The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 11, 1962, Image 3

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    A Poem
From Mrs. Eby ...
—Indian Summer—
Oh! I love Indian summers brigh
warm days when all the world:
covered with a soft warm haze
Just as if the weather man wai
trying before winter arrives, V
hid us a warm farewell tryinj
summers beauty to survive
The trees though seem a bit wea
ry and are taking on a sombe:
hue, that have been so brigh
and cheery the whole summei
through; ami the flowers are be
ginning to droop a bit though
they're still trying beauty t<
Out in the meadow, bright goldei
rods hue just seem to defj
what Jack Frosts going to do
And carjiet of green grass be
coming a bit browned, to fi
the mature look shining al
around. 9o let's be happy am
enjoy every day, lorget th<
lovely summer that’s now pass
ed away.
A different kind of h>eauty in win
ter will come, varities the spio
of life so don’t feel glum jus
be glad and thank God abovi
for the beauties of nature am
His marvelous love. That re
mains the same if its warm o:
cold and enjoy this season whet
the world’s turning gold.
India Stuart Eby
Page News
By Mrs. Ben A slier
Mrs. Anton Nissen anil Mrs
Frieda Asher were hostesses
Wednesday night when the RN/>
Lodge met for their regular meet
ing at the IOOF hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max ant
family and Connie Sorensen ant
Diane Kemper spent, the week
end attending the football gamt
at Lincoln. Mrs. Max visited hei
aunts in Omaha. They were ov
•‘might guests of Mr. and Mrs
Carl Max sr. in Omaha. Sunday
they attended a wedding in Wa
hoo before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walker anc
Ron Hargens, Cairo, were here
for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs
Lyndley Crumly and family were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs
C. E. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Robinson and
Willis drove to Maiden Thursday
to visit the Rev. and Mrs. Lestei
Hart. Mrs. Hart is the daughter
of the Robinsons.
Auxiliary Meets
The American Legion Auxiliary
met Monday night at the Legion
hall with 21 answering roll call.
The at w'-by-laws were read for
the third time and accepted by
the group. County government
day will be held October 29th
with Mrs. Otto Matschullat and
Mrs. William Simmons volunteer
ing to go. Our gift assignment
was received and accepted. It
was voted on to have a covered
dislr supper Nov. 11 with the meat
and coffee furnished by the aux
iliary. Mrs. Calvin Harvey won
the special prize. Hostesses were
Mrs. Sid Frahm. Mrs. Dick Cun
ningham and Mrs. Floyd Frahm.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
and Mrs. Frieda Asher visited
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trease Thurs
day n ght at Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. G age Clasey re
turned Friday night from a trip
where tiny visited their daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sinkule
in Idaho Falls. They also toured
Yellowstone Park.
A pay-off “come as you are"
party w-as held Wednesday morn
ing at the home of Mrs. Ben Ash
er with Mrs. Dale Matschullat
and Mrs. Lorenz Riege as co
hostesses Twelve ladies were
Those attending achievement
day at O'Neill Thursday were
Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and Mrs.
Harry Harper from the Page Ex
tensioa club. Mrs. Alat Gross,
' Mrs. Dick Cunningham and Mrs.
Dale Stauffer from the East Side
Kountry Klub and Mmes Harri
| son Hallman, Harold and Ben
Asher, Don Nissen, Lorenz Kiege,
A. T Crumly, Harold Freemeyer,
of the Golden Rule Extension
club. Mrs. Calvin Harvey was a
Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Harvey and
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Wright and
family, Sioux City, were dinner
' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Kay Nissen, a student of WSTC,
was home for the weekend, bring
ing her roommate, Ardis Jacob
sen, Bloomfield, with her.
Roy Vrooman, Eagle Butte, S.
D., was a Wednesday overnight
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mat
Little Arlene Asher, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher, spent
the weekend with her aunt and
uncle, Mr and Mrs. Ben Asher,
while her parents attended a wed
ding in Wahoo.
Mr. and Mrs. lion Matschuilat,
Doug and Joan, spent the week
i . nd visiting relatives and attend
ed the football game in Lincoln.
Jan stayed with her grandparents,
the Otto Matschullats.
Pre Nuptial Shower
Miss Marlene Frahrn was hon
ored at a pre-nuptial shower Sat
urday afternoon at the Methodist
church sponsored by the class
mothers of I960. Jolene Grass en
tertained with several accordion
solos. A letter of the future was
read by Mrs. Lorenz Riege. Mrs.
Evelyn Gray gave a reading tol
lowed by some games. The hon
ored guest was assisted with the
oiiening of the gifts by Kay Nis
sen, Karen Kelly, Verona Fre
richs and Mrs. Louise Hernandez, j
Kevin Frahm, 7 year ota Drouier
of Marlene, also assisted.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. A1
Chav e t, Plainview, Thursday
night to attend the National
American Legion and Auxiliary
Convention at Las Vegas, Nev.
The Chavets and Mr. Wettlaufer
are delegates.
GGG and G met Friday with
Mrs. Alta Finch. Cards were play
ed with prizes going to Mmes.
Otto Matschullat, Anton Nissen
and Frieda Asher.
King’s Daughters met Tuesday
at the Methodist church. Mrs.
Neven Ickes had the lesson. Plans
were discussed to serve at the an
nual Van Horn Sale. Hostesses
wore Mrs. Alan Gross and Mrs.
Carl Max.
Thursday evening the Curtiss
Roberts family, Ewing, called on
the Arnold Stewarts. While they
were there, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stew
art and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gray
surprised Arnold on his birth- \
day. i
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski
and Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes sur- j
prised Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher j
Tuesday evening in honor of the!
Asher's wedding anniversary. The 1
self invited guests brought lunch
and cards were played.
Couple's club met Thursday
night with Mr. and Mrs. Dar.
Troshynski. Bridge was played
writh Frank Cronk and. Mrs. Mel- j
vin Roach winning.
In honor of Marlene Frahm,
Mrs. Cordes Walker entertained
at a coffee Wednesday morning.
The friends and neighbors invited '
included Mmes. Lloyd Cork. I.
0. Wood, Dick Cunningham, Ed.d
Stewart, Jerome Allen, Arnold
Tikaisky, Harold Kelly, Sid
Frahm, Carl Max and Gailen Mil
ler. The guests presented the
bri le-to-be with a gift.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher,j
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher.
Chuck and Vonda, Atkinson, and
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher were
all Wednesday night supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ash
er. Connie Beckwith was also a
Help-U-club met Wednesday
with Mrs. Francis Boulter, begin
ning with a noon day dinner. The
12 members present did fancy
work for the hostess. Mrs. Clar-!
ence Finch jr. w-on the special
Mrs. Jerry Summers and child
ren. Mr#. Nick Trowbridge and
Dwight, Mrs. A. O. Weber and
Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge spent
last Wednesday in Norfolk. Mrs.
Earl Steven# accompanied them
as far as Neligh where she vis
ited In the home of Chester Smith.
Mr# Dan Troshynski, Mrs. N.
D. Ickes and Mrs. Ben Asher
were Monday afternoon guests of
Mrs. Frieda Asher.
Last Sunday callers of the Ar
nold Stewarts were Mr and Mrs.
Loien Stewart, Grand Island, Mr.
and Mr#. Wilbur Smith, Inman,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy SUwart, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Gray and Mr
and Ms. Melvin Smith.
Mrs. Bertha Downey will be
celebrating her i*4th birthday on
the 17th of October and her
friends are urged to send cards
to her at Hilltop Manor at Ge
noa, Nebr.
Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs
Ray Harmon and family were
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Bud Godel in honor of Terry Go
del's 7th birthday.
School of Mission
More than one hundred were
present Sunday evening to hear
Mrs. Ruth Sorensen, Norfolk, who
was the guest speaker at the
Methodist church at the first ses
sion of school of mission. The
guest speaker was introduced by
Mrs. Harvey Tompkins. M -s. Sor
ensen talked on the work being
done by the Norfolk Opportunity
Center, which she is the executive
The evening's devotional was to
charge of the 5th anti 6th grade
Sunday school of the Page Meth
odist church. Linda Thompson
was the pianist. Mrs. George Her
old, Inman, met with the pri
mary children beginning review
of the book "Stevie's Other Eye”.
The Rev. Robert Linder led in
a brief inspirational c'vuig ses
sion. King’s Daughter i sere hos
tess for coffee hour. Next Sun
day a sound film "Salute to Cou-1
rage" will be featured. This has i
to do mainly with the Good Will
Mission Industries and our mis
sions to physical handicped The
7th and 8th grade will be in
charge of devotions WSCS will
be coffee hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. John Summers
and family visited Mrs. Maxine
Summers and children in Colum
bus Sunday.
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vin Roach met with friends from
Osmond. Plainview, Hoskins and
Page for a pic me supper at the
J. E. Pmgle home in Hoskins. J
Cards were played after su|>
Under the supervision of Mrs
Carl Max, den mother and as
sisted by Mrs. Dick Trowbridge,
the Cub Scouts were organized at
the home of Mrs Max. Gene Kel
ly will be den chief. Mickie and
Rodney Heiss, George Max, Dav
id Trowbridge, Johnny Summers
and 3ob Ickes attended the first
meeting. They will meet once a
For Our Big
October 17
Valentine, Nebraska
At the ranch, 25 miles southwest of Valentine
Featuring 25 Bulls - 75 Females
The Very BEST of our Production
featuring sons and daughters and the service
of Advance Regulator. Sons and daughters and
the service of Golden Aster 068th. Service of
King Husker 1962, the Denver Champion.
Sale Starts at 12:00 o'clock
Lunch will be served by Methodist Ladies
Dry bread
Hereford Ranch
hone 21W1 or 462 Visitors Welcome
O'Neill, Nebraska
Sizes 6-16
Compare Gambles Low Price and Save
Regular 6.95. Zip-off Hood.
While 93 Last!
Hurry! They won't last long!
W8CS Meets
The regular meeting ol the
WSCS was held Thursday at the
Methodist church Mrs. W
Finch gave the lesson. Nine
women attended the fall seminar
at Neligh. Oct 2 Mrs. Jessie Kel
ly and Mrs. I 0 Woods will clean
the church lor October. Get well
cards were sent to Mrs, Owen
Parks. Mrs. Arnold Stewart. Mrs
Clarence Dobbins and Mrs Frank
Snyder Hostesses were Mrs. Ho
bert Luuk*r and Mrs. H V Crum
Mr and Mrs Harold U-iss rr
turned Oct 4 after br ...g gun* for
two months They visited with
their daughter and family. Mr.
and Mrs Richard Asher in Am
ell. Wyo. They continued on to
Moiese, Mont and stayed a while
with Mr and Mrs Allan Zeraple,
then on to Seattle. Wash, where
th v were - t;i the !m|m r .
Mr and Mrs Keith Oranr an.!
saw the World's Fair Ttw vest
coast was their >*« Hop. where
aey n ared .tie Xedwoods ami
i i nt two weeks with Mr and
Mrs John La mason "itwy re
turned via Nevada and Utah and
mtojifjed at the home of their
oaudnler and terniiv Mr, and
' fir ■'I Fink in < mured™ |fr».
Kink end am returned here tr>
take care of Mr« Frank ikqfder.
The Frontier
O'Neill, Nebraska
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