The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 18, 1962, Section Two, Image 11

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    Ewing News
By Mr». Harold ltnrr|M
Facta and Fun Club
'Hie Facts and Fun Home Ex
tension club met Friday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Hen
Ijirsen Nine members answered
roll call with 'Something to Smile
atiout'. Mrs. Waldo Davis, who
was a guest, became a member
of the club. The short imsinesa
session was in charge of Mrs.
J. L. Pruden. Achievement Day
October 4 was discussed by the
group. The lesson on 'Kitchen
Cabinets’ and 'Guide to Kitchen
Storage’ was presented by Mrs
Rudy Alhers assisted by Mr*.
Pruden. A pot luck lunch<*on was
served Mrs Pruden baked and
decorated the anniversary cake,
honoring the birthday of Mrs
Harry Van Horn and the wedding
anniversary of Mrs H. R. Harris
Mr and Mrs. Vincent Rother
ham and family of Niobrara were
weekend guests at the home of
his parents, Mr and Mrs. Roy
Rotherham. Other guests on Sun
day at the Rotherham home were
Mr. and Mrs. loo O'Malley of
Baptismal services were con
ducted Sunday at the First Meth
odist church for Donald Dean the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Davis. The Rev. lister Spragg,
pastor, officiated. After the serv
ices of the morning, Mr. and
Mrs Davis und children went to
Meadow Grove to spend the day
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Van Creager.
Guests Sunday at the home of
Mr and Mrs Irvin Cloyd were
Mr and Mrs. Leslie Brokaw and
family, of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs.
I iOnnie Hales and family and Mr.
and Mrs James Hales and fam
ily, Battle Creek.
Mrs. Emma Closson returned
to the rest home at Spencer on
Thursday after spending a few
days at her home in Ewing. Mr*.
< 'ios an is al-lc to get about with
the aid of a walker She broke
her hip l ist waiter
Mrs Kiltie Fry entertained the
following guest* at her home
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Z II Fry,
Mrs. Jessie Angus o! Ewing and
Mr anil Mrs. Otto Retke, Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis and
children left Tuesday on a two
weeks vacation through the west
ern states. They plan to spend
some time on the coast attending
the World's Fair at Seattle Mr.
Davis is also looking forward to
doing some fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. James Furley of
Maiiison were guests Sunday at
the home of Mr and Mrs Marcus
Snyder. Other callers at the Sny
der home were Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Snyder and family, Central
The Rev. and Mrs I^ester
Spragg went to Lynch Saturday
to attend the funeral services for
Mrs. Ed Whetham
Mr. anil Mrs Richard William
son and family, Bellevue, st>ent
the weekend at the parental
homes of I>elbert Carl, sr. and
Elmer Williamson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorrenoe Hobbs
had as their guests Sunday her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr
and Mrs Arthur Snyder and fam
ily, Central City.
Mrs la-land Welke and Bonnie
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Rodgers of O'Neill, to Neligh
Mr and Mrs Milan Welke and
daughters visited Sunday at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Scott, Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbongaard
visited Mrs Roy Stevens, Clear
water. at the Antelope Memorial
hospital at Neligh Sunday eve
ning. They also called on Mrs.
Florence Butler, a patient at the
same hospital.
Mrs Lut-lla Wood, Ijncoln, and
her daughter. Lois Wood, Nor
folk, were Sunday callers at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Aubrey
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tucker,
Central City, were guests last
week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Tucker The Howard
Tucker family are making plans
to make their home in Ihe Ewing
community in the Lyle Tucker
residence. Other guests Sunday
at the Ray Tucker home were
Gene Tucker and Larry Rice,
Central City, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Tucker and son, O'Neill, and Mr.
and Mrs. Boh Jones and son,
Mrs Lawrence Wingert, Sioux
City, la., was a guest Sunday at
the home of her mother, Mrs.
I-ouisa Van Conet and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker
and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Trease were dinner and evening
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Alhers Sunday.
Mrs. Ralph Eacker and Mrs.
Jessie Angus attended the grave
side rites for Mrs. Earl Smith
held Friday afternoon at the Ew
ing cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord and
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter were
Sunday evening visitors at the
Lyle Switzer tiome.
Mr and Mrs. Melvin Gunter,
Odebolt. Ia., were weekend guests
of her mother, Mrs. Anna Pol
Mr. and Mrs. Max Graver, New
Windsor, 111., and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Plogg, MilledgeviUe, 111.,
spent the weekend in Ewing on
business. Mrs. Max Graver and
Mrs. Plogg are sisters of Melvin
Gunter, Odebolt, Ia. The fam
ilies also visited their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter at
a Norfolk rest home before re
turning to their homes Sunday.
Mrs Roland Hord and Mary
Van Conet attended the Jolly
Workers club when they met on
Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Lyle Switzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis pic
nicked Sunday at the Lewis and
Clark park near Yankton, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord and
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and
family were guests of Mr. and
Mrs Kenneth Hill near Page,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Steskal
spent Sunday at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Guests Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson were
Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Olson and
family. Clearwater, and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Anderson. Elgin.
For Fast Gains . . . Top Production . . . Less Labor
Thousands of fanners are making MORE
MONEY from their livestock and poultry this
T»»r because they arc furnish
ing them all the fresh, clean
water they>n drink ... in T
rummer and winter!
Guaranteed quality-built RITCHIE
Waterers are extremely dvr able aad
ecenomical. They can realty take it N
. . . and ovtlast ether waterers by
years. Finest heating elements and
materials throughout. Save up te
46% on heating costs. Thevtands ef
satisified users.
Lhrastock and puoilty need plenty at water
for fast, cheap gains . . . aad ttoy gat ll
with RITCHIE automatic nao ryphnniag
hoatod watotals. Yea'll boars of chore
tint*, loo, because RITCHIE watotocs work —
unattended, 24 boon a day.
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Boias were
guests at the home of his mo
ther, Mrs. Mabel Boies, fur the
la-gtun Mert*
Ttw American legion, Sanders
Post No. 214 net i nursday eve
ning at the legion Club Report*
were given on the County meet
ing at Chambers, Sept. 10, at
tended by Leo Hawk, Ko'.-eri
Kreiziger, Jay Butler and Ernest
Pierson, ami the District conven
tion at Atkinson, September 17.
by Jay Butler The post received
a citation for Child Welfare and
with its 97 members was classed
as a three-star poit.
Commander Jerry Rotherham
met with the local high school to
make plans for County Govern
ment Day. October 29 Reports
were given on the recent baseball
benefit dance and a bake sale.
Boxing time drawing near was
discussed Anyone interested to
contact Dean Pofahl or Com
Mrs. R. H Shain president was
in charge of the American Legion
Auxiliary meeting. Twelve mem
bers answered to roll call. The
session opened wit hthe pledge
of allegiance and the preamble of
the Auxiliary.
The Auxiliary is requesting
user! clothing for children up to
fourteen years of age which will
tie sent to the Pine Ridge Indian
Mrs Mabel Boies and Mrs.
Frank Hawk brought three
pounds each of caijiet rags This
project was started several weeks
ago as an at home project.
The Christmas gift assignment
for Unit 214 is five gifts for
ladies and five for girls ten years
of age. Mrs Robert Kreiziger
was appointed to purchase the
ladies' gifts and Mrs Frank Bel
rner, the girts These articles to
lx- sent by November 10 to Vet
erans Huspita. Tarlatan dolls
were also planned
Mr*. John Hawk and Mr*. C.
C. Hahibeck volunteered to assist
or County (Government Day in
O'Neill. October 29. Alternates
are Mrs Kret/iger and Mrs. Eula
A topic discussed was the Am
erican Legion and Auxiliary
meeting to be held in Ewing.
November 19.
Mr 5 Sham reminded member*
to display their flag on October
12, Columbus Day, October 23,
United States Day. and October
27, Navy Day.
i >uea »ur iJ63 were paid by
Mmes. Paulin Noffke John
Hawk. H. R Harris, Josephine
Elston. Ernest Pierson, Earl Van
Ostrand, Frank Hawk, Maud
Boies, Clifford Hahibeck, C C
Hahibeck and S. M Burtwistle.
Mrs Eppenbach and Mrs
Frank Belmer appointed as a
committee to contact members
for 1963 membership dues during
the month of October.
On adjournment, the Legion
and Auxiliary had a social hour
with refreshments served by,
Mrs Shain and Mrs Belmer
Young Matron*
The Young Matrons Pinochle
club met Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. R. H. Shain with
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of All Kind*
and Bonds
11X1 iinlitrn HMj
Mrs Arthur Kropp co-hostess All
member* were present. Score
winners were Mrs. Hermit Jcl
fenes. Mrs. Kay Funk, and Mrs
Ralph Munn The • niitrssii car
ried out a lfnUowren theme m
depurations and menu
AJlen Pollock transacted busi
ness the first of the week In
Omaha lie was accompanied
home by hi* daughter. Mr* Bob
Crosby, and daughter who were
guests at the parental home for
the week Mr Crusby came on
Friday for the weekend The
family returned to their home in
Omaha Sunday.
Mr and Mrs William Stanton
Herrick, S. D attended the grave
side rites for Mrs Ea,rl Smith
of California held Friday at the
Ewing cemetery with the Rev
I-ester Spragg officiating
Eastern star
The Jephthah Chapter No. K>,
Order of the Eastern Star met
Tuesday evening for a family
night covered dish supper. Hair
toween decorations with tiouquets
of fall flowers flanked by candles
were used for table decorations.
Members with their families
numbered about twenty-five In at
tendance The regular meeting
uf the Owipter was held at right
The Rev. and Mrs iawlrr
Spragg and Mr and Mrs Aule
rey Wood attended the Lords
Acre sale tn Clearwater Saturday
sponsored by the Methodist
Venus News
By Mr*. KaJph Bruokhou*«r
Work And Kan
TTie Work and Fun club met
at the home of Mrs Dale l»orr
on Wednesday afternoon with U
members and one visitor, Mrs
Darrell Grass Embroidery work
was done for the hostess Elec
tion of officers were held with
Mrs. Fred Uhlir being elected
president and Mrs James Po
dany, secretary and treasurer. |
Nut shell fneiids were revealed
will) each receiving a gill A let
ter Irani Governor Morrison was
read thanking Viola Fw**-»ii4 lor
pictures sent b> him oi the Var
digre jubilee 11* club will mee!
m November with Mrs. H J. Le
Mr and Mrs Darrell Grass,
Kevin and Dennis will leave on
Saturday lor Massachusetts
where he will be stationed with
the Air Force They have beam
visiting with Uteir parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Graaa and Mr.
and Mrs. George Heggeitieyer lot
the two week*.
Mr* Ralph Bnxikhouaer visit
cd with Mrs. Mane Sokol on
Wednesday In the afternoon the
ladles visited with Mrs Rudolph
Tut ha
Vincent Jarknon v anted at tla
home nf her parenta, Mr and
Mr i Fred kklei on Wrdnrnday
Mr* Bright hat been teaching
at di'.',iKt It m the aharixr <4
the teacher. Mra file vent.
Mrt Tony Aaunua, Mary and
Mark. ONrtli vtatted at the buna
of Mr and Mm Kal|g> Brtak
hnuaer on Turaday
Mr. and Mrt laiVern < aakey.
Monte and Angela. O'Nadi, Ilf
and Mm Kenneth (aakey. It*
ellyn, Joan and Uouglaa. Norfolk,
and Mi and Mrt 1 Humid Can
krv. shar >!yn, Kevin and Craig
were Sunday dinner gueata of
the Marry Caakeya In knmr of
Mr ( n-kiy'a birthday.
Polled Hereford Reduction Sale
150 HEAD
M row* with calve* at side — Kcbrrd and ITeguaoc > tested
•M) bml and open heilert r— Two tried sires
Helling in pasture condition (MTOHKK ?7, lWr?
Two miles west of Geddes, S. D.
Write for Catalog
Your Support
Much Appreciated
l our Choice
& Meat Halls, Ellis
No. 300 Can
Swanson’s—frozen, 8-oz.
Your Choice
Mrs. Wright’s—all layer
varieties, 19-oz. Pkg.
Rama; frozen, Peach, Cherry
or Apple, 24-ox.
DRINK, 46-os.
DRINK, 46-ox.
li .
Our famous Bonnie Dollar is back 4
with big Dollar Bargains for you! \
Ice Milk assorted flavors . . . . ^on 39c Swiss Cheese Best Buy Brand Lb. 69c
Marshmallow Creme kh£7*t 25c Dri-Brite Wax.69c
P.l A . f AA
Right Reserved to Limit Quantified"
Niblets Corn—.6r$100
\AlinC " M- Am i $100
Chicken Noodle, Mushroom or Vegetable Beef.Cons 1
Brownie Mix ivS Uk« besw-awds. .Jit
Kleenex Tissues s:~ 5 a.$100
Pineapple——_ 3 $ 100
it -v^ til « « «
ruiger s oonee i^u*, ... j.r aac
Cling Peaches ££ht "°™33e
Dill Pickles 15j“ 4le
Pancake ..$£ 57c
Facial Tissue 2T?;.. 2 ££ 39c
Polafo Chips ^ i6-oz 69c
Instant Cocoa fSSSST.. .£& 45c
Cakii Mil a**®1 *<»>*■ Betty n-« 40.
UflKa MIA Crocker Whit*.Pk* vSC
Chunk Tum X~, 38c
llsrffftrillA Bonnot; 3-lb. Ofb
mai gai inw quartered.Carton «HPG
NuSoft Fabrie Softener »? 49c
Cat Food ?1U?32;£■.*!£ 25c
R*LA y:.AC aiuoel pood, cc.
uo"c MIAC1 Betty Crocker . .Pk*
I«mon Cuatard. ConfatO, French Vanilla or
Fudge Swirl.. . yoor choice
Green Giant
5 "ST* 89c \
mmm i. - a Mi •«»*' ■ "®^«mmJI
Whit* or assorted colors,
buy several at this price!
Pkg. off 60
Round Steak
Fill your saver books faster
with these bonus stamps
Red, U.S. No. 1
Poly Bag
Seedless Grapes 2*.35<
Crisp CmtsKl* «fci«l9t
Aeon SqMsfc3£~«r.» 5c
Pitted Dries —69c
Fresh Bakery Treats...
Mr*. Wright's
n 29c
MACK MEAD . . .15 22c
Skylark—Okl World, am «a
Rump Roast aXA-.u 69c
Slab Bacon ■*-,>*.».. ."s 29c
Large Bologna St ."a 39c
Perch, Codsask— ...ft 39c
O'Neill, Nebraska
- ' ■“*'* & ft, A „ ••• 1 •' ■ >r
• t'*! '.*!%«lii/ ii,.,'- ,,