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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1962)
I FOR SALE l'J)R SAl.K 1957 Safeway trailer home, 35x8, with new gas fur nace. Terms can he arranged. Write Lee Vickery. Butte. 25-27p FOR SALE 1M9 Chevrolet it pickim. flood shape. Will trade for livestock. Sewell Johnson, plione 6981, Atkinson 25-26p MOBILE HOMES New and PmnI Nice selection of New and Used Mobile Homes in stock. SEE US TODAY We Trade - Finance - Deliver MIL!.Eft MOBILE HOME SALKS Albion, Nebr. I»h. 395-2170 * 25tfc FOR SAl.K Registered Hamp shire Hoars. Good meat-type boars. Vaccinated, Cholera, ery sipelas and leptospirosis. New flood line for old customers. John Wenner. Phone 2379, six miles south of Atkinson, one east, V, north. 25-28c SEE US for new SPARTAN or i SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25*7 down, 5% int-; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Ccntois Motor Co.. Neligh. 30tf FOR SAl.K Two 6 ply 11x38 used t tractor tires with tulies in ex * cellent condition. Lincoln Ham ilton, Stuart, Nebr. 26-28p I AM BACK In my office again and can loan money on Farms . *nd Ranches and City Property, i Some at 4% and some at 5% in * terest See R. H. Parker. O'Neill, »Nehr. _ 50tf l*OI{ SALK 53 Ford Ranch Wagon .good condition. See at 304 W. Fremont, O'Neill. 26p ' V r. WiN UN^UttALNWIli—prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy. O’Neill. lOtfc —f - . - -— Foil SAl .E 3-ycar-old registered ! Hereford bull. Leonard Svatos, j^melia. 26p SHORES’ NEW DAIRY CREDIT All the money you want. 36 months at 6%. lluy new cattle, finance * entire herd. Shores Wisconsin 1 heifers. “Pay your bills, stop y our worries.” .SHORES, NEIJGH, TU 74060 41tfc FOR SALE New roll away bed "•complete with mattress. Mrs. Mike Higgins, 720 E. lXmglas, | O’Neill. 26-27p ROR SALE Purebred Hamp | shire Boars and Open Gilts from Grand Champion sires. John Sojka, Page. 20tfc FOR SALE- Hereford bulls.— -th Abart, O’Neill, Dercy Aoart, Emmet. 32tfc SELLING OUT Construction Equipment: Dragline, backhoe. trenchers, concrete batch plant, loaders, gravel pumping unit with 3 year lease of land, concrete forms and basement forms, many other items. Ph 379 or 1104. Cliff Belville, Valentine, Nebraska. 26-29p PONIES for Christmas. Very rea sonable. Book now and pick up later. Duane Gray, O’Neill 23tfc FOR SALE: Hampshire boars and gilts, groivthy, stretchy, with ex cellent hams, sired by Gold Prince, the 1962 reserve grand champion at the Nebraska State Fair. New bloodlines, double vaccinated. Guaranteed breed ers. John Faster, Clearwater, Nebr. Phone HU 5-3360 23-30p CITY LOANS, See R. H. Parker. 50tf FOR SALE — Purebred spotted Poland China boars. Veterinary vaccinated. Martin Hoffman, Spencer, Nebr. 24-31c FOlt SALE — Heavy duty under- : slungs with or without beds. We deliver. Also sled tires, axles, rims, etc. Gerald O’Connor. At kinson. phone 2562. 24-27p FOR SALE Good fresh beef ami beef omss calves • also dairv heifer calves. Stock on hand most | all times. Gerald O’Connor, 1 mi. east Atkinson, phone 2562. 24-27p New and Used MACHINERY 2 Allis Chalmers No. 33 pickers AC mounted picker 1960 2-row Ford, mounted picker Red Woods Bros, picker 2-row Oliver, pull type 2-row New Idea Used Machinery Allis Chalmers WC tractor Allis Chalmers WD tractor IHC M tractor LHC loader and Horn hay head with Char-Linn pump Bear Cat hammermill John Deere No. 10 hammermill Haben Husker sheller Horn loader with grapple fork New Machinery Grain-O-Vator and Kelly Ryan elevators Allis Chalmers D-15 demonstrator American loaders THRAMER FARM SUPPLY Ewing, Nebr. 3«e FOR SALE—Three 1000 BU capa city steel com cribs. Good as new. Reasonably priced. Fred J. Jungman, phone 7571, Atkinson, Nebr. 26-29c FOR SALE — 8 year old house, 28 x 36. All modern on highway 281. To be moved. Eugene Hoerle. Phone IV 2-2642, Cham bers 23-30p FOR SALE — I960 No. 227 John Deere Compicker with sheller at tachment. In excellent condition; also 14 feed bunks, 16 ft long and 3 ft. wide. Gerhard Momm sen, phone 2578, Atkinson. 2S-26p ■ FOR SALK One Angus Bull Wilson’s Texaco Station, phone 358, O'Neill. 25tf< FOR SALK ,’!0 head whitefacc r heifers, weight 700 pounds, tc •- calve in March. Lyle Davis, 71: I. South 8th, phone 371-1121, Nor F> folk 25-27c r FOR SAIA. Purebred Sj>o!t«-<] Po e land boars, vaccinated. Also ] i, coming 2-year-old Hereford bull p Evan I>*wis, Spencer, Nebr ■ phone 2864. 25-28c ALWAYS right . . . keeps colon 1 bright . . . that’s famous Blue Lustre carpet and upholster} cleaner. Shampooer For Rent Coyne Hardware. 26c 3 ■ FOR SALK—Purebred Hampshire . boars. Big and rugged. Will de liver Henry and Richard Stall ing. Orchard, Nebr. 12tfc k / Real Estate for Sale . FOR SALE 160 acres 17 miles , east of O’Neill. 30% down on contract. Lyle Davis. 713 South • 8th, phone 371-1121, Norfolk. 25-27c | NO REASONABLE OFFERS rev f fused on first house east of Lu theran church and on homes at .321 West Clay. Both properties an* good investments if not needed for a home. See Kieth 1 Abart soon 15tfc FOR SALE 320-acre improved i farm about nine miles northeast of Spencer. Most of the land is fairly level. The buildings con sist of a 3-bedroom home with running water; large cattle barn | 48x56'; poultry house; hog house; double corncrib and granary; j and double garage. This farm Ann of (Ittt ludlctr timlle in the country. This farm is being sold to settle the estate of Mrs. Johanna Schemm with posses sion March 1, 1963. The present renter is James S. Milacek. If interested write for 1962 crop map and additional details. Farm priced to sell at $110.00 per acre. The AUSTIN Company, Inc. Columbus, Nebr. 2I-27c FOR SALE -One bedroom house, all modern except heat. Natural gas. Located on W. Fremont St. Ray Pease. Atkinson. 13tfc 200 ACRE FARM for sale, three bedroom modern house and good other buildings. Plenty soft wa ter. 160 acres under cultivation. 7 mi. northeast of Spencer, Nebr. Phone 2752. Frank Klasna. 25tfc WANTED RAWLEIGH Dealer wanted at once. Good opportunity in S. E. Holt Co. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NBJ-101-105, Freeport, 111. 24-26p RESPONSIBLE married man de sires a year round ranch job. Write RG Care of Frontier, O’ Neill, Nebr. 24-28p WANTED TO RENT — A large ranch in "Frontier” area. Write RG Care of Frontier. O’Neill, Nebr. 24-28p VANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week —Dwaine I^ockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf L. GUTHMILLER Half Block East Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, ALL MAKE Also repair parts for Lawson and Clinton engines on hand. 9tf l WELL DRILLING and well and i windmill repair —403 N. 1st St Phone 775-LW. SPRAGUE WELL CO-, O’Neill 3 blks. W. & 3i£ blks. N. stoplight. SEED WANTED—We are now in the market for Sweet Clover, Alfalfa, Red Clover* and Brome Grass Seed. Highest Market Prices. Great Plains Supply Co., Don O. Lyons, Rep., O’Neill, Nebr., Phone 421. IStfc I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf WtLL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill SOtf "WE" DON’T WANT “ALL” THE BUSINESS We just want “YOUB8” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN 23ti NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans an automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O'Neill Phone 14 Nebr. 21tfc MISCELLANEOUS ACCORDION LESSONS — Each Saturday, Golden Hotel. If inter ested contact Dolores Tunender. Atkinson, or come to hotel Sat urday. 25-26c I - MONEY TO LOAN On Automobiles, Furniture, Signature. O'Neill Loan Co. Virgil UorMD, Mgr. mt ASHBl RN MONUMENT OO. P. O. Box S, Tllden, Nebr. Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect. FOrest 8-2220. All work fully guaranteed. NEIL ASHBURN, Prop. Zip MAKE PATTON'S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc E. J. (Skip) SHANE Dragline Work Sewer, Drainage, Clam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work Atkinson, Nebr. 51-24p CURTISS BREEDING can service your herd with the highest rated beef bull and the highest plus proven dairy bulls in the nation. Can you do with less than the best? Call 170 Duane Gray O’Neill 14tfc FARM LOANS, See R. H Parker. 50tf AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 O'NEILL -: . FOR RENT FOR RENT, LEASE OR SALE— Stewart bldg, (formerly The Frontier bldg., 122 So. Fourth). Air-conditioned. One-third base ment. Solid, fire-proof. 1,500 sq. ft., main floor. Contact Cal Ste wart, owner or Virgil Laursen, O’Neill Co., O’Neill. 20tfc CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH TO EXPRESS our sin cere appreciation to the many friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown us during the ill ness and at the time of the death of our mother. 26p The Lindberg Family WE WISH TO THANK our friends^ neighbors and relatives for mes sages of congratulations, cards and the many gifts given us in observance of our golden wedding anniversary. 26c Bert and Jennie Finley |-Legal Notices (First pub. Oct. 11. 1962) NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS & TENANTS Section 39-512 of the Nebraska Statutes requires that weeds along all Public Roads and Drain age Ditches shall be mowed at least twice a year. If this is not done, the County Board has the authority to cause same to be done and all expenses will be assessed to said property. There are still some section lines that have not been mowed which will result in excessive cost to the County and Townships for Snow removal as well as the inconvenience and cost to the in dividual that wall be using such roads during the winter months. Please cooperate and get this done by November 1st. Thank You, Holt County Board of Supervisors 25-26c ----- (First pub. Oct. 4, 1962) NOTICE OF SCHOOL LAND LEASE SALE Notice is hereby given that the J Board of Educational Lands and i Funds of the State of Nebraska, or its authorized representative, will offer for lease at public auc tion on the 30th dav of October, 1962. at 10:00 o'clock A.M., CST. at the office of the County Treas urer of Holt County in O’Neill. Nebraska, the following educa tional lands within said county: Semi Parcel Annual No. Desc. Sec. Tp. Rge. Rental 1. All 16 30 10 $480.00 2. NWYa. & WiiSWi4 36 31 12 232.95 3. NE14 36 30 14 126.00 4. S% 36 30 14 265.50 5. EVz . 36 33 15 172.80 In order for any person to be eligible to bid on a school land lease, he must file a certified check with the County- Treasurer of the County- in which the land is located prior to the sale (equi valent to the advertised semi annual rental) and be otherwise qualified as provided by law. Sale may be adjourned from day to day .until all lands have been offered. No sale will be final unta approved by the Board of i Educational Lands and Funds, and the Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL LANDS & FUNDS LINCOLN. NEBRASKA By Elmer H. Mahlin. Secretary 24-26c j (First pub Oct. 18. 1963) Cronin Be Hannon, Attorneys Estate .No. 4577 NOTICE FOK PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 11, 1962. In the Matter of the Estate of ■ Elizabeth O’Malley, Deceased - i Notice is hereby given to all > persons interested in said estate | that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Nora Quilty as Administratrix of said estate, and will be heard No vember 8, 1962 at 10 o'clock A M, at the County Court Room in O’ Neill, Nebraska. (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL) I 26-28c (First pub Oct. 11, 1962) Cronin and Hannon, Attorneys No. 4523 NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF ELLEN K MOR RISON, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on October 30, 1962, at 10 o’clock. A. M. (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL) 25-27c Meek News Bv Mrn. Fred Lindberg ! Start New Club School District 27, taught by Twila Hicks, has organized a new club called American Junior Citizen club. The aim for the club is to help others through good deeds and manners. Offi cers are: president, Donna Bur sell; vice president, Terry Lan gan; secretary, Errol Johnson and treasurer, Sue Nelson. Marty Drueke is news reporter. The pupils are learning how to conduct a business meeting. The first project is yard beauti fication on the school ground, trimming trees, planting new grass and other work to improve the yard. The first meeting was held Wednesday, Sept. 26. Roll call included two good manners to become better citizens. Mrs. Dewayne Anson treated the children at school Friday to pop, ice cream and cup cakes in honor of Carla’s 8th birthday. Sat urday night Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck and girls and Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson, Larry and Sue came to remind her they had not forgotten her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson and girls were Sunday supper guests at the Oliver Anson home at Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby were Tuesday evening visitors at the Delbert Rouse home and Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and girls called Friday evening. Mrs. Howard Rouse. Darryl and Ronnie were Thursday visi tors at the Carrie Borg home. Paddock Missionary Paddock Missionary society plans to meet Friday at the home of Jessie Kaczor. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jensen en joyed supper at the home of Mar tha Johring Monday night. Sun day dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johring and family. The occasion being Melvin’s be lated birthday dinner. Aitemoon callers were Mr anH MVo nie Johring, Mr. and Mrs. George Pongratz and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski, Page. Mrs. Viola Hall, Mrs Ina Worth, Mrs. Joe Sobotka, Mary Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg were dinner guests Tuesday at the Albert Hepburn home at Bassett. In the after noon they all visited Tillie Schwindt at the Bassett nursing home. Sunday supper guests at the Fred Lindberg home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swanson. Om aha, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lindberg. Esther and Eleanor Lindberg. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall and family and Bill Devall, Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson were Sunday dinner guests at the Walter Devall home, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Arm field and son were Sunday dinner guests at the Harold Fox home Mr. and Mrs. Bennet Devall and son were Sunday dinner guests at the Harry Mitchell home, Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson were Saturday evening visitors at the Axel Borg home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth and girls spent the weekend in O’ Neill with their parents, Mr. and!' Mrs. Fred Lindberg and Mrs ! Ina Worth. Senator Frank Nelson spoke at the Chamber of Commerce at At kinson Monday night on the Con stitutional Ammendment No. 7 which will .be on the ballot this i fall. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson were Saturday evening visitors at the Frank Nelson home. Wayne Rouse and Pam Craw ford, members of the 4-H club. • entered their calves in the calf show at O’Neill Saturday. Wayne * received second on his calf a that division. Mrs. Jessie Kaczor returnee home Saturday. She had beer visiting at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Clara Larson, Lincoln Mr. and Mrs Dave Jensei and Mrs. Jessie Kaczor wert Sunday dinner guests at the Vn gil Hubby home. A large group of young people attended the party Friday eve ning at the Assembly of Got I church in O’Neill. Mrs. Ralph Willis, Aurora, came Tuesday to visit her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Joe Kamphaus and family. Leila and the children returned home with her Sunday to spend the week. Mrs. Axel Borg called on Mrs Carrie Borg Tuesday evening. Quite a number from the com munity attended the funeral of Mrs. Walter Woeppel at Ewing Thursday and also Mrs. Agusta Lindberg's funeral Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and family and Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and girls spent Thursday night at the Henry Walters home. Thursday evening visitors at the Carl Krogh home were Mr and Mrs. Lyle Wyatt, the Chris toffersen children and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaczor. Sunday evening supper guests at the Roman Fillip home were Mr and Mrs. Eddie Krugman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Carson and family. Mr. and Mrs Austin Searles and girls were Sunday dinner guests at the Lawrence Rouse home. Amelia News By Mitui Florence Limlney Lee Gilman received a pain ful injury to his left hand when he caught his wedding ring while they were loading livestock. The finger had to be amputated and he was in the Atkinson hospital a few days. The Helping Hand club met with Mrs. Margaret Johnston Thursday, Oct. 11. There were eleven members and four men folks present for the delicious dinner. The afternoon was spent working on the club quilt and vis iting. Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Nissen, Lin coln, spent the weekend with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mrs. Art Doolittle, Mrs. Bernie Kennedy, Diane and Jeanie Adair were callers at the Atkin son hospital to see the new baby, Robert Arthur and Mrs. Robert Adair. August Pospichal has purchas ed the Raymond Bly ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Bly expect to build a new home in O’Neill and have it ready for occupancy May 1. Mrs. Ralph Adair. Allen and Dick and Mrs. Gertie Adair vis ited Mrs. Robert Adair and Ro bert Arjhur at the Atkinson hos pital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs, Dale Wayne and Diane of Rose vis ited Mrs. Maude Forbes Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White ex pect to be home this week from Seattle, Wash., where they vis ited their daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Joy and family. Enroute home they visit ed in Denver, Coio., with his sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milton, Grandpa H. 9. White, who hoc <rv»nt tho o 11 *-»-> mer with the Miltons will return home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm were guests Saturday evening at the Don Dankert home near Chambers. Mr. gnd Mrs. Lewie Nissen and Mrs. Frank Pierce were O’Neill callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick McConnell and family plan to moye this week to their new house at the Blaine Garwood ranch. They have been living in the Sageser home the past year. Mr. and Airs. Elmer Oetter vis ited at Arthur Hiatts Thursday evening. Little Cindy Coolidge has been spending the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. El mer Coolidge. Her little brother, Gary, has been ill and in the hos pital, O’Neill, and her mother, Mrs. Calvin Coolidge is staying with him much of the time. Air. and Airs. Frank Smith and daughters, Wanda and Mrs. Re gal, West Salem. Ohio, were weekend visitors with Air. and Airs. Elmer Coolidge. Roy Vrooman. Eagle Butte, S. D.. was an overnight guest Tues-1' day with his niece and her hus band. Air. and Airs. Lew Back-1 haus. Mrs. Floyd Adams was in O’ Neill Thursday for a dental ap pointment. Airs. Blake Ott served the mail route for her. Air. and Airs. Ralph Rees went ; > to Omaha Thursday where the; were weekend visitors with thn son, Bill Rees and family. Roger Waldo accompanied th< Ed Codays of Chambers to Lin coin, Saturday to attend the foot hall game. Mrs. Effie Withers did not g< to Hays, Kan., last week bacausi of the illness of her son-in-law Leo Carney. Mr. Carney wtl come for her as soon as be ii able. Mrs. Blake Ott helped papei at Tom Bakers Friday. Burton Kiltz, Arlington, Va. and son, Gerald Kiltz, Bellevue visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Floyd Adams and Don and Mr and Mrs. Blake Ott. Mrs Gene Skala and Kelly, Fre mont, have been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ful lerton, while she is recuperating from recent illness. Mrs. Vern Sageser and Mrs May Sageser called on Mrs. Ber tha Sammons Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Backhaus and Mrs. Kenneth Hoerle were Sunday afternoon callers at Lew Backhaus’. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnston, Mrs. Edith Andersen, Mrs. Vern Sageser, Mrs Lew Backhaus and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman at tended the special services in the O’Neill Methodist church at which Dr. G. Ernest Thomas was the speaker. Mrs. Lindsey and Florence, Mrs. Maude Forbes and Mrs. Ef fie Withers visited Mrs. Delia Ernst at the O’Neill hospital Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Liniisey calk-d on Mrs. Roy Shull, O'Neill, Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hiatt have had several notices of bad news in their family the past two weeks. Mrs. Hiatt’s nephew in Kansas died. He was 2# years of age. Mr. Hiatt’s nephew, Ralph Baker’s son, Terry Baker, Cas per, Wyo., passed away last weekend and Mrs. Hiatt received word that her brother, Clyde Leonard, San Jose, Calif., under went surgery recently. They were all formerly from this vicinity. Dorsey News By Mrs. Harold Osttorn Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe, Clinton, la., spent several days here the past week helping at the Carson sisters home, making pre parations to move them to Lynch for the winter. They are also vis iting other relatives while here. Harold Osborn accompanied Fred and Arlin Svatos to Grand Island on Thursday to the State Corn picking contest. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rosen krans and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Rosenkrans grandmother, Mrs. Lindberg, O’ Neill on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marston, Yellowstone Park, Wyo., and Mrs. J. E. Wiley, O’Neill are now living at the old home place where the Dorsey post office us ed to be. Rudy Cihlar, John Babl and Bob 9holes helped with work at the home of Mrs. Lee Brady m the country. Claude Pickering shelled corn at the Ray Noble and Otto Ru zicka farms this week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Picker ing had word from their son, Lor elle, that they were moving in-; to their new home they had built in California, this week. -MlSS Spifi If* *r» fct+t irnA/-1 home Monday after consulting an j eye doctor in Omaha the past I week. Several from this community; attended homecoming in Lynch on Friday. The freshman won first on their float. Lynch won the football game. Ted Zach and Connie Bowlby were elected as king and queen. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greene. Carolyn Courtney and Mrs. Mar shall Binkerd, Hillsboro, Ore., were callers Sunday evening at the Harold Osborn home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn at-} tended a school meeting in O’ Neill Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson visited at the Evans home in Rushville the past weekend. Mrs. Carrie Hunter, Mrs. Mary Wolfe and Miss Lizzie Carson are now living in Lynch. They moved on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Doty, In-1 dianola, la., and Mr. and' Mrs.} Loren Oldaker, Sigourney, la., i were visiting at the Claude Pick ing home part of this week. — TIRE VULCANIZING and repair AJLL SIZE TERES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 71S OTTeUI, Motor. CLOSING OUT ALL WOOD FIBRE FLOWER MATERIALS 10c each Package or Less at * LEOTA'S FLOWER SHOP Ewing, Nebraska Warranty Deeds , WP - Nick G Schmit Ij Floyd F Hirg. A wl 8 842 $5000-S 4 lot 6 All 7-k>t 8 except the south 14 j ft lot 8 Blk 1 Mornmgside Add i Atkinson WD - George L Morlxng to Maxwell F Bohn 8-2742 $8600-Lot 3 Blk E- Fahy’s 2nd Add- O’Neill. WD - Lenna Wolfe to Verdel K Calmer & wf 10-341 $4500 L<*ts 1 A 2 Blk 34- O'Neill WD - Alice Helmer & Hus. to Joseph Madura A wf 8-1342 $4100 Part of Lot 2 m Blk £. Millards Add O'Neill WD - John Grutach, et si to John E Buhl A wf 8-1742 $46410 Lots 21 A 22 Blk G-O'Netll A Hag erty’s Add-O'Neill WD - Jerry O'Malley to Hay mond Shoemaker A wf 5-142 $150 Part of Outlol E. Northside Add Chambers WD - Frank J Schaaf to Dwight Kenny A Wf 2-28-62 $10,500- Part of NW4SE4 Sec 32 20-14 WD - Adail Moran to Donald A McKamy 7 2042 $900-Lot* 1 4-54 Blk 4-Fahy’s Add O’Neill WD-Hachel Alderson to Srhixil Dist No. 29 9-29-62 $1800 - Lot* 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Blk 23, Ewing. QCD-Robert II Clifford to Odd Fellow & Rebekah Building Assn Ine. 7-18-62 $1 - West 42 ft lot 17 MIK t> At West 36 ft of lots 18 St 19 Rlk 6 Atkinson - Correction deed. WD-Elva Jansen, et al to Wil liam Itay Wilson St Fay E. Pink erman 1-12-62 $4500 - NE ViSEVi 10 - lots 1-2-3 St N«£SWy4 11 - SE'4-EMiSwy4-swy4swy4 12 - NV4NEV4 13 - NWy4NE'i 14 All in 32-10 St SWV4SWVt 1 - s Vt se v4 - SEy4swy4 2-31-10 & Outlot A - Lynch. QCD-John Ernst, et al to Wil liam Ray Wilson St Kay E. Pink erman 7-10-62 $1 - Same property as described above. yCD-Chloe Dill to William Ray Wilson & Fay E. Pinkerman f 10-62 $1 - Same property as des eri!>ed above. DEED-Vera N. Wilson, et al to William Ray Wilson St Fay E. Pinkerman 7-2.3-62 - Same proper ty as described above. WD-Elsie Prinzing, et al to William Ray Wilson & Fay E. Pinkerman 1-12-62 $4500 - Same property as described al»ve. WD-Verda Roberts to William Ray Wilson and Fay E Pinker man 1-20-62 $3000 - Same proper ty as described above. WI >-William Itay Wilson Sc Fay E. Pinkerman to William Guy Pinkerman St wf 8-29-62 $1 - SWV4SWy4 Sec 1 - SM-SE'/i - SE'/4SWV4 2-31-10. WD-Fay E. Pinkerman to Wil liam Ray Wilson 8-29-62 $1 - NEV4SEV4 10 -lots 1-2 St 3 & NVzSwy, ii - sk>/4 - EViswy4 - SWV«SWy4 12 - N V4NE y4 13 - NW^NE V* 14-32-10-lots in Lynch. WD-John W. Sc Dim to Edward J. Humpal St wf 5-24-61 $1 - & exchange of property - SWJ/4 14-29-14 WI> Frances Knapp, et al to Bernard J rroshynaki A wf x 27 62 $10,500 Lots 19 A 20 Blk .7 Tuller A MrNirhoU Add-At kinaon EXECUTOR'S HEED - Cather iru- 1 >av klaon, el ui, Executor* to (111turd L. 1 larding A wf 8-1(4-62 $10,500 - lot 17 lilk 9 - Fahy • SuUli vision l A ,t* 12-3 Blk 9 • O’Neill W1 * Ocelia I tie* tn Giltwrt Kngler A wf 6-1661 $7!jOO Part of NW4 33-30-14 WD-lJoyd I> llrennenian to El ven J Hamilton 5-26452 $2600 - All lot 9 and S4 lot 10 itlk 12 • Kimhall A Blairs Add Kwing. Wl>Norl«ert Uhl to diaries J Simmons A wf 9-2(462 $1000 - South 95 ft Urt 14 Blk 27-O’NeOl. WD-4filbert Jochens to Marvin I) Stauffer and wf 9 25-62 $1H 750 NWVs 3-28-9 WI4 - Edward M Gallagher tr» •lames P Gallnglier A wf 8 28-62 $1 Ijots 12-3 4 Ulk lOU NetU WD-Pete A Kinney to Anna Kinney 9-25-62 $1 - East 110 feet of 1-oi 2 and East 115 ft lot 3 Blk 4 Kahy's Add O'Neill \VI> Cleveland A Ki|>ple to Duane V Anderson A wf 5-22412 $750 East 10 ft lot 11 A all lot 12 Blk 3 - Cleveland A Kipple * Add - O’Neill YV1 >-Joel K. Parker to James It. I-arson A wf 9-26-62 $1730 ■ part of SEVsSW'« 18 2911 16 1/5 acres). WD-T V (Tolden, Inr to G Clementine Johnson A IJnda A Johnson 9 13 62 $1 Part of Blk 6 McCafferty'a Anncx-O'Nelll. WD Virgil l. I-mirsen to Jer raid E. Schmidt A wf 9 28452 $1 Ia»t 8 A North 20 ft lot 9-GiIg A Swensons Subdivision-O'Nefll. Wit-August Nelson to Anna M. Shalrl 8- -62 - no consideration given - So 60 ft lot 2 Suddivi sion of Out lot I. - llallocks Arid Stuart WI >-Velmn Mac Nelson to Anna M. Shald 2-14-62 $1 - So 60 ft lot 2 Subdivision of Out lot L llallocks Add-Stuart. I)EEI)-Jof L. Rowv> to Irene Joyce Dozier, Mary I/atiae Run • her and Marian Rose Spit/ 9 25 62 $10 - SMrNWVSW'VSViSEVs 54-26-10 WD-Clevelanri A Kipplr to Wil liam A. Ware |r, A wf 9 27-62 U Kast 65 ft. Lot 8 All lot 9 A West 40 ft lot 10 Hlk 5-<3evelnnd A Kipple’s 1st Add - O’Neill WD-LaVero I. StnhJy to Ada Spangler 9-24-62 $1 - Undivided Interest in NMe loth 7 A 8 Hlk 28 O'Neill QCD-Fred Stolte to Kthel St»»lt» Hale 4-28-55 $1 - KVi 2 29-15 The Frontier FEDERAL LAND RANK Krai Estate l-oann On Farms and Ranches Boyd, Garfield, llolt Wheeler Counties Through Federal Land Hank Assn. FARM CREDIT ItITI.DING Lyle P. Dierks, Mgr., O’Neill, Nehr. It's time now To Fill Those CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS with Guaranteed COOP j silent NEW COOP. I MUD and \ SNOW TINS A V We Won't Be Undersold — We Meet i • Greatly improved . flotation Any Price • Does not dig you in—rolls you ores In O'Neill e More quietness e Holds road better e Floating ride with wide road contact area Holt County Co-op °'NEIU-CHAMBERS