr. and Mrs Leo Harte and family. Ralph Sholes, who is employed in Ainsworth, .spent the weekend visiting his mother, Mrs. Violet 9holes. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Luben and family, Fremont, spent the weekend visiting his mother, Mrs. Charles Luben. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hartigan, Norfolk, spent the weekend vis iting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller dis posed of their farm machinery and some household goods at auc tion Friday afternoon at the farm east of town. The Millers will be moving to Neligh soon. Mrs. Ray Siders spent Friday and Saturday in Nortolk visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Juracek and family. Mrs. Walter Nelson and Mrs. Bill Stevens, Lansing, Mich, came Thursday to visit in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley. Mrs. W. E. Kelley and Ann, Mrs. James Keiley and Mrs. Bill i Stevens spent the weekend at J boutn Sioux City visiting James! Kelley. Mrs. Charles Stark, Buhl, Ida., came Sunday evening to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Sobotka and family. Sam Kelley and Tom Huff, Om aha, spent the weekend visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs W. E. Kelley and family. Mr. and Mrs Albert Anthony and family, Scotia, were visit ing friends in Inman Sunday eve- j ning. Richard Watson, O’Neill, spent Thursday and Friday visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson while his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Watson attended the bankers convention in Lin coln. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder, O'Neill, visited her mother, Mrs. Ray Siders, Sunday afternoon. Additional callers in the Siders home were Mrs. Ira Watson and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins. Sam Watson and Judy Wait. Omaha, spent Friday evening and Saturday visiting Sam’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson. -—- ' WANTED1 ANOTHER MILLION NEW FRIENDS TO TRY THE BEST LOW-PRICE MEALS YOU EVER TASTED MLY 5 LABELS ETTIr RALLS I and/or _ BEANS.HAM^ Like finding money! Only five labels off ELLIS SPACHFTTI N’ MEATBALLS and/or ELLIS LIMA BEANS N’ HAM. MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM ... five it all you Mail with your name and address to: CONVENIENCE FOODS P. 0. Box 5708 TA Denver 17 Colo redemption te a hou^hotd. This offer expim, Jan. SI, 1363 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Banks and ' family, Lincoln, spent the week end visiting Mr Banks parents, ( Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and family and also m the W. E Kickard home at Chambers. Mrs James McMahan attended a stated meeting oi Symphony Chapter OES at O'Neill Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs Harvey A. Tomp kins drove to Grand Island Sat urday to attend the aiiernoon session of the 2-day Laymen s Conference held at the i runty Methodist church. Harvey pre sented the opening devotions. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman and family, Texamah, spent last weekend visiting in the homes of Mr and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhom and Mrs Leo Mossman and Paul Bittner. Mr. and Mrs Floyd DeLong, Rock Rapids, la., spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Merle DeLong and other relatives and friends. The DeLongs are lormer Inman residents. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Clark and Mr. and Mrs. E. E Clark attended luneral services for Mrs DeLashmutt last Wednesday at Burwell. Mrs. Fred Dean and daughter, Node, Wyo., and Mrs. Thelma Brittell and Carol, Atkinson, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller iast Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. David Morsbach was hos tess to the Daughters of Zion of the RJLDS church last Tuesday evening at their regular meeting. Lunch was served by the hostess. Marvin and Everett Stewart re turned last Monday from Omaha where they took their mother, Mrs. Violet Stewart for medical treatment. They also visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle < DeLancey. The following members ol the RLD9 church attended District Conference at Grand Island la-1 Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss, Verna and Mar garet, Mrs. Sadie Conger, Mrs. James Banks and Mrs. Harry McGraw. Donald Keyes and Dav id Morsbach, also attended the conference Saturday. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Atkinson News Mrs Gertrude* Cone, O'Neill, was an Atkinson visitor Monday Donna Humphrey. Frances Ray me r and Kathy VUt spent Friday in Norfolk Mrs Fmil Tomsik returned home Wednesday from Lincoln where she has spent the summer Mr. and Mrs Fred Richardson and Mrs Fern Davis wen* in Norfolk Friday on business They also called at the Roy Fullerton home I undo Davis spent Satur day night and Sunday at the home of her sister and brother in-law, Mr. and Mrs Ivo Shald and daughters in Stuart Mr and Mrs. Verne Hickok and family and Mr and Mis James Puckett and family spent Sunday evening at the home of Krna and Mane Zuehlke at Chambers The Zuehlke ladies are aunts of Mrs Hickok and Mrs. Puckett. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hickok. Donan and David went to Wayne Saturday for the homecoming and to visit Mrs Hickok's sister, CARD PARTY Sunday, Oct. 21 at H p.m. K (’. H AM, — O N KIM. Sponsored by SI. Anthony's Hospital Auxiliary Lunch 50o FRITZ'S Body Shop 24 Hr Wrecker Service Complete Body Work Glass Cut & Installed - PHONE - 86 D jy - 473 Night 30tfc O N KIM.. N KBit. James Davidson i* Cons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Since 1901 Winter & Summer Air Conditioning __ Otw — Oil — Coal American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Youngstown Kitchens Sheet Metal Work 513 E. Doug law Phone 364 O’Neill. Karen Johnson, who is a stu dent at Wayne Stale Teacher* college. Ed Hoffman returned home from the laitheran hospital in Omaha Friday evening where he hail undergone surgery Retired Army Major and Mm J. M Jane*. Pacific Grove. Calif , left Tueaday for l*evtl* Tower, Wyo.. fur a visit with Mr ami Mr*. Harold Shaw. They had spent the past three week* visit ing in the I tomes of Mrs Junes' aunt ami uncle. Mrs John Mohr sr. ami family and Mr and Mr* Frank Mohr. Sgt and Mrs Holiert II Qin mnghnm and family, formerly stationed with an Air Force tie tachment In White Plains, N. Y. are here visiting Mrs Cunning ham s mother, Mrs John Mohr »r They expect to leave this weekend for KantouL Dl. where Mr* Cunningham and children will mule Sgt Cunningham will lea\e the Stales Octolier 'M for an taolatetl lour at Thule AKH, Greenland Mr ami Mrs Tommy lainn, Omaha, were weekend guests at the home of her motfiec Mn. John Mohr *r YOU DESERVE A I NlOIRIGlEl AUTOMATIC GAS CLOTHES DRYER Ifi tha only dryar with a fiva yaar warranty. It'i tha only dryar with four wayi to dry: Haat and air. air only, haat and air with tumbla, and air only with tumbla. Only J199. four present laundry equipment may be taken in trade. And this Norge Hair Dryer Attachment will be given FREE with your purchase of a Norge Gas Clothes Dryer COMPANION NORGE AUTOMATIC WASHER 0n'y >239.5B Thasa iama appfiancas ara also availabla at your favorita gas applianca daalar. JMAUHUUJBSQXuXlZK For Dependable GAS Service ft You can even have the Thunderbird’s Swing-Away steering wheel in the new Ford Galaxie! tt Talk about Choice! for ’63! ft New middleweight Ford Fairlane comes in hardtops and wagons, too! How about this lively Falcon Convertible! tt With 4 sizes ... from compacts to classics, there’s bound to be a Ford with your name on it! Choice is a big affair at your Ford Dealer’s! He’s got 44 models— including compact Falcons, middleweight Ford Fairlanes, big and bold Ford Galaxies, the classic Thunderbirdl And Fords are the choice Mne of the '63s, with trend-setting style and mile-stretching quality I Next, they're the best choice for big savings . . . Fords cost less to own with exclusive twice-a-year* or 6,000-mile maintenance! So Choose best where your biggest choice is — at your Ford Dealer'sl •Saeaot Falcon Station But and Club Wagona COMETAL* ABOUT AMERICA'S UVEUESC. MOST CARE-FREE CARS WTM YOUR Robertson Motor Co. II you’re interested in an A-l used car or tr uck be sure to see your Local Ford Deafer Phone 33 O'Neill, Nebr.